Is it okay to break up with a girl if she gets her nipple pierced? Or is that a shitty reason
Is it okay to break up with a girl if she gets her nipple pierced? Or is that a shitty reason
Shitty reason
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pic related for attention
You should take some phone videos and pics of her fucking you and naked.
Then dump her. Then share pics and videos here.
You could also try relationship therapy but pics/videos of her naked first.
Get her a set of nipple-hole expansion rings, and have her use them until you can fit decorate plates in the holes in her nipples. Then break up with her by breaking the plates and watching her nipple holes sag.
Nipples pierced is a red flag, run like hell and don't look back.
Yes that is a stupid reason to break up with someone.
OP here, I always thought it was a red flag too
Who's it for? If it's not for you, then she's saddling up for another horse in the barn.
Shitty reason.
Would you like to watch a stranger fuck your girlfriend?
Real answer:
Depends how long you've been together. If you've been together for years and she just does this without telling you or asking you, then I'd take that as a clear sign she doesn't respect you anymore.
If this is a girl you just started dating, it might be a shitty reason - BUT, you can think whatever you want to about it. It could be something you keep in the back of your mind, to keep an eye out for other traits you might find undesirable as time goes on.
I took the third route: I got a girl who was mega vanilla and taught her all the nasty shit. However I'm finding its extremely frustrating in a different way; it literally takes years to develop someone like that. Yes, the end is worth it - we have a sex life with no limits now; but it took 6 years to get here. Proposing piercings, surgeries, or any kind of body modification would likely take a lot of convincing even now.
There's a sweet spot in the middle, but it depends on what you prefer. For me vanilla-->corruption was the correct route. But you might want something more in the middle. If I ever broke up with my gf, I would probably seek a girl who is already more freaky because I don't want to invest as much time.
We've been together for 4 years and she didn't do it without telling me, she just casually brought up that she might do it and I started a bit of a bicker by objecting to it
Did she give a reason for why she wants to? Is it for fun, looks, bored? Is she the type who has piercings?
She has 0 piercings and zero tattoos... The furthest she's gone with body modification is dying her hair. Bored was one of the reasons she gave, another reason she gave was that she wanted to dye her hair again but it's too much of a hassle/too expensive
Nobody gets a piercing, tattoo or breast enlargement without wanting to show it off. If the response. "I like you better without it" isn't sufficient to not do it they've got someone else in mind.
Ok so I'm this guy I've been with my girl 6 years as I mentioned. She's brought up getting a nose piercing to me (just a side stud, not that bullnose crap) but I personally dont really like it and she knows that. She has never done it because of that. At some point I might just not care tho, and some is give and take.
I'd actually LIKE to see my gf get her nips pierced, but not her nose. Weird right? But those are the boundaries you have to set for yourself. Maybe you can compromise. Pay for her to go get her hair done or colored or some shit some way she always wanted; it might scratch the boredom itch for a while. I paid for my gf to get her hair bleached (shes asian) because she always wanted to be a blonde asian, so that worked out great for like a couple years. She still loves it.
At the end of the day, is the piercing that big of a deal? I would say if she isn't "the type" that is associated with that stuff and you trust her, maybe allow it and just move on. If she starts being a weird slut or something because of it, then dump her ass - it would've happened anyway. If she just likes it for herself, then your'e the only dude who gets to enjoy it anyway.
Pierced nipples are hot. Otherwise how the fuck am I supposed to know? If you've been with someone for a while and they do something weirdly out of character then that's a red flag, but nobody here could possibly know how long you've been with her or what she's like.
A facial piercing really wouldn't bother me that much
It's not bothering me aesthetically, it just seems a bit slutty and raises a red flag. Although I don't think she'd cheat on me or anything like that, and I really love her and I'm not actually gonna break up with her over it. But it's the shit I associate with girls that have nipple piercings that's getting me down..