A 6ft tall drag queen tranny fag is hitting on me. Dubs decides reply

A 6ft tall drag queen tranny fag is hitting on me. Dubs decides reply.

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I'm scared, Cred Forums.

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"i wanna sex !"

You like eating ass dude?

>inactive thread
I haven't been on Cred Forums in like 5 years. Why is the most popular thread type I remember not garnering bumps? It's eerie.

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For you

Hey bb, you look like the 41%. ;)

That’s not a drag queen if it has breast implants, it’s a full on tranny. Say she’s hot too and you want to see the tits.

Why haven´t you joined the 41% yet?

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those tits

what is 41%?

The 41% of trannies that commit suicide.

the percentage of trannies that kills themself.

The attempted suicide rate for trannys I believe.



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Can i taste you



I want you to dress in some lace lingerie, send me your address and bend over while you wait for me to come over and breed you tonight



Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like

Wow, last roll before I leave

oh come on reroll

"hey dude whats up"

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lemme see your twig and berries

Rolling for the reaction

noone wants to see that besides you faggot

Fuck her


Noooooooooooooo don’t dude her

cmon op

Time to be a Legend OP!

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god you're a fucking faggot

op is a fag wont deliver

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Thanks wanna hook up? ;)

Sup nigga I heard you got the meats

OP is a nigger

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i like big jucjiiii trtannyyy dickkk can i get youu to fukk the shit outyr of my face=aa?


tell him his b-e-a-utiful

Please excuse me im autism fag from Cred Forums.

Hey, got a bit of a weird request. Are you ok with roleplaying? Preferably, I'd like you to wear a red sweater/skirt and call me Miku while I suck you off. Would you be ok with that?
I can send you some pics if you want.

Dubs: show me yours and I'll show you mines

So close. Reroll

Wanna have sex bro?

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Penis in butt makes poopy mess

OP here. No response. I tried. If all goes well I'll start another thread from the bottom of a hole with a basket of lotion.

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Send this

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she's kinda cute, just have some lovey dovey sex with her

Fuck, its back.

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Not much, just visiting my favorite onion porn sites

Bruh I love drag queens goddamn just send her my way then I need friends

reply with


One time i payed a homeless man to poop on my chest


I farded and shidded and camed my pants.

this is fake.


Thinking about what you're packing down there ;)

can I eat your ass... pls


Ask "can you dress like a goth and send me tiddy pics?"


Pondering if it would be gay to suck your feminine penis

so pre op or post op?


get an eel up ya clacka

do impressions of hulk hogan

well then

Ask for pics of her feet. Tell her you’re a footman. Bitches love footmen.

ask him if he's into blumpkins

Here you go

Rollan kek

ask if he's into necro skullfucking


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tell them to meet you at mc donnalds and watch their faces get sad once they realize theyve been stood up

Do it

show me your dick and well see

The attempted suicide rate for trannys with the laughing crying emoji


send "IT" this

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The trips in this thread though...

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Is your mom there?

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Thank you for your service.

"how big is your asshole?"

fucking cash


do you like to shove wire brushes up your urethra?

Wait for the goddamn reply you autists

I am a furry

Yiff, yiff ... ? (panting sounds)
Yiff pweeze?

rolling again



Hey, for real though, you're pretty good looking yourself. Want to go out and get dinner and a show some time? I'd like to get to know you better ;)

>fuckin' do it OP

Fuck You.

Rolling for you to send a dickpic.

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OP is not delivaring

doesnt have to be yours just send a random dick

Can i take a fat dookie right in your munchin machine

This but send a picture of your actual dick.


"are you excited to play Final Fantasy remake? I hope the honeybee inn is done tastefully"

What does it mean?

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Whoch one Baby gurl

I'm a foot model. I must draw your feet

send dicpic


fuck I mean photographer. derp

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Do it

It's asking about the eel comment. send them "show feet bb"

It was inevitable.

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OP fucking delivered, boys!

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that's pretty gay

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Question is is it actual or simulated

Some faggit shit right here

where did they message you on?

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Yeah, that was the first gay thing in the thread.


Chat fake and very gay

It just occurred to me that doubles roller probably meant to reply with "send dicpic", not to actually send 1. A shocking sign that autism may be responsible for homosexuality.

If I was gonna fake a thread like this it be a hell of a lot more entertaining.

Insert Cred Forums Tagline

Nah. I also posted Was expecting OP to pussy out and post the text but then he sent an actual dick pic.

Send ass pick.

did the nigger bitch faggot reply yet or what

Ask it how it likes your dick

>said every girl that's ever tried
I despise trannies but doubles are doubles.

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print its photo and send it a tribute photo now

time quints. send it a tribute!

how about I deepthroat yours instead? ;)


rolling for this

Now let's see yours

Attached: Whooped out a dick that was bigger than mine.jpg (634x821, 98K)




You delivered, mate. That's all that matters. It elevates your thread above the usual bullshit that's posted to /b.

Now rolling for

this so much


forget dubs, DO IT FOR THE KEKS

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I'm hoping for same thing as you, mate; but the sanctity of dubs must be upheld.




lmao cmon op

alright, alright


Fucking this

This, + file name kek

gogogo rolling

Bro plz bro

Holy shit, man. How hasn't this got dubs yet?


Rolling for this

this for the lulz before he gets bored.


get already

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Ask for pic of boipussy


Damn it!

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rolling wow 20 rolls and no dubs.

For great justice

Most of the retards on here prefer trap/cuck/BBC threads now, the Jews got to em bro.

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Just get it, for fuck's sake.

Oh yesss

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Yay, Burvis wins!

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Show ass


Banana hammock swinger, get the go!

time to do the cumming

MFW OP has no printer.

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I cannot physically achieve an erection must less ejaculate in this scenerio. I made the most realistic shoop I can and that's the best I can do.

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Pretty good actually, you are only half of a faggot.

Kek. Post the response when it hits.

don't forget also request tits

I only let butch queen lick my turd-cutter


That was my roll. I approve this cumshoop.

>in this scenerio

that's why you go to pornhub faggot

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God I love this board sometimes.

this thread is gold

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Tell it your fetish is dressing up as nfl players.

Amen. Can't remember the last time I was this invested in a thread of this kind.

Rolling for this now.

I like this

Got tits?


Send pic of your face with cum on it. Tell it it’s your fetish.



Rolling for this

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I'll be damned... a thread with actual wins. what's going on.

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I don't even like traps and I loathe tribute threads, but I still made the first suggestion. It was the perfect thing to do.

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Back to this




Does it turn you on that I'm retarded?

Paste worker







No response to the spooge pic?


can i watch my dog fuck you

The worst part is that trannies are so degenerate I guarantee this thing would still blow me after all this.

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Wasted my dubs


make sure you tell him your favourite player of all time is ray finkle

Kex rex

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Very nice, I’m impressed with OP

"Send dick pics"

OP ask for nudes

So do you still have your dick because otherwise I'm not sure if I can get hard.

“I showed you my dick, now show me your feet”

>Ray Finkle
Not even 30 years ago men who dressed like this faggot were rightfully put into mental institutions.

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Tell it you're 14 years old.

What do you know about Ray Finkle?

If thread is kill before I get a reply look out for a sequel thread later.

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I want you to slowly slice my ballsack with a razor while my blood drips down onto your face and into your mouth.


Can I choke you till you pass out and then put it in your butt?

His gun tends to dig into my hip.

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Oh fuck he ruined nj user

graphic desing is my passion

Look, I'm sorry for being weird. I'm super fucked up. I'm also horny as fuck and just can't hold back... can we fuck? I want you as soon as possible beautiful.

Drag here



Do it OP.



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Give it your phone number and ask to meet up. (Black it out for screencap ofc, not asking you to doxx yourself)

Oh for fuck's sake. Welp, if OP delivers that will be all.

How big is her benis?

Not posting more until I get a reply to the NFL player thing.

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Yeah, I'll take the used anal beads and one of those $2 pre cum baggies for the ride home.

Its a Slovakian artist B-Complex, he is making DnB.
It decided to go trans some years ago

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Is it woman is it man?

I hate trannies. Go to hell, faggot.

shut up PUTO

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Nobody puts baby in the corner.

Nice dubs, I like telling people about my homosexual fantasies.



They were the next winner in line
Do it OP!! Fucking do it



Give your address and tell him to coom over.


I'm afraid this is dead and this makes me sad be abuse it's the only thing I've looked forward to all day and it's 10pm

Find a tranny to get hit on for yourself and make a new thread.

I actually have a granny that added me on tinder.. but too depressed to have to carry a thread/even type to it

Seriously my mind is blank and just saying "killyourselfkillyourselfkillyourselfkillyourselfkillyourselfkillyourself..."


Holy Jesus, classic b

Can i clap dem cheeks bish?

Dang it, reroll

Suck his dick and let him destroy your ass hole

Ever watch ghetto gaggers? Its my new fetish. Look it up, would tou be down for something like that?
