This sand nigger is trying to appeal for a British citizenship again and got denied twice now...kek
This sand nigger is trying to appeal for a British citizenship again and got denied twice now...kek
Thanks for the update
surprised they didnt roll out the red carpet for her at the docks
i thought it's a yennefer
good stupid fucking bitch chanting death to the infidels and getting fucked by some jihadist pig after hes done fucking slaves and beheading his fellow muslims for allah and Israel like the dumb pawn dog he was now she wants to live in a country that she hated with her jihadist pig husband and wanted everyone in that country dead except the muslims? Now she wants to live there? What the fuck?
Myself and fellow muslims who are happy in the west dispise and only wish the worst for people like her. We've suffered for decades and her people who use Allah for hate should fear death more than any court judgement.
muslim logic 101
more people should be like you, anonshut up
We need a new crusade and rid the world of this filth
What would her jihadist pig Israel pawn husband say now about this? Because he got slaughtered by his true masters and their fake caliphate fell to shit like it was always meant to now she wants to come to England and thinks the government should help her? Because her shit jihadist husband isn't there to bring home the shekels after beheading other muslims and fucking Yazidi slaves?
black battle nun fatima cannot be denied, we must learn from her ways!
We need to protect our Anglo women at all costs
Sand nigger overlords don't ever wanna fuck that train wreck.
So Islam is right about women.
I hope you understand Muslims such as myself and those around me just want to earn a living and want to live life without persecution by foreign funded terror. We'll leave the UK one day and return to our home, as good guests should.
Yeah “good guests” take our land for your vile mosques and 15 kids, rape our women and deny and protest against our democracy and freedom of speech. Fuck you all. Europe doesn’t want you and never wanted you here.
Yeah, in 900 years when we retake Europa?
Openly? Fuck man people are too brainwashed on this love thy paki by the bbc and others Jew media’s across Europe you’d be thrown in prison for “inciting violence”
it's kind of scary a citizen ship can be revoked what happens if the government doesn't like you and they revoke your citizenship even people who are white born here and etc ?
Y tho, Britain sucks
She has duel nationality, she is free to return to Bangladesh. Problem is the Bangladesh goverment don't want her either, and have openly stated that they will lock her up as a threat to the country. Top kek.
She can fuck off back to isis land. Where she will hopefully blow up by stepping on a landm8
how can you expect to return to the country after leaving to join isis
Daily reminder that this bitch saw heads being kicked around like footballs and was unfazed. Sharia law when?
White women have nothing on the beauty of Arab women
Not even a European and I may believe you think like that, but the problem is that you reproduce, the children you create in your host country.
Do you think somebody who is born in a better/richer society is gonna be willing to ditch everything and go live to the shithole you come from?
how did she even end up in this situation she was only a teen when she joined isis wtf. she must have some mental disability
I’m white
Curry smelling sand niggers are gross period.
Made for white dick
Made for their brothers dick