Why Are Whites Racist? (Black American)
Why Are Whites Racist? (Black American)
Everyone is racist, its part of our species to preserve our genes.
Prove it
Does it matter? We need to unite against Jews and spics, African Africans, Indians, etc.
Indians as in Pajeets. John Redcorn needs to join us whites and African Americans for survival.
I'll explain it in a way you'll better understand: ooga booga nizzle foshizzle KFC watermelon didndonuffin.
Lol why niggers tho
Tired of your bullshit.
Because they're 13 percent of the population and speak English and have been here for 100s of years. We need to band together for a while.
the only proper use for the failure flag.
Niggers are statistically more racist than whites.
But they're lazy fucks who literally had to be whipped to do an honest days work
Yes and they have political power. Hang together or hang separately. They need to wake up.
Because of niggers but mostly jews.
Because your "leaders" tell you that we are.
I'm just glad I live in a civilized country
They're not. You are by making that statement.
This . I feel like those who cap us racist don't realize that racists come in all ethnicities and make up a very small percentage of the population. Yes white racists exist, but I also don't like them (white male here). Black and Asian racists exist as well, but again, the numbers are (I hope) small
Whites are just as racist as everyone else but it’s the only race people care about actually being racist
The racism here on b/ is because these dumbfucks are so insecure about their selves that projecting hate and diminishing other people make themselves feel better from their completely shit life. Another reason is pure ignorance, most racists are brainwashed bullshit about the race they hate. And they are stupid to accept these things as truth
a function in your brain gives you the ability recognize patterns to avoid predators develops racism
Depends on what you mean by "racist". I treat every person with the same consideration. But, statistically, other races have a lower IQ. The easiest test is to just look at the countries that they come from. I'm sure that any non-white American (or Brit, Canadian, etc) will instantly become a "racist", and feel pretty lucky, if they go visit a country where everyone physically looks like them. But yeah, I don't discriminate against anyone based on race alone. I hold everyone to the same standards. And also, it is fair to pre-judge a person, based on clothing, tattoos, attitude, location, etc.
Also, I will openly say - yeah, I think blacks and Asians are uglier. Although, this only comes into play when someone chooses a mate or partner. Otherwise, I don't think people should discriminate. But yes, physical attraction, and who to have babies with, is one area where people must discriminate. I'm really sorry about that, but, if you find yourself unhappy because of it, you really only have your parents to blame. They're the ones who made you. It's not anyone else's problem. Either you make do with what you've got, or don't.
I say this as a white male, but also, as a 35 year old virgin, because I'm kinda crippled/ugly, and I could never accept myself physically. So really, count your blessings. Life can be really terrible, even if you're white.
some people are racist. anyone of any race can be racist. but it's usually white people who use race, gender, religion or anything else they can find to use as a scapegoat for their own shortcomings.
the reality is not a race problem. we have an increasing income gap and class warfare happening. we have corporate robots that are both republican and democrat and they just take turns fleecing the people. new laws only give crumbs to the general public's best interest while they let megacorporations get away with murder.
i would ignore the racism on Cred Forums. it's been here since the beginning. usually as bad jokes and otherwise by angsty teenagers
oh i dunno, maybe because for 1 decent negroe there are 99 others who are insufferable?
Why are blacks inferior?
You are unemployed.
I agree and have a job, so what say you faggot? I have more in common with a poor person of any race than i do some hyper rich faggot of any race. Even with a trade certification, a stem degree and connections, it was hard enough getting into my field of work. Even with that im barely getting by. Fuck Commiefornia and fuck the corporation that took over my country and turned it into a circus
because you guys are just fucking annoying.
This is funny. OP makes claims against people of a specific race - making himself a verified racist in the process.
it is a behavior usually learned from their parents, close friends, or other people they look up to that display racist mindsets/actions. In other cases, it has to do with a particularly bad experience that a white person has had with a black person at some point, which made them hate black people.
but of course, there is also a mentality that some parents instill into their children that makes the child think they are better and above everyone else, so generally they treat everyone like garbage. this is quite prevalent in Asian people, i.e., the Japanese think they are far superior than Chinese people.
Racist/racism thoughts/ideas aren't specific to any set race; all races have elements of racism in them, it's just some choose to ignore those racist undertones and treat people equitably.
but of course this is just Cred Forums spam that's been posted on a daily basis for a while now, so while my above explanation is a very basic, limited reason of why, it will be ignored by the OP poster, because he is just an obnoxious faggot that likely got tired of posting the 'why can't atheists define atheism?' thread spam.
White are Racists Because NIGGERS Be Nigger ~ Pure & SImple
This thread. Every fucking day, multiple times every day, and yet, every day there's always a new crop of newfriends.
Troll thread.