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shaking white hands typed that post


Village-senior is a mexican


Reminder that these threads are literally shill threads by SNL staffers who are trying to get as much publicity as possible for their gay little video.
You know what to put in the options field.

Race realism

Why is it ok to rip on white males but not other races/females?


This is kwy you an ink well

If you have to ask you’re a racist, congrats.

Because white men don't fight back. You faggots went from curbstomping the entire world to being made an object of derision in your own homes. Your grandfathers are ashamed of you.

>blacks still seething that whites run the world, created all technology, completely eclipsed all other cultures, and sustain them with food stamps and aid.

those retards allowed jews and bugmen to take over the world lmao!

>irish "men"

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She will never be nominated for an Oscar, herself.

When a white guy listens to rap music, it's cultural appropriation
When a black guy puts on a 3 piece suit, votes in a democracy, and is found guilty by a jury of his peers in a criminal justice system where is has an appointed attorney and a right to due process, he's not doing anything. He didn't do nothing

Now this is RANDUM XD

was a funny song though

Because they have been the oppressors for all of history. How is this complicated to understand?

wtf if love foreskinmunchers now

>Because they have been the oppressors for all of history.
Maybe if you think the worlds less than a thousand years old this makes sense

Not even 600 years yet. Before that it was white people getting shit on by arabs and asians. Non-whites are just mad that white people finally gave them a taste of their own medicine.

>WB paid mods moved the thread again
fuck joker and fuck jews and fuck jannies

Not really.

How about Otto the Great? There's over 100 0 years ago for you.

>wb paid mods
Implying OP isnt an nbcshill hoping their "white male rage" video goes viral.

What did he do?

less than 500 years. the "oppression" really began in the latter half of the 17th century and only took off with the scramble for africa. all in all it barely lasted 200 years. southeast asians had been practicing slavery and other forms of cruelty that would've been unthinkable in medieval europe for over a thousand years

Daily reminder joker is controlled opposition to smear white men in the public eye while jews give each other awards for it, and all american media are jewish, the brand doesn't matter.