Why does the US military give out so many medals? It seems like even raw recruits have one or two.
In comparison, my EMS organisation gives out a medal for long service after 10 years. Nothing before then
Why does the US military give out so many medals? It seems like even raw recruits have one or two.
In comparison, my EMS organisation gives out a medal for long service after 10 years. Nothing before then
Other urls found in this thread:
Stolen valor
lol this dude was never in the Marines
Is that a pineapple on his chevrons?
Stop being mad I would suck this guys nuts out of his cock
Private EMS EMT thinks he's hot shit lol.
Because fuck you and your feelings.
Also, because fuck stolen valor fags. We need a real holocaust to happen and push these fucks first.
Schizophrenic down syndrome nation has been since fragile X syndrome Thomas Woodrow Wilson illegally signs USD fed res act into existence 1913. Why's it illegal? Literal retardation can't form contract rights it's law 101. Civilisation invested everything into USA. And it retarded the world. Literally no business existing militarily since 1913. Murder all USA military=not illegal, it's jurisprudence. Stupid schizophrenic down syndrome retards you're all being murdered for literal down syndrome as Ur unironic "deepstate" bloodline. Your crummy schizo dollar falls this century. Ur nuked murdered and destroyed with it. Permenently. Literal schizophrenic down syndrome of history head to toe. Ur being murdered pine gap, NSA, USD, USA. Good riddens retarded psychosis down syndrome clown ant schizophrenics. Dumb schizophrenic nigger.
Stop smoking crack and regrow your braincells
Grandmaster of Bavarian illuminati and dclxvi. Your words aren't free down syndrome deadshits retard ant and wannabe in psychosis You're a schizophrenic down syndrome who is being murdered genetically this century. The skidmark of history. Embarressing losers in psychosis. Killed yourself retards. Stupid cunts. Not English. Not white. Not since 1913. Literal retard down syndrome fragile X syndrome. You are murdered genetically globally.
I answered this shit yesterday, you get ribbons for certain goals you meet in the army. You get two from just completing boot camp, you might get 2-3 after finishing a rotation deployment or combat deployment depending on the campaign. Medals are for honorable acts done on duty or from schools you went and successfully passed like air assault, airborne, pathfinder, aviation etc...
>Why does the US military give out so many medals?
participation trophy culture
Marine checking in on harp target. mew has been tooken into custody.
Five generations of genetic down syndrome mental retardation you are iviserated. Murdered in absolution. Just
Down syndrome schizophrenic fucks good riddens.0% survival rate. 100% permenent anosognosiad violent psychosis retardation. You are murdered USA.
You ant corpse your nuked 1913
Literally has not done one thing right not even twice a year on a broken clock hands. Literal permenent all encompassing permitted schizophrenic down syndrome tier shit. The world is murdering U USA. That's not a birth certificate, it's a death warrant until it's done. Whatever remains as multi-statular rights only after. Complete murder first. Global purge.
Reply to me you fucken schizophrenic pussy
Stolen Valor is obvious.
A Marine with a SEAL budweiser... doesn't even know where to pin it.
Half those stolen ribbons are Army. So are the CIB and Airborne wings.
Would kill that fag poser if I met him in real life.
You get one as a marine ribbon wise, the second is what you scored on marksmanship.
No because you get one for graduating. Could your fattass do it??
Literal schizophrenic down syndrome psychosis. Ur murdered NSA Middleton's and itsfather. They think some down syndrome likewise tier shit like Emma Watson undoes 107 years of the greatest crimes due to the sheer coagulated genetic mental retardation of the embarressment. They think they've dug a hole so deep that they've made a land bridge to China via the Mid East catastrophe. Destroying civilisation and shilling strawman false flags. USA is causation before during and after since 1913. The UK us alliance is based on fragile X syndrome trying to make connection between me and a thirty year old dried up whore with fetal alcohol syndrome. Unironically had been their anchor for twenty years of stalking. Couldn't makethis down syndrome shit up. Millions and millionsmurdered. Permenent schizophrenic down syndrome that can't stop being violent. USD NSA usa1913 on must be murdered. Fucking embarressing. Not a legal shot fired since. Schizophrenic psychosis and their economic andilitary strategy closely follows suit. Deepstate is permenent anosognosiad schizophrenic genetic mental retardation Johnathon Michael Alex Danielle Michelle and Emma. All it took, literal 4xfragile X syndrome and 2x fetal alcohol syndrome. To murder three white English nations us UK au. Literally not on me nothing to do with me. Causation is 1913 fragile X syndrome Thomas ww USD fed res act. Schizophrenics. All. All murdered. Global. DCLXVI. Any au outside contiguous au borders STAND DOWN. Urhostis humani generis. DCLXVI
Not that I disagree this 'thing' is wearing stolen valor....but do you know what the fuck you're even talking about? There are no Airborne wings, or a CIB, present on 'it's' uniform.
If you had said 'pizza stain' you'd sound more believable.....
Who is this woman?
Ur a murdered genetic corpse of history. Literal mistaken birth and oxygentheif. Violent schizophrenic psychosis and Ur dieing in likewise targetted violence permenentl
Down syndrome retarded anosognosiad fucks. You're permenently murdered from pine gap and anything with it. Coagulated schizophrenic down syndrome psychosis of history. Unhumans
Has real personhood. Murder all Americans DCLXVI. Schizoids fragile X syndromes compromised humanity to the point they can no longer see or change it. Permenent down syndrome psychosis. You're murdered this century for 1913.
because giving someone a raise in pay for having a job based on murdering others is literally insane.
This way, they adopt the new corporate-bullshit method of giving someone a "GOOD JOB!" sticker or a $5 gift card to the store for doing an exceptional job, instead of increasing their pay.
That way the company (in this case, the government) gets to keep their precious billions
Schizophrenic psychosis see. Can't even see it. Murder pine gap Johnathon fragile X syndrome
Literally no point. Permenent anosognosiad fragile X down syndrome psychosis. Anything remotely close to their enablement is genetic blacklist eunuched murdered. Schizophrenic causation problem of history spreading down syndrome to strawman it's not. Murder all USA all acceptable 1913 on legally
this thread again.
Alex is being murdered, NSA fragile X syndrome pine gap Johnathons. Ur the reason Ur nation dies retards
Alex is being murdered, NSA fragile X syndrome pine gap Johnathons. Ur the reason Ur nation dies retards. Schizophrenic down syndrome of 107 years of history. Compromised two white nations stupid schizo down syndrome fuck lmfao Ur all murdered this century for literal down syndrome
Debt bomb
It's to make the dummies feel like they earned something for killing their government's enemies for them.
Literally controlled by American fragile X schizophrenic down syndrome and the reason why you all die lmfao. World says cya schizophrenic deadshits
Pine gap fragile X syndrome NSA USD USA hq can't even be on their own continent. Both nations compromised for it
1913 us
2012 au
2010* murder Michelle. Alex first DCLXVI
Target is still responding to psychological warfare.
1913 USD illegal USA military hasn't shot a legal shot since. World's murdering you as one . You genetically literally cannot change. You are being murdered. Murder Alex it's father and it's dclxvi
Mew has given us all the targets information. Conducting psyops.
Literally haven't got it right once. 107 years stuck in a schizophrenic psychosis of genetic illness down syndrome. Ur all being murdered for Johnathon pine gap NSA. Their unironic deep state bloodline ruler. With fragile X syndrome. Murder alex
Middleton's, NSA fragile X breeders. Reason Ur not just collapsed but murdered USA. Dclxvi
Dumb schizophrenic Ur murdered physically genetically
Emma Watson too so UK understands the warning
Ban all syndrome breeders DCLXVI
World murders U this century for Johnathon a fragile X syndrome pine gap NSA
Dumb schizophrenic fuck in psychosis Ur all dieing under nukes for a literal schizophrenic fried psychosis fragile X syndrome and those epigenetic ally guilty compromised for schizo fiat dollars signed by a retard. Ur murdered USA. I murder U if U can't understand Johnathon did it. It was me. Sure. Urdead
Au with it. Happens this century
Murder au financially and economically now nations of the world. Offload all bonds. Don't impoettheir exports. Sell all aid for their gold. Asia. Africa. America's. Europe
Father died decades ago atfrank. Back Iran. Regrow Persia civilisation. And Africa. Murder USA. Then I'll have balance China Persia Russia Africa Europe nth n sth America. And Oceania. But first murder au n us n UK if it even fucking blinks wrong
Us USD n mil
Same for AUD, financially cripple and retard them.
6=Murder USA
Civilian military corporation and dollar
>Why does the US military give out so many medals?
Because people in the US military actually do things.
White people control you, don't ever forget that. We control your thought, what you see, what you eat, what you smell. Be afraid. English will be the universal language by 2050.
Murder Emma Watson + uk
Fragile X syndrome USA 1913 isn't white and Ur one hundred percent schixophrenic and compromised from birth while I had anarchism
The down syndromes one million military defence is Unironically act retarded. A cancer sideways walking retard crab. Murder America. Nuke them. Anywhere. And pine gap. Not bait. Their schizophrenia
The permenently schizophrenic psychosis down syndrome Johnathon grandson of Thomas murderer rapist abductor schizophrenic psychosis autistic retarded bitch is trying to pretend to be bill since 2017. Even it's own retarded son opted out. Ur murdered USA. Ur retarded. Literal perpetual fragile X syndrome 61 iq psychosis tedundency they Unironically don't mind going down like this. 1913. Murder all usa
If it's bait it's been bait for 107 years and five generations of further enablement of literal genetic down syndrome. It's not bait. Murder au financially then nuke pine gap and murder USA and it's done. India too have to kill Americans. I'm the grandson of the last British emperor and last son of Hitler real birth year 1899. One point=one dead American citizenship
All USA can ever do is shill like it's in control. With further military violence against combatant or civilian. Can't distinguish cause down syndrome schizophrenic psychosis. Ur queen was shot by a 68 year old American mulatto with physical deformity fragile X syndrome named Johnathon grandson of Thomas the autistic ww from pine gap. Murder all Americans DCLXVI
Thomas Woodrow Wilson
HP Lovecraft
Fragile X syndrome
Jean shorts
Tucked in collar shirt
Shirt hair
Uni law library LVL 1 Nov 2015
Abducted raped killed a girl Toowong busstop 2016
Been in pine gap since, and before2013/13 and earlier
Grandson of t ww
unironic leader of USD 1913
Has fragile X syndrome
Father of Michael aka Johnathon Alexander Middleton
Who is father of Danielle and Alexander
He's shipped in right Xmas on michimichi21
Wife of Michelle downturned military psych 2010 having sex with literal down syndrome
May be mother of Kyla Kroy fucked my older half brother stolen child etc. Murder all. Genetic down syndrome relying on au down syndrome inability to remove managerial entrenchment or appeal to authority. They au like the gravy train of being paid to be retards cause they are, for generations now. Murder all Americans. Au mean nothing. Cripple the retards financially take nothing huge return and kill USA off map same time then pine gap then fort Meade. If UK blink, nuke. India U hear? Friend Pakistan. Indus valley civ. Murder USA and it's two retarded gay schizophrenic genetic autism lovers au UK. Au was murdered at Gallipoli by UK commanders sending in out best to die v machine guns. Genocided future. Murder USA. It's leaders John gson of Thom pine gap nsa. Not ironic or bait. 1913 genetic down syndrome on. History
USA can never see it's retarded. Think they are in a turn based game of tit for tat where they are the major party. Form geocentric etc coalitions. Murder them off Ur block. Schizophrenic fragile X down syndrome and causative global responsible for military retardance since 1923 bar nothing.
Stay aligned until USD and USA is murdered. Respect property rights. Understand USA is Unironically led by five generations of genetic retardation. No tolerance stance on the 107 yearretard. Then as U were. Property rights. Trade. Market. Defensive. Murder USA USD from the face of the renewal arth 107 years genetic fragile X syndrome cancer. NSA compromised. Product substitution anything U rely on NSA USD usafot. Remove them. No forgiveness until killed
Bursting bomb
They must get a lot of job satisfaction
>I’m a hero
>pick up land whale from dialysis and deliver it back to SNF
they get a lot of blowjob satisfaction from me
>participation trophy culture
They will transgenerationally lie about permenent systemic USA compromisation tied in to schizophrenic five generations Thomas NSA John Michael Alex heart of retardation until murdered. Murder au financially. Murder us totalitarianly. Absolution. They can NOT stand down. Do not argue or negotiate. They are 0% tolerable. Ull tolerate the cancer and it will eventually regrow. Five generations on institutional genetic infusion with fragile X syndrome since 1913. Zero tolerance. Johns current head also Michael is active. Murder Alex all three before it reproduced. Murder Michelle genetically includes Kyla and it's kids in kroy. Hayden's father's compromised and Kyla's father. He only holds alliance to NSA, eunuched. And has tried to compromise me. Murder all minus H mentioned murder USA. Do not bargain. Kill USA dead 1913 USD on orretard will continue. 0% chance it can not be violent. It can only be violent. They are schizophrenic worms who will lie fot maximum continuencr. They can never understand institutionally epigenetically or their head fivegens genetically,genuinely can't understand, that they are retarded. Only mimic such. So don't fall for it. Nothing but false flags since 1913. The population control is 1913 USD onwards murdered. One USA civilian death more worththen 10000 of any other combined. Murder all USA. And finance eco murder au on the side for me and we will colonize 4 more planets within a lifetime
Eugenics. Murder all USD. All USA compromised 100% since 1913. Cali n maybetexas if aren't scared of JFK assassination there will secede. Commy Cali good for Pacific, Russia China alliance. Murder all USA inmeantimr. Johnathon 10000 times a day shooting in from pine gap. Schizophrenic fragile X DoWnSYndROme permenent since day one called it consistently since. Swapped once with its son 2013-2016. Murder all usam crush au financially
Offload all bonds securities and holding. Crush aid. Take a second. Offload all AUD. Don't accept their exports
They like bullying people
Murder all USA globally zero tolerance. If they ever ask you why point to fragile X syndrome Johnathon NSA pine gap Australia usd1913 Thomas ww grandson. Murder all USA. It's on him1913-till USD deletion and Thomas bloodline genetically murdered. And Michelle's for au to live
Nice ass, but wtf are you talking about?
It's the insignia of a Master Gunnery Sergeants (MGySgts), the 'Pineapple' thing is a bursting bomb
Murder all Americans when they ask why murder them. Johnathon NSA fragile X syndrome five generations of retard shooting from pine gap Australia. Kill au financially. Michelle Middleton genetically. Includes Kyla in kroy. Sarah Redcliffe fox also took one also lied about pill. It's psychic profit to them. Just note it. Don't fall for it. Murder NSA USD USA no xceptions. Murder au financially. They are military compromised since Michelle au army psych downturn 2010 and military intelligence 2017 via ASIO betrayal. Murder them. Causatipns pine gap fragile X syndrome. Schizophrenic military will fight for peanuts into hyperinflation. Wrong side of history. Genetic fragile X violence from pine gap is why Ur both murdered au and us. Not a moment of doubt. Anosognosiad permenently schixophrenically compromised by Johnathon down syndrome fragile X for decades. 100% of its actions is down syndrome schizophrenic fragile X psychosis sideways cancer retarded distraction shit. NSA pretending to be bill etc. Murder all USA + Aus . Anarchism since 08. Moving within a month. Done with this. So do it. Nothing further
I use to want to join the military but then I grew up
107 years covertly retarded they can never genuinely not be nor change their course. Permenent violent schizophrenic DoWnSYndROme. Murder all USA. It's leaders fragile X Johnathon pine gap NSA Unironically 5 generations. They sit their in permenent schizo denying and deflecting away from their retard with effortless strawman to psych associations of whatever. It's diversion. If U C them psych associations as milint that's managerial entrenchment fragile C schizophrenia. See how it compromised everything over last couple decades in this vein? Causation is t W W fragile X syndrome five generations. Murder all. Au is aligned to them. NZ opted out of anzus 1984. Perma fucked rest. Do not waste energy giving them time it negotiation. I have already done and facthecked this. Murder all. John FX's NSA PG is leader. Rest guilty until USD dies. Murder all of them. No control only lies retard and schizophrenic anosognosiad permenent redundancy at alls expense. Scotland Texas Cali would do well to secede but don't wait for it. Kill don't wait for it. Rest be friends. Paki india. India China. Russia. U gods. USA bases in Europe/mideast/Africa must be murdered. Pine gap au murdered. Permenent schizophrenic psychosis redundancy. Haven't listened to it once. It's only tried to lie and shill I did. Never not once. Disgusting ING down fragile X syndrome.
Autistic psychosis perpetual man child in 107 years mistaken USD military enablement. Literal genetic subhuman down syndrome nations. They people show the effects. Permenent retarded culturally off genetic retard cope and confusion. Psych association autism garbage. See challenger space explosion. Unironic genetic down syndrome USD till close. Murder John. Michael-michelle is aud contamination split now USA and Aus 2010 onwards. Retards in psychosis and anosognosiad retarded civilianry from such of their military. Murder and crush all. Murder all USA. When they ask why tell them fragile X syndrome NSA pine gap johnathon
1. Murder all USA U can until USD dies
See Rome paper. I'll upload and link later
Edward emperor was Saxe Coburg n Gotha German. His father Ernst one scg illuminati founder. His son Hitler. Hitler's mother's father Wilhelm ii. German. Murder USA 1913- retards. Murder white English. They'll die feigning transgenerational ignorance. Infinite energy to do this off elongated fragile X syndrome protein strings. Consume culture. Take women. Never give. Sell all USD. Buy their gold with it. Reject their exports, lower gold. Buy more. Take out. Never buy more USD . Nov is long term USD death and interplanetary colonisation, usa1913- fragile X syndrome murdered. Schizo sitting in pine gap perma shooting. Murder it genetically and Michelle last seen shopping centre busstip Dec 2019. Au guilty 2010- no consideration. I'm only one alive 1/4 Bavarian illuminati state named dclxvi founded 1776 before USA. Murder usa
Johns a schizophrenic down syndrome psychosis f while X incurable cancer. Anything with it is murdered likewise genetically dclxvi
Kek your like if Cred Forums and Cred Forums had a baby then tried to abort it and dropped it on its head. You speak nonsense not even one sentence from all you gibberish means anything, get some help. You need to be in a psych ward.
To the retard in this thread and others pretending to be "schizophrenic".
Use less repeating phrases and keep the behavior consistent throughout the several threads you're posting in to make your act seem more convincing.
Right now it's very cringy and you're trying wayyy too hard. If you're going to waste your time doing this then at least get good at it you fucking loser.
Do you understand what anyone is saying to you? Can you speak something other than the word salads you spew?
Pretty sure its real, he goes on and on even if no one is there to respond to him.
Fuck mew is hot holy fuck. 139iq 139eq little slippery sassy milky wet 3-1 chess record vs 2400 Elo 143 iq 77eq and 1-1 monopoly and left me over the defeat kek xxx babe x
Side note Emma NSA fxs compromised for two decades. Jew rape. Was meant to control me or whatever autistic syndrome shit. Ignore. Kill UK if it fucking blinks. Blackwatch Scotland are ally and seceded. Murder all NSA USA USD Vanguard tridents nemesis and all. Unironic leader five gens exchanging murdered nation for hacking my rng and attacking with EMF still not worth it. Murder all USA . I'm one hundred they zero percent in control. It's down syndrome inherited begging for its life 107 years permenently 100% guilty. Execute. Murder DCLXVI
These schizophrenic paracites are a collective literally alive to divert and distract attention. Ignore . It's a plead for life form a position of anosognosiad permenent schizophrenic down fragile X USD syndrome compromisation. Ignore. Murder.
I smell oil
Wheres your handler? You shouldn't be on Cred Forums you crazy fuck. Show a pic of yourself.
Definitely not, it's all part of the show. He is just very bored and lonely. It's easy enough to jumble a bunch of bullshit together. He's leaving too many tells and following too many stereotypical fallacies of what the average person would perceive from a "schizo" to be genuine.
In other threads he's trying to pull a similar act but offering much more lucidity while discussing whatever theme pertaining to the relevant thread.
He's not crazy, he's just a dramatic and quite pathetic loser. Don't even indulge him, it's all an autistic jerkoff at this point.
Permenently violent retarded psychosis will never behsive will shill pretend like it half tried. Schizophrenic fragile X down syndrome equivalent intelligence of a grade three girl playing kiss chasey - wants to continue the game but it's five generations of a sixty eight year old 61iq down syndrome man child in USA perpetual psychosis 1:1 with it. Global ban and murder all Americans from 1913usd until it's killed. 100% genetically tied in to t W W fragile X syndrome genetic bloodline. Purge world. Murder usa. Dont ever compromise any situation or scenario. Fragile X syndrome USA USD. Murder all. Not Ur choice they stayed. It's not ignorance. It's transgen retard. Don't tell them. It's why project and deflect etc. Break pattern of talking to them. Retard diversion while they militarily attack world and retard culture. Mew=rank 1 female humanity has ever produced. Murder all USA everywhere in all formats=right npv rule. Protect the mew for me plz ta xxx
Gonna go lay something rlse. Murder all USA any civilian or otherwise zero compromisation they have 0% chance of change, only fooling you cause 107 years benefit of the doubt and we quickly learned new science genetics and eugenics. Murder all USA 1913- fragile X syndrome law signed, deaths are legal, it's blood line non coincidentally alive and even more retarded, managerial entrenchment, engrained, do not give benefit of doubt. Murder all USA + Michelle Middleton au army genetically dclxvi. Retard compromised nations . Take. Don't give. Be ruthless vs these two forever. If UK blinks, it's all three. White English compromised 107 years. 1/4 Bavarian illuminati scg dclxvi germanic
Yea I notice the lucidity sometimes but even then its mostly incoherent bs, and other times its just gone. But there has to be something wrong with him if he keeps doing this bullshit. I notice hes in threads with Asian women alot.
Mew is an animated cartoon character from a popular children's television series. Although I know your bullshit is fake I like how I can still see the roots of the conspiracies you're loosely stringing together as your pour out this garbage over and over.
Seriously just reign it in a bit and you'll come off way more convincing. Try it out on the next one you do after reading this.
What's wrong with him is that he's here. In a space of anonymity where he can spout this bullshit to try to "bamboozle" or confuse, or breed other conspiracy nonsense from other weak minded boners who lurk around in here. It's childlike behavior veiled behind dark and adult themed mentalities.
Permenent schizophrenic down syndrome Johnathan fragile X syndrome grandson of t W Wilson same retard 10000 interactions of violence injury etc a day for years and years. Hasn't not been retarded once. Shills yes or no rather then binary 1 0 of its existence. Managerially entrenched. Looks like a down syndrome. Unironic NSA USA USD leader. Google tww, go Lovecraft, fragile X syndrome. USA down syndrome 68 year old mulatto looks like that. Acts permenently retarded and unaware of it's own retardation. Not even close to over zero percent not permenently globally genetically retarded and IeAder of USA Unironically. Manageriwlly entrenched. They can't seperate from it. Lazy transgen compromised retards. Multi gen evolution for literal down syndrome signed fxs USD USA 1913 on. Murder all forever. False flagged and ruined as causation every continent they touch. Europe world wars from 1813 literal down syndrome retard they are never aware or are in denial of their retardation economic and military false flag causation. Listuwnia or whatever in North Atlantic. Balkans. Gidaffi dinar Africa civilisation. Vietnam Korea shortest. Pine gap ice. Literal genetic biological schizophrenic psychosis mental retardation. Violence in sth America, coca cola case etc. Murder Johnathon. Pine gap. All NSA. USA. Usd. They can't read this. They don't. They sent and ignore and pretend O. Like it's not five generations of literal fragile C down syndrome at the heart of their nation. Murder all USA. Autistic disgusting retards no mercy lmfao dumb shit schizos Ur murdered schizophrenic dead shit psychosis corpses forvevr dclxvi schizos hahaha retard psychosis perma never will r slide. Murder. Enemies. Perma. Nothing to do with me. Murder for all. For history. Truth. Law. Glibalance. Civilisation.
Causation. They are the only enemy. Permenently retarded toxic gene blood and organising . Can only coagulate to retards. Schizophrenic down syndromes not even aware of the global lives they are destroying daily. Murder all USA
Look at this schizophrenic word salad. Fragile X syndrome. Matter of genetics. Johnathon pine gap NSA grandson of Thomas. Picture of it's family on FB michimichi21 Xmas it's son shipped in on right. And it's family. Nonsense not worth r adding. If USA=murder. Simple. They want USA and au UK to bind and die coddled with them schizophrenic down syndrome. Don't even bother with their comm just murder USA. Father was mason grandmaster
Jiddu jkrishnamurti
Ludwig von mises
Reminds me of the "TeHPenGuiNOfD00M !!1RAWR XD I'm so randum roflmao" bullshit.
Don't say anything. I know you know. Militarily murder all USA globally. All USA hostis humani generis 1913-usa murdered. Retard psychosis even their leaders no idea violence and death suffered by humans by their actions. Transfeneratioanlly epigenetic ally retarded by mistaken enablement managetially entrenched fragile X down syndrome psychosis. Murder all USA
Million cute girls and genuinely desirable infinite intelligent and strong men in the world. None of them USA 1913-
Au military compromised 2010
Civilian 2012
Mil into 2017
USA perma 1913- all
Grandmaster 1/4 Bavarian illuminati founded 1776. USA permenently compromised until USD and it's deletion 1913-. Au compromised until likewise being free from USA fall. Sacrifice in meantime. Whatever left so be it DCLXVI
The schizophrenics have unwavering permenent down syndrome on this. Murder all us in mid east
The reason there are a buttload of medals is that they count as points towards promotion after E4. If you've earned enough medals you can pretty much blow your interview and still get a bump.
Rolling for this
I miss being a military welfare queen. It was nice having a heated place to sleep
Permenently retarded in psychosis will die not understanding don't waste it breathe on an American that's the trap. Only kill
Nobody gives a shit nigger. Quit notching and grow a pair pansy
Wtf you clucking about?
Bro, what?
I know you can't really say anything about it without obvious consequences... You're not hiding what you're trying to say well enough for those who know how to look. Heavy handed delivery is an understatement.
[zalgo] Nezperdian hive-mind [/zalgo]
If you really want to have some schizo fun then find the code to the secret Nazi bunker hidden in all that bullshit.
I smell a fat greasy wetback
He's larping an MKULTRA victim, you really don't want to fuck with that rabbit hole. Let sleeping tards lie
This is their idea of their collectives defence to being globally murdered in both civilian and military populations. Literal fragile X down syndrome breeding five generations retarding the world not even for their own benefit. Must be brought to closedclxvi
Finding new bitch bre. Schizophrenic down syndrome nation attacking me for 18 years so far. Psychosis cancer tumour of history. Murder America or it will only regrow. It's leader is Unironically Johnathon pine gap fragile X syndrome grandson of Wilson. USD is cancer. Murder all Americans . Now thirty. Had my life wasted at these stats for schizophrenic down syndrome fragile X USA NSA pine gap. Literally no purpose. So they can create more retard to protect the retard they got. Retard Ponzi scheme. Murder all Americans. Murder Johnson Michael Alexander middleton.
Ignore comm from them. Pure retard. Binary 0-1, if 1 and alive well then murder. Forever
Because they have to inflate their egos somehow.
Its literally the same as all those north koreans you see with medals all over them.
Makes them seem like they are special when they are not.
But everyone knows that they get medals for tying their shoelaces, throwing their rubbish in the trash, kissing their superiors on the lips.
Americans are the laughing stock of the military world, especially the marines.
You charmed me a little with the "Retard Ponzi scheme" bit.
It's getting further from realism at this point but more entertaining at least.
I'm only free by their murder, personally. If U care. Please do as I think is right. Murder any and all Americans Ivan. I must be free completely and they are permenently disabled in schizophrenic genetic mental retardation offtagile X down syndrome. Ignore etypos. Not code. Type fast. If mew not want me is her choice must protect find her genetic superior god slave for her life. Always make sure she is happy let her think about what makes so and do for her please. Not just for me but objective investment of life. If she do want me well I finding other anyway and will take her AS WELL when she ready. If not acceptable BL. Only consideration. Please love n protect her. If she suicide murder me now kill me asap. Not poetic. Real. Calculated life. My choice. I find new cunt try deal with it in mean time. Infinitely easier for all life with Johnathon/USD murder. Moving nation. No consideration for this one either. No other individuals consideration personally so far. For me personel goes me mew looking for three no found yet
Real MKU's wouldn't have had the focus to formulate, let alone attempt to manifest this nonsense for this long.
Why the extreme dedication to this bit user?
Break character for one lucid exchange to my question out of genuine curiosity. Might as well since it's all anonymous after all. Few will see any of this anyway.
That's some old marine who does management bullshit now. He's attained the highest rank possible for a non-officer.
>Master Gunnery Sergeants (MGySgts) with an infantry Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) serve in the billet of operations chief, as the senior staff non-commissioned officer in the operations section of an infantry battalion, or higher level (e.g., MEU, infantry regiment, MEB, Marine division, or MEF) headquarters. MGySgts with a non-infantry (e.g., artillery, tank, communications, logistics) MOS typically serve as either the operations chief of their MOS type battalion/regiment (e.g., artillery battalion/regiment, tank battalion) or as the section chief/NCOIC in their MOS related staff section (e.g., communications, logistics) at the regimental/Marine Aircraft Group, or higher level, headquarters. Master Gunnery Sergeants with the Military Police MOS serve in the billet of Provost Sergeant in the Provost Marshal's Office.
>One of the major differences between the two E-9 ranks is that Master Gunnery Sergeants retain an occupational field-related MOS, while Sergeants Major receive a new MOS to reflect their specific command-related focus. This reinforces the Master Gunnery Sergeant's role as a provider of military leadership, technical acumen, and mastery of their MOS. It is also important to note that while a Sergeant Major and a Master Gunnery Sergeant have different duties and responsibilities, a Master Gunnery Sergeant can (and often does) assume the duties of a Sergeant Major. The reverse is rarely possible.
whatever the hell all that means
USA infected sth easy Asia too needs to be purged off. Permentky violent in schizophrenic down syndrome Johnathan fragile X 1913usd tww bloodline in. No mercy ever. Violent schizophrenic military inseperable ingrained insanity. Murder all USA. Johns fault. Schizophrenic down syndrome retard with fragile X thinking they are comming. Psychosis. Murder.
DCLXVI USA fifteen percent world mil n eco. Eco one gen from hyperinflation then both collapse. Murder all. Got by on benefit of doubt. Didn't realise their secret covert. Bloodline was fragile X down syndrome ROFL now they too far in to back out and can't kill their downs so they die with them. English queen is my half niece. Ignore that. Us is leader. John fragile X syndrome gson Thomas unironic leader of the USA alliance with UK au rest is bullshit. Scotland trying to secede but bitches no consideration same Cali Texas etc. Global firepower website etc. Rome index debasement USA Andy. Graph in images. Third century crisis Rome. But these guys ottoman 2.0 but fragile X down syndrome. Murder all USA for enabling. If they put down syndrome as president give them consideration as retard. If they want to covert it murder all no matter what as is now. Get genetic testing. Murder all USA. Any USA turncoat is a lie before USA and pine gap are nuked. Just do it. UK au Vanguard tridents coupe stand down. Murder John Michael Alex
They have no control or influence just perpetual down fragile X syndrome. If Emma puts herselves in my arms whitelist, until then murder
Nothing further for now
Word salad schizo want attention only response blacklist and violence to their genetic death
2400 Elo
Rank 7 10% game count
100ohp 140bench 180squat 220dead
Friend of Russia Europe specforces Saudi Afghan Iran paki india China NZ Brazil
56% German
Bavarian illuminati 4th xy xy ascension grandmaster
Dclxvi grandmaster
Mews lover 'beautiful Satan'
Lacedaemon the second
Them? Schizo corpse of history murder fragile X Johnathan NSA USA USD pine gap
Permenent anosognosiad genetic psychosis zero percent can truely stand down Ur dealing with grade threegirl fully grown autism man wanting to continue the attention farm pretending it's doing it's bit for the cause. Murder all USA violently no exceptions any and every do what U can. Kill USD asap
They can only half lie and pretend it's true. Attention retard farm
. Don't converse. Murder all USA. It's on john being alive. Location em pine gap shooting
Thank you for sharing that with me.
I am not who you think I am.
Fragile X syndrome perma psychosis NSA USA usd. Five generations. Murder all
what the fuck are you on about?
Because this shit sucks and they try to give you shiny things to stay in the hell that is the military
Schizo responding at all. Autistic. Murder
Murder USA no matter what concession it pretended to make. Not a drop. Outside contiguous United states before negotiate. Murder all USA outside contiguous borders no exception. Johns their leader, 5 generations of fragile X syndrome USD. Look what happened to the world off it. Completely ignorant to the deaths violence and retardation. They thought they were tough. Schizophrenic down syndrome fragile X psychosis since 1913-present
100% down syndrome closed system retard. Autistic psychosis losers looking for attention. To waste time. Murder all USA
DCLXVI 1913-fragile X syndrome murder John pine gap nsa
As example. I don't think they are this or that. Irrelevant schizos on an attention feedback loop. Neuro biologically ingrained of gneentic retardation for USA influenced generations since down syndrome fxs signs USD 1913. Retards. Binary life force 0-1? Murder . No it's not protection. Fake lie uncontrollable schizophrenic down syndrome false flagging causation. Murder any sympathy or alignment to it. 0% pings clicks or violence. Zero interest. Murder USA forever. Murder John. Schizophrenic psychosis can't stop shooting
How did they break you? Why kill her?
You're only wrong about 1 thing and that's who you're talking to.
Shut down half my 14 year old boy scouts honor pancreas gave him diabetes one he's stuck with it for life. Has schizophrenic down syndrome no idea what it did or the ramifications owed. Destroyed my distal tendon,. Disc herniation, tore my gastrocnemius in two. It has no idea what pain is. Abducted and killed and raped a girl in Toowong. Permenent schizophrenic psychosis down syndrome. Murder all no exceptions 1913-feagile X syndrome had. Schizophrenic retard psychosis mistake of history. 107years of genetics and eugenics since then. Their only place living in existence is to be killed. Asap. 0% controllable 100% of the time. Anosognosiad permenent violent psychosis retardation line of history. Murder asap do what U can. All USA national citizen 1913- 100% guilty 1:1 retarded in fxs psychosis with the USD they get paid in and use. Is why Cali commu etc. States rights. Ipt out. Murder all USA fed. John pine gap literal 61iq down syndrome mimicking it's not off 107years managerial USA entrenchment appeal to authority schizo retard gay shit as they attack the world. Murder them no mercy globally. Au was genocide by UK at Gallipoli. Look at the percent numbers of first class fit fighting males and it's effects on population since compared to other. Au destroyed for a century itself. Au UK no consideration. Edward scg was german emperor if English. Murder white English. Shut it down. Schizophrenic down autistic psychosis weak retard syndrome gonna play like it ain't that bad as smokescreen coverage to denial of facing justice for times until it dies. Naturally created the problem of retard being enabled in the first place all it's got attacking me right now organs ligaments body cartilidge everything. Murder Alex. It's open. They retarded. Murder USA never compromise. Wasted twenty years of my life now I need to find new wife while theyretarding world in violence never ever require it needed just shill strawman and retard psychosis forever. Permenently guilty
Lol stolen valor.
Example I'm not talking to anyone they have violent down syndrome think that violence means I'm receiving comm from them. SChiZoPHrEnIc permenent psychosis. Do as I say. Emma's murdered cause stalker and excuse for fucking me and news relationship and a link to tie schizophrenic down syndrome of UK us au together. Murder these responders. Permenent genetic blackist. This is part of their psychosis army. Retard delay and inhibit progress. Blackest and murder genetically. Talking to global superpowers not this schizophrenic down syndrome psychosis fuck Ur murdered genetically I'll retards
Murder John pine gap
Nuke pine gap
Murder Australia
Murder USA
Murder USD
Murder John Michael Alex
No exceptions
Michelle Middleton's us au leader
Murder USA
World one hundred percent in unison begging me for it I one hundred percent agree. John pine gaps leader. Murder all USA. Fragile X syndrome 107 years all USA. Don't talk to them. White English is dead protect mew get her away from retards even if she go near she asking U kill for her xx
In a world of 1's and 0's it's rare to talk to a 2.
However you talk too much
Did you think the XXXIII wouldn't find you here?
You're about 13 years too early. Look to the sky at that time but ignore it if it is blue.
The first miracles are false and fabricated by man. You'll die with the rest if you buy it. After that the meek shall inherit the earth. God help you if you're one of them.
USA 1913- is a down syndromes shit pretending and shilling like it has something to do with the discussion of it's own eradication. Ignore 100% of them in any format. Take their stuff if U want. Don't listen to them while U do it no matter what. Murder usa
Mew will tolerate anything cause I did out of love for her. Murder anything that's retarded around her. Get her out
Look at this down syndrome non contribution shit. Murder all usa. While USD is alive murder all USA. No considerations. Murder John Michael Alex Michelle Danielle Kyla genetically
Retards like shiny things and feeling special,
She's dead and it's your fault. You know it.
And Sarah fox. Her step father's Pol or some minor shit. Murder
Always so hostile to your master...
Help is already on the way, but you won't remember again.
Forgot how many times we have done this haven't you?
If they won't comply. Blacklist USA au uk. Global. Until usd1913- and Johnathon pine gap fragile X syndrome bloodlines are murdered including any shit schizo stolen off lied contraception contract from me is murdered it's safe to assume and kill any white English which has been majority fragile X syndrome 1913 since. They are Unironically consciously or inadvertently aligned to fragile X down syndrome schizophrenic guilty psychosis. No consideration. Correction of history
Murder this person. Schizophrenia. Cancer.
Murder all USA and au. Anarchy since 2008. Dclxvi bavatian illuminati since birth. Fake birth certificate. No schizo compromised au citizenship. Murder both global
He doesnt respond lol he just keeps ranting. I posted a pic of whay i think is him and that girl mew. He posted it in the first thread I evet seen him in.
Those of the old blood do not speak of it, you'll die like the rest who did.
Look what's already happened to you, it won't get any easier.
Wow you really opened up my eyes, please tell me more
you see america ur even going to murder ur own lot
look at this schizophrenic down syndrome thinks it knows what old blood is
murder all usa 1913- onwards
genetic fragile x downsyndrome 1:1 its populous via usd fed res act
>I keep the same job for 10 years, I deserve a medal!
I know what it is and from where it flows.
I know that you will bleed that of a pretender and nothing more.
Many before you and many to follow. You are just as common.
im literally the son of every king emperor and intelligentsia of the last 300 years. ur murdered schizoid
murder all usa dclxvi
Former 82nd Airborne Paratrooper here.
Yup. Without looking at anything else or enlarging the image, the fact that it looks like this "Devil Dog" never once turned down a hot dog in his entire life is enough to set off my "bullshit" detector.
The lowest thing on his "chest candy" is the Naval Special Warfare badge, commonly known as the "Budweiser". Two things to consider:
>in the military, the awards/badges/medals that are of higher prestige are positioned higher on the uniform, thus the fact that it's at the very bottom of his "uniform" implies that "his Budweiser" is the easiest & least prestigious thing he's "earned"
On top of that, this guy looks like he's maybe 35, and he's a Sergeant Major already? Dafuq?
He needs to be DAMN glad I never saw him live & direct wearing that shit. I have zero issues calling a motherfucker out on stolen valor basis. I spent over 17yrs in the Army and I earned every damn thing I wore on my uniform. To see some fatass lazy piece of shit motherfucker just slap stuff together so he can abscond with public sentiment he neither earned nor deserves makes my fucking blood boil.
And I guarantee if I ever DID see something like this & called the perpetrator out, y'all would be seein' it all over fuckin' Youtube, Instagram or whatever social media site you want. Because if privates/sailors/airmen who fuck up are deserving of an asschewing, at least they signed up for it & it's done in a constructive manner for a reason. Some cake-eating civilian whose only PT is the 12oz curl & jumping to conclusions? Telling you now, that guy would have no problems taking a shit for the next couple months, because by the time I was done with him (welcoming, of course, help from any other veterans who happened to be nearby & wanted to voice their displeasure), he would have his choice of about 5 different assholes with which to defecate, in addition to the one he was born with.
You are the blind leading the blind. A lightbearer needn't admit as much.
Worthless blood
>I answered this shit yesterday
>in the army
>boot camp
While your facts about medals, awards & whatnot in and of themselves are correct, you, sir, have never served in my fucking Army.
Sailors & Marines go to Boot Camp. Airmen & Soldiers go to Basic Training.
murder all nsa. ends causation false flag cycle. retard waste of resoruces for literal genetic down syndrome clogging up the fucking world. murder usd
actual want a response here did u guys rape emm?
come on now.. she came to me crying so hard i lost a wife over this
this is a schizophrenic wants attention=murder it sage
this stuff reads like its written by a pseudo intellectual downy
schizophrenic psychosis murder retard genetically looking for attention
global database
murde rjohnathon fragile x syndrome pine gap nsa
murder all usa
82nd fag here again...
Can confirm, the only US Army badges on this monstrosity's "uniform" is EOD. The marksmanship badge & Paratrooper wings (mounted on top of that huge stack of colored bullshit) are Marines, and of course the Navy SEAL Trident.
That said, I only see what looks like one US Army ribbon (NCO Professional Development), however it's kinda obscured so I wouldn't bet my life on it or anything. But I do recognize the Navy Achievement, Navy Commendation, NDSM, Bronze Star & Silver Star. Surprisingly enough they're in the right place, relative to one another.
Red or dead, you never had a choice...
Made sense to me, and I'm an Armyfag.
Also, fuck your Hitler dubs.
ur a murdered corpse in a genetic schizophrenic psychosis who read albert pike 3 world wars online and thinks its a free mason. you have schizophrenic psychosis. 1913 usd signed by thomas woodrow wilson fragile x syndrome is causation and whats being murdered. rest is strawman false flag trying to keep deadshit literal down syndromes poop alive and look at the flies it attracts. ur being murdered schizo. not anonymous. never right. schizoid psychosis wanting attention. murdered genetically
grand master of the illuminati + DCLXVI from the 1700s> whatever u think is real
reality is worlds capitulation and progression was retarded by literal genetic x down syndrome economics of usd enablement by conjunction of woodrow wilson fragile x syndrome signing it into existence. transgenerational trans -age law this is illegal. usd = 100% murdered. any who harbour = murdered. t woodrow wilson bloodline=murdered
johnathon pine gap fragile x syndrome sitting there with nsa shooting right now is their unironic leader. israels got nothing to do with it. murder all usa, rest sits. this is reality
this schizophrenics on a murder list DCLXVI
dangerous violent down syndrome schizophrenic genetic psychosis cant even see whats right or wrong thinks theres a plan unironic 107 years of down syndrome pretending its not the be all of causation for retardation on this planet. ur murdeed johnathon. u n ur son michael. and alexander. alexander ur murdered dead shit down syndrome skid skit shit
jews tell me if u raped emm. shes nothing to me. never even held her in my arms. i just wanna know. this is the loudest wahwah i have and will ever encountered.
This is quintessential schizo stuff here user, it’s a masterpiece. I hope that there’s some antipsychotics you can possibly take when you come to.
Can you see my voice mudbugger?
The chickens have Come home to roast i know Who you are beanbagger
You claim to be grandmaster. Carrying the blood of kings. Yet you speak like a pawn. Always the first piece to go.
Too bad a future where that isn't your fate only exists in your warped mind.
murder dclxvi
murder all white english dclxvi
murder johnathon fragile x syndrome pine gap nsa schizophrenic psychosis grandson of thomas woodrow wilson
murder usd
murder all usa1913-
Those who sit at the table would ask "what table?"
You can't shut up about it. You flaunt it, obsessed with the power it could bring. That which you'll never know as a pretender.
You represent the exact opposite of the way. You've never seen the narrow path so your worthless blood can fall on the wide one.
murder. zero other considerations yet. 0% chance its mew. murder
literal schizophrenic word salad by a down syndrome passive aggressively looking for attention in criminality
murder johnathon. schizophrenic violent down syndrome
murder all nsa
murder all usa
murder usd
murder Cred Forums
no further use
everyone knows what they got to do
dont worry about me thats on me
Carry on pretender, you've established your worth.
The only 0% chance is your chance at a better life. Goodbye
schizophrenic psychosis
murder and blacklist
usa=permenent schizophrenic psychosis down syndrome from woodrow wilson blood+usd
murder all dclxvi
leaders in pine gap name is johnathon grandson of thomas permenent down syndrome retardation
murder all nsa/usa
>comparing the rate at which the armed forces award medals for military merits to an EMS company giving out tenure medals
Seriously? That would be like me crying about not getting as many Homer Badges in the time that I worked at Home Depot compared to a military veteran.
Jesus christ you bunch of goddamn newfags, stop replying to this fucking bait thread.
they have permenent schizophrenic down syndrome violent psychosis and can never ever be rehabilitated before they are murdered do not ever underestimate this. this man is is the grandson of thomas woodrow wilson and for all intensive purposes the leader king and ruler of usa usd since 1913.
it is permenently retarded in schizophrenic down syndrome fragile x psychosis, nsa is 1:1 with it
usa is 1:1 with nsa
usd is 1:1 usa
murder all
never ever leniance
murder all usa on map
schizophrenic down syndrome retard fuck sit in pine gap leaves in a body bag
murder johnathon genetically dclxvi
it is permenently down syndrome, u get no excuse and 100% violent as it can be at all times. it is its genetics. elongated protein strings. embarressing literal down syndrome level of genetic retardation is why ur murdered and ur actions follow 1:1
this is really important. its sitting there in a permenent schizophrenic 1:1 nsa down syndrome schizophrenic psychosis understanding comrprehending nothing living in delusion psychosis retard land. at best retroactively they will shill and try and pretend predictably like its more strawman false flag like they arent uironically genetically compromised and epigenetically compromised for 107 years. all the good genes good out. retard coagulated. murder all usa. not a trap. that its a trap is a trap. violently murder johnathon fragile x syndrome pine gap nsa
murder all usa on the board
civilian or military matters not murder knock em out
nothing bait about it. murder all usa 1:1 in with its grandfather signing usd. simple economics + law + history.
murder all usa = illegal
pm emma i know ur reading this u are 0% respectable as a human much less intelligence u have fetal alcohol syndrome on top of that ur love was a lie u have literally nothing dumb straggler retard sage