Bored BDSM instructor willing to answer questions for you Cred Forumsastards on sex, BDSM, and general degenerate behavior.
Bored BDSM instructor willing to answer questions for you Cred Forumsastards on sex, BDSM...
how do i put a condom?
Amputee fetish
Is a bowl of eggs really best for breakfast?
tear through the wrapper barely put a finger into one side of the condom. if it makes a sombrero the stick your dick in that side and slide it down your dick. make sure to use lube and to only wear one at a time.
By me ignoring women, and the world mostly, by shit posting on here, am I really just that damn good of a BDSM guy by rejecting women my cock and only giving it to 2d women and making women suffer by not having me?
not the weirdest fetish I have seen but you be surprised how easier it is to have sex with no legs. arms on the other hand no so much.
what are some phrases a sub can say to beg for cock?
What parent/life issues do you have to have to be into BDSM?
Me love you long time.
BDSM is vanilla as shit you lil bitch
Why didn't your post imace spell out BDSM instead of abc. Faggot
nothing wrong with 2d but if you find a women that has the same 2d taste as you. then slap a collar on that bitch.
"I want to gag on your cock."
"if I train my throat am I a good girl?"
"I need you to make me forget I am human."
these were all said to me at some point in time
Does a set of all sets contain itself?
How do I find collars for all the fat disgusting women into BDSM?
any kinky dating sites besides alt, collarspace and fetlife?
well doomers are usually into this but you'll get boomers and zoomers who are in it for the novelty and unique experience.
Do you feel like a big enough man when humiliating slampig women enough to make you forget about your small penis?
bruh ever seen 2 women hooked suspended and hitting each other with sockem boppers. cause that shit isnt vanilla in my book.
cause it's was the first google image.
Lol, yeah when I was 12, most of us have here, shit, that's kids play son, go get out in the world.
yes and no but in reality no.
also is alt worth the money or is it a big scam?
not all women in bdsm are fat just the ones that really like heavy impact. Thicc and skinny girls are into rope bondage so have fun with that bit of info. also online stores or a leather shop make a lot of special orders like collars.
Scam, I just go on Reddit or Grinder.
what are some of the weirdest shit you've seen put on contracts?
OP here, I can't help with your women questions much since I stick to just men, so keep your questions to men on men or groups of men related.
I honestly would stick with fetlife and just focus on going to local events. I have always found more success with going to events than staying online.
Year long non-compete clauses when I leave companies, fucking sucks, never sign them.
cool, so that means you watched it online but seeing that stuff in person is no where near the same thing.
actual op here I'm bi so ask away on either.
How are you able to fit the entire pineapple one your ass? How long did it take to be able to stretch that much?
OP here, since you guys aren't taking this serious, I'm out, have a good night guys. And fuck you.
I rarely see people use contracts seriously unless they are doing edge play like fire, gun, knives, etc. Most people who write out a contract like the idea of it because it's like 50 shades of grey.
btw fuck 50 shades of grey. that shit is horrible representation on how to partake in BDSM.
got to work you're way up too that size. take a finger then a few more, then work up to a dick, big dig, dragon dick, and go for a small pineapple with no rime.
still not op
Not OP either, who the fuck is OP here? How do I get my dog to submit to me and present herself herself when I get home?
whats the best way to tie myself up while wearing a diaper?
what are some positions a guy in a wheelchair can do w/ a woman?
Which gender (on average and at extremes) likes more pain? Weird complicated stuff? Sensual stuff?
how do i get a girlfriend?