this site used to be the fuckin holy grail of the internet
with raids and shit
but now it’s just fuckin sad with porn all around this board
what happened?
what happened to all the raids?
what happened to calling people fags, niggers and retards?
this site is depressing now
it’s a former shell of what it once was
This site used to be the fuckin holy grail of the internet
Other urls found in this thread:
Be the change you want to see then, nigger
For one, nobody bumps potentially good threads anymore. The coomers all bump each other's sad pathetic threads, contributing nothing to Cred Forums and being all around complete, worthless friendless faggots. That means their posts are always ongoing, the source of the porn flood. We need to start bumping all non/retarded threads as a habit to start getting back to greatness
Kill yourselves, incels.
A phrase comes to mind...
"Cred Forums was always shit."
Most of the threads now are Cuck, Traps and Gore. Cred Forums is full of gen z fags
stop being a drama queen just switch to reddit
too many people broke rules 1 & 2
now it's all ledditfags who need something to coom to after shitting
Yep. The only way to get them to fuck off is to continue making these threads, bumping ALL good threads, ignoring their shit or saging it, and berating them at any opportunity in good threads.
Yea its overrun by literal Fucken faggots with their trap threads, I think it honestly has to do with age difference. All these zoomers are sexually confused and not masculine so they flood Cred Forums with their faggotry.
No one calls people out on their bullshit posts anymore. It's full of white knights and faggots. Cred Forums might be dead.
>what happened?
Trumpfags trying to make it T_D edgy mode
Raiding is outruled, fuck moot and jannies
Go back to lleddit fucken retarded bitch, no one gives a fuck about donald trump or you.
Moot was a moron too, he was a cuck who hated what he created.
all good things must come to end. its not about how to "fix" Cred Forums, its about finding the next site that is an evolution of the formula. i thought 8ch was the future, but it got shut down so fuck if i know what to do
Agreed. Also, I'll start leaving a sage on every porn thread, feel free to join me if you want
It's not a shell of its former self, it's a shadow of its former self. As soon as it became known, shills came in to spread propaganda to the mentally unhealthy majority of users, but this niggas has the right idea. We need to make good threads
Remember that fat cam whore who we would always make cry? That was entertaining.
>with raids and shit
jannies won't allow that at all, I've been banned for just mentioning them
You got old
I like how the faggot jannies and Lord of All Faggots Moot are totally fine with Cred Forums being flooded nonstop 24/7 with porn, JewOp threads and coomer degeneracy, but permaban people for posting literal images of pizza and raiding, the thing that made Cred Forums famous.
remember this disgusting that old disgusting hentai that gave people nightmare about holes in the body? good old times... xD
and what happened to the gigga nigga?
i should stop doing 3 things at the same time...
Of all the stupid things in this post, you actually think moot is still here?
I'll help as much as I can. Fuck coomers. If you have a good copypasta for it feel free to share.
Yea the propaganda on this site is pretty blatent, pretty sad tbh. Cred Forums used to be good. Fuck anyone who says it was never great. It was at least bettet than this fucken bullshit.
So Cred Forums is NOT flooded with the same repetitive Jewish shill threads, porn threads, wwyd threads, social media threads, fuck marry kill threads, bbc threads, and you will not get banned for making the threads I mentioned? You are claiming this?
I don't think the porn is the problem. It doesn't seem to be any more common than it used to be. Cred Forums has always been shit. But the fun shit is missing. We need to make more of that shit.
I dunno, I can't raid anything. I've just been lurking since 2009.
>but now it’s just fuckin sad with porn all around this board
>what happened?
Jews and their golems took over and use porn to passively couurpt the jannies
only way to stop the spread of thee kikes is to retake Cred Forums
Drive the kikes back into their holes!
Circumcision is better and I thankJewsformypenis
I'd say just post "fuck coomers" with pic related, that should be a lot more annoying than a copypasta
a dragon raid would be nice
because i can still remember most of the rules
This. There's always been shitty porn threads on Cred Forums but Jews pushed it to overdrive and changed the face of Cred Forums
Is bc ur mom is gay
What happened to the codes on Cred Forums that would let you know who is the same poster and shit?
We must take it back
We are called by God to do it
I have a fetish for circumcised penises.
Not just porn but the whole bbc, cuck, traps, and all the other faggotry.
this triggers kikes
Jannies we’re actually doing something about it finally. But then that one tranny c00mer had to complain to Hiroshima or some other fag on /qa/ and now we’re back to 90% repetitive porn, stale ylyl, and shill threads.
Fucken mutilated dick kek
That's been gone for a LONG time.
I remember you used to be able to actually give yourself a name, too. Or maybe you still can and everyone just stopped doing it. I'll test on this post.
Nope, name function is gone
its all related and is used to attack the psyche of people.
Its a literal weapon and all of it is connected
Based webm. Start bumping good threads mate and keep them bumped. Fight the good fight my friend, I am with you
Explain in more detail?
I hide all of the porn threads, and left with like 3-5 good threads.
God Speede user,
We will bring decency back to Cred Forums
It gave me advanced sex powers and women like it more.
You mean how they were doing something?
The half life posting 3 days ago.
Does anyone have any pics? I didn’t save anything.
>advanced sex powers
Like not having feeling on the tip of your penis? Kys braindead faggot.
We could always try to change that.
Let's find a livestream on YouTube and raid it.
Actually it exposes the glans and I can feel it
It feels angry and testosterone filled
It feels good and I feel dominant
I don't think you understand what "doing something" means
Cred Forums is monitored out the ass. It is controlled on every level. Raids won't work, faggots will snitch on them and people know what Cred Forums is.
>fags, niggers, retards
That still happens.
Nah auto ban for that. Jew jannies are on top of that shit.
The millenials grew up. The oldfags are gone and the new generation of Cred Forums visitors are trash.
Are you seriously retarted or are you just b8ing lol
Any chan sites or others that raid nowadays?
Your dog sdick is unattractive and for gay people
Gay people love animals
And your foreskin blocks the feeling of the seneeastion
Pretty sure its my first guess kek
tbh just find another online game and raid that
You're a fucking faggot if you think uncircumcised penises are better. Better it stinks like cheesey rat sewer.
I'm reporting people in this thread for threatening to raid.
Ever heard of showering ? Probably not, you seem to have the mental capacity of a six year old lol
My IQ is actually 135 and I know more than you.
My wife’s son is browsing this sight and I’m worried about the content on b. He’s only 14, I think he’s too young to be seeing this horrible stuff.
-a concerned co-parent
Raids? Are you 15 years old, kiddo? It's 18+ website. And what's your problem with a words like "nigger" or "fag", are you a libreral brainlet or something?
It has always been a terrible place, but we used to have fun and there was a sense of unity. It was us vs them, but shills did what shills do. Divide and conquer. I made a vow to this place 16 years ago that I'd never abandon it. I'm here til the ship sinks
Still got a (you)
Try to derail all the bullshit on Cred Forums, I always do. Seems like im the only one who does it now lol
Listen here you fucking fag nigger retard nothing has changed.
Moot didn't anticipate that almost all animu morons were also pedophiles, that was his fuck up.
You fags realize that you have to do this shit yourselves right?
If a mod started banning things and adding rules, then it wouldn’t be /random/ anymore. If you want trannies and porn threads gone, drive them away yourselves and boat better content at the same time. The yellow posting had good intentions, but still spammed the board with worthless threads; taking up space for better quality threads. Spider-Man posting and sexy posting in threads is much closer to the kind of shit you should be doing. Not complaining about it like some middle aged boomer.
Fuckin dammit
d e s u posting
/r9k/ better than Cred Forums now.
dubs of truth
>t. redditor who just pulled up after seeing some jewtube video about the habbo raids and expects every thread to be of that quality
fuk America Make Cred Forums great again!
Not enough people do it anymore.
And nice dubs m8.
Why the fuck are these losers so salivating over the shit they post anyway? It's like a bunch of starving dogs waiting for their treat.
Don't worry, I'm doing my part too
kys boomers yall is cringe now go get a life
>What happened to all the raids?
There is a fine line between raiding Habbo all the time and just being a Habbo user. We crossed it.
Jesus, can you imagine the fun he'd have here? With all the cancer, faggots and Cred Forums bait he'd be swinging the banhammer like a boss.
On topic: then start some raids. Prepare some actions. Get your action posted on CNN and Fox and be a demi God.
Let's organize a raid, then.
Fagg millenials happened
newfag here, and I'm fucking underwhelmed. how do you all have such a nasty reputation everywhere else then fall flat?
Spamming threads just keeps them on front page and inspires idiots to do it on good threads. Ignore crap threads, creating threads for the sake of creating threads (yellows) kills the board for the duration and does nothing but piss people off, if you're going to create a thread be original, bump a good thread with a comment that adds something before it reaches page 6, mods keep tighter reign on duplicate threads. The biggest thing crapping up /b is the degree of duplication.
I'm a newfag and just come on here for the porn. If you don't like it, go to another board.
You ever notice how the thread posting button says post and the reply button says submit?
You know they have boards specifically for that right? And websites with only porn. Are you mentally challenged or something user?