Well shit, look at that room

Well shit, look at that room

No wonder he couldn't lay off the benzos

Attached: Jordan-Peterson-Room.jpg (674x338, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Maybe if I eat more beef my GABA receptors will grow back?

Attached: jordan_peterson.jpg (1200x800, 69K)

Looks like hes tired, because of dipshots like you im sure


Kek. His daughter just released video statement update on YT. They cannot stress enough that it is not a psychological addiction.

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>When chasing the dragon goes too far

Anything coming from his "all beef diet" daughter is Gwyneth Paltrow-level bullshit pseudoscience. Next she'll be curing him with a jade egg up his ass.

Im not a fanatic or anything, whats your problem with the guy?

Quacks gonna quack

To be fair, you have to have averyhigh IQ to understand Jordan Peterson. The lectures are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Freudian And Jungian metaphysical psychology most of the ideas will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Peterson's anti-nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily fromStatus-Quoliterature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to trulyappreciatethe depths of these ideals, to realise that they're not just words - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Jordan Peterson truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Peterson's existential catchphrase "Post-modernist Neomarxist," which itself is a cryptic reference to the lack of any Relevance between both of the Philosophies. I'm smirking right now justimaginingone of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jordan Peterson' genius wit unfolds itself on their YouTube screens. What fools.. how Ipitythem.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Lobster tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel, kid.

Did you see the latest Rick and Morty?

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How is he a quack? Do you know what a quack is? Hypocrite maybe if you use OPs pic but thats a picture we dont know the context of.

You wouldn't get it.

It was Ativan he was on, right? Those things fucking suck, lecturing across the world is pretty stressful. Plus, he has to deal with everyone that doesn't agree reeeing at him. I'd be on those fucking things too if I was him.

>How is he a quack?

>All-beef diet

>Supposed to be a mental health expert but doesn't even know the side effects of benzos

>Starts popping pills without even thinking about it

>Runs off to russia for more quack medicine and almost dies instead of following actual detox procedures

Did you ever hear him describe how better he felt on an all beef diet? The problem is with how so much food is fucked up, it's inducing many adverse reactions because meddling with biology is more complex than retards realize.

If you take him seriously I have some psychic mediums and "dragon of chaos"-treatment creams you would be interested in.

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Clonazepam. Benzos make physical withdrawal hurt like a fuck.

Non of those examples are forms of quackery. I think you might have monkey brains

>Did you ever hear him describe how better he felt on an all beef diet?

I've also heard Gwyneth Paltrow talk about how much coffee enemas work, too.


Yes, quack diets and quack treatments and being ignorant of medical science does make someone a quack.

As if his lectures and "Ancient Egyptians Knew DNA" woo-woo bullshit didn't make that clear already.

Her vagina candle taste like warm pennies

They do actually work for some issues. It has to do with stimulating the vena cava in the anus, but it only applies to specific conditions.

I suppose anyone who says anything you disagree with is a quack. You are a fucking quack based on that definition from my perspective.

>They do actually work for some issues.

You know that if you're into ass play you don't have to make any excuses

If you hear Dr. J. Peterson talking about philosophy you'll quickly notice he is a quack. Pic related, any mathematician/philosopher will laugh his ass off, he should stick to psychology where he is good at, drop the economics/philosophy.

When he claims that by just only reading the communist manifesto he understands what Marxism is...*facepalm*. Whether you are a commie or a capitalist, you just know he's trying to play with the real boys outside his domain of expertise. People who have read hundreds of books and papers will know more about these domains than he ever will, but they stay modest, he acts like he knows everything.

That said, he sure knows a lot about psychology, is a great and charismatic rhetorical figure, and is good at story telling. The perfect ingredients to make people listen to you, whether you are spewing bullshit, or psychological facts.

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There are some interesting examples of advanced DNA knowledge from the past. The double helix being the symbol for healing in many cultures is not simple coincidence.

Oh yeah and here i'm not even mentioning the all beef diet. I mean, you got to be a really kind of special retarded to believe this shit lol. Whatever makes the headlines and his books sell I guess.

>There are some interesting examples of advanced DNA knowledge from the past.

No there aren't. There are examples of past societies knowing about breeding and genetics, not DNA. Read a fucking book.

(That wasn't written by a quack)

If he ate all fast food you wouldn't criticize at all.

No it doesnt actually.

>If he ate all fast food you wouldn't criticize at all.

If he did that while claiming it was some miracle diet you're goddamn right we'd laugh at his ignorant ass.

I've read more books than you. Read The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby.

If you think all beef diet is good for you, go ahead then and release us from your stupidity. If not, stop trolling.

Now I know you're just stupid. He said specifically he never recommended it for anyone else and that it just worked for him.

As if you know jack fuck about philosophy.

>I've read more books than you. Read The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby.

I specifically said "books that weren't written by quacks".

There's actually no evidence it's bad for you, but it's not my diet of choice. Tried it for about 6 weeks and felt pretty great, but I missed fruits and greens.

>Anyone I disagree with is a quack.

Of course, special little guy. Of course that's how it is.

It seems like his diet choices are the JP haters issue of choice.

>Of course, special little guy. Of course that's how it is.


>Investigating the connections between shamanism and molecular biology, Narby hypothesizes that shamans may be able to access information at the molecular level through the ingestion of entheogens, specifically ayahuasca.[1] Biophysicist Jacques Dubochet criticized Narby for not testing his hypothesis.[1]

Seriously, you're hilarious.

Yeah sure works nice for dr pill popper lmao.

I bet he'll feel 100x better eating some lettuce than popping hundreds of benzos. Just this fact proves that he's the ultimate troll and anyone taking this attention craving cringe lord seriously has an IQ of

I'm not writing books claiming I do

>Tried it for about 6 weeks and felt pretty great, but I missed fruits
Holy shit... You can't be this fucking stupid countering your own argument lmao.

What book about philosophy is he selling?

>Shamans understand DNA!

>Aliens built the pyramids!

>Invisible dragons control your feelings about your mommy!

>Crystals can re-align your chakras and give you the power to see the future!

>These are all totally scientific and reasonable things to say!

The funny thing about dr peterson is that if he would claim eating your own shit every day is good for you, you bet these chanlords will do it and defend doing it here.

The thing is, he's just a massive troll and the people gobbling up his bullshit are taking the bait.

>The thing is, he's just a massive troll and the people gobbling up his bullshit are taking the bait.

I do have to respect his ability to get money and worship out of gullible morons.

I suppose if I had that power I'd probably celebrate by doing more drugs too.

"Maps of Meaning" page 189

He's a quack because he tries to sell you surface-level self help chased by social Darwinism that doesn't actually help anybody.

tl;dr: Stop considering the lobster and learn to be a better human being.

Benzoamphetamines would have encourage him to clean, clean, clean.
Benzodiazepine, well, maybe not so much.

So I just hear this:

>Jordan Peterson rejected US/Canadian experts help with his addiction, flew to Russia, was put in a medically induced coma, and now he can't walk or talk right.

Anyone defending this guy is confirmed retarded. Can't hold my laughter anymore..

Surface level self help is also not quackery.

As long as he sticks to surface level, and not the other bullshit he knows nothing about.

it is when you veil it under some bullshit social Darwinism. The dude said in his own book that the best thing he could have done for a toddler he saw being an asshole on the playground once was beat the shit out of him. That ain't normal homie lmao

>Peterson talking about philosophy you'll quickly notice he is a quack
Psychology was an outgrowth of philosophy. Quacks are people who pretend to have medical degrees that they don't have.
Psychiatry is a branch of medicine.
Get your insults straight, son.

So youre disagreeing with his take on the subject?

>Pretends to know selfhelp

>fking ruins his life cuz of benzoaddiction

This is selfhelp summarised.
PS: Marcus Aurelius was addicted to opium


Breathe super fast

Breathe super fast
Benzos block the brain receptors permanently until destroyed by oxygen radicals

This must be the single most retarded comment in this thread yet.

A phd in psychology or whatever gender studies will not get you the necessary expertise on philosophy or mathematics. Unless of course you attend the fake Peterson MBA.

Bad news, you've been conned granddad.

Page 125 of 12 Rules For Life: "To his great and salutary shock, I picked him bodily off the playground structure, and threw him thirty feet down the field.

No, I didn't. I just took my daughter somewhere else. But it would have been better for him if I had."

>Marcus Aurelius was addicted to opium
Where did he get access to it?

Uh-oh, we got another Wikipedia PhD here!

That's how Ivar Lovaas addressed autism once upon a time. Successfully, he would like to add.

You're an idiot

So you dropped out of high school, eh?

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lmfao that sounds like peak psych. That's right up there with Franz Mesmer trying to cure his patients' alcoholism by fucking them in the ass.

Strong arguments as always.. But yeah what to expect from someone who will eat any shit coming out of Petersons arse.

>Psychology was an outgrowth of philosophy
Dumbass, literally every school is an outgrowth of philosophy.

>Literally no one has been arrested from the "NEO-PROTO-MARXIST-POSTMODERN" Trans bill in Canada.
>What made Peterson famous was him sperging out and saying it would imprison thousands, and people telling him it wouldn't and he's a moron.
If Peterson was on the corner of a street talking his theories you would cross the street to avoid the paranoid madman.

You'd be a deity to the Peterson fanboys here. You should make some vlogs and write some books blabbering your thoughts, they sell great here. Don't forget to add some fatherly advice like "clean your room" and "sit straight."

He's "recovering" in an "induced coma" in RUSSIA. Hahahahahaha

He just got recalled, shit's about to go down.


Another media quack becomes an addict. This guy's no different than Rush. So fucking what!

>Boo booo! the world is bad and unfair to me cus i am winning!

No, it's you who is the loser, the degenerate you keep talking about.

>LOL i'm a mental midget and took benzos every single day 3 times a day for 6 years without driving myself into the ground
>I even got paid +600k a month by suckers to feed my addiction!
Literally one of the greatest snake-oil salesmen to ever live.

I take 60 Klonzos a month. When I run out, I don't care. He looks like he's on a massive dose. The only reason I take them is because they keep me mellow when I don't feel like drinking. But sometimes I run out, and go a month without going for a refill. They don't mess with me in an addictive manner.

What a fucking pussy. I was on them nonstop for way longer than he has been on them. All I needed to do was to switch to Valium and follow the advice of benzobuddies which is literally free what a jew

Peterson points out something very important that few people are willing to acknowledge these days:
You don't have to be a fan of someone famous in order to agree with them.
A few years back I learned about Peterson because of some channy chatter, so I looked into him. The bits I saw on YouTube showed him to be reasonable but more conservative than me: he likes Jung while I like George Kelly and Thomas Szasz. Big deal. At least Peterson tries to do some good in this world: and what have his detractors done?
Peterson has the personal integrity to speak his mind without deprecating any alternative beliefs. This is something our "tribal" politicians need to practice assiduously.

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>peak psych
I have a degree in experimental psychology and I don't understand what you mean by this.

>What a fucking pussy. I was on them nonstop for way longer than he has been on them. All I needed to do was to switch to Valium and follow the advice of benzobuddies which is literally free what a jew

From the sounds of things either him or his idiot daughter didn't want to go through a standard detox tapering regime, and thought it was better to go cold turkey, but since no doctor would recommend that (because it can fucking kill you) he had to run off to russia - where sure enough, it almost killed him.

Not physics. Not maths. Not half of medicine.

>At least Peterson tries to do some good in this world: and what have his detractors done?

The "good" he's doing is to shit on anyone trying to do good in this world.

"Until your life is perfect don't you dare fucking try to change the world!" - Daddy Pill Popper

Except he was trying to change the world while addicted to benzos, so fuck him.

>No wonder he couldn't lay off the benzos
I've been disabled my entire life, health problems have never not been a part of every hour of my life. This ZILCH doesn't know hardship that's why he can't taper off benzos without killing himself.

In point of fact, I would get closer to hear him better. Then most likely would ask him to dinner.
He's an honorable person (by all appearances) and he sticks by his guns. Unlike, well, Mitch and Lindsey and Justin.
He's comfortable in his own skin, which is more than I might say about most Cred Forumstards and all of the Cred Forumstroons, so don't let your envy consume you.

typical right winger. a JUNKIE. benzos in Canada, METH in republican merka.

disgusting filth.

if only the right wing actually walked their talk.

red states: all poor but texas
blue states: extremely wealthy but Michigan.


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>He's comfortable in his own skin,

Yep, that's exactly why he needed to gobble down pills like they were smarties.

Because of how comfortable in his own skin he was.

At least when it wasn't crawling with spiders.


Wow, this must indeed be very deep for 14-16 year olds.

These are basic common self improvement tips any fucking retard can give you. What the fuck is so special about this?

Is it that hard for you to be a decent human being that you have to print out these basic don't-be-an-ass not to forget them?

He forgot one basic self improvement tip though: "Don't be a fraud."

How did people ever think this guy WASN'T on drugs?

Even though this must be fake. How did his daughter not yet kill herself out of embarrassment?
I must admit, she really has willpower when you have to deal with such a pathetic shit loser of a dad lol

When I was in rehab there was a dude that was crush-n-railing about 8 kpins a day at his worst. Without a legit medical detox prior to rehab he would have almost certainly died. We have no idea what volume shill petersen was taking but make no mistake coming off benzos cold turkey can physically kill you.

>He's comfortable in his own skin,
You must be talking about a different person

Peterson doesn't have the integrity to acknowledge the Jewish Question honestly

pastebin DOT com SLASH 5sYZvhTj

I used to love Peterson but he's not politically honest.
He's really great for psychology, studying Jung, defending the Bible and traditional values, but his politics are weak neo-liberal talking points.

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Making millions isn't enough to relieve stress?

>He's comfortable in his own skin
Yeah no. If he was comfortable in his own skin he wouldn't be ready to suck a dick for a fix right now.

Lindsey Shepherd was punished in Canada under the bill retard

>Lindsey Shepherd was punished in Canada under the bill retard

LOL you fucking idiot.

So if you weren't a brainless dunce you understand that all he was saying is that some trouble making kids could use a spanking or more strict parenting

I have that book and it’s simpleton speculation. All claims and suppositions, no actual testing of any hypothesis,

>Listen, anything he says that's retarded is just retarded METAPHORICALLY

>Doesn't know what happened with Lindsey Shepherd.

Shepherd featured a video of a clip from a TV news programme where Peterson was debating with another guest.

A complaint was made by someone 'anonymous'. The university alleged at first that it was a student, but it turned out to be another member of staff in the room.

A politically-correct imbecile tried to explained to her how 'problematic' it was, but Shepherd herself was a progressive yet normal person and understood this wasn't right, so she recorded her 'interrogation'.

When several lies about her were told by the university about her, she was then forced to release the recording to clear her name and give context.

The university was compelled to interrogate her in such a way because the C16 bill would make them potentially liable

Meant to say she featured the news programme clip with Peterson in her class, as an example of contentious issues and how they're debated.


No, the issue was that she was neutral and wouldn't take sides, which for her would lack academic integrity. Not once is the issue of C16 itself brought up.

If the law was on the side of the guy here, the university wouldn't have BTFO'd when Shepard released the recording.

>The university was compelled to interrogate her in such a way because the C16 bill would make them potentially liable

You're a fucking idiot. No they weren't.

UNIVERSITIES ARE NOT SUBJECT TO THE CANADA HUMAN RIGHTS ACT. Bill C-16 did not apply to universities at all.

Universities operate under provincial jurisdiction, not federal jurisdiction. Waterloo university would only be subject to regulation under the Ontario Human Rights Act, C-16 had no effect whatsoever on that bill.

Seriously, it's spelled out on their fucking website: chrc-ccdp.gc.ca/eng/content/human-rights-in-canada

>The Canadian Human Rights Act of 1977 protects people in Canada from discrimination when they are employed by or receive services from the federal government, First Nations governments or private companies that are regulated by the federal government such as banks, trucking companies, broadcasters and telecommunications companies. People can turn to the Canadian Human Rights Act to protect themselves against harassment or discrimination when based on one or more grounds of discrimination such as race, age and sexual orientation.

As a philosopher, I hold Peterson in the highest regard, in spite of his economic philosophy, and his ignorance of world affairs. His purpose was not to remodel the world, it was to motivate young men, mainly on platforms like this, to contribute something positive to the world.

And he is not a "quack", he is well versed in philosophic literature, mainly biblical, but nonetheless educated.

>As a philosopher,

As Socrates himself, no you aren't.

Here's a vid that explains it all in more detail, including Lindsey Shepherd.


As Socrates himself, you would know Philosophy is simply a love of wisdom, so it wouldn't take much to qualify.

Id tip my fedora for you sir if i was half as autist as you

He never said people shouldn't ask for help when they need it. He got hooked on his meds because of his shit doctors, because his wife was diagnosed with cancer. The people fucking with him over this are subhuman trash and should be drawn and quartered. Absolute degenerate faggots. All because he wouldn't capitulate to freak of nature trans-trenders and retards who believe there are 70000 genders.

Stop it. Get some help. Freaks.

I bet he's not washing his peepee either. Must be full of caked up smegma by now.

> He got hooked on his meds because of his shit doctors, because his wife was diagnosed with cancer.

He was a weak-willed self-indulgent loser who was too stupid to read up on medication for mental health (when mental health is HIS FUCKING JOB)

> All because he wouldn't capitulate to freak of nature trans-trenders and retards who believe there are 70000 genders.

"Leave daddy pill-popper alone! He deserves compassion and sympathy! Also fuck compassion and sympathy for literally anyone else!"

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OK, and? Mine are .5mg. They go up to 2mg. So, he was potentially taking 16mg at one time. I would have to take 32 pills to get that facked. Thats like saying I took 8 shots of beer, and he's taking eight shots of 80 proof whisky. The point is, personal responsibility and knowing where your limit is.

Compassion for willingly delusional cunts who demand everyone respect their entirely make-believe cosplaying is real, or else get deplatformed? Why the hell would I respect cultural marxists like them? They never once tried to help people who actually could use help, they continue to demand compliance and choose to live in a fantasy land. Cry more.

>"I should get to pop as many pills as I like dammit!"

I don't know why everyone worships this guy, something seems really off with him. He preaches masculinity but seems weak, both mentally and physically. He also raised a daughter who is now a single mom now

Imagine being on Cred Forums was your IRL job. Some people are there for genuine interest, and others are relentless assholes. You have to admit, some of these fucking losers, It'd be fucking joyful to slash their goddamn throats.

Nobody said that. You making shit up again? He knows he made a mistake. He's getting help. My point is that the people fucking on him about it are either entirely ignorant and just enjoy the lulz or they're butthurt little mutants who don't like his common sense opinions. The same kind of people who believe "common sense" is "white supremacists language" or something retarded.

'Taking forever to say nothing' can sum up this dude's life. Too bad the addiction didn't shut him up indefinitely.

>He knows he made a mistake. He's getting help.

"Only MY mistakes should mean other people bend over backwards and spend ludicrous amounts of money to support me. Also I should get to ignore medical science if I feel like it while making sweeping claims about medicine for other people"

> the people fucking on him about it are either entirely ignorant and just enjoy the lulz

You have to admit daddy pill popper freaking out while trying to get the spiders off his skin is pretty fucking funny.

Then he runs off to get russian fake doctors because real doctors wouldn't put up with his petulant, childish refusal to stick to a treatment regimen.

It's because doctors here use pills to treat for pill addictions. he wanted to go cold and brutal about it.

>It's because doctors here use pills to treat for pill addictions. he wanted to go cold and brutal about it.

Yes, because going cold turkey off benzos can kill you, but not if you taper off slowly.

So he ran off to Russia to go cold turkey... where it almost killed him.

His problems are 100% self-inflicted because he's an arrogant moron who won't admit someone else knows better than him. And his shitty daughter just enables him.

I don't have a dog in the fight. But he's been "getting help" for a while. I think the guy just doesn't like sobriety, but that doesn't gel with his mind-over-matter persona. He should just drink and smoke pot like all the other underappreciated professors.

No it can't. There are very few things that can kill you because of withdrawal. Alcohol is one of them. Benzos are not. It just hurts a lot. And I mean... A LOT



>While it is true that unassisted withdrawal from some substances, such as alcohol and benzodiazepines, can be deadly, professional treatment provided in medical detox programs can reduce that risk. With medical attention, withdrawal symptoms can be controlled or eliminated altogether.

How does it feel to operate with literally just one braincell?

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What a whole load of crap


I believe this was a play on the rick and morty meme

>pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient.
Plumbing is expedient, and meaningful in the obvious quality-of-life sense. Peterson isn't exactly a master of nuance when it comes to the difference between skepticism and cynicism, or for that matter anything pertaining to the aesthetics of evaluation.

>Peterson isn't exactly a master of nuance when it comes to the difference between skepticism and cynicism, or for that matter anything pertaining to the aesthetics of evaluation.

That's pretty much his whole schtick - use vague woo-woo mixed with a few dog-whistles but nothing specific enough to pin down.

It's the embodiment of "pseudo-profound bullshit" - journal.sjdm.org/15/15923a/jdm15923a.html

Benzos he was prescribed to treat an autoimmune issue he'd struggled with for a number of years. Same reason he tried the all meat "carnivore" diet Joe Rogan promotes. He was kept on a low level prescription of benzos for several years to treat the autoimmune issue, which isnt all that unusual. What fucked him up was they upped his prescription significantly to treat anxiety and depression after his wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Never understood the hate he got from far left extremists. Then again, it doesn't take much to set off violent militant extremists.

If you draw a Venn diagram of Cred Forums losers and incel losers, people who are into Jordan Peterson will fall in the middle

>What fucked him up was they upped his prescription significantly to treat anxiety and depression after his wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

What fucked him up was thinking he knew better than actual doctors and ignoring their instructions to taper off slowly, instead running off to fake doctors in russia who'd sign off on him almost killing himself by going cold turkey instead of detoxing safely.

I heard the saying that people get seriously triggered when you say "Jordan Peterson is wrong some of the time"

My god. I never knew it to be true untill now.

I thought everyone knew that wise mentor stereotype giving lecture of YouTube for as revenue was a scam anyway?

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Sounds like a solid bit of projection from a morbidly obese green haired far left incel. It's no one else's fault but yours that you can't get laid, pumpkin.

This, tbh. There's a reason so many of these "male feminist" mangy bearded fat fuck incel left wingers get accused of sexual harassment. They creep out even the neon haired fat smelly feminists they beta orbit.

>far left incel.


>This, tbh. There's a reason so many of these "male feminist" mangy bearded fat fuck incel left wingers get accused of sexual harassment. They creep out even the neon haired fat smelly feminists they beta orbit.

Yeah, then they pop a bunch of benzos to cope.

Oh wait shit...

>far left incel
Kek! That's like 90% of the modern left, mate. Hence why they're so unhinged and violent. Suffering from sexual frustration.


Then again, those who identify as left wing are much more likely to be diagnosed / be treated for psychological issues....oooops. You were saying, nut job?

>You were saying, nut job?

So, you're saying that popping benzos DOES make someone a nutjob that you shouldn't listen to?

...I guess like all "classical liberals", you strive to own yourself.

Top kek for a Deep fake. True though

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Right wingers are too insane to know they're insane. And the ones who do know revel in their violent urges.

You people are the fucking definition of detached from reality. The man's wife of 30 years was diagnosed with terminal cancer, thats some tough fucking shit. But I guess dying in fortnite is tough as well you zoomer.

Wh... What drugs are you on bro

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>for mental health (when mental health is HIS FUCKING JOB)
Most therapists see their own therapists.
They're not gods or paragons of their practice, they at good at treatings others, and sometimes this is to your own self detriment.

Uhh, you are reading these comments and getting "JP is wrong some of the time"? Im seeing: if you enjoy JP you are listening to a complete quack who doesnt know anything about anything.

These faggots cry when some nigger winks at their girlfriend in the food court of the mall.

This is a highly specific situation

Agreed. I’d be curious to see how people who hate him would deal with grief related to terminal illness. I’m sure they would be an example to us all about how to deal with that type of pain

He's a faggot shill. Just as rightfully deserving of his addiction as Limbaugh is to his cancer.

You cant fucking read my brother. But thats ok, let me help you.
His prescription was upped and/or more medications were added at his doctor visits in north america.
In russia, they detoxed him from the drugs.
Understand now? I know reading is hard but maybe now you can follow along with the rest of us

And the left doesn't get why the repubs are now preferred to Democrats by almost 20 points in current polls? Yeesh, you dipshits got no one but yourselves to blame for Trumps re-election.


Yup. And they can't blame "Russian interference" this time around after the Muller sham fell apart. The Dems fucked themselves being unhinged psychotic cunts for 3 years straight.

This. The far left hijacking the Democratic party is the biggest cause of the party's current implosion.

These are a highly similar bunch of teenage betas.

is she tucking?

tfw no daughter shoving eggs up my ass

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If eggs one craves, shove one must.

>The far left hijacking the Democratic party
A fucking reality tv star who hasn't read a book since college defeated the entire GOP establishment in 2016.
All the delusional revolutionary bullshit you attributed to Trump eventually required the Qanon conspiracy narrative to make sense of the idiotic spectacle that his him being President and what fantasy you want fulfilled.

The only worse thing being a divided movement is having no principles at all.
GOP forces a government shutdown over the decifict, not a single peep when Trump explodes it for Goldman sach buybacks.

You are pigs, dumb and groomed from decades of negative partisanship by the GOP. You don't care about what you claim to believe in, you get your fulfillment through contempt and cruelty towards others.

LOL triggered

So cringy

Ohh damn... That's a dirty room. I'm sure if he cleans it up his addiction will go away

Yeah, its not like incel communities, the_donald, redpilled and mgtow has massive overlaps.

Yeah, they're all correct

And they're all starved of contact with the opposite sex and needs to find something to blame.

"A recent study has found that using the old fashioned metrics of sexual morality, attractive people have less stringent sexual boundaries. But why do attractive people have more liberal views? According Robert Ubatsch from Iowa State University, it’s partially because attractive people have more options when it comes to sex."

Being able to have sex whenever you want, Robert theories, makes you likely to be less judgemental of those who have casual sex. According to the report’s author: ‘In the data from 2016, 51 percent of those whose looks were rated above average said a woman who wants an abortion for any reason should legally be allowed to have one. ‘Only 42 percent of those with below-average looks said the same. This nine-point difference increases to 15 points when accounting for factors like age, education, political ideology and religiosity.

Dude quit quoting shit I don't like reading

Sorry. I'm out.

user you just proved his point about why the Dems are currently in such a mess. Unhinged self-important hate filled tirade with zero self-awareness.

All good dude just trolling

For proof, here's my YT suggestions

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Ay, coolcool.

the daily show is hack af now. secular talk is good.

Eh, it's best these rabid psycho violent leftists spew their insane conspiracy theories on discussion boards - as opposed to dressing up like unbathed homeless ninjas & cracking elderly people in the head with bike locks while screaming " Nazi!!!"

Kek! Yea good point.

Whos this fag and why should i care about him

I pretty much just watch DS for background because Trevor does a hilarious Trump voice. Unfortunately YT algorithm is going crazy on me and autoplays it after literally any video. Kyle's my fav rn tho

yep all these lefties are synonymous with the most unhinged antifa goons. just like all righties are white nationalists who drag fags behind their trucks on gravel roads. it's so liberating to not have to think

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humanist report is also good

>unbathed homeless ninjas
Heh good description for the average "Antifa" incel thug. You can practically smell an Antifa protest several blocks before you ever see them.

Lmfao! Got 'em.

I like to let guys in drag do my thinking for me too fam

Ehh ya agreed.... Liberals have their blue haired REEEE fags and the Alt-right have creepy weird smelling autistic school shooters.

Guess which one is an annoyance, and which one is a literal danger to society

double helix is not a unique pattern bro
multiple cultures around the world adopted the swastika yet they had no knowledge of each other

Sad but true. The amount of used hyperdermic needles, piles of shit left on the ground after a far left protest is pretty fucked up. Morbidly obese green and blue greasy haired left wingers shooting up / snorting hard drugs & shitting themselves....figures their stench wafts over the entire city.

That's what history post WWII would have people believe

>Hurr Durr Sanders is a socialist dictator

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How is a girl dressed up as a girl, drag?

Exactly. Junkie shit-covered wannabe ninjas that violently assault middle age and elderly people - and these repulsive cunts constantly try to compare themselves to world war 2 veterans killing literally Nazis. Not a surprise at all that the far left are so hated that Conservatives just swept the UK general election for the first time in decades, Trumps going to be re-elected by a landslide there in the states.

The guy has been through a lot in his life and is very passionate about helping others. Eventually all the public scrutiny will break a man. I know a lot of mentally ill fucked up people who could be helped by watching his videos on here.

The difference is there is no one in most of these pathetic peoples lives on this site that can call them out on it.

I know most of the people in this thread have considered suicide and are mentally fucked. In the end it doesn't really matter because most of the people in this thread contribute absolutely nothing to society and their family tree will end because they won't reproduce because they are useless humans.

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>And in the end...it doesnt really matter

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Because it's a man baby

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Assuming I'm a fan of trump kek

Kek! It's pretty obvious he just does this shit to trigger the left and get attention now. He's the most successful real life troll in modern history. The next 5 years of his presidency are gonna be entertaining.

One can't taper off benzos too slowly. I taper off slower than what the doctor recommends. Hell I will use a razor blade to cut back ever so slowly to avoid physical reactions which in my case are usually stomach issues and a slight increase in anxiety (temporary)

Honestly this is what arguing with idiots day in a and day out will do to a person

looks like someone can't attract a wife