If pokimane had a dick,would you suck it?

if pokimane had a dick,would you suck it?

Attached: pooki.jpg (291x173, 10K)

only if its feminine

Hell yeah. Then I'd eat her toes like popcorn chicken, nigger.

How many tier 3 subs do I need to donate to suck it?

Pokimane is my queen, my face her throne.

If Pokimane has wheels and she was a bus, would you ride her?

of course it would be feminine

this dog isn't attractive in the slightest

it's all makeup and angles you fucking neckbeards

Attached: pokimane side view.png (534x468, 247K)

i got called a nigger earlier because i made a post about popeyes chicken sandwhich.i was confused at the popularity because they ruin the sandwhich with mayonaise and black people always make fun of white people for eating mayonaise

why is her nose so big,is she a jew?

Literally diamonds

id rather ride your mom

No but she is a nigger


my favorite thing about pokimane is how everyone forgets she was a LoL pro groupie fucking and sucking pros and they would show up in her streams and she got popular

literally whored her self

LOL.... that's a hilarious bit of information, thanks for sharing

Seen her with no make up on, so I would never do her

She must be related to that faggot Ice

Here you go bois

Attached: pokimane.jpg (750x1334, 94K)

you dont even have to look at her face,all you have to do is suck her dick

I would happily suck a dick thats been inside her.

Nah. Would let her suck mine though

thats pretty gay man

does poki even have leaked nudes? surely she does

No you collusal omega faglet

it aint gay if the dick is attached to a girl