How many dumbass actually think he died in a """helicopter crash"""?
How many dumbass actually think he died in a """helicopter crash"""?
it was an inside job
Nice fucking dubs and trips
Check em
Imma get it this time, I won’t disappoint you.
Nice trips
die in a nuclear holocaust
Even dumber is thinking I even care about some pinheaded nigger. I hope heaven is whites only. I don't want to spend eternity looking at a bunch of shit skins
No u
Who gives a shit. How many dumbasses care?
Story ??
Kobe fakes his death and went to his private island to fuck bitches
Who cares, asshole
What the fuck is this?
This post has autism. Do not reply to it pls.
Too late, you already did.
What the fucking fuck is this thread
people mysteriously forgot he was a rapist
Jewish trickery
Don’t reply to this god-tier bait thread
Ok nigger
How many of you dumbasses actually believe we had the technology to land on the moon more than 50 years ago?
What game is that from?
implying this nigger was important enough to be killed
You seem to know something about this