Women hate thread, I fucking hate them, just spent the last few years chatting to a girl I have feelings for...

Women hate thread, I fucking hate them, just spent the last few years chatting to a girl I have feelings for, then get told that she doesn’t feel the same after she’s said before that she does, and for what reason? None, she just fucking doesn’t. Fuck women, fuck life.

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Females are fickle as fuck. Keep that in my mind and focus on your own life. Bitches come 2nd or even 3rd. Never forget.

Would like to see the full length of that

That video isn't especially good, she deserved it with her actions. I can't masturbate to that
you have any unprovoked assault vids? They don't need to be sexual, just women who have done nothing "wrong" or provokative getting beat up

Yeah, I don’t have any either.


You spent years chatting to a girl and this wasn't enough for you to realise you were in the friendzone? Don't blame women just because you're a socially inept cuck.

all bronies deserve to die

I'm with you brother. Post more vids.

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agreed. op, you're a fucking retard. doesn't mean women aren't trash though you're just trash too.

Either you’re gay or you don’t know how to pick them faggot. You probably bang anyone who will give you the time of day, despite them being fucking crazy. Also let’s be real you are fucking retarded investing years into a girl and still trying after not getting anywhere. No fucking shit she doesn’t like you, you should have seen that coming after the first month when you didn’t get any closer to being with her. That’s on you for being a retard.

fucking delusionnal room temperature IQ monkey.
Most women are trash, most men are trash, I fucking hate stupid ppl, and you're definitely one of them. I hope you'll never find love and that you kill yourself so you can stop wasting our oxygen.

Go. To. Therapy. Your. Mom. Broke. You.

Wow settle down spaz. You’re pretty conceited there despite being such an autist

stfu nobody will ever love an entilted piece of washed up trash like you. If you don't like being a sad disgusting walking pile of feccal waste, go bury yourself in some field or whatever as a fertilizer. At least you'll be usefull once in your sorry and pitifull life.

Who even abbreviates shut the fuck up like that anymore? Are you 12 years old? I have a loving family, loving girlfriend and great job. You are a sad lonely virgin with a life so boring, that you get this emotionally upset and riled up over someone you don’t know posting online. Fucking kill yourself you retarded faggot

Liten here incel, if you took years to hit this girl up, it's not her fault that her feelings for you faded away.
You have about 1 month from becoming friends to get to a relationship otherwise, you are to late and end up in the f-zone.
If not the womens fault that you don't get one.
KYS before you kill innocent people.

>hur hur nobody say stfu anymore hur hur I don't know how to argue so I use 16IQ ad hominem because I never studied anything harder than highschool course
nobody care, the sheer fact that you have to justify yourself online show how little intellect you have. Just get out and jump from a bridge very fast, your "loving" girlfriend will surely find someone who doesn't get baited on Cred Forums like a new-fucking-faggot.
If you're so proud of your miserable perfomence in life you have to brag about it on Cred Forums, don't worry I'll take a screenshot of your last post and print it as your epitaph when you'll finally be 6feet down in the grave. Don't worry I'll keep my word, at least you'll have one person willing to care for the forgetable and shallow person you are.

>lololol xd Uve been baited on Cred Forums
Shut the fuck up retard your insults are horrible and misguided I’m gunna go bang my loving girlfriend and make loads of cash while your dick gets more and more useless by the day. Fucking virgins man, go figure out how to be around people without scaring them away and maybe you’ll settle down a bit you spastic nerd

Your punchline are freaking weak dude, try harder you're boring me. Dance little dog, that's the only thing lower IQ like you are good for.
At least seing you trying to justify yourself had been quite satisfying, but other than that you've been a huge letdown.

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OP stop being a bitch.

ITT: anons that have struggle with rejection

Also ITT: Wut iz bait?


Yes, you've lost at life.
Now go vote Trump

>a woman who has done nothing to deserve a beating
Haha good one user