Finally got my surgery healed enough for my first creampie, does Cred Forums want to see more?
Finally got my surgery healed enough for my first creampie, does Cred Forums want to see more?
You should have been aborted, you fucking loser.
post a timestamp op
What the fuck is this?
What's that subreddit with post-op trannys crying about their botched vaginas? I could do with a laugh
I don't know if you've realized this yet user, but once you've done that and shown this pic there really isn't any "more" for us to see. You see, you've had it twisted inside out and tucked in internally, see, there's nothing left but insides and i'm pretty sure that if you wanted your insides to be looked at on the outside you'da just left 'em that way to begin with. that's just imho tho
Looks like a penectomy plus castration that's healed.
You are pretty much fucked, only one way to go when you realise it.
>Why am I producing so much more fluid being post op?
Thanks nigga
You fucking mods better delete this shit. Wtf. Like tranny porn and furries aren't enough
LOL this is a troll, that's some homemade looking nasty backwoods bloodwork Like, that is not in anyway the end result of any surgery ever. Nice tho OP
Is this a fucking goat????
Show me one fucking tranny genetial mutilation surgery that looks ANYTHING remotely like a real vagina and not some puss filled abomination hole.
What're we looking at here? Honestly asking.
Absolutely fucking disgusting and you deserve the suicide you'll end up committing.
Awww it's got two eyes, a mouth, and an adorable nose!
"You're gonna have such a pretty vagina. I'm so jealous."
Dear God, why? Why do they do this?
and i can not stress this enough
bitch bout to get ate out by my rancid tongue.
That is the most disgusting penis hole in the history of man.
you serve no purpose in life
That looks pretty normal
>first one looks like wrinkly granny puss
>second one only showing camel toe
>both only show the surface, not opening the lips
Nice try, faggot. Try again.
healing up nicely
can't believe trump has let you be so hateful.
Bad bait but I swear some of these plastic surgeons need to be put in jail. This is inhumane to do to another person. It's almost as if it's going against nature and shouldn't be happening in the first
I felt disgust and hatred for mentally disabled retards mutiliating their genitals and being a public nuisance before Trump. I don't even like Trump lmao. Kys
fuck off yuck
You're a trump supporter just like how bi-sexual is a form of homosexuality not hetero.
You're too late faggot. Nobody gives a fuck about women anymore. Traps are where it's at.
mom said i can be the hot girl now
Congrats OP!
This is fucking disgusting.
fake, gay and seen be4
not fake
No go fucking kill your self
Absolutely not, that looks vile
Neovagina procedures ain't sex changing surgeries u stupid cunt
explain, you sound like youre speaking chinese at me right now.
I look forward to you becoming another statistic
This is another reason why everybody hates you pieces of shit. You are incapable of higher order reasoning. Everything is not black and white. Some of my positions can align with an individual like Trump but that doesn't mean I approve of all the other shit he does. But why am I explaining how to think like an adult to someone that thinks that you can change you gender as frivolously as changing your dirty buttplug dildo.
Holy fuck this shit is hilarious. Fucking mentally I'll failures. How high do we think the suicide rate is on that sub? Retarded faggots.
We are the majority and we are progressives, everything we do we win and in history you'll recognize that.
Whatever we say is the truth.
not even close
show us yours then.
show some of the successes then.
Weapons grade mental illness
This is so fittingly delusional.
Nice punctured ballsack you have, faggot.
it's a dude having had surgically rekt his scrotum
>show us yours then.
I am a man, you fag
>show some of the successes then.
There are no success, dip shit
I'm sick of niggers posting this fucking shit here!!!!
Post the full thing or dont post it at all!
This was a serious attack and that nigger was the transphobic aggressor. He needs to die for what he did and people need to know what really happened
Those white vermin coming out.
Did he died
I couldn't tell what you were trying to say.
A miscommunication because you can't use sentences properly.
ó ›¡
Hes a hero actually
Post it then fag.
ó ›¡ ó ›¡
Niggers Vs Trannies, whoever wins we win
Truth. Post Op is disgusting.
This is why men won’t date trannies
Wait. What are those stones inside his rekt ballsack?
>transphibic aggressor
that's his right foot on the tranny face, bro.
filename is not correct
>woman hole
top kek
they leave the dick meat cutting it in half and use it as the "vagina" walls, but the meat still gets aroused, pushing out of the hole thing looking like an inflated meat balloon
ok is fake and gay.
Everyone who disagrees with you has to be a nazi or a trump supporter.... I think there is a word for that hmmm
so you're just arguing semantics because he cut it himself?
"Reductio ad Hitlerum"
>ur the fascist
No, it's just not tolerating the intolerable.
Theres a reason fucking half you trannies commit rope
Who the fuck is "We" just because someone shares an opinion with you does not mean that they associate with you
that's what happens when you light a firecracker near your dong
>Great result! Hopefully I can share something as beautiful in 3 years and 18 days.
by the time you turn 18, you'll hopefully grow a pair.
pretty sure the link is older than what o.o is saying as "just healed"
Holy shit you are ignorant, when did i call you a facist, a very nice assumption. Also
>not tolerating the intolerable
having an opinion is not intolerable, thinking that you cant change your gender is an opinion that everyone is entitiled to
What's this "we" shit ??
Do it faggot
way to take the bait
I know this is a hate thread,
but I just want to say there's nothing wrong
with being a feminine guy.
You start thinking about being "transgender"
so much, being part of a community, and having a struggle or a crutch,
you forget to even try and love/take care of yourself before
you take drastic measures.
It's not a lack of information that these people suffer from,
it's a lack of self love because you're busy listening to
other people that hate themselves.
I can't really blame them when society tells
you that you should hate yourself, especially
as a white male. If you're trans and reading this...stick to HRT.
obviously that's not op
>mfw when anons post this tinyprint shit
nigger, I am not breaking out a magnifying glass to make this work
tattoo this on it
hey do you think about star wars a lot?
Why does this horrify you guys so much? I bet most of your genitals were already mutilated at birth. why not take it to the next step?
just jar jar
I honestly feel really bad for this person. When will people realise that it's a fkn psychological disease and that these people need help. Instaed we encourage this, this society is fucked up. You can hear how devastated this person is, really makes me sad
The power of Christ compels you!
I’m so happy that I wasn’t born fucked up
>being a feminine guy.
well, that's massively gay.
also, being unnatural sex, it will be never naturally satisfying - that is, you'll get addicted but you'll always think it's not enough.
and that leads to extra mental illnesses - you know, being gay is a mental illness generating supplementary mental illnesses.
My sides!!!!!!
meesa need to dilate
Exactly. All these straight dudes who hate trannies are the same retards who pushed the girly boys away from masculinity. Maybe now that you see there's something worse than being a little bit girly, you'll stop giving them such a hard time.
Some guys are feminine, but when you tell them that means they aren't men at all it's bound to end up all fucked.
Or just stop making fucking excuses and accept your gender.
Get the fuck off of HRT and just man up already.
What is going through your head when you make the leap from "feminine male who is unwarrantedly outcast from masculine social circles" to "mutilated, gaping, trans hole"?
I've never made that leap, so I wouldn't know, silly.
I'd imagine that it's a sense of disenfranchisement and a natural human need for belonging that pushes these crazy fucks to mutilate themselves in pursuit of an unobtainable goal.
>pushed the girly boys away from masculinity
Maybe because a part of being a man is being able to resist the current and swim/push against it. You will be pushing your entire life.
Truth. Getting surgery is a massive mistake
so taking HRT isn't?
Oh shut up you faggot. Standing up for your self has nothing to do with being a man. Women are subject to social hierarchies, too.
I mean your dumb fucking rhetoric is exactly what I'm criticizing and you just double down.
this is real
You just don't know what it's like because you never reached that point
>muh women do it too
Watched that last video.. my god I got sick to my stomach. Fuckin nasty, I would be afraid to even go near that
Um... It's a pussy? Lemme guess, virgin who hasn't seen one?
get b8d
its a fucking vagina you retard
If you think that's a pussy, you are as fucked up as that mistake..
Is Vince McMahon the quintessential peak performance man?
I'll creampie you.
Creampie the fucking hole in your skull after I shoot you
My millimeter deep bellybutton smells like ass after a day's work. I can't even imagine what an 8 inch deep fake vagina must smell like. Just execute these people.
dibs on the eye socket
That's not a vagina.. I can tell who the fags are on here... lol
Is that what "she" tells you?
There's not a whole lot of dainty princesses left. Maybe you should leave that basement and see for your self.
A pathethically rearranged simulacrum of a female organ will never feel like the real thing.
Basically trannies expect your natural dick to be put in their open wound and call it "regular sex".
They're so mentally ill they would probably get the tingles from your words
It's like it's constantly opposite day with you retards and you don't even realize it.
fuck fuck fuck
I can sit pokerface through any gore but this, my fucking god
There isn't a word or sentence to describe how fucking repulsive this is
>I am not breaking out a magnifying glass to make this work
You know you can click on the pic, right? To make it bigger?
you should probably buy a shotgun, put it to the side of your head for maximum damage and pull the trigger please. Or you can go fuck crackheads for the rest of your life because idk what else would fuck you maybe a dog?
This pussy faggots got no balls.
>The body treats the fake vagina as an open wound
>The human body is transphobic
>Trannies think all transphobes deserve death
>Tranny suicide rate shoots from 41% to 100%
Post yfw
who tf would tell her to get a nose job? its legit perfect, I guess people like OP
>Tranny suicide rate
It is a high suicide rate. The fact that these are literally mentally ill people who, instead of being institutionalized, are allowed to live out their insane fantasies probably contributes to that.
Underrated comment
Are you really that fucking bored ya goober. Gg on baiting the incels.
Why do we have to deal with this trannie shit?
What's wrong with just having cute traps and twinks?
Example A.
They got btfo because they went in Horomones too early and their dick was too small to be properly turned into a vagina. No surgeon wanted to do the operation. Permanently a trap. Forever.
Maybe if you were a Toucan it would be a pretty nice nose.
What kind of surgeon needs his kid to show up to hold the flashlight?
Cool. Enjoy no sex for the rest of your life.
Looks nothing like a real vagina
From that angle you can barely see anything
Trannys should be rounded up and put in the narrowest space possible like animals, to be burned alive
this looks like what i imagined a vagina looked like when i was 12 before I actually saw one
No one wants to see the butthole you slashed open on the front of your body you cretan faggot
you don't believe in freedom of speech, snowflake? what are you, a communist?
the infected asshole of a goat with an asshole infection that also needs its anal gland expressed
>pus filled abomination hole
Got my new band name! Thanks, user!
and just like that I formed a right wing death squad and became a christian
Better a trap than having a mutilated dick wound hole I suppose.
They want the privileges of a young attractive women, they think by cutting off their genitals and having a massive pus filled hole inbetween their legs, they "become" womens, then they see society doesn't agree to their delusional brain, they kill themselves. Sexual dismorphism is a mental illness.
is this true for all trannies? more reasons to be disgusted by them.
All you guys are retards. That not a post op tranny. That's just some retard who cut his cock and balls off one day at home.
fuckin kek
That is so sexy. I wish I was into mutilated penis vaginas. I would rip so many stitches.
made ya somethin, OP
Why is the doctor pulling chicken flavored Top Ramen noodles out that guys mangina?
Seriously this photo has been going around the Internets for a few years now. Nice shitpost
kill yourself
Reminds me of the shocked and appalled angry vag macro. You wouldn't happen to have it would you?
oh my god, what the fuck
> We are the majority on twitter
fixed for accuracy.
me done gon diamonds mon
Mesa happy to SEE you!
kill it before it breeds
>implying it can breed
they are literally removing themselves from the genepool
let them do their thing. soon they'll be no more
Statistically, the largest producer of LGBTG+ individuals are straight people, so nah :)
That russian user's comment is far too relatable... fuck the internet
Wrong. the people are removed for the idea is still there, the jew is stll there, twitter and discord and whatever shithole these retards use to spread ideas are all still there. even our very Cred Forums is still there. just look at /r9k/
>the largest producer of LGBTG+ individuals are jewish media executives
No I don't, even if you pay me.
please explain because I don't know if you're going where I think you're going
the idea will die when it stops bringing money to le happy merchants behind this whole circus, hopefully soon. Then again when this mess goes away, they will definitely come up with yet another fucked up idea
a mentally ill dude who chopped his dick off
this is the most disgusting thing i have ever seen
mentally fucking ill is right. should be rotting in a state hospital the rest of his life
why are they fighting?
i thin you should sue whatever doctor did that
This is just a eunuch though?
I can see why I fuck yalls girls
You white niggas crazy for this shit fam
I never thought about that, but LOL
I'd legit trapfuck him tho
No. No we don't. Please reconsider your life options.
>Everything is not black and white
>B-but gender is real guys. T-totally.
Not even intelligent enough to stay consistent in a single paragraph.
Jesus that’s fucking depressing just to look. So sorry you suffer from this type of mental disorder. It will be over soon user
>neither outer nor inner labia
>no sign of clitoris
>not even positioned properly
>remotely like a real vagina
bonus points for:
>clearly fake tits
>manly facial lines
well yeah, that's clearly a female alright, sure
that looks like someone threw acid on a girls genitals
what the fuck is that thing
>Doctor: What would you like done?
>Mental Patient: Just fuck my shit up.
...why the fuck did USA and Iran chicken out instead of unleashing a full nuclear purge of this godforsaken planet is completely beyond me
basically that dude pees in the sack strapped to his leg.
so, when he walks, some watery noise ("splish-splosh-splash!") can be heard in the vicinity of his left foot.
user i'm sorry for your loss
in the next pic he dips it in the au jour bag and eats it
I used to think I was trans until I saw this shit.
Now I just know I'm a trap fag
please do not go full retard and keep your junk attached to your body
I plan on it.
Hmmm, that one's tough. A few drinks deep and honestly I could be fooled.
I'd still try it.
I'd give you 5 years then well see
Obviously this isnt op but all jokes aside just think how mentally disturbed a man or woman has to be to want this done to themselves and how fucked society is to see it as normal.
I don't see how it's any worse than murdering humans before they're born and we let women do that all day everyday.