Cred Forums why is it that many former porn actresses speak out against porn? Like they were forced, molested etc...

Cred Forums why is it that many former porn actresses speak out against porn? Like they were forced, molested etc ... that males ZERO sense yet they are insisting on that.

Is it that they want to built up a giant straw-man their fellow pornstars can argue against?

Also a Jessie Rogers porn appreciation thread.

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If you think it makes zero sense, then you're a retarded baboon who believes everything you see in a porn video is real and not something that relies on heavy drug use and a shitload of video editing magic to look good.

They’re likely paid by feminist groups. Porn is really the last bastion of unfettered masculinity. Even sports talk you have to have some stupid eye candy’s imbecile opinion these days. Have to have female hosts.

Hollywood has long been conquered.

Porn is next

if it was like that the complete porn industry would be smoked out by the end of the week

I mean is it prostitution? yes
Are the agents the pimps? yes
Are the producers pushy because they want to get the most for their money? yes
Have most male porn-stars psycholocical traits of rapists? Sure as hell.

But the women are not forced to do it, tp accept the money in exchange. Also knowing perfectly well what's going to happen next.

And usually they suffer from the consequences and not the act itself.

And the fact that they've fed "the beast" by contributing to it must raise and eye-brow when they claim to be victims only.
More so, when they speak out publicly. What do you think will hapen when a young boy sees her video, the next minute?
He'll sure as hell consume her stuff, even if pirated.
So she is basically in frontline for ruining his body image and how he expects sex to be and women too look and to behave.

If she was honest about all this stuff she would shut the fuck up and stay off the limelight.

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>the last bastion of unfettered masculinity
I smell the incel

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>women whores herself out for money
>women gets called whore
>women says she was forced to do it
>everybody that calls her whore is now harrasing rape victims
>women is free from whore guilt
Its the same reason so many women have a rape fetish

>Its the same reason so many women have a rape fetish

see, when a small life-style magazine starts an opinion poll involving a few thousands students the outcome does not mater. it's for entertainment.
and women secretly wanting to be raped by hairy neanderthals is entertaining news, but it's fake news non the less.

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>man acts as one-man army in movie or a do-it-all guy
>men think they can take on more than one guy at once or do the work of many men as one
>men in society say that men don't care about men anymore

Everyone acts as if they are worth or deserve the attention no matter what.

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wow. that's actually a good point to add

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Well without the attention there wouldn't be anyone to be described or help describe the moment for others if one's own powers of observation/description require aid for maximum gainz.

>I don't mind guys flexing everywhere and all that but why do guys hang out together at all if all they gonna do is flex-flex-flex? I'm str8 and don't mind helping them out if nobody else has given them the space to really let themselves fly but at some point it just feels like two steps away from some homoerotic explosion so I nope outta those situations lightning quick.

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Women want obviously be raped by chad thundercuock, enjoy it, then feel not bad for cheating on their boyfriends

If no means no then what does no mean?

fucktons of humans just want to have shit 'done' to them without their own brains or decision making neurons to be engaged in the process. We call these people 'braindead'.

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roastie regret.

You'd think your ideas would bet better for someone who has clearly put a lot of thought into this.

ah, now we're going somewhere.
> women want sex too, with men they find pleasant to look at.
I am absolutely fine with that-
> and they don't like feeling guilty.
me neither
> and they would feel guilty cheating on their boyfriend / husband.
which makes them a good person, right?

My point is, those "rape fantasies" are just a culturally thing of coping with that mixture of emotions. as you've pointed out so eloquently.

In other cultures they may have different ways.

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I always enjoy when people say their random ass thoughts as viable conclusions.

thank you mister obvious.

yes, I am not a native speaker and then I am not the smartest guy in the world.

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>fucktons of humans just want to have shit 'done' to them without their own brains or decision making neurons to be engaged in the process. We call these people 'braindead'.

I like your brain being clearly active

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Your English is fine. Your ideas are retarded.

So wait, you're not accountable for your own decisions because you like drugs?
Well this opens up a Pandoras box of opportunities.

>they lost their looks and no longer get paid for it so they create a boogeyman to get a lawsiut money.

>Your ideas are retarded.
Cannot beat that argument. wow.

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Sapiosexual is the term.

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>they lost their looks

Not true for Jessie

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Some feel likethey are were forced or lured in after they had sufered abuse. Some though find it a liberating experience so i think it is more of an individual thing or posibly down to the directors/studios. Have seen some that are awful and sime that seemed like they was into it at the time.

A more accurate translation would be that many performers aren't aware of the male performer's they star with personal opinion outside of the financial reward because all are gagged by the requirement of getting paid.

So certain behaviors that are nominally stifled are revealed as 'insert abusive behavior pattern x here' because their sexual life takes a stark shift and things that their 'getting paid' brain normalized they realize was indicative of a sexual approach that nobody would enjoy outside of financial reward.

Prostitution is saved that mostly because you don't have to provide a 'timeless, static moment' to be milked constantly. Once the nut has been busted in the basic money for sex the normalization requirements are not years of performing and then cold turkey.

Women wanting to be raped is more about them not being in control.

How many people actually fucking want to be in control? Most want to be cared for by the state/parents/elders/computers and even spiritualists and religion keep saying give up control.

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It's always the same fucking story:
>20k-30k/week so I went there for the money expecting them to pay me that salary for modelling because I'm retarded
>I didn't want to do porn, but still voluntarily started doing it, because money.
>I was really unhappy with my choice but kept doing it, because money
>To avoid dealing with the negative consequences of my own shitty decisions I developed a substance addiction
>I started taking prostitution gigs because money to fund my drug habit
>The people who paid me for the occupation I chose are the real problem here

Fuck off. You chose to be a fucking whore because you wanted a quick buck instead of putting in the necessary work to get a well paying job that doesn't involve being treated like garbage. No one forced you. Live with the consequences of your own stupid decisions and stop blaming others. Zero fucking accountability in any of these whores, like life is just happening to them.

Im not saying that they want to be dominated and sort of forced/permission to orgasm. At least that was the old reason. I think it is more about dominance and not asking for permission now, or somthing.

basically they don't want to use their brains and just be someone else's description then?

because most of these women are 18 and have histories of abuse already in their past when they come into the industry. That means they're poor judges of character. They have no fucking idea about the world, of course some of them are going to have regrets - especially if they made poor business or investment decisions, which can happen to any low income girl at 18 when she earns money hand over fist for the first time.
kek, this too. Porn doesn't reflect the real world, hell, porn doesn't even reflect the making of porn itself accurately.

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The feminsit should really be talking about the male/female pay gap.

You're retarded if you think pornstars aren't openly abused in the process for money. Whether you think it's ok for people to be abuses based on the decisions they make is on you. (It's not ok.)

>posting what other people should be talking about
lol you're not old enough to post here pls go

ok, the actress need the money and doesn't ask for the internal parameters of the dude who is going fuck her and having a piss in her butt before he's going to cum on her face.
I understand that.

But what pisses me of is when certain females claim to be bona fide victims ignoring the fact they acted abusive themselves because we all know their porn WILL be seen by too young boys and girls.
There is not a shade of doubt about that.

Then the question is: do those women, who decided subconsciously to cope with their own abusive past by acting abusive now, really deserve the same protection as people who never did something bad, even so they had very similarly awful experience in their past?

> just adding trap because t it's not a matter of sex

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You're making up scenarios and pretending they're common. Just stop. Think about something else. It will be good for you.

but that is why anyone cries about past abuse, like Trump and any other #metoo thing. Their life now compared to back then makes them retroactively go oh no i was abused and their head explodes. it is when internal parameters compared from now to the past and the mismatch (or improved experience/awareness that their now offers) is what spurs them on.

personally i think anyone needing to dredge up the past for emotional succor or healing instead of being more included in the moment of now is a waste of space.

why do we care, on Cred Forums, about other people seeing their porn willingly or otherwise? you can't prevent people from having virgin moments being extinguished.

I just think women are complete humans and responsible for their actions and hence the outcome.

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Wow porn must be losing viewers fast if shills are here. The porn industry is full of abuse and drugs. Anyone who supports the industry is a dumbass

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behold her suffering!

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>paying for porn

a lot of the women that speak out about porn after quitting usually have problems with:

drug abuse (before, during and after porn)
sexual abuse
family disownment

Most of the men that have done porn and spoken against it don't have happy family lives post porn - a lot are single, have no wife/family, and those that do are usually estranged from them, and struggle to maintain a relationship with a 'regular' woman once the woman finds out what the man has done in his past.

TL:DR - porn ruins lives for *some people, and those people probably shouldn't be doing porn in the first place.

if we filtered out all the drug addicts and those who were mentally and/or physically abused in their childhood the porn industry would shrink by two orders of magnitude, that's my guess.
And what would be left? a gimping group of women and men just above being clinically retarded, or something like the fetal alcohol syndrome or other pathologically issues that favor highly anti-social behavior.

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