What a worthless sack of fucking shit
What a worthless sack of fucking shit
Fuck you Trimptard . Mitt Romney is an American Hero, bi partisan to remove that joke from office
I wish I could see Obama's face when he read this.
>Mitt Romney is an American Hero
Couldn't take out the worthless nigger.
If you're American, KYS.
ha ha ha i'm as white as the driven snow fuck u and all Trumsters
What, you don't like it when someone doesn't kiss king cheetos boots?
U mean Pierre Delecto? This guy is such a fucking weasel.
I don’t like turncoats and shady fuckers like Romney. Republican my ass, he’s a Democrat who charades as a Republican. He’s religious? I got something for his ass:
“So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” -Revelation 3:16
Republican didn't always mean brainwashed racist faggot user, although you all seem to be fighting as much as possible to make it so.
>he's a democrat who charades as a republican
but what about donald trump? how come the "republican"who supported the democrats most of his life doesnt get called this.but mitt romney does
also,conservatives dont even support republicans anymore,thank donald bone spurs for that
The Republicans are the most unamerican organization to ever exist. Fuck you if you support Trump
So you shouldn't like trump. Hes a Democrat parading around as a Republican messiah.
so there will be bipartisan voting in favor of removing trump from power eh?
Imagine having to live with the shame knowing you voted for this loser.
most republicans hate donald trump,but hey.its given you left wing worthless fucks everything you wanted with obama,so you should love him
Carpetbagging son of a whore.
Point #2: People of Utah are so fucking stupid, they actually made this asshole a Senator.
trump doesnt want bipartisanship,he just wants to make childish nicknames for democrats and run the country his way
he a faggot republicans line up to suck his old stale balls
fuck donald trump and fuck the GOP/american right-wing, bunch of fucking mongoloids best destined for a wood-chipper and reintegration with the soil of the land
Romney is just trying to give himself some press and be one tinky-tiny footnote in history.
He will NEVER be President, so he has to have one last measure of spite.
Utah is going to remove this asshole soon - THAT will be his legacy.
Reminder he was anti-trump until that one dinner and then we got team trump mittens
Trump should have made him "Chief Dogcatcher" and kept him from running for Senate.
he's a politician, what did you expect?
>Utah is going to remove this asshole soon
you mean 2024?
95 percent of the republican party is anti trump,the only people who support him are ignorant poor hillbillys
No, they're putting forward a bill in the legislature to allow the recall of a Senator in Utah. THAT is going to be the "Romney Legacy."
got some source for that?
hurr durr harder, faggit.
Why even respond with such low effort shit?
Google News is your friend, dipshit. I love it when you libs go "hurrr, prove it!!" because you're too lame to read the same public information I do.
and when i sauce source, i mean for "they", not just tim quinn
Which is going nowhere as it would be unconstitutional. Cuck's gonna be around til 2024 unless some heavy duty corruption shit comes out against him. Zero chance of that.
>hurr durr harder
sorry,i dont argue with people who arent old enough to vote in elections kid
the republican party only cares about defending the constitution when the democrats are president,this was made very clear by donald trump
Suck Muh Dik, lazy liberal faggots who can't use Google.
if u think Utah will vote to remove their mormon golden boy you're smoking dick. Nothing mormons love more than claiming the moral high ground
did you not read the part where i asked for multiple people, not a single state senator?
I honestly don't know how anyone can support this dude and not die of cringe reading those 3rd grader non-rhymes
Jesus fucking Christ I never knew the Right's bar could be so low.
What a self righteous pompous ass
Fucking mormons man lol. Self righteous retard cult members.
Mitch McConnell will give Romney the "Chairman of Cleaning The Toilets" position.
Apparently protecting american democracy from a treasonous president is bad????
Read it all, faggot, and had to even provide you losers with the link. Suk Muh Dik.
wow, a republicunt who has balls and decency? I am shocked honestly
Go fuck your mom again, sonny. Here's to 5 more years of this glorious "treason".
Losers gotta cry, I guess.
Fuck off ivan, go subvert some other democracy
>Rep. Tim Quinn, R-Heber, says he is not eyeing U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney
>Quinn said during some of his own and other rural lawmakers’ town hall meetings over the last year, a number of constituents asked
>“If I had a dollar for everyone who asked me today (after the bill was made public) if this was about” Sen. Romney, “I would have $20,” said Quinn.
it's almost as if you are so retarded you can't even read it yourself, let alone get anything more than what this one guy says.
Yeah. Whip out Russia in time for the beating we're going to give you in November. Line up all the excuses you can for losing the House too. 2021 is going to be "the year of the sky-scream" for Democrats.
"I was trying to get Connelly, honest!"
Lee Harvey Oswald, after he was arrested.
First time I'm proud to be republican. Fuck all you towing the line and sucking trumps feet. He hasn't done shit for me and does nothing and tweet like an internet troll, a bad one.
at least he didn't try to pass of stuff as multiple people wanting something when it was only one guy.
Hes just making a play for 2024. If the economy goes bad by then he will be the contrarian go to.
>What a worthless sack of fucking shit
Literally one of two repubs who still cares about America the bare minimum amount
I dont give a fuck about the election, I care about committing treason. Abusing power for your self benefit is apparently okay, being a tyrant is acceptable now. Republicans created a precedent for a coup
Obvious b8 is obvious.
Yeah, then I'm sure you want to see Obama behind bars for using the gubmint and Russia to try and stop Trump from winning.
Yeah. Right. Nice bait.
Top kek. Only 5 years left.
Uh what? Gubmint? Obama didnt do shit and your own investigation proved it. Take the 5 seconds to fact check anything you say dumb fuck
Only 5 if we are lucky, rigging elections and smear campaigns against opponents using foreign Governments is just a start. I'm worried he wont leave till he is dead
how many until you can vote?
You might need to turn the MSNBC off boomer.
Well, the dems are trying to overthrow the government. I dont think they will succeed though. Have any insight?
Great man he is a true hero
says the party who thinks transgender kids and gay couples are normal
I love saying stuff on Cred Forums I'd never say in public too.
that's it! Turn on the Mormons now!
>24 years old
>don't watch MSNBC
Yep totally a boomer super liberal
proud to be republican because some idiot got elected and is running the country into the ground while you republitards clap and cheer because the immigrants are going to be kicked out?
considering i dont live in some cesspool liberal area like you,i wouldnt have anything to worry about.now fuck off snowflake
hell yeah give us four more years, I want another Bush crash
As a dirty foreigner I miss 2008 when everything on ebay was dirt cheap because the american dollar had lost like 30% of its value
You turn on your own because you are a cult. Stay mad.
if one of the Trump kids take over after him I am going to lose my shit, that would be hysterical
america has a proud tradition of nepotism so it could totally happen
You Trump fags voted for this D-bag.
The only republican with a spine. The rest are worthless, heartless pieces of shit.
>Self righteous retard cult members.
you just described yourself and everyone that is part of the trump personality cult, i.e. 99.99% of the republican party. oh the irony of your post and the stupidity that you displayed.
Guy has bigger balls than Trump could ever dream of.
TDS blind you that bad? Most people that voted for the fuck realize hes just a little less worse than the other person.
romney was a successful businessman and public servant for decades. he successfully managed the entire state of massachussetts as governor. trump is a failed businessman, a known pathological liar, never performed any public service in his life because he didn't think he could profit from it, and only desired the presidency because he saw it as a cherry opportunity to increase his wealth and fame. it's pretty clear romney is a decent man even if you disagree with his politics, whereas trump is sociopath and a disgrace in all matters.
says the moron that suffers cds and obs, or anyone trumpy tells you to fret about. better get back on facebook and Cred Forums and jack in for his next set of instructions for you to blindly follow.
Thats what a leftist would think everyone does. Everyone isnt like you.
Guy actually is a legend. Do you have any idea how few politicians actually have the balls to do what is right in today's world? Not many. I would shake this man's hand if I saw him in public.
nah,republicans were a great party before donald trump and his idiot supporters came along
you knew dat niga was jelly don't fukin lie to me.
why u mad tho faggot?
trump supporters be like
>hurr durr,crooked hillary!
but ignore all of the times you see donny bone spurs in pictures with the clintons
>Thats what a leftist would think
or an independent thinker. one that isn't worried about claiming allegiance to a craven politician or political party as their true identity. start thinking for yourself instead of thinking of how to fit in with your group, if you're even capable of that.
And? What's the problem?
>I think for myself (what CNN tells me to think).
Very impressive.
trump was a democrat right up until he saw he could manipulate the passions of republican voters very easily (culture wars). nearly all of his political donations up until around 2016 was to democrats. his advisors were worried about how this would play to the voters he was pursuing and he said something like don't worry about it i'll just say it's not true. in other words his plan was to just lie if he was confronted with this bit of evidence. sort of like how he lies about anything that is inconvenient for him at a given moment.
i don't watch television news at all. I don't
use social media at all because i'm not an idiot. i suggest you try the same if you're capable of reading and thinking with an open mind. I honestly doubt you could ever do it since so many people now are so lazy about things like this and actually think social media and the garbage that is shown to them constantly is necessary in life. in a way I pity you and everyone like you a bit.
pete buttigieg is gay
>I don't
>use social media at all
what you think Cred Forums is?
It would take a constitutional amendment for that to happen. The chances of that are fantastically low.
an imageboard. if you think this board operates like a social media platform then you're engaging in desperate sophistry now.
>shady fuckers
good thing trump isnt shady at all
He's really not. He's the one republican that isn't a fucking soyboy shill
>an imageboard
take the names off all the posts and that’s exactly what facebook is with a few bells and whistles
poor bait. go try and hook someone else.
Imagine the shame of voting for a draft dodging former democrat. You may aswell be an Obama voter. Kys.
Why would you not be ok with an obama voter, incel?