Why do Republicans support a congenital liar who has never worked in his life?

Why do Republicans support a congenital liar who has never worked in his life?

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They identify with it because it is a reflection of themselves

He represents them perfectly.

Fuck off, retard. Go back to Cred Forums

Obvious troll is obvious

because it pisses you off

cuz we owned dem libs

Actually, I'm more interested in why you have a pic of a cock and cum on a dude saved to your hard drive.

You must LOVE sucking cock, bro?

Even if I have to eat my own turds every morning, as long as I see lefties cry I will do it.


But Republicans don't support Bernie Sanders.

plenty of people do.

Why are you such a snowflake about it?

They had weak or absent father figures so they need someone to tell them what to do. The cuck meme for libtards is pure projection.

Can we just acknowledge how fucking dumb the Right is?

Like holy shit how can 40% of the country be that fucking dumb?

I'd bet the venn diagram for people that haven't read a book in the past 9 months and Republicans is basically just a circle.

Trolls rarely speak this much truth, though.

I see right through your trollery, Mr. Troll, unlike all these retards posting in this thread

Hes the best the Republicans could do.

Why? Because of pic related. Now, fuck off, kike.

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How does this actually effect you?

hehe trumps sucking on Netanyahu's kike cock your so called great white hope Failed WHAHAHAHA


It’s funny how this modern Democratic Party has no answers to anything republicans do. Not all information is free you fake Marxist. Most of you waste your time doing nothing but want answers to everything lol

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the mom doesn't look very hungry

How come the white man never gets a free handout. It’s your drug bosses taking all the money, not Wall Street you cowards.

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Fuck what you're talking about, lets talk about hiw that picture is faggotry at it ls finest

I have no idea. I guess I'm just an irrational racist.

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get in the propoganda while you can. i plan to kill some whities in my old age while your numbers decline. can't fucking wait

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good luck

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Why do democrats support trannies, faggots and welfare?

Faggot detected

Because I'm a Nazi.

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and you already lost get cucked whiteys trumps our guy

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Tell that fat Niggeress to get a job

Because I'm a White supremacist.

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This post only shows 2 things:
1. OP has never worked in his life ( one of those faggots like most leftists are, just refuses work because it's too hard.
2. Having a completely stupid notion that rich people don't work their ass off. I work 6 days a week, usually 12 hours a day.

You are a parasite.

Too bad aids will kill you first nigger

Nice triple digits

Every kid goes through this shit. I had to learn about Christopher Columbus raping ass.

You go blaming one race but don't say shit about your elected officials running shit, or even running for office yourself.

You just want to shit post and troll for lulz.

You son of bitch, I'm in.

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You guys are all retards, OP is obviously trolling.
Even though it's a bad troll... you gott'em

u mad its falling apart for you?

your own people will be your demise.

>Every kid goes through this shit. I had to learn about Christopher Columbus raping ass.

Thank you for showing that multiculturalism does not work. Thank you for showing that Nationalism is the answer. Once country for each nation.

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Because it is okay to be White.

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Finally someone who understands

Always found it funny how 90% of the lefts memes are "tRump iz ghey, hur hur, he luvs cock." These are the same people that blow a gasket anytime theres absolutely anything that could be perceived as a slight against the LGBT community.

Too Slav around the eyes.

Why are the people pushing against Multi-Culturalism always mutts.

>blow a gasket
how did you find yourself here boomer?

If the cops don’t kill your black ass first!

I follow you duke mother

try harder. you can start with a library card.

You're STILL seething over the election.

My god you idiots are pathetic.

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yeah, love to see how the americans are shredding each other

Why do Democrats support the continual degradation of major cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco?

Why do Democrats support a completely open borders policy?

Why are Democrats so hell-bent on enabling drug addicts?

Like him or not, he's getting the job done. He would have to fuck up major league to get voted out.

the real question should be is why are republicans zionist shills
including trump
we need a real right party that will stand up for white Americans

>the real question should be is why are republicans zionist shills
>including trump
>we need a real right party that will stand up for white Americans

based and redpilled

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calm down Tyrone

Shut up nerd


Shareblue is all over this site today

Trump winning every single day this past week broke them

Sadly, this.