This is your president.
This is your president
This is clearly a reptilian with a human face attached to his face.
Yes, and the best president that the USA ever had. MAGA FOR 8 MORE YEARS BABY!
Billionaire, then TV Star, with wife, kids, everything.
THEN decides to take on fucking EVERYBODY to become the President of the United States. Against all odds.
Then wins.
With media / Dems/ deep state /FBI/other republicans trying absolutely everything to stop him.
Now this week. After Dems made an absolutely retarded mess of their Iowa caucus, he nailed the SOTU, beat the impeachment sham, a judge threw out the emolument case, just amazing.
I’m not even a Trump guy but holy shit we have never seen anything like this.
Nice pic tho.
He still is an absolute piece of shit tho.
Yes, user. I'm not American but our Jew media is working overtime, overdrive to push "orange man fires witnesses" "orange man lies" and of course "orange man bad".
Trump has started the media purge, let's hope he finishes it. They have to go!
>He still is an absolute piece of shit tho.
3 years down, 5 more of your pathetic seething about orange man bad.
If you'd kill yourself, bad old trump can't hurt you any more.
Go upstairs and kill your mother first for shitting you out, you fucking waste of fucking cum.
Typical Trump supporter. Lots of words but no real meaning.
Billionaire by inheritance who bankrupted his own businesses to run away with the money, host of a dumb TV show with two divorces and a record of sexual misconduct, everything.
THEN decides to take on fucking EVERYBODY to become the President of the United States. Against all odds.
Then Dems nominate Hillary Clinton who's even less electable than him and he wins.
With media / Dems/ deep state /FBI/other republicans either trying absolutely everything to help him or being too willingly ignorant to expose him.
Now this week. After the media absolutely blew the Iowa caucus mess out of proportion, he babbled at SOTU, got bailed out by McConnell from the impeachment, a judge threw out one out of three emolument cases, just normal stuff.
I’m not even a Democrat guy but holy shit we have seen quite a lot of this recently.
Haunting pic tho.
Wow your photoshop skills have persuaded me.
Hillary would have continued that perfect Obama legacy of zero scandals! Yup, yup, yup!!!!
So your erudite conclusion is because the wind made him look stupid at that moment he MUST be a bad leader. That logic is so fucking retarded no amount of education can reverse that monumental ignorance. You are going to have to eat a bullet. Sorry.
This is clearly a retard with fingers attached to a device.
You worship a prolapsed anus with legs and want to slurp on his micro-dick. You are a russian bot, a russian shill, or a traitor to the U.S. The Blue Wave is coming and with it justice. For all of the shit that faggot q user boomers babbled about "muh indictments," wait until you see your treasonous leaders dragged away in handcuffs to meet justice.
The growth of the next decade will be identifying those who turned against the supporting trump, getting them arrested and seizing their illegally owned property.
Calling someone a waste of cum when you support this dumpster fire
This man would beat Jesus in a fist fight. Best president ever. Our President.
that cum could have gone to such better use, there are MLP figurines that are completely dry...
Isn't it beautiful?
If you trace THAT particular stolen thought you will find it originated on Cred Forums around 2015 to describe republicans who would vote with Democrats to try to appear fashionable and trendy. Like RoMoney.
It's more fun to read the news when he's president.
Thinking this is photoshopped.
Loving the president is so fucking edgy. This place is full of foreigners raping half retarded Americans’ minds into voting their country into oblivion.
The fucks in Washington thought that their tax slaves were powerless. Now they understand The American system a little better. They thought they had it sewed up. The societal sea change that would return us all to a neo-serfdom all dressed up with digital fakery and we were too retarded to notice the prison they have built around us. The honestly thought they could bully and shame us into surrendering our constitutional rights and there wasn't a fu king thing we could do...globalism, their climate change social engineering, the destruction of the American economy, attacks on Christianity, traditional marriage, gender, whiteness...all they did was enrage about 75 percent of the country.
Are you even old enough to vote?
There’s no blue wave coming in November, and you’re certainly too big of a pussy to walk door to door as a little liberal gestapo.
god, you're a dumb motherfucker
At the end of the day, if the least the Trump experiment has done is revealed some of the deep state and media ties, then it was worth it.
The anti-trump fags don’t realize they’re fighting against what’s best for everyone.
I like mine better.
Yikes. Lot of effort just to say you watch CNN.
... Wonder if you would have built as much and employed as many over the decades as he did, if you had that same inheritance.
You most likely would have OD’d on a beach somewhere a few years in.
>I like mine better.
Good for you. Keep liking it.
>Wonder if you would have built as much and employed as many over the decades as he did
If I inherited hundreds of millions? You bet I would.
I love watching America self-destruct.
Trump is a perfect representative of the American people: Fat, stupid, ignorant, abrasive, vain, self-absorbed, narcissistic - and proud of it all.
>After the media absolutely blew the Iowa caucus mess out of proportion,
Hahahaha absolutely everybody, Dems, GOP, Fox,CNN, everyone (but you) knows Iowa was an absolute disaster.
>I’m not even a Democrat guy
Kek. You are the epitome of a Democrat guy. I’m surprised you didn’t open with your preferred pronouns.
Trump’s either done in 2020 or 2024. Let him continue to expose and upend the establishment. Why are you begging to go back to normal politics when they’ve been corrupt for decades?
The non response response.
Uh oh, everything is a "disaster" these days...
Cool your jets, dude.
and this is not.
That's right, that's my fucking president. God bless this man.
Yours too
That is a lot of wrong in one place. He didn't inherit anywhere NEAR a billion dollars, and he didn't bankrupt shit that's how the game is played on that level. Why don't you say something fucking stupid about his taxes that we have all seen he paid in 38 million dollars. You know he has given away every presidential paycheck he ever received? Not Obama, Neither Clinton, only Trump.
Best president of my lifetime. God Bless Trump!
You’re god damn right he is.
The Dems keep putting up absolute retards to go against him.
-8.99 month abortions
-57 genders
-drag queen story hour
-white men bad
-health care for illegals
-identity politics x 100000
Just don’t be fucking retarded and you’ll have a chance to beat him.
Why can’t Dems simply not be retarded ?! It’s amazing.
>he didn't bankrupt shit that's how the game is played on that level
As if you know how it's played on that level...
Also, did I say a thing about taxes?
And yeah, he gives away paychecks while peddling the merchandise with presidential seals on it, how impressive.
That’s illegal.
I love this post. its TOO good. Your use of irony has triggered the libs.
Well done.
They are socially engineered useful idiots, and the Jews who sell them what to think is cool use the tools (celebrities) at their fingertips to manipulate their childish impulses pushing conformity of thought under the threat of social ostracism (you're going to die a virgin incel etc)
ok, nigga, and?
Stop using ad hominem arguments.
>when your favorite brapper has been eating Cheetos
>'owning libz bro lol'
Adults actually write this shit.
Still has more hair than you, you balding millennial faggot.
You must be a retard. Why don't you tell me you worldly fucking genius? Have you ever even bought a house? A car? A fucking bitcoin? Southeast Asian financial
does he spray that shit in his hair too??
does he get a dog cone, put it on his face, and just let the aerosol go? c'mon Donald, you're 80. age gracefully, not like some hopped-up san Francisco twink.
Whoa, did I say I know how it's played on that level?
Oh right, YOU DID.
My Jesus Lord and savior
Imagine being such an insecure faggot that you spray your face with this ridiculous looking shit.
Then imagine being one of the people who think this faggot is the epitome of an alpha male.
it's not even real hair you jizz junkie
all of his supporters think he's God's image of The Alpha Male
when you see trump supporters irl, it makes sense -- they're all wrecks. very sad. abominations.
>implying he's not mentally ill
i'm not from US
but i don't dislike him
you're a foolish, dishonorable creature
Rudy Giuliani has always been an actual crossdresser. Don't ask me how I know or where my penis has been.
2020: trump
2024: haley
2028: haley
2032: crenshaw
2036: crenshaw
WAIT wait wait wait
people actually unironically support Trump?
Like not as meme?
lmao srs...?
Fuck you libtard! He bangs pornstars and is rich, even AFTER bankrupting a few casinos despite that being almost IMPOSSIBLE as they print money! He went to the BEST schools and was so successful there they had to make someone else valedictorian because they were so SICK of Trump WINNING! He knows charities are a scam and used his to pay for personal things, stealing from kids with cancer, and the dumbasses only made him pay a few million... nowhere near what he took from them! He started talks with North Korea for television show talking points and WON because his polls went up even though the master of the art of the deal failed in any compromise! He said he was going to build a wall and didn’t, but said he did and his supporters buy it, so the truth doesn’t matter and we save money!
And this guy makes Trump his bitch.
Supporters accept his many many faults because Democrats are still the worst choice by a mile.
Look at this, it's you, asshole.
WAIT wait wait wait
people actually unironically do not support Trump?
Like not as meme?
lmao srs...?
Most 80 year olds aren’t the most famous and most powerful person on the planet.
This is your impeached president.
Nixon was never impeached.
democrats are that stupid
You’re just realizing this?
How was the coma?
At least you get to relive it all in the next election.
obvious samefag is obvious
I don't agree with him on everything but compared to any of the current alternatives, absolutely.
Same Senators and others who have fucked things up for decades now claim a man who seriously politics 4 years ago is the one solely to blame for the nation's problems? Ha!
I am a Democrat and hate Trump. But I hate the fucking bullshit of both sides in threads and memes like this more.
This twat … and the repubtards never sense their self-owning that they like this guy. Of course they do! He's just like them, a fuck up.
so has trump.
bigtime drag queen for decades in NY. the GOP has gone full-pervert embrace LGBT, drag, pedophilia, bestiality, trannies etc.
We've NEVER had the country degenerate into this kind of filth before.
Lol you faggot we've been calling republicans cucks in fyad since like 2008
Based. We legit didn't deserve him, but here we are.
obvious samefag is obvious
IMO the system is inherently corrupt the godamn bureaucrats need to stop wallowing in taxpayer money and do something about THE GODAMN POTHOLES
I do mean literal potholes not weed shops
Nixon resigned before impeachment.
And where's Andrew Johnson? Or is he omitted because:
A: Most people don't know history
B: Those pushing for Trump's impeachment did't want to accept it wasn't the first time there was an obviously political-driven attempt to remove a president
I don't give a shit that bridges are falling, just fix those gatdang potholes!!! I'm with you man
He was still impeached you dumbass
You're not even real hair, monkey cunt
>republicans had the house when bill Clinton was impeached, it was a party line impeachment vote
>democrats had the senate and voted to acquit
>durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it was the first time a politically-driven attempt to impeach and remove a president hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Someone should hit you with 2 barrels of a 10 guage.
a bunch of fagged out trump supporters? DESPICABLE.
Clinton was impeached on the crime of perjury. It was overkill considering it was about banging an intern, but there was an actual charge there. And most of the Republican managers of the House can now admit it was a mistake.
A mistake the House of today decided to repeat but with even less grounds. And it blew up in their face spectacularly.
an wretched CAT could run in 2020 and defeat that bogart trump. everyone hates cats.
>even less grounds
>1) blowjob
>2) trying to blackmail another country into investigating your political rival.
Ok Cletus.
dong was impeached on the crime of holding aid to an ally, investigating a political opponent, obstruction of justice for not handing over ANY documentation or allowing ANY witnesses to speak, for LYING, for TREASON, and everyone who spoke under oath said trump did indeed commit those crimes.
Trump couldn't provide 1 witness to go under oath for him to say otherwise.
SAD! He's going to lose in 2020; The senate go Democrat in 2020; You'll be assblasted like a gay pornstar with HIV.
You claim others are inept but don't even understand what Clinton was accused of.
You're either trolling or actually stupid. If it's the second then it's exactly why Trump will be winning a second term despite his first one only happening because the Dems ran the *worst* candidate they could...and they seem primed to do it again in 2020.
I'm not saying you're inept. I'm saying you're a drooling fucking idiot. Like all Trump voters.
>a drooling fucking idiot. Like all Trump voters.
So you are voting for him them?
Americans have been brainwashed so hard by the billionaire class that they've completely forgotten that politics is supposed to be about policies
Hi donald, why don't you ask for 60 more years?
Dont Fuck with Jesus. He died a horrible death for your dumbass sins and took it like a man. He fucked the devil and rolled right outta hell. He was a catoenter and will hammer trumps face in. Just ask Doug Co.
Sure is
The only shocking part to me is that he doesn't realize how insane he looks. He doesn't realize that he looks mentally ill.
Your eyes and ears watching CNN dont prove shit
not my president