Why are British people so ugly?

Why are British people so ugly?

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*types with one hand while stroking micropenis to queen belle delphine*

Because most are incest babies and have shit genetics. Sorry britards, it's just the truth.

The English are so fond of eccentricities, it extends to their faces.

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Is that a muttpost I can smell?

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The Vikings stole all our attractive people.

An Americans are all such a handsome bunch.

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Your photoshop skills are quite impressive

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We live in an island

Insularity = inbreeding



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In? Like morlocks underground?

the fuck you're comparing that joker bitch with mike pence?
>it's to compare british ugliness with prime american beauty, etc.
if so, then you're a giant gay faggot for seeing beauty in a man.


Germans find them attractive

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She looks like Sweeney Todd

America is the house nigger of the world. Keep seething and slaving mutts. Sage

B-... but... aren't those in the pic. the typical Trump voter?

But, yes.. inbreeding is the answer to OP question. Vikings used to visit and that offered some new blood, but that was centuries ago. So, those good looking limeys are thanks to Vikings.

Yeah, all Americans are beautiful.

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This post.
The day after THIS image is released, and immediately retracted by The_Baby

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The UK enveloped 1/3 of the world and has imported cultures from the furthest reaches of the globe. While other countries remained stagnant, the UK took wave after wave of Jutes, Saxons, Romans, Vikings, Celts etc. and then sailed out and brought back everyone from Indians to native Americans. British soldiers coupled with women from all around the Earth and returned home with them. The UK has always had a relatively relaxed immigration stance. It is actually rated as having the best genetic mixing pot on the planet because of this. You can find any culture, any race and any religion in the UK.

The "incest" and "genetics" myth originates with the Irish section of the population, and is somewhat true for those with Irish backgrounds anywhere in the world. The lands of Ireland were owned by various clans who liked to keep them in the family. This meant that brother-sister marriages (which produced offspring who were then also married) were far from uncommon. When Catholicism became big in Ireland, even the Pope intervened to try to encourage the clans to put an end to the incest. Can you imagine, being so warped that the Catholic church having to speak out on your odd sexual practises? To this day, Ireland has the highest occurance of incestuous rapes in Europe but nowadays they are mostly daddy-daughter. So, if your name is Gallagher or O'Patrick and you're from a heavily Irish British city such as Liverpool then you will likely be, to a degree, inbred.

The only other section of the UK to be this way is the Pakistani population, 80% of whom marry their own first cousins. Pakistanis in the UK in 2019 accounted for 4% of the births and 39% of cases of mutation / genetic problems in children.

When people say "British people are ugly/inbred", they mean "people of Irish / Pakistani descent" rather than English/Welsh or even Scottish people who also had clans but didn't fuck their own sisters as much.

That is the actual truth, I study this at university.

What's your opinion about pakistani? Are they the shitstain of the world or they're ok?


I don't get it? He has good vitamin d intake? The woman in op literally looks like a ghoul from a medieval painting

Ultimately I try to believe that a person shouldn't be judged based on their place of birth or heritage but on their own merits and character. I sometimes struggle with Pakistanis because I live in a shithole with 19 mosques where I can't take my girlfriend out in a skirt without being spat at. They are also seemingly incapable of keeping the streets clean, or paying full price for anything and account for the majority of drug dealers and child rapists in this area. It is an internal fight for me not to pre-judge them and it helps to remember that 90% of all people from everywhere are just shit, really.

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Generations of
No sun
Bad diet
Took its toll

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Most Americans can trace their lineage to the UK.

he spent over 9000 hours in ms paint

>Facebook meme
>trailer park trash confirmed

Get your monster energy t-shirt wearing ass of of Cred Forums you don't belong here.

All of those people are decendents of British settlers numbnuts.


>in denial

>pats archery

Sir Patrick Stewart?

Yep, Patrick Stewart, who on ancestry programme "Who Do You Think You Are?" traced his roots back to Ireland.

But the Irish are better looking than the English.

If the result of 2,000 years of clan incest is what gets you off, good for you

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kek. when cunts talk about the British being inbred uggos cause we live on an island I always think of Ireland. The Irish are so much worse. Absolute mutants. Can always tell one a mile off, before they even open their mouth to deliver a painfully awfull shrill of some such nonsense about the fucking '"Troubles". An utter shitstain of an island that should be wiped off the map. I'm British and hate the North and Republic equally.

lol someone got rejected by a cute little redhead

Because everyone needs a friend that is willing to plunge their hands into the filth so that you can keep yours clean.

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nah mate.

>cute little redheads

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Digits for the tattie nigger

if by vitamin d, you mean spray-on Tang then sure, I guess

The Vikings took all of the beautiful women.

Pakistanis tend to be very aggressive and lazy in my experience of interacting/working with them. UK would be better off without them honestly

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