Ya vote?
Also Irish Women thread
Ya vote?
Also Irish Women thread
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Kik cuckking18
Not yet. Still undecided for my 1 and 2.
Vote sinn fein!
Sinn fein in the membrane!
She's a hooker in Canada now if I'm right. From Dublin. She has an unbelievable body.
All fucking young people with no memory or understanding of history raving about and voting Sinn Féin. Fuck me I'll leave the country if they get in. They have supported the murder of Irish soldiers and Gardaí. They shield rapists from justice and villainise the victims.
>Past 2 Decades of D4 rich boys causing recession and fucking up housing crisis with FG/FF
There is no alternative user, fuck your civil war politics
Hopefully you'll be gone like most of the people fg and ff forced to find lives in other countries..
Yeah, though I believe she is back in Dublin awhile. Still hooking.
Moar of her?
Does anyone know this beauty from Dublin?
"Civil war politics"
The murders I'm referring too have all happened between 1986 and now.
I'm no fan of FF/FG either, but that doesn't mean you vote in supporters of terrorism who are actually against the Irish State as we know it.
Holy fucking shit
Anyone got yasmin_gregg or anberrjessica onlyfans
Can I ask; strategically, putting aside for a moment your principled rejection of their history, do you think things would be improved for the country with a left coalition prominently featuring sinn fein? Policy-wise, I mean.
Name and more?
Underrated thread
She's a fucking pain in the hole. Knew her very briefly when I was younger. She smoked one joint and suddenly her entire online persona was dedicated to drug life. Even ran a tumblr account dedicated to it if I remember right.
Whole town of Clane found out she was selling her hole so she left for Canada. Her mother is a weapon.
It's sort of fucked up but I coughed up the 250 yoyos for an hour with her last time she was here and hoped she wouldn't remember me as it'd been 10 years or something. Sort of a "fuck you cunt" ride because she annoyed me so much years ago.
She didn't remember me, so it wasn't awkward.
Sucks dick like a dyson and let me soak her in cum.
how do I find her?
Todays her last day in Ireland looks like
Didn't realise I still followed her on twitter but I checked there.
She stopped at the polling station to vote and is on her way to the airport
website is caraclarke.xyz
Honestly no I don't. I don't think left coalition with the parties we currently have would be able to get a whole lot done amidst a lot of in-fighting and petty minor differences. I genuinely believe SFs economic policies would financially destroy this country in 10 years or less. Maybe with Labour as a majority party it could help, but any type of leftist rainbow coalition featuring SF I really can't see being good for the country.
Nice to see Cork representing. Anything else?
Okay, I can respect your take. I'm also a pessimist with regard to what can be managed by the current left parties. I'm still voting for SF though. We'll see what happens.
Cara Clarke isn’t her real name though. I’ll remember it in a mo.
Fair enough man yeah. I've got to respect democracy! We'll see. Now...let's get back to posting sexy Irish sluts.
Anyone got longford sexy ladies
Megas or discord’s?
Voting labour
Where's she from?? Hot as fuck.
more plz
Serious PAWG
anyone happen to have any irish sluts living in BC? long shot i know but theres loads out here..must be some nudes
My God what a body
Some body on her
yea, and shes just fucking beautiful too
Anyone have the uncensored version of this?
Does she have nudes?
Not that I know if. I think the most she would post would be teasing pics
Any more of this one?
Her real name is Alice Corvin or Corbin I can't remember the surname properly
sorry replied to myself and not you
Pity, she'd clean up on onlyfans
She would for sure, but she's probably too good for that kind of thing.
You've got my attention
Any candids of the ladies from the Try channel?
Green party has this one. Everyone's fed up with the big party liars
Up the shinners!