I fucking had it, i want to fucking masturbate but im at school should i just do it
I fucking had it, i want to fucking masturbate but im at school should i just do it
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Yes, do it while standing on the teachers desk while maintaining eye contact with him/her
Good luck trying to rub one out in the school bathroom
Glad to see user being inclusive :)
Um except sorryyyy they could be non binary for example and have different pronouns :///
calm down Dom
Cred Forums isnt for your dumb pronoun crap zoomer
it works just grunt like youre taking a shit
Rub one out under the stairs get suspended and go home early
uderage b&?
also share this shitty song with your dumb zoomer schoolmates, op.
Focus on your studies you little coomer fuck. Make something of your life, excel.
OP could be a teacher.
Thanks for the advice im gonna rub it for you
If she freaks out tell her it’s just a prank and social experiment. Then ask how many likes it would take to get an A.
Yes i work at primary school
Just kidding
dUDE i jerked one while at work just fuckin do it!
Shut the fuck up, please just shut the fuck up
That guy is giving us zoomers a bad reputation
Not all of us like this PC shit
>us zoomers
my nigga...
Go for it. Fapped at school once, was good
Thank you guys for the advice after this lesson im gonna coom on my teachers desk while grunting as if im taking a shit
Assert dominance and maintain eye contact while doing so
How about you just dont jack off?
I jizzed on her chair and table while she was out i was fortunate enough nobody was in the classroom, i quickly ran out of there, enjoy my liquids stupid bitch
pics or it didn't fucking happen