I really want a gf, or a fuck buddy. In reality all I may really need is a hug...

I really want a gf, or a fuck buddy. In reality all I may really need is a hug. How do you anons fight off the ever lingering loneliness?

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masturbate clears my head resets my horny meter

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lies. ud rather sit here and whore e-attention over it because ignorance is a cancer in ur mind ud rather feed then go out and get with someone real and risk being hurt for the payoff of eternal love.

hopefully u get murdered off for the betterment of humanity. better npv then risking the attention whoring of giving u time to improve. u cant. its a trap. retard trap. murder retards


these schizophrenic down syndromes think they are following me around without cost or even benefit

ur murdered usa



no exceptions

good work nsa middletons

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I have for many years broseph.
Slapping around the ol'noodle doesn't sedate me as it used to. The longing still haunts me.

a warm cup of coffee or tea is the closest ive had to that for years... i distract myself with podcasts, weighted blankets and alcohol.

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Im just making small talk enraged user. I think if anyone needs a hug its probably you.

Basically this. But it still doesn't solve the loneliness issue that much. I think that there's no actual way to make this feeling go away completely, based on how many people complain about the same. Doing as many activities as you can might help, so you won't have that much energy to spend wanting it

antidepressants numb me a lot too...

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this is what i mean. ud rather be passive aggressive retarded nonsense about it in low tier genetic schizophrenic clap trap language then actually do it and if ur calibre did do it id strike you dead in the street and rats would eat ur corpse piss cunt

their brains so retarded in this permenent redundant psychosis psychological association loop they cant ever be free and even thats more shill lie for attention whoring loop like its someone elses problem to deal with they are permenently schizophrenically retarded in psychosis/in denial of such in an infinite circular logic loop

literal down syndromes

murder all usa

I've been curious about the use of weighted blankets. Im assuming they make you feel like you're being held or something.
I was afraid someone would mention being productive
Sounds interesting, but I've never had any medication of any sort my entire life and have some biased opinions on antidepressants

if mew get the fuck off them retard get the fuck out schizo they are poison go home retard be fit and healthy like u were end of 2016

ull die retarded in infinite empathy being drowned by these schizophrenic down syndromes themselves infinitely retarded while u try to work it out

world wont care about either

dumb fuck get the fuck out

get her out forcefully

i condone this force
get her out

I think you genuinely hate yourself more than anyone could possible hate you. I'm sure you were probably abused as a child so its only natural for you to exhibit these kind of outbursts

nah man. i work out, eat well, have an aright job. im just lonely. the meds keep me from acting rash and hurting myself or others, but instead if feeling extremes i just feel very little.

I drink alot

not exactly, but you feel cocooned, safe maybe? if you have a heavy comforter its similar

Lucky trips of cocooned safety!!

Of water?

The hardest part about being productive is starting, it only tends to become easier. But don't do it just because people say you have to do it to "be a real, hard working man", that's bullshit. I think that the easiest way is with art, but education, philosophy, working might also do it for you. Think, if you had a gf, what would you be doing in you free time, besides being with her?

No I mix beer and wine

I wouldn't want to do anything sadly. Maybe farm, amateur mma, working any kind of job seems basic but valid.
I've never tried them together. I've have beer with hard alcohol, and wine with hard alcohol (this Combo made me vomit)

Ok, boomer

the meds are poison if ur mew im no longer in love with you and please die ur embarressing alive