Sent this to my sister a while ago while I was super horny and reading wincest threads. How screwed am I?
Sent this to my sister a while ago while I was super horny and reading wincest threads. How screwed am I?
Eh nothing to worry bout but you can't live a double life
You're not. This message looks fine, depending on your relationship with your sibling I guess. If they arn't total assholes they should see this message as sweet and endearing :p
Not screwed at all, although much of it depends on current circumstances.
If you're trying to have sex with her, you've basically initiated the starting point.
uh my friend grabbed my phone
It's great actually. We haven't seen each other in years and reconnected recently through text. Admitting secrets to each other and all that.
Yeah her and I are great as far as I know. I'll admit, I would plow her so very VERY hard if given the chance though...
Samfagging so hard go away
Just keep in mind, contrary to what wincest threads on Cred Forums might indicate, sex between brother and sister is impossible in at least 90% of cases (outside of rape).
Going down the road of trying to convince your sister to have sex with you is very dangerous and requires you choose your words very carefully. Unless she is capable of picking up on the subtle cues, and indicates interest, you have no chance of porking her (that is, unless she needs money).
Yeah I don't have money to give her anyway. I know there's a lot of times where brothers and sisters who haven't been together much throughout their lives often hook up once they're finally together and have sex. Her and I have talked about sex, but not in any flirting way. Just general stuff. Here's what I like, here's a teensy bit what she's done, etc...
Do you think I have a chance? When we talked about sex it was very open and honest without any judgement or feelings of "eww, we're related, we have to stop talking about this it's gross".
I mean, you've got a good starting point. Just don't be too creepy. Stay comfortable talking about it. Be blunt. Be honest.
Well, wish me luck then, user. She's super cute. If I could even get some nudes from her I'd be in heaven. But if I could penetrate entirely new universe would be created from the explosion of pleasure I'd get from such an encounter with her.
Still nowhere near enough information, you know her better than anyone, so you can make the most informed call on that.
You won't get anywhere by just exchanging texts though. Take her out for drinks, learn more about her, if she gets drunk, try some light flirting and see if she plays ball.
Did she fucking respond or wtf, why stop at just the screen cap fuck op
Would live to see her response too.
you're a sicko and deserve to be in jail
Nope. Tax dollars shouldn't do that
She's an hour ahead of me, so she's likely asleep. If I get anything exciting tomorrow, I'll let you know.
apparently noone has a sister in this thread.
Yeah she's probably asleep. If she gives a good response I'll let you know. :)
This was her message she sent me on Christmas...
Cant wait.
you fucking idiot, that seems like a regular ass text. stop sexualizing your own family/blood. get a life.
Sounds like a nice girl. Don't ruin what you already have, unless you're 100% sure she's into it.
Seems wholesome to me, just don't go any creepier and you might alert her. You fucking weirdo. Are you nip by any chance?
I won't push her into anything. Chill out.
this makes it worse lol
you'll need to feel it out in person. like giving her the subtles clues but nothing more, see how she reacts. if she's down she'll reciprocate and you can very slowly, feeling it out, get more flirty/intimate, very slowly and very carefully. nothing verbal. always always hide behind plausible deniability and you're safe.
Show us your sister so we uh, have more to go on with our advice ...
how old are you two?
Oh no you don't. She's beautiful, but I'm not posting pics of her. Sorry Mr robot
She's in her 20s, I'm early 30s
cute. how was your relationship growing up? are you attractive? have you had many girlfriends when living with her? is she attractive?
She always idolized me as a kid, but we never lived together. Been apart most our lives. I'd see her for holidays at best. She's very sexy. Very attractive face and incredible body.
You need to send a dick pic to clarify matters.
hhh you're in luck boiiii, siblings that did not live together are more attracted to each other. take is slow... make it happen.
Haha not out of the gate, no way. Only if it becomes openly obvious she's down with me.
That's what I thought too
It's vague enough that if she responds creeped out you can just say "oh shit wrong person sorry"
I assume this is bait.
If it's not, get a fucking reality check my dude. Go fuck someone that isn't related to you.
why? stop being a culture cuck. wake up and be free stop doing what others tell you to do. nigga.
All right then, not related to your mom.