What are quantifiable characteristics to tell apart a beta? I already have a few:

What are quantifiable characteristics to tell apart a beta? I already have a few:
>can't pee at urinal in the presence of others, just stands there awkwardly
>bad posture
>bean-dippable tits

Attached: NOOOOOOOOO(1).jpg (557x750, 46K)

im pee shy myself and it sucks

>cares too much about media
>still plays videogames even though they are shit these days
>donates to twitch streamers
>watches streamers
>gets overly excited about anything

this is a good list

>does 3 things at a time to keep dopamine flowing (game, stream, music)
>laughs awkwardly
>talks all the time only because silence is deafening for them

>talks all the time only because silence is deafening for them

Ouch. It's hard to play the alpha male on the internet anyways. I've been told I'm "too nice of a guy" and that they prefer more manly and alpha guy.

Bitch, a manly alpha guy isn't on Steam chat or discord, you're being played. I'm just trying to not get ignored and forgotten.

Votes Republican


>thinks he likes sci-fi because of Star wars
>has a reddit account

>bean-dippable tits
Wtf does he mean by this?

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>not racist

You might want to check the literature on that

>Thinking beta is a set of physical characteristics and not a mindset

Kek beta confirmed

Funny because most racist are virgins.

>silence is deafening

think he means man boobs.

not sure why we're dipping them in beans

>has asian or trans gf

>doesn't like mustard
>puts ketchup on absolutely everything

>tries too hard to be liked by people
>gets offended when opinions doesn't align with his own
>has shit taste in everything (pretty much only watches Sword art Online and Starwars)
>if it's not mainstream then it has to have lots of fanservce for him to watch it (i.e. Highschool DxD) bonus points if it contains lolicon, incest or traps/futa
>likes BBC and cuck porn
>claims traps are not gay
>uses an Apple product despite the fact that they haven't been good since Steve Jobs death in 2011
>console fan despite the fact that those haven't been good since the 6th gereration (ps2, xbox original, gamecube, dreamcaust)
>literal man-child

>browses Cred Forums

Attached: thatfuckingcat.jpg (600x524, 39K)

>calls Nekopara a masterpiece
>can't shut the fuck up about cat girls or maid outfits