Why the FUCK do people live in fucking cold areas? And only fucking retarded people live in fucking small towns in the cold.
If it wasnt for people being garbage i wouldnt have to deal with this fucking shit. I wouldnt have to fucking deal with poverty isolation sadness cold and shit every day. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!!!!!! Florida literally exists. Florida literally exists. A state thats just an island with palm trees, sunshine, waves, buildings, people, happiness, heat, warmth
What do retards do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Move to the fucking middle of nowhere in the freezing fucking cold.
Every single fucking time i look outside i just see fucking snow, ice all over my fucking windows, i cant eve go outside long enough to take a breath of fresh air. I cant even open my fucking window because i just have a fucking freezing cold wind blow through my window and blow shit all over my room. Every time i look outside i just see fucking shit blowing in the wind, fucking dead trees, fucking mountains of snow, no people around, to go outside i have to wear fucking hoodies, jeans, jacket, mittens, coat, hat hood. NOT IN FLORIDA OR CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!! If i lived there all i would to do is fucking throw on a hoodie and step outside. FUCK
Fucking snowbanks up to my head painful wind have to shovel 3 feet of frozen solid shit. In the fucking summer all I do is turn on the ac or walk outside and sit in the shade
the best places in FL will be underwater in our lifetimes mate. also i can tell you've never been to florida. it's like phoenix heat with 100% humidity and mosquitos and every chicks pussy stinks as a result.
Wyatt White
Fuck, Fuck, what the fuck are you doing up in fucking cold fuckplace????
Leave fuck head or fuck???? Why you fucking stuck in fuckhole???
Ian Flores
dude, chill the fuck out lmao
Jace Sullivan
They're acclimated
Kayden Ward
Fucking this!!!! Go to fucking California and fucking stay witin 4 miles of the beach cos it fucking cosy as fuck there, not too fucking hot or fucking cold and no much fucking rain either, jesus fuck, get your fucking ass over there fuckhead!
Ryan Morales
Because they were born there and are too poor to leave.
Jeremiah Barnes
Gotta live smart to survive in the cold places, gotta be hardy too.
Go look at africa, nice and warm, full of diseases, and fucking idiots, mud huts, literally tribal people.
Ayden Roberts
bro just dress properly and have heating in your home. You can live in the cold and be cozy af
the isolation is nice too
Brayden Sullivan
God I wish my furnace worked.
James Smith
Are you that nigger who complains about living in the small town?
Joseph Fisher
I'd take any cold place over Florida any day. Also, the worlds most advanced countries have very cold climates. Stop being such a pussy.
Grayson Hill
>every chicks pussy stinks as a result. >stinky pussy wow, sounds like my kinda town
Angel Turner
Because there are no niggers.
Ethan Bailey
Imagine being such a manchild that you cant deal with harsh conditions
Jeremiah Parker
Minnesota here, that's actually not true. The government shipped a bunch of Somalis up here because what better place to go to from Africa?
Florida is the opposite side of the coin, its hot as fuck, sweltering heat with very high humidity, do you know what that feels like? high humidity high heat is actually very deadly! Stripping down naked won't save you, you'll cook inside and out. You're being such a little bitch complaining about the cold when it's solvable. The climate crisis will bring us many areas too hot to survive and like said, it will be underwater in the coming years. Mosquitos and suffocating heat await you, fuck head.
I live in an area that becomes cold once a year because I'm not a pussy bitch.
Also, if you're posting here you're old enough to leave yourself. So leave your area or get banned you dumb fuck.
Jordan Ross
This may be the whiniest post I've ever read. On fuckin' B! That's a rare kind of shit.
Brandon Edwards
Put a coat on.
Matthew Martin
I've often wondered why people chose to populate places that are really cold like Siberia unless there's some partiuclar resource to exploit like oil or whatever.
Joshua James
>why do people live cold no shitskins no nogs only prob is the eternal anglos
I live in San Antonio and honestly its alright. I just hate how fucking random the weather is, one week it was really fucking humid and hot and it just went back down to being cold. I honestly wish I was bird so when it gets cold in the north and I can go down side and switch when it gets hot :/
Joseph Bailey
Then go live in a desert faggot.
Kevin Perez
You don’t fucking understand dude heat doesn’t bother me the same
I can sit in a car on a 90 degree day
Mason Stewart
Noah Robinson
I live in the cold so I don't get bothered by niggers. They hate the cold.
John Johnson
I bet crime has skyrocketed due to them swamp ninjas