It's weekend, why are you still sitting in front of your computer and not building a nice comfy shelter in the woods?
It's weekend, why are you still sitting in front of your computer and not building a nice comfy shelter in the woods?
That looks more like gay porn than bushcraft. This fine gentleman, pic related, would outsurvive 20 of your hipster scots and 6 bear gryll's consecutively and then would eventually walk out of the wilderness clean, shaven, well fed and in perfect health with resources to spare.
Ok faggit
that's because i don't have a kilt
humans are made for living in the nature and not in suits while being a slave to the government.
Go and live in nature then no one is stopping you. You'll probably die within a week
I have to go to work in 30 minutes.
Don't have time for your hippie shit
Because I already have a home.
I live in a nice comfy shelter in the woods.
That man right there can live like a king in nature while fully dressed in a suit, and not even get it dirty. Your wageslave comment also reveals that you are 12 years old. You need to be 18 to post here.
Why would you build it downhill like that? Water would just run down that hill right into that "shelter"..
Because i live in a society
I've got a small cabin with a woodburner about a half mile from here deep innawoods. So dense that you can barely see it from 100 feet away. It's got some oil lamps, a pantry of canned goods and non-perishables, a rain barrel system for water and small solar power system, and of course an outhouse. It's about 7 degrees here and fresh snow on the ground from last night. When there's fresh snow I usually see deer, fox and coyote tracks surrounding the place. I could take my quad over there right now, with a book and my doggo and stay comfy all day.
provided he exfoliated and moisturised first
Fuckin stupid hipster asshole
Depending on climate. On a hill like that can be a prime location actually, if you can find a flat spot. The bottom of a hill obviously doesn't work because the water ends up puddling there. But the top of a hill can be exposed to harsher wind, weather, sideways rain, snow drifts etc. So if you can find a spot leeward side it can be a good choice for temporary shelter.
probably uphill from a water supply on the side of a rise or hill for visibility. You want to be able to survey the area and be close to water so this spot is a cracker. Still a fag pose tho...
>/out/ larping
no thanks
Not even allowed here.
why a gay Scottish fag shaved his chest?
if you live innawoods, you need natural hair to keep yourself warm.