The DNC is now trying to shift blame for the open and obvious fraud it conducted onto Cred Forums. How does that make you feel?
The DNC is now trying to shift blame for the open and obvious fraud it conducted onto Cred Forums...
Everyone register as democommie and vote Sanders. He'll croak before November and we get to keep Trump.
this is how dumb americans are,they dont even know how their own goverment works.go figure you went from a nigger to a dumb jew and cant understand why your country is a shit hole
Where are you from?
Trump is what??
She a Jew?
So your anti gay then?
The more communists they bring the Cred Forums the more we can tell them the truth about the holocaust.
We memed a president into office, this is nothing
If Bernie is the nominee, I support Trump.
Lets Vote for Trump together.
Threadly Reminder: this ghoul wants Prolapse Pete to win.
Pretty retarded post, how did the US go from a "nigger" to a Jew? Is Trump the Jew...?
The US sure as fuck didn't go from Obama to Bernie you fucking retard, in case you forgot the last four fucking years
what next, they blame the coronavirus on Cred Forums?
please delete this right now
>OMG did you heard what the DNC did?
No you gossipy faglord. Get laid and find a hobby outside of existing solely on cspan and /pol...fucking Christ I swear to God you faggot political niggers think anybody in the reality gives a single fuck about your outrage over the gayest fucking shit
Kill yourself to death.
Valuable insight. But have you considered that you're a niggerfaggot?
Is this real
Multiple news outlets are broadcasting the DNC's claim that Cred Forums did it when it was very clearly and openly the DNC and PP Butt's campaign doing it the entire time.
>He doesn't know Trump belongs to Israel.
Kek. Republitards are really the lowest tier of intelligence in America. The USA is so fucked lolololol
like privacy is a crime
this is the home of anonymous, who abandon the burdens of identity and grace in the freedom of privacy.
these enemies of privacy rights always blame every hack on the anonymous
Well, Mayo Penis is CIA after all.
send nudes
Fuck, I hate Cred Forums but I have to give them a round of applause for just living rent free in the Dem's heads. If it's true, which Hanlon's Razor tells me it isn't, then that would be even more impressive.
kek, based
They're merely trying to shift blame to cover up their own dishonest behavior.
Thank you for spelling out the obvious I already realized - but you asked me how it makes me feel. So I discussed my emotive reaction, which is adulation and impression.
Why? Mild annoyance and/or disgust at their patheticness is the only correct response.
who did it retards who did it
Why? because the idea that a political elite can be subverted by a bunch of trolling shitposters is an incredible feat for the latter that is far beneath the expectation of the former.
Why the fuck would any reaction apart from the one I had be "correct" if you can be so prescriptive as to label emotional reactions into "correct" and "incorrect" which seems to violate the fundamental irrationality of emotions
You're an idiot and a shill. Blaming Cred Forums for your own dishonesty is pathetic as shit.
it vas ze Russians ivan le ze russsiansss sssssssssssss yessssssss ssssssssss opius sssssssssssssssss ssssssssss the eysssssssssss cernssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Hey man, if you're going to insult me - at least don't lie and pretend I'm on the Dems side. At least do me the courtesy of reading my posts. It makes you look like the idiot, not me.
The voters aren't the problem and never have been.