Why are black chicks so nice and sweet and sexy but so fucking stupid? I have been hanging out, hookups, dating around with black woman last few years and i swear they have this weird type of logic. I let one of these girls borrow my car for a few days and made an agreement with her that whatever happened i had to have the car back before next Wednesday (actually needed it Thursday, kept one day just in case). Turns out she lend out my car to a friend who took it halfway the country and could not net get back before the weekend. So i flipped but the girl honestly believed she had the right to lend out the car because her friend had to do something very important for her kid. In her mind more important than me getting my own car back. Got the car back, nothing happened but still these chicks pull these strange stunts that don't make sense all the time. Like buying expensive useless stuff untill they are broke but still have 2 weeks to go untill their next paycheck (while they make decent money). Or just skipping days at work without calling in it because they feel like it. It is not that they intend to screw you over, these things just make sense in their minds, they feel like they are doing the right thing. Why is that? Do they base all choices on feelings or what? I don't get it. Thiss stuff keeps me up at night.
Why are black chicks so nice and sweet and sexy but so fucking stupid? I have been hanging out, hookups...
You ever consider the possibilty that it's because they're niggers?
>Why are people of the black race stupid
Hmmm, damn. You're stumping me on this one
Whoa never thought about that!
white men love this shit.
I wanted a black gf but when I think about it if they're going to put up with the attention that comes with dating outside their race they're not gonna do it with some autismo are they? Getting a black gf is even harder than getting a normal one.
You are stupid. Black chicks who go after white guys have power complexes, hence why, in your case, she completely blew off her responsibility to you in regards to YOUR property you lent her. And I'm not even saying you shouldn't help your female friends if you're not fucking them, but obviously if there is not a level of intimacy between you two that gratifies your life, then she is just taking advantage of your naivety and "friendship." Pic related.
In case this is a serious post I am offering you this warning before you end up paying the toll.
nothing ruins my day faster than seeing dark skin
She was worth lending out a car to trust me. I am absolutely sure she didn't intentionally took advantage of me. Most of stunts aren't even in their own (long term) advantage. They just do things that feel right in the moment but never regret it. I recognize myself in it when i am about to make an impulse decision and regret it afterwards but they don't regret it. Ever. Only when you dictate that they should feel bad about it.
It is like they constantly only think one step ahead all the time.
>Trust me
She gave the car to someone who drove it across the country. Boy you are dumb.
>nice and sweet
That's the biggest lie I've ever seen posted on Cred Forums.
Why am i dumb? How could i have known. How could i have know that you have tell people they can't let somebody else drive the car trough half the country? They payed for everything.
They don't think it's right, they know it's wrong. Women use everyone they can for resources and then not show any respect or considerable reciprocation. That's why most men in the sexual market place have been psychologically changed into selfish materialistic dopamine addicts. Men need to work and strive for success while women can get anything they want from the next unsuspecting victim. The only reason the worlds male population puts up with this crap is because there are less alpha males than beta+females. The great equalizer will solve the problem, just be ready.
I would never trust any female with my car.
Nice larp virgin
>Why is that? Do they base all choices on feelings or what? I don't get it. Thiss stuff keeps me up at night.
Set your life to island clock.You're acting like a panicked faggot thats about to freak out about everything. Things happen, good and bad, life goes on.
These things happen? That is not an explanation. What does that even mean?
They won't feel bad because they're doing it on PURPOSE. She knows you will come back and she can use you. Currently have a white girl staying with me and she does the same shit. Drives her ex's around town in my car, gives others much more gratifying attention than me, and to top it off, has the audacity to accuse me of abusing her in front of her workplace. All women are crazy, self absorbed, and think emotionally without guilt. When you accept that, the saying "All men are assholes" makes sense, cause most start out as beta simps, then they learn the truth and start treating women how they want to be treated. Not like the girls we thought they want to be but the rotten buzz-chasing harlots they are.
You all got it completely wrong. They aren't using me. They'll do anything for me i want. (Including fucking) They aren't psychopathic. They don't intentionally take advantage of me, they don't depend on my, they don't cost me anything. They just make strange life choices.
Been with a mulatto for a while now (4-5 years). Totally worth it. We both have some common interests but are very different at the same time.
So maybe try a mulatto instead?
Or anyone that wasn't raised retardedly?
You do find decent people from retarded parents once in a while but its hard
Last 2 posts, just for reference
I don't know you, but it seems like you are a trusting responsible person. 99% of this world is full of untrustworthy irresponsible people. 99% of women in the world as well as your life are going to do dumb shit. Things that you would never think of doing to others but they will do it to you because you let them. If you let her use your car she will do anything she wants with it. If you buy a nice enough car with OnStar, you can shut it down at the state line if you wanted to. Staying in control helps with the insecurities but the decision making on her part will be the same if not worse if you get "too controlling"
Anyone with a 6" can get girls in bed whenever they want. Your thinking it's just them making emotional decisions but that's their game, they want you to be dismissive. Trust me start tallying up the times your woman does that shit to you. Get a notebook or something. It's extremely depressing to realize this stuff. My new mindset is as long as she wants to say sweet lies and she doesn't put me in jail I'm all for it.
How do the two of you view having a negroid baby?
>I trust her enough to lend her a car and receive it back in a timely fashion of my specification with no excessive wear
>She does not meet this criteria
Accept that your trust was a miscalculation on your part. Her actions are not justified in your realm of reason. You cannot change her, but you can change your level of trust and expectations of what she is capable of. Adjust your view accordingly. That doesn't mean she is a bad person either, but she her understanding of reality and ethics is not aligned with yours. Accept that fact.
Sorry bro but I'm about to lay into you; I'm not a simp or feminist but you can't blame all black women for your own mistake. That girl you dated is a dumbass but why would you even lend your car to your girl anyways for a long period of time?! Even if she is trustworthy. If I had a chick who said "I need your car for a week" I'd say no. Maybe for a day but if she lends it to another cunt then that's the end of our relationship. But blaming all black women for he stupidity is absurd. Not all act like this and any woman would have taken advantage of you regardless of race because of how simp you were being. Even black women who'd look at this thread would cringe