age, cunts fucked, buttholes licked
>31, 5, 1
Age, cunts fucked, buttholes licked
Other urls found in this thread:
20, 5, 0
32, 0, 0
im only proud of 1/5 and she still carries me inspite of the other 4. wbu?
27, 53, 0
18, 2, 2
21, 10, 1
highest number of any one you fucked?
1000 here (the good one too)
down syndrome bot making up numbers at this point waiting to be murdered and good riddens lol
31 13, 14
30, 12, 4
36, 0, 0
you lose.
The first two were amazing, the rest were pretty much just sex for the sake of it.
The anomaly 1 extra butthole is from a dude i sucked and fucked. I tried it sorry
nigga im not a bot lol
23, 4, 2
1 cunt
1 asshole (by accident)
Been married since finishing high school
33, 5, 1
I wish I have licked more buttholes
i was in the military for 6 years and got really fucking bored.. my hobby was basically just dating girls. i usually have like 3 girls i fuck around with at a time.
mine was the last of 5 at least im goin in the right direction
oh sorry mlady
thats gay and now ur worth nothing
next time dont be born and stay out of everyones way until ur not hey
sounds like u only fucked losers
id rather fuck 1 winner 10000 times then 10000 losers once no brainer
How do you lick a butthole by accident? The judge is not gonna belive you
>if you havent had sex you might have well not been born!
Tesla was a lifelong virgin you know.
41, idk 75~100, maybe half that, there's a lot of Asian hookers in there.
nah most of the girls i fucked were way out of my league and had jobs and their own places. iv'e got standards. they at least have to have a job and a car and no kids.
kid post iron age > what we have now thanks to america u down syndrome fuck
tripped and fell
>anything having value on Cred Forums
girls love a uniform but depending on ur nation u only fucked downs
only me so far
That number actually tells me I should stop dabbelin in this retarded shit I don't even like it it doesn't taste bad but meeeehh some girls love it.
Join now before it's too late
you must not know how to talk to women man, don't really know what else to say, its not hard to pull hot girls when you just converse with them and not be fucking autistic.
go with the lowest number if ur not sure to be safe accurate
I wish I never started having sex only made me miserable and empty . Craving for that one pussy to good to pass to good to ever leave behind it's like an addiction that only gets in my way turned full hermit a few month's back striving for that wizard level .
Btw sex is overrated
>kid post iron age > what we have now thanks to america u down syndrome fuck
The fuck are you even talking about, reformat that post so it makes sense.
idk who you are but i trust you with my life
no you talk to retards
again highest number of times u had sex with any one of them? thousands here same female and done it multiple times, her a collegiate athlete, student leader, prom queen, high iq, genetic goddess
you? fuck down syndrome(americna).
schizophrenic down syndrome murdered american in psychosis
22, 15, 1
Nope, sadly I am a simple high functioning autist.
murder all americans genetically dec 23 1913-
johnathon fragile x schizophrenic psychosis syndrome pine gap nsa northern territory unironic real leader
Fucked 15
Assholes 5 but I actually don't know lots of drugs and black outs. Had a stroke while fucking age 21 yeah it's me if you someone remembers . But yeah 5 sounds okay
Beggars can't be choosers haha
i'm not going to bother reading what you just threw up
Kek here we go again
murder all americans genetically dec 23 1913-
johnathon fragile x schizophrenic psychosis syndrome pine gap nsa northern territory unironic real leader
Im pretty autistic as well but even I can't make sense out of this ,kek.
>next time dont be born and stay out of everyones way until ur not hey
well, i'm pretty sure my life is better than yours, though; quite a bit of money, no obligations, moved to Asia, enjoying life.
i dont have to resort to insulting people on the internet to feel better.
though i agree, i think it's about time, so next time i find a worthy girl, i guess i'll actually date her.
It's a some schizophrenic fag who likes bbc
He has another thread
25, 2, 2
Been with one for 6+ years contantly fucking and eating her ass
i mean, i chose them and they chose me lol so idk what you are on about.
i will admit, there were some i absolutely regret. just cause they are pretty and SEEM to have their shit together. doesn't mean they aren't crazy.
murder all americans genetically dec 23 1913-
johnathon fragile x schizophrenic psychosis syndrome pine gap nsa northern territory unironic real leader
that's a pretty good sign, you know.
Dude nothingI wrong thats my motto for woman haha . I feel you
21, 1, 1
That explains nothing at all ma dude
ur understanding isnt required for ur concent
its not that ur ignorant
its that ur geopolitically nationally retarded
theres a difference
ur murdered
murder all americans
murder all americans genetically dec 23 1913-
johnathon fragile x schizophrenic psychosis syndrome pine gap nsa northern territory unironic real leader
Nigga what geopolitical nationally retarded ?
Ur the spastic here I got my A-Levels degree attended university got my degree what do you have ?
Plus gtfo with that Americunt shit I'm from Germany
America btw is slowly destroying itself no need to intervene .
Since there still guys out there spewing shit like that there is no shortage of crazy people go shoot up a school or something
You heathens will all burn in hell for your sins
27, at least 20 that I can remember, 0 because that's fucking stupid
>31, 5, 1
Same numbers as OP.
30, 3, 1
Everyone who has one butthole licked has met someone they truly loved.
Yes, sweetie?
27, 31, 20
>Licking buttholes is stupid
If only you knew how much most women actually love getting their ass ate.
>37, 34, 3
>not sure, around 15
20, 8, 1
34, 2, 2
is that you Ron Jeremy?
15, 0, 0
-8, 32.56, 99.9992
dclxvi murder all americans
I'm not American.
Fuck you, anyways.
26. 1. Atleast 20...
I’m married to a woman but I was turned gay a while ago.
murder all americans dclxvi
Live in Vegas + widowed + Cialis+ $$
Should be in the Century Club in two years
murder americans dclxvi
>I estimate about 88. I didn't lick girls who were dirty looking and a prostitute from work. And quick hidden fucks at parties and when we were sneaking around with a bf nearby in the hot springs. I simply groped her enough to get her turned on, whipped my dick out and fucked her. These were complete strangers who I hooked up with. If I would have met then again, I would likely have gone down on them.
murder americans dclxvi
22, 0, 0
21,5, 5
murder all americans dclxvi
I've fucked more guys than girls, my asses fucked is something over 20
we both know we'll murder you first
29, 14, 0
29, 14, 0
wheres the dick's sucked column? getting bored of women
murder all americans dclxvi
24, 15, 10-12?
murder ALL americans dclxvi no exceptions DCLXVI
25, 9, 1
20, 1, 1
murder all americans DCLXVI
>28, 22, 2
murder all americans DCLXVI qs s
39, 113, literally dozens
29, 100 +/-, 2
27, 120ish, 2
23, 2, 2
24, 54, 3
29, 12, 1 without accounting for paid service... Total would be 29, 110(+/-10), 1...I got a thing for em....
maybe if ur a bodybuilder on a cruise ship 8 months of the year
else bullshit
murder all americans DCLXVI
29, 5, 2
29, 2, 4
I’m bi
Being serious man. Im not a body builder but I am a 6ft 4, mixed race, charming mother fucker.
Depends what kind of crowd you run with bro but its not as crazy as you think.
20, 0, 3
34, 25-30, 10ish
Who the fuck counts the number of assholes licked? When i lick someones pussy i usually go for the butthole aswell.
29, 10, 2
22, 6, 2
feels bad man
im being stalked harrassed and attacked by 107 years of schizophrenic psychosis genetic down fragile x syndrome in the form of a man named johnathon from nsa pine gap because they cant repay their usdollar dues and think im somehow some scape goat for it as bavarian illuminati free mason and occult grand master
18, 10, 0
literally nothing to fucking do with me
its sitting there in its schizophrenic autistic psychosis down syndrome fragile x retardation in pine gap nsa northern territory attacking civilians perpetually
all it can do
they think they are normal etc
even by military standards of a nation trying to be strong and stuff
literally 0% needed
they cant try it "not" being there/going away = perpetually guilty. need to be murdered for years and years even after they stop, if they can, and to the point, they cant until they are
literally one card and its from a point of undenyable 107 years long infused genetic mental retardation down fragile x syndrome and thats violence threatening more violence
schizophrenic psyhosis
murder all americans
seek help. for real user
37, 19, 21
u are permenently genetically blacklisted and murdered
murder all usa military DCLXVI
schiziophreinc down syndrome sitting there in passive aggressive thinks it knows words
ur permenently genetically blacklisted and a targetted individual
murder this person
37, 100+, 50+
Stopped counting at 100,
rimjobbed 50, of course only the hotties,
seduced the rest of the girls, the average ones, to lick my asshole instead, fkin bitches
20 0 0
27 / 3 / 0
Age 31, cunts fucked 6, butt holes liked 4
27, 3, 1
22, -1, 0
Nice variation.
34, 11, 3.
One of the buttholes licked belonged to someone who wasnt in the cunts fucked category.
I find average women annoying. I consider myself bi/pansexual heathen who doesn't care about real-life sex at all.
19, 4, 0
22, 1, 1
42, 10, 0 why you lick buttholes?
27, 40ish, maybe 10
Because they love it and squirm. Then they reciprocate
38, 6, 3
25, 2, 6
40, 20+, 0
22 31 8
19, my ass fucked 40. My ass eaten 20
transgenerationally retarded person put on pedistool in unironic ingrained neurological doublespeak dystopia
the schizophrenic in pine gap named johnathon with fragile x syndrome has psychosis and cannot stop commiting war crimes they are all murdered only response 2013-
murder all usa
21 (few more days till 22), 14, 0
I am not a man of the bootyhole
20, 3, 1
29, 3, 0 only prostitutes
funny little bugger
Kevin Gates
25, 9, 4
I just love the “from below” view!
21, 0, 0
damn guys, how'd you find some?
36, 4, 1
31 years of age, 30+ cunts fucked, 29-30 cunts tasted, 15 or something assholes tasted. I'm a big fan of eating pussy and ass. I'm a pussy taste aficionado. Like their smell also.
never ass to mouth
62, 2, 1
27, 1, 1
Do girls lie about not wanting anal btw? My ex said she didnt want to try it yet but everytime i licked her butthole she would moan and squirm.
Kinda wish i just buttfucked her now i will never get another chance :(
22, 10, 2
Don't eat ass it's a trap
Can someone tell me what's good about eating ass/having ass eaten
I'm pretty sure it's something I'm never going to do
28, 13-15, 0
23 - 2 - 0
Both long term relationships.
31, 12, 2
23 32 4-5
Woulda licked more but i was kinda shy when i fucked the majority of those cunts. Ive since calmed down
aids detected
26 5 2
26. 13. 1.
20, 3, 1
27, 0, 0 abstinence rules!
22 0 0
Sad. Dont shoot up your local DnD tournament though
My friend is pretty much forcing me into "helping a single mom pay some bills" so well see how that goes with my anxiety
1 1 0
33, 50is, 5 or 6 i honestly don't remember much of my 20s
26, 6 (i think), 0
30, 5, 3
I'm about to get married soon... Should I be sad that the last two numbers will stay the same if I do the right thing?
29, 6, 48
34, 24, 7
genetically blacklist and murder everyone in this thread
ur murdered genetically schizoid bitch faggot haha
69, 486, 75
31, 4, 0
28, 30-40, 0
24,18, 7
can we hab a dicks sucked option? i only succed 1 dick which was my own lol :D
26, >35, >45
26, 2, 0
27 14 1
20, 0, 0
30, 8, 1 (accidentally).
16, 4, 1
Need to up my game.
32, 11, 2
30, 2, 0
40, 20ish, 4
41, 35-40 idk, 5?
26, 7, 2
25, 5, 1
24, 10, 2
28, 15, 5
28, 18, 3.
Pic related, current GF
but you aren't Tesla
45, 250+, 3
38, 10, 4
> 22, 10, 2
> Don't eat ass it's a trap
Did you make the mistake twice?
18, 0, 0
19, 1, 1 I'm trying to keep it this way
23, 9, 0
26, 16, 0
30, 2, 3
26, 15, 3
>Eats ass
>This seems like a mistake
>Eats ass again
>Yup, definitely a mistake
33, 35, 3
35, 10, 0
How do you keep count? I've got to sit down and relive my last 15 years just to be able to count 16
21, 1024, 512
Gotta love dat dopamine
3 cunts i think. early 20s were pretty drug fueled so it's hard to remember.
2 buttholes.
38, 35, 2.
41, ~40, ~10
> to good to pass to good to ever leave behind
too good to pass too good to ever leave behind
there is a difference between "to do something good" and "something is too good"
27 , >100, all of them... If my dick made it to your pussy your ass made it to my mouth
It's obvious he will eat an ass for the third time, just to be sure.
3 you think...? So 0?
Us marine here using harp on you again
22 7 3
28 1 0 checked my v card not much appetite for it honestly
30, 7, 2
3 of them were just 1 fighters.
26, 9, 0
25, 2, 1
I just prefer porn and jerking off
3rd time's the charm
24, 50, 0
Fucking degenerates.
53, 300+, 0
My generation had hairy butt holes!
28, 30, 0
clean and logospilled
25, 113, 5
19, 6, 0
28, 3, 1
21, 8, 3
24, 22, 0
43, about 20, none that I remember.
69, 420, 1984
37, 49, 4.
23, 43 and 35ish
70, 0, -1
34 10 2
Unfortunate auto-correct is unfortunate
33, 43, 0
24, 3, 3
It ain't much but its honest work. My gf now is pregnant. I havent licked her ass in months :(
25, 2, 4
pic related it me
35, 6, 2
31, 21, 1
Funny thing is that I'm still a loser weirdo that nobody misses or even notice most of times. None were hookers... I've been with a hooker (it turns out one became a camwhore later one, but it doesn't count).
Are you a boy or girl?
>I've never been with a hooker (it turns out one became a camwhore later on)
27, 8, 4
It was born with balls. If it still has em, that's a different topic. Anyways, its clearly a faggoto.
Cunts fucked: 41 (a lot of fat bitches though. About 7 of them were 9s or 10s.)
Rimmed: 5
Feet licked: 20
>19 1 0
ok professor oak, the post said "pussies fucked" or something to that degree
how would I fuck one without a pp...
36 , 7 , 5
25, 18, 2
But are you a boy or a girl?
19, 2, 3
26, 0, 0
>27, 7, 4
Born a boy, still a boy, with a penis and everything
24, 1, 1. Been with the same girl for 7 years.
21, 4, 0
28, 0, 0
Yo... You either found that pic online or your girl is sending me the same nudes she is you lmfao. She sent me this then her bent over. Your girl is cheating on you man
Or some nigga is catfishin the both of you lmao
28, 12, 2
19, 3, 0
25, 5, 1
You've beaten my virginity record at 39
Shit that nigga catfish sure had a wet pussy and liked a thumb in her ass lol. Im just trying to be a Cred Forumsro here
For real though if that is your girl tell her you met jake and he said hi :) also she includes her face also in mine hope she sent you those too
24, 1, 0
Only went all the way with my current gf, but did other stuff with previous gfs
60ish. Can't exactly remember
24, 6, 1
51, 250+, 0.
29, 11, 5
33, 13, 2
23, 17, 3
I realized halfway counting...
I'm kind of a whore
20+ handjobs/blowjobs(one night stands) 3 footjobs and 7 titjobs boy would I not forget 3 anal. I'm half proud and half amused. Don't ask for proof...idc if you believe or not
>30, 2, 1
>tfw want to fuck more bitches but don't want to leave my gf to do it
Same but my wife and owning half my shit is stopping me.
25, 10, like 3 probably
27, 6, 3
God I wish I'd given in sooner
18, 0, 1(my own)
38, 50+, zero