Why is the fucking media ignoring how this fucking faggot just cheated in Iowa...

Why is the fucking media ignoring how this fucking faggot just cheated in Iowa? And they expect people to believe this shit ain't rigged?

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He was decided to win by the CIA, he wont win 2020, but he's going to be our president 2025

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High IQ and submissive to the deepstate/CIA

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The CIA wants a faggot president? I doubt that

>The nigger muslim jew named similar to Osama

>Don't you dare question our gay president you homophobe
>homophobia is now a hatecrime and you are banned from the internet and your phone
>Stay in your cubile and work work work you good little goy, the homosexuals are in control of you now.
>Any uprising against our agenda is homophobia and you WILL BE PROSECUTED FOR HATE CRIME

Why are we ignoring that every fag has hundreds of socks in their past but not one has spoken up about Pete?

Scared of being Kevin Spacey'd or Clintoned

>Why are we ignoring that every fag has hundreds of socks in their past

Oh God here go the Bernie heads crying cheat again, getting ready to secure another general election for Trump.

Are you implying he didn't cheat?

He didn't, and stop being so salty because you want him to pound your ass but know you have no chance.

To be fair, I dont think he cheated.

The DNC rigged (they have a long history of rigging btw) it for him because they dont want a socialist to win and biden cant win against trump.


Like we're supposed to believe Mayor Butt-Plug will even stand a chance in the election where 65% if the voters are Christian...

Bullshit he didn't. He paid the company that made the fucking app.

>The DNC rigged it for him
That would imply he cheated, genius

All future elections will be easily rigged via electronic means. Better get used to it.

Because they didn't cheat before when Clinton "won" the nomination? All they have to do is hide ballots. They don't even need technological aptitude.

He's alluding to the extremely high sexual partner count of homos. There must several ppl that know him very well in that regard, but no stories pop up.

>the next american president is going to be a colossal homo who sucks the skidmarks off another mans anus for pleasure

At least the 1st amendment will be changed to include the banning of hate speech.

Pete Buttplug and his husband did nothing wrong leave them alone.

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To use the app. Good thing there is a paper trail. The Iowa Democratic party fucked this up. The caucus system is a clusterfuck, and that's why so many states are moving away from them. A similar thing happened to Romney in Iowa. Take your half-baked conspiracy theories and shove them up your ass. If you really cared about voting integrity, you would be mortified that GOP interests control most voting machines used in our nation, that they are ridiculously easy to hack, and that when questions have come up about them being manipulated, red states delete the servers and cover it up.

Because the media and the entire establishment wing of the DNC are fucking in on it. If they aren’t rigging it outright they are doing everything they possibly can to put their hand on the scale. This is the same thing that happened last election cycle.

Not just the 1st, get ready to say goodbye to the 2nd, 4th and 5th if a democrat gets back into the white house

I know, the same fucking people who were literally JUST bitching about "russian interference", are now saying we should let people vote through the fucking internet. Shit makes no fucking sense.

wouldt it piss off every religious person in usa if you got a gay president?

>GOP interests control most voting machines used in our nation, that they are ridiculously easy to hack, and that when questions have come up about them being manipulated, red states delete the servers and cover it up.
Sauce because I'm 99% sure you just made that bullshit up. Hur dur no your team is doing that durrrrrr. That's how fucking stupid you sound. And last I checked the democrats are the ones who want people to be allowed to vote through the mail or the fucking internet. Any reason your heroes want that?

Ew. His husband isn’t even cute wth. Why be a powerful politician if you aren’t even going to go for top shelf boypuss?

How’d he cheat? Im sure he did cuz dems literally cant stop them selves from rigging elections and voter fraud, but i want details

Rest of the world doesnt care about your meme
thirld world country, go find a MURICA forum, Your country is almost as big of a meme as North Korea at this point

because this way you just buy off the tech company running the election count, or pass laws in their favor

I guess Trump made money stylish

>the DNC has openly been unsupportive of Booty Judge's campaign, trying to push Creepy Uncle Joe
>despite being the most competent and moderate (i.e. electable) Dem candidate the media has barely covered him until now
>progressives despise him
It's a conspiracy that he's winning.

i would rather have kim than trump tbh

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That goofball brings nothing to the table outside of his unique demographic.

they are faggots, they didnt do anything, but god did

Mail-in voting provides great access and a paper trail. Sorry that this is your first election and you've never heard of the Diebold voting machine scandal, or how they just changed their name and STILL run the voting machine game. Sorry you've never seen the demos at Defcon of people hacking these machines in minutes. Sorry you are unaware of the voting machine scandal in Georgia where the state deleted election servers despite a court order to turn them over as evidence. And most of all I'm sorry that you are such a dumbfuck who is completely unaware of any of this, yet somehow has the audacity to accuse other people of being stupid. Do the gene pool a favor and off yourself on the slim chance that your incel ass is ever able to reproduce.

>want people to be allowed to vote through the mail
Please give me one good reason this isn't a great idea.
Oregon does it and has had zero issues.

>Please give me one good reason this isn't a great idea.
Because the DNC can rig the election? How the fuck are you gonna bitch about republicans supposedly rigging elections but you support voting through the fucking mail and internet? How does that make any sense?

We do it here in Washington too and it works perfectly. Of course the GOP would be against it, since they usually do much better with low voter turnout.


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You mean the city that just happens to be a democrat dump? Of course it works there. Are you a fucking nigger or kike?

That's not a good thing. It sets precedent

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What’s really fun is the fact that when he was mayor his donators who worked for the city or in construction got him to demote his city’s first black chief of police all because they wanted all blacks in positions of power to be gone.

Don’t believe me? Look of South Bend Police Tapes.

Trump has more Black Support than this guy.

Not DC. Just stop, dude. You continue to embarrass yourself. Go find a nice black cock thread and fuck off.

>Black man good

it has been openly rigged forever
there is no reasonable expectation of democracy

Fuck you you Bernie bro dirt bag socialist slacker put on some fucking deodorant

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Even more embarrassing, you think anybody gives a fuck about that state outside of Seattle. Don't you have a moose to make love to or something?

Blacks are what, like 12% of the population? A shitload of them are felons who can't vote. Many of them don't vote. And the small remaining percentage is split fairly evenly. The black vote hardly matters in this country. It's just a media narrative to ease racial tensions and make people feel included in the political process.

Washington is also a state retard

>ease racial tensions
Why does it feel like the opposite is happening?

Apparently they do, since people continue to move here in record numbers because we lead the country or are near the top in quite a few different categories.

Because we are purposely being divided in every possible way to keep us distracted and easier to control.

Every method is open to rigging. Everything that can be touched by human hands is open to human bias.
Even a completely neutral AI has to be programmed by a human. It stands to reason that human's ideas would infuse into the AI.

>Every method is open to rigging
>So let's make it easier to rig it
Sure kid

Physical ballots and the ability to confirm that your vote gets counted still remains the safest voting method. Not even sure what you are trying to argue at this point. Pretty sure you are just a dumb contrarian faggot who is seething hard from repeatedly getting BTFO.

Before Trump I would have said that a guy named Pete Butt hyphen whatever the fuck stood a zero percent chance ever being elected to a more prominent position that mayor of some shitburg shanty town.

But now, it's a free for all. Do what you want.

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Except vote by mail is difficult to rig. Please explain to me how you think it's rigged?
One voter, one vote. It increases voter turnout by a shitload since it makes it easier to vote. You literally fill out ovals and mail it back. Done.

You realize that cases of actual voter fraud are astonishingly low, right? Why would you be against paper ballots?

Mail in ballots work great. Are you stupid?

I think it has been well established by this point that he is indeed stupid. He should probably be required to wear a helmet at all times for his own safety.

Wait are you saying "mail in ballots work great" or "you're stupid if you think mail in works great"

>Mail in ballots work great
Sure it does, because it benefits your democrat heroes. That's why now you people want internet voting when you literally spend 4 fucking years complaining about Russia. That way you can rig that as well.

Most do not want or trust internet voting, not sure what that has to do with mail-in ballots.
And yes, more voter turn out does favor democrats. Weird? You didn't answer how you think it's rigged. Do you think a paid holiday for voting is rigged too? What about easily accessible voting locations? is that rigged? Shouldn't increasing turnout be a positive thing?
if one side is banking on people not showing up that should be illustrating something to you.

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I assume you have proof of the cheating and are going to present this evidence to us in a logical fashion. So we're ready to see your proof. Please go ahead.

Why the fuck should it be a holiday? It's not like your pets need the day off, given they don't fucking work anyway. But I'll tell you what, if we agree to give your pets the day off, even though they don't fucking work, would you agree they should have to physically go to the polls and vote? Of course not, you'll just make up a NEW excuse for them. Also funny how you people say this, but when it comes to voter ID laws all of a sudden you wanna flip the script. What does it say when your team doesn't want that? But let me guess, you're gonna parade around like a fucking homo and play stupid now right?

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No argument, how fitting

Ballots can be destroyed. Letters can be lost in transit. Electric machines can be hacked. Apps can hide who you are actually voting for and also be hacked or exploited.
Humans gonna human.


>Letters can be lost in transit
Sure, but the actual cases where this happens are astonishingly rare.
I agree with the rest.

I agree, but rare =/= impossible. It can happen, so retards on the internet are going to screech about it until mommy comes home with the tendies.

Because you aren't interested in having an actual discussion. You just keep getting BTFO, then moving the goalposts. You are a partisan fuckwit and exactly what is wrong with this country.

Not to mention that you can use various methods to confirm that your mail-in ballot was received and counted.

You're the one who got BTFO here fag. You people love accusing the other side of rigging elections while you want internet voting, felons to vote AND are against voter ID laws. Who the fuck are you kidding here? Everyone knows at this point it's YOUR team that is openly rigging elections.

I've never met a single person who is pushing for internet voting, and my state's vote by mail system requires voters to have current ID. Clearly you are getting desperate and just pulling made up shit out of your ass. Your "team" is the one who actively works suppress voting and has the controlling interest in the proliferation of voting machine use that has been repeatedly proven to be vulnerable to manipulation.

>has the controlling interest in the proliferation of voting machine use that has been repeatedly proven to be vulnerable to manipulation.
And yet it's the fucking democrats who want those machines. Isn't that funny how that works? Also you didn't address why your team is against voter ID. Because that would instantly fix this problem you're crying about. So again, your team doesn't want voter ID why? Because your pets don't carry IDs since they have warrants out I'm guessing.

> The Left: "Drrumpf rigged the elecshuns!"

> Also the Left: *rigs two elections*

You're right, we should all rise up together and admit he raped us and paid us to stay quiet.

b-b-b-but it's the r-r-republicans doing it! not my team!

> "suppress voting"
Yes, the right is tying to suppress votes from those that have already voted, are dead, or aren't even citizens.
...by the way, that last one (non-citizens voting) is literally foreign interference in an election. What the left has accused Trump of, but are actively calling for it themselves.

Democrats want exploitable voting machines manufactured by GOP interests? Are you cum drunk? I'm not sure why you think they are against voter ID laws either. Last I looked ID was required to register. Even in an ultra liberal city like Seattle, so again, you are just making shit up. I've seen some calls for helping to remove the financial barriers for people to get ID, so it doesn't turn into a default $100 poll tax. Is that what has you seething? Do you even know why your jimmies are so rustled at this point? I get the feeling that if you weren't upset, you'd simply make up something new to be pissed off about. You complain about honesty, yet can't even manage to have an intellectually honest conversation.

>Why is the fucking media ignoring how this fucking faggot just cheated in Iowa?
They're ignoring it because it didn't happen. No one of sound mind is disputing the results tally.

Sanders won a plurality of both first-round and final-round votes, but Pete may have a very slight edge in delegates. None of this should be confusing.

how is everyone so stupid, its not left v right, its elite vs everyone else. the right just openly prop up the rich and the media supports it, the 'left' are just a bunch of 'nice' capitalist bootlickers to brainwash the nice people who dont respond to hate and indifference as a distraction. get some class conciousness and stop sucking the cock of the proverbial man idiots

>I'm not sure why you think they are against voter ID laws either
Oh I get it now. You're either just playing stupid on purpose, or you're not even a fucking American. Which one is it bud? If it's the former let me know, I'll play along with you.

Uh huh, and next you're gonna tell us all to vote for Bernie Motherfucking Sanders, aren't you faggot?

I was wondering the same thing OP. Specifically since he started claiming victory loooong before even all the precincts were done reporting.

This shit is definitely rigged. There is no way Trump won.

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And yet, in the most recent major case of possible voting fraud in Georgia, the GOP moved swiftly to violate a court order by destroying evidence, assuring that no investigation could take place. They only play up the fake fraud angle to fan the flames of mistrust, and only when they think it benefits them. Should we even get into gerrymandering? Because that has gotten so bad that courts are starting to step in. The GOP is the poster child for voter disenfranchisement. It's a blatant and transparent gaming of our system by a minority desperate to cling on to power.

no go vote for a moderate centrist democrat who will maintain status quo or go vote a fucking chimp brained boomer. the choice is SO hard!

Right, so we should vote for Bernie Motherfucking Sanders. Just stop beating around the bush here. We all know that's where you're going with this.

are you anti bernie people jus sucking that propaganda juice or are you just stupid and cant tell when someones policies will be beneficial to your country through helping the actual citizens that live there and not businesses?

The joke was yes ofcourse vote bernie, since literally everyone else are establishment cucks who want to benefit them and their overlords. stop being a dumb bitch.

Oh yeah bro, giving free shit to faggots and trannies who studied literal bullshit in college, or Tyrone and Juan sitting on the porch THEY DO NOT OWN, is really "beneficial" to me. Tell you what, how about I come over there, rape your mother in the asshole, have you film it, while I'm chanting ITS IN YOUR OWN INTEREST BRO. How does that sound, champ? Because we can set that up.

>A jew who's been in the senate for over 40 years
>Not establishment
And next you're gonna tell us Bernie is a healthy "young" man

Any candidate who isn't boomer scum is an instant step up. I'd rather vote for someone who still has a lot of skin left in the game, not one with one foot in the grave trying to take whatever else they can. Boomers are like junkies looking to get one last fix. They have ruined this world enough, and we need to stop voting for them and make them fuck off already.

very obvious you have no actual idea about politics except the reactionary shit you watch on youtube. that or you are an even bigger dumb bitch that has to strawman policies because you cant understand a manifesto

[tumbleweeds roll silently through the thread]

name one beneficial thing that raising minimum wage and changing worker laws can do for me (working class person)

What about what I said was strawman you kike motherfucker? You not being able to refute it doesn't make it strawman

>The joke was yes ofcourse vote bernie, since literally everyone else are establishment cucks who want to benefit them and their overlords. stop being a dumb bitch.

Literally everyone else? Have you forgotten about Warren?

It would be understandable if you have. Her strategic missteps in the fall have cost her dearly, and her nomination is looking farfetched at this point.

You are the same type of racist mother fucker who can't see the direct contradiction between your beliefs.
you are literally fucking retarded.

warren is also an establishment democuck, dont be silly friend

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>raising minimum wage
For one your hours will be cut and/or you'll lose your job completely, but it's in your own "interests". Because the democrats want you on welfare and food stamps. That's what they mean by your own interests.

I'm still waiting for you to explain how more gibs and programs for Tyrone benefits me, fag. You have done nothing but act like a fucking kike faggot this entire thread.

refute what? that bernie is giving black people and trans people free things? jesus christ you are fucking retarded. what can trump do? all he is giving is white people the free pass to ride a nigger dick and not be gay. i bet you cant refute that you kike

It makes it so more people can purchase the goods or services that your vocation offers. It worked so well where I live that the entire state raised the minimum wage.

>warren is also an establishment democuck, dont be silly friend
Not sure what you're basing that on. She comes across to me as a serious advocate for regular people against Wall Street interests.

>thinking that raising wages ruins wages. how much of a fucking dumb cunt can you be? the people who insist this happens are the ones benefitting from it never happening. you have no idea of the profit margins of businesses in 2020, they can take huge cuts and give the benefits to workers who deserve a LITTLE bit of a better wage in life.

>whites make up the majority of welfare users
>red states need the most gibs
But it's all the niggers and spics stealing from us conservative white folks!

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>Bernie cucked again
Maybe if anyone in your party had the balls to point it out

Been on AnonQueer again?

>What is per capita
But I know, we're suppose to ignore that part

No they don't fucking "deserve" shit, you entitled nigger. If you want a better job then fucking learn a skill or go to fucking school. These people want $15 a fucking hour to work as a greeter in Walmart. That is a fucking joke. And you think it'll stop there? Eventually they'll demand $30 an hour, because it's still not enough for them. Because they need more money to get their nails did and hair done. And then fags like you will run right out, dancing around like a faggot making nothing but excuses for your pet monkeys.

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Who cares other than Bernie fanatics, this guy will make a bigger landslide for Trump than Bernie. Blacks and Mexicans without connections to illegals aren't going to show up for this guy. Hard to win an election with just homos, white women and urban beta boys

whites also pay the most taxes, so whats your point again?

Half of the white women aren't voting for the faggot either.

That lines up pretty evenly with us going off the gold standard, wage stagnation, rising cost of living, and the explosion of corporate greed culture.

>b-b-b-but it's the BILLIONAIRES stealing all your money!

>Up to 2011
Those numbers are currently on the decline.

Whole Democrat party is helping him do it to stop Bernie.

Just one generation ago we were still actively oppressing minorities. Why can't they seem to catch up with our 300 year head start in the U.S. in just 50 years?

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I thought the rich did, so wouldn't that be the Jews paying our way?

I would like to work less for more. So yes. Cut my hours and pay me more so I can have time to redo the floors in my house.

Thank you, Obama.

>whyt pepol keepin me down
Found the nigger.

You must have wandered by a mirror.

found the guy who doesnt understand the insectionality of culture, society, history and race.

you were wrong previously, please think about this again. maybe google "middle class" later

Sorry, he's not been working at the while house for a while now. You're welcome to cling to your delusions though.

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>I would like to work less for more
AH, and finally we get to the fucking truth. You niggers and lazy fucks don't want a "living wage". You just want to be able to work less fucking hours a week so you can go back to smoking weed and playing fucking video games, or sitting on the porch YOU DO NOT OWN, and playing shitty rap music on your fucking bluetooth speakers. But I will give you credit. You at least admit you're just a lazy fuck. Most niggers hide behind it and use their disgusting chimplets as a cover. Because they have money for blunts and air jordans, but not condoms.


Figures, niggers never travel alone, they rove in packs.

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>Found the nigger.
Stay out of your mom's room when Tyrone is over.

Hit a nerve, didn't I? Nigger.

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His recovery numbers were double what Trump's are. To Trump's credit, he stayed on the same path that had been established, with a nice tax cut that overwhelmingly benefited the rich to spike the markets and allow them to accumulate even more wealth. Sure that now that sugar high is over, and our interest rates are so low that we have no safety fallback, and that we are already propping up the banks by giving them billions in repo market cash infusions that nothing will possibly go wrong.

I own my porch. And I'm not a nigger. So yeah.

Wait what part of redo the floors in my house makes you think I dont own it? Lmfao

>being on this site for even one day
>getting booty blasted over "nigger" "kike" "faggot" or...
Pick one. If you honestly think that offends anyone here, you just might be the nigger.

So all the good is Obama and all the bad is Trump, 'cause you said so? I guess I'll just take your word on everything too, seems legit.

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You forget that 90% of the monkeys you see sitting on porches, don't even fucking own it. But you'd THINK they own it. Boy they sure do sit on that porch all fucking day like they own that shit. It's fucking pathetic and these people look fucking stupid.

Nope. The economy has been getting propped up since Obama. Trump has doubled down on it. If the bubble pops in the next few months, he knows he's a gonner. The economic happening that awaits us is going to be brutal.

You're the one getting pissy over getting called a nigger over and over. Literally the only thing I'm doing is calling you a nigger. You dumb nigger. Go ahead, chimp out, you know you want to.

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>And the small remaining percentage is split fairly evenly.
Someone has gone through the looking-glass.

So it's only good because of King Nigger, and bad because of Drumpf, just like that guy said. You're such a free thinker, NOT.


Niggers be livin' in your cracker head rent-free 24/7. Just go suck one off and get it over with. Quit coming here and trying to project your fetish on others.

>But yeah, Obama good, orange man bad
Are you retarded? Oh wait, I get it, you're a special psychic autistic retard that can see into the future! Boy, if only YOU were president, you could have saved us! Tell me, what is the body count?

Nope you want see me on my porch. 8 foot privacy fence and I'm talking about back porch.

Point is id like to make wages equivalent to the estimated cost of living. And at the same time, if they cut my hours for it then I'm fine. I get by just fine.

I dont want to end up in a position where being disabled is more beneficial than being able bodied and I'm there

>Not just the 1st, get ready to say goodbye to the 2nd, 4th and 5th if a democrat gets back into the white house
Nope, not even close. But the current president has been carving out parts of the first amendment

>Niggers be livin'
Couldn't hide the ebonics any longer, could you nigger? I get you're sweating chicken grease.

Nope. The economy looks to be doing well, but it is an illusion that will come crashing down. Obama did a great job, and Trump has as well by not fucking it up, but it isn't stable and we're going to all find that out. The bubble has been forced to keep growing, and that will come back to bite us in the ass.

>But the current president has been carving out parts of the first amendment
Oh really, because last I checked it's the fucking left that demand Twitter ban Trump and also get upset when he says mean things about the slave masters in the DNC

>I own my own home
>I make minimum wage
Sure you do Tyrone. You paying rent to Mr.Goldberg doesn't mean you own that fucking porch. How many times we gotta explain this to you stupid niggers?

How many cases of voter fraud do you think there are in modern elections?

They did it with Obama.
>You're a racist you don't like Obama!

who gives a fuck,why would democrats want somebody from a republican state anyway

>why would democrats want somebody from a republican state anyway
Compared to what, some tranny fuck from California?

>votes from those that have already voted
Happened only a few times last election, the notable cases were for trump
>are dead
The most famous case was a lie, the woman was alive
>or aren't even citizens.
Doesn't happen

No they didn't

Twitter banning is not a violation of the first amendment, getting upset over someone's words is not a violation of the first amendment. Restricting freedom of press is

>people continue to move here in record numbers
Homeless bums looking for handouts from your fucked up state govt. dont count retard. At least clean the human feces off your sidewalks before you talk about how "great" Seattle is.

his backers are Cohen's, Bergs, Steins

Yet the homeless stats don't support your made up claim. And Seattle is far from great, For faggots who seethe so hard about fake news, you guys sure love to spread it.

Are you surprised? The present just bent the law over a table and gave it both barrels. It's a dictatorship now.

Fuck off Russian scum

Let me just ask you guys this.
Have any of the actions of this president made your life any better?

Gonna vote for trump just for the amount of fun that orange motherfucker can generate is too tempting

You seen the stock market lately? You can pull it up while sitting on that porch YOU DO NOT OWN, on the phone you likely stole and/or didn't pay for yourself

>Mail in ballots work great
Until someone snatches up all your precious ballots and burns them all up in a barrel or tosses bags of them into the ocean and claims they never had them to begin with. This is such a stupid idea that it was even made fun of in a South Park episode for gods sakes you fucking retards Cartman hid them at a Humvee dealership.

Easy to do if it's not your life on the line

So how much money have you made off of the stock market

The fact he cheated and still lost is kind of hilarious though.

And yes, he did lose. He may have tied Bernie in SDEs but he lost the goal of “winning” Iowa: convincing other voters that you’re a viable candidate.

Oh noes. are you gonna die if Trump is elected again sweetheart?

Don't worry about it nigger. I know your daddy wasn't around so you don't know any better, but it's not polite to ask other grown men what their assets are worth. There you go, I just taught you a life lesson your nigger father did not.

Not really. Or any worse.

Shit tier bait

I don't believe you have a single asset to your name

Why are you standing on line Cred Forumsro

>Facts are bait
That's not how it works

Or, hear me out— a company that you spend most of your life working for should pay you enough to get by. $7.25 doesn’t cut it any more. It’s a long overdue correction

>a company that you spend most of your life working for should pay you enough to get by
Why, because you're a worthless human being that can't get a better fucking job? How about you provide for yourself you fucking nigger? Or better yet, start your own fucking business. Granted, you'll have to get off the porch YOU DO NOT OWN, put the blunts and iphone down and roll on some condoms for once.

>You just want to be able to work less fucking hours a week
Yes. This exactly. I don’t enjoy spending my time building someone else’s wealth. Enjoy the cuckhold

Then don't fucking complain you're a broke piece of shit you dumb fuck

I’ve never seen porch-sitting trigger someone so much. Kek. Retard

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Why would you work there your whole life if they were only paying you $7.25 to begin with? If theres no raise in min. wage your fucked for the rest of your life. You make bad life decisions and hope others will bail you out like a fucking addict dumbass. Its not hard to learn new skills,

Trigger? If anything I fucking laugh at those literal porch monkeys, sitting on porches all fucking day like they own that shit. They look like retarded fucking apes, just sitting there staring into space or other people walking by. These people are fucking losers. Then they act offended when people call them porch monkeys even though that's what they are, sitting on a fucking porch they don't even own.

>Why would you work there your whole life if they were only paying you $7.25 to begin with?
Because he's a fucking nigger that cant get anything better. That's the funny part about this retarded argument. He's pretty much admitting that.

Enjoy eating nothing but Ramen noodles and dog food 3 times a day.

Retards want corporations to be able to do whatever they want, and then Reeeeeeeee when they do exactly that. Kek.

HAHAHAHAHA right and I’m supposed to believe YOU own any stocks? What, $1500 in Apple? You fucking retard. You don’t own shit. Compared to the big leagues nobody does. Cope harder

Post bank account faggot

How much of a fucking nigger are you that you can't afford to buy stocks? Are you even old enough for this website?

Post present address and phone number and social security number retard .

>Then they act offended when people call them porch monkeys even though that's what they are
No they're not, humans aren't monkeys, humans are apes

1. There are only so many available jobs
2. Companies keep the bulk of their profits
3. We can set the standard for what someone makes per hour: again, if someone is committing 40/week to a company, they shouldn’t need food stamps
4. We are creating poverty by not increasing that minimum wage

I’m actually doing okay. If saying that makes you feel better go ahead

Okay so they're porch apes. Better now?

t. Too retarded, missed the point

Oh I got the point. You and your nigger kin can't "afford" to buy stocks. But blunts and air jordans you got money for that though. And I'm suppose to feel sorry for you niggers? While you sit on porches all fucking day YOU DO NOT OWN BY THE WAY, yeah I don't think so champ.

Well, it's still inaccurate.
Homo sapiens did not know what a porch was, so no one would call them porch apes since that is neither their dwelling nor place for hunting.
Homo sapiens sapiens do know what a porch is, but they are predominantly found sleeping in beds and eating at tables, to call them "porch apes" would be the same as me saying my dog is a different sub species, canis L. Commodus because I see him drink toilet water sometimes

shut it

>more than 1 reply means the repliers are a pack of niggers

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>the cope
so nothing nice to know pablo

Stop being wrong

>Eeeeew you a smelly Bernie Bro

Good job, that'll show them. Really mature. Guaranteed to make them see policies from your point of view. They'll definitely vote for Buttigieg now. Not only that, but you've persuaded everyone who read that comment why Buttigieg is a choice candidate. Well done.