Hey Cred Forums, my little sister and I are gonna be alone all weekend. Any advice? YGM??
Hey Cred Forums, my little sister and I are gonna be alone all weekend. Any advice? YGM??
Order some take out. Watch some cartoons. Play some vidya. Why the hell would you even have to ask?
Also make sure she has caught up on all her homework.
Fight to the death
Thanks for the advice user. I've never taken care of a little girl before.
make sure to, while you're licking that cunny, to headpat her all the time
Um op little girls like candy get her a blow pop
ask her if she's ever seen two dogs having sex
Glow away
you can't go wrong with Boggle.
Um grow the fuck up and watchout for her. dont be a sicko. cook and clean to. you dumb bitch.
Thanks for the advice. Already planned on doing so. She enjoys it!! Usually goes from laughing to silence but she does.
Coom in her food. Take pictures and videos of her eating it
Don't be weird user.
Post pics
Fuck no. I'm not letting some neckbeard fuck nut to my sister. Shes my pride and joy fucker.
What happened to this place
Yet, you posted here.
exactly. coom in her vagoo, that's what it's for.
only weird people coom anywhere else.
Better than most threads currently up.
This man gets it.
Play some Pokemon with her!
You've also not said the age.
Are we talking about a baby, a toddler or something like an 8 year old?
She prefers Halo. I should try though! Any good MP Pokemon games?
Pre teen. Like 13ish.
This place is the same as usual, the only thing that changed is that more normie faggots entered here recently.
Ok cia nigger
b is literally "wanna trade nudes, rate my dick, HurrE durrR loli thread, edgy wrecked threads and sometimes something different.
Ignore her and focus on what is important, watch anime.
The best fucking answer so far. What watch though?
We recently already watched kimetsu-no-yaiba
>b NOW is literally "wanna trade nudes, rate my dick, HurrE durrR loli thread, edgy wrecked threads and sometimes something different.
It used to be a lot better.
Enlighten us on the good times user.
How big are you? It will probably be pretty painful for her.
Best so far this season is
Hatena Illusion
Kyokou Suiri
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
Murenase! Seton Gakuen
Ishuzoku Reviewers
Honestly I used sexual stuff as bait to get a thread going. I love and care for my little sis. Not saying you're a sick fuck though that's what many would call you. But I just wanna talk with fellow anons. Why does everything have to be stupid memes and porn. I wanna share stories and have fun.
I know I'm asking a lot from b on Cred Forums but come on guys. Stop being fags. This place is turning into reddit.
I'll actually take those suggestions seriously. Thanks user.
>no more "but"!
>you have lost Pdir,go out of Lehm!
and they were all tossing stones at him
Mikhaila Peterson use to be a cute loli
What is the purpose of the diagram?
just business as usual
Buy some sleeping pills or benadryl and put it in her food then rape her.
you are autistic.
absolutely nothing. this is really fucking normal shit to see on here, dude.
this is a nonresponse/nonargument. text =/= image. autist