Any idea what kind of rash this is...

Any idea what kind of rash this is? Am in the Marines and Think it might be from a wooden obstacle course I did a bunch the other day. But it’s a bunch of tiny hives, came out of nowhere

Attached: 16075699-6DBF-4E36-9310-1F406AB7DE25.jpg (3088x2320, 1.08M)

That's fucking herpes bro

AIDS for sure. Shouldn’t have let all your buddies bareback your asshole in the barracks, faggot. Just kys now.

Is it only on one side of your body? Is it wrapping around like a band?

OP here, after reading your post I have self diagnosed as gay. And I have days to live

Right side, and on the back

Bedbugs, shingles, ligma
Take your pick

It could be shingles

nerve gas?


Shingles is a form of herpes. That's what you got man. It's not good to have it at a young age. It's quite dangerous.

Show ur ass

This body belongs to a marine?


It's not a big deal. It just burns like fuck. They have meds and creams you can get from the doctor. No need to sweat. If you've had chicken pox you can get shingles. Been stressed out or sick lately, OP?

I’m 6’ 175 baby, can still run better than the majority of fucks in rn

Was sick, and been working a fuckkk ton

That could be why it surfaced. It usually stays dormant in the nerves, which is why it hurts so much.... it's directly affecting the nerves. Just see a doctor and they can give you some meds. Usually lasts about a week or two. Just be prepared for some serious burning at the affected areas.

Shingles is a resurgence of the chicken pox virus, get on some Valtrex and take NSAIDs (tylenol, aspirin, ibuprofen).

It sucks and hurts but isnt really dangerous.

Hey gay larper fag, you have free healthcare

What this nigga said. Valacyclovir, prednisone, and tough it out for a couple of weeks. I got it on my face and around my eye; quite gay.

so you have the body of an exceptionally tall woman congratulations.

I feel so secure knowing you can run away from whatever's threatening us.

looks like bed bug bites to me