rekt thread, last one it's soon to die.
Rekt thread, last one it's soon to die
Holy shit!
Fake. Thread invalid.Bones turned pure white, lava sticks on nothing, hes being pulled up by muscles that don't exist, and nobody around him is reacting.
Omg, you are right my fag/b/ro, you must have an IQ of like 160 or something.
If that was my child, the sheboon would be fucking dead now.
Why would a white South African family hire a nigger to take care of their baby?
What the fuck? Is this a brawl or an orgy?
are you a scientist or something? how do you know all this?
couldnt tell if that was a tranny, was moving too fast
monkey vibe here
weird... that sport seems so safe
Probably because that's all that's available? Idk. Pretty retarded move
They forgot pic related.
Video of a guy breaking through ice, ice breaks, water is cold, everyone laughs then helps him up.
well looks like they are headed back to the trees. good riddance.
Thanks, brainiac.
WOW is it a coincidence that BLACK PEOPLE are in 90% of these threads?
Need story on this.
retarded niggers
Dude with the ponytail was a dealer in the others turf, iirc.
well shit thats the fakest thing ive ever seen
>Dude with the ponytail
lol I thought it was a girl
yea, I was fully expecting the guy who walked up to do something, then thought maybe the people in the car were gonna do something. Didnt not expect anything would happen to the girl
looks like a chic to me, or maybe it is a faggy dude
I have an IQ on 180 and couldnt tell it was fake, so this guy has got to be around IQ220 to be able to see the piexels
Yo wtf back story on this nigger
Why is it dying user?
there is any way to make nerve gas? or how to get access to it?
Fake and gay
and thats why we dont live in mixed race neighorhoods kiddies
seriously, that nigga was like homie in a beautiful mind figuring out codes and shieeet.
what happened here? nerve gas?
Where there is a will there will be a way research research research
holy fuck, you're right user! seems like you do have a chance of not dying because you forgot to breathe
And that, children, is how NBA players are made.
nice help user, thank you. 'cause before asking I didn't try to research it
who the hell would believe OP is anything but fake given his skeleton legs are till moving
And that, children, is how NFL players are made.
yes, nerve gas. it's truly a horrible epidemic, it's killing more than the gook bat soup whooping cough
Yes. It turned his guts into jelly.
why do niggers lose their clothing when they fight? it's not the first webm I see where that happens. is this some kind of simian display of intimidation? or are they just instinctively returning to their animalistic natural state of being naked?
Fucking bus was driven by a nigger.
fake and gay
cause they are primitive chimps
I hate niggers as much as the next guy, but I think that the white boy was not just an innocent victim here and was messing with the chimpanzee.
WTF is this ridiculousness?
It can be expressed by a simple equation: Nigger = Nigger .
all niggers must die
Everyone just walks aways..
I bet it was in a shitty country like mine.
frankly looks like the white guy caught the nigger red handed stealing his bike, and then the nog predictably chimped out.
but he was definitely dressing up like a wigger and hanging out in a black area by the looks of it. so, frankly, his own fault for not exercising better judgement in life.
Savages didn't have to hit the lady...
they didnt even catch him. stabbed her 3 times for no reason
One shouldn’t try to peer to deep into the psychology of the nigger as none exists
Why do you save fake bullshit like this
>dindu nuffinz
he even takes the coins hahaha
ok boomer
oh shit!
I always go to this fucking places at night
Takes the change....
This girl wrestles.
He called him a nigger in front of said nigger's friend and chimped out. I was there. He was just chrcking out his bike but fat dude thought he was stealing it and told him "hands off my bike fucking nigger"
No it's not really a coincidence. The videos are chosen by selection bias. You can find plenty of gifs of white people being degenerates. But not like niggers. Niggers are special. They are particularly violent and have a propensity for thievery.
why user? their lives and contribution to our society are just as much worth as the one of a white man, you see.
the place to jerk off to your white guilt is reddit, son. just don't ever come back and you'll be ok.
Imagine being too stupid to realise he's stood there for a valid reason.
lame. where's the animal rekt?
he's actually a wholesome dude now, did jiujitsu with rener gracie and could probs mess yall up
really? care to explain which one? actually curious what fucking retarded excuse you're going to give, little nigger.
he saww
he grabb
but most importantly he nigg
that girl is one fire!
must suck being so unlikeable by everyone that you had to turn it into a feature.
Dirty ass niggers
Only niggers like that shit.
so this is what leslie jones does in its free time
Think about why you might want the back of the vehicle to be heavy. I believe in you.
I cummed
get back to fucking your sister before i do it for you.
They belong in a cage at the zoo.
well, you're obviously a little cuck that constantly craves for other people's validation to give such a stupid response. then again, why are you here if you're so bothered? do you think you're changing the world or "fighting the good fight" or some stupid commie shit like that by replying to strangers on the internet?
Sorry. You're an idiot, and you have no idea what you are talking about.
Look how the cop keep his eyes on the bike.
that second when a match is igniting releases a lot of chemicals
She relaxed around blacks.
and that's what you get for talking shit behind my back
It's alright. You'll figure it out one day.
listen up little retard, you obviously are too stupid to see the nigger was pushing the bar while on top of the truck.
it's ok, it's not your fault you were born so stupid, just stop posting and save us from cringing/feeling pity for you.
im here to waste your time, make you butthurt, and rat on raid/dox/troll threads. not even because i give a shit about who you target, just because its fun making you worry about me lurking.
Yeah, no reason he'd be bracing himself in position while he's on something moving.
You'll figure it out.
Going to venture a guess that nigger had it coming
lmao bro fucking chill out
HOLY SHIT, that child will need therapy
damn, that white girl sure can fight
>rat on raid/dox/troll threads
do you understand what Cred Forums is? how new are you?
Seems legit.
yep and yep.
I'm chill bro
It is so fucking sad that you are really getting any amusement out of gas lighting people on the internet.
NIGGERS with a capital N. Slavery was never worth having them here.
that's not how you charge an Iphone
Your feels are getting in the way of your figuring out a basic physics problem.
is good father.
here, maybe you'll like this one
cw: excessive faggotry
the niggers of dogs
Based on the way you write, I know you don't know shit about physics. The fact that you're even conversing with me on this topic is proof enough you fucking idiot. You don't have much leverage to work with.
It's a boy!
I mean this is obviously fake but pretty nicley done ngl
well I'm out of nigger shit, guess what this being is
Fuck off nigger
Love watching this nigger get fucked up
It's okay. I know you're mad. I'm just saying think about why you'd want the vehicle to be weighed down.
I would really, really like the story behind this one. Actionally any explanation would do, even if it were untrue.
>even if it were untrue
coronavirus fever
head on fire
hahaha wtf
well at least they haven't got anything yet right?
You cannot charge gas before you pay right?
At least over here in Texas I've never seen that you could do that.
two minutes ill never get back
Yeah yeah your goal is to make everyone on the internet mad and you always succeed. If they want the back weighed down, why would they put a fucking person in the back when that guy probably only weighs 180 lb? Since he has the capacity to do work, he should be on the outside anyways. Now that your argument is still shit as it has been since the beginning, would you care to say the same mindless shit again?
37k+ infected, 800+ dead atm
hahahahahahaha this is so fake! kek
Only niggers like that shit.
I haven't made an argument. I'm just saying think.
meth not even once
Yep. You're an idiot.
please user, don't say nigger. you might hurt someones fee fees. the correct term is "ethnically disabled"
Frame on!
Basic scientific knowledge from an average education.
Or, if you live in Fascist Shithole.. sheer genius.
You've said.
Why are niggers allowed to exist in North America? They are unstable Neanderthal and should be sent to monkey killing camps.
People like you should be investigating crimes.
whoa, did you call him a fascist with a capital F? wow man you sure sound tough as fuck, and very intelligent also. let me guess, communism just wasn't correctly put into practice up until now.
You get what you fucking deserve
Good shit, fucking defend yourself.
What are you doing here? Don't waste your time on Cred Forums, you should go solve the hardest crimes of humankind.
Literally swinging like a monkey.
have you thought of applying to the FBI?
Niggers need to be put in their place. Manitory 50 year sentences at the age of 10
This is so fake
Cheerleaders are really fit, especially competitive cheer. they're like Olympic athletes. that fat nigress however, is not in fighting shape.
This is why women deserve to have periods. Everyone is either a bitch or cunt.
>IQ on 180
>Thinks flesh will burn off bones in a fraction of a second
>thinks legs will move without muscles on them
Men, I am such a normalfag. Only like normal sized pussies in normal bodies of REAL females in their twenties. Why people do that?
Bro, I'd rather you fuck my sister.
I'll fuck yours while you're fucking mine.
Are you a Secret Service agent?
14yo spotted
Oh the irony
So smart, yet so retarded
This is why I conceal carry. Come at me monkeys.
Don't fuck with cats Tyrone
He's mad because the cardboard bin doesn't have watermelon in it.
He sleepy now
can't fuckin stand this shit
y u do this
The fucker who did this needs to be hung from a tree.
Your legs cant move if there just skeletons. You need the blood veins so your brain can send the signal to move them
I had to be chinese.
I never understood why they are so inhuman.
Just some average dancing at the xxOppressedxxMelonsxx show.
No shoes
No service
No niggers
Half brother surely?
No cunt's banging that twice.
Hitler was right.
Nigs gonna nig
holy fuck xD
I hope a dog eats that chink fuck alive.
There is a difference between pets and livestock though. Livestock generally don't have manners, usually eat everything and anything they want, and prefer to poop wherever they stand.
god i hate majority of black people, violent in the streets and in schools, disobedience and rebelious thuggish culture & behavior.
however i would definitely enjoy witnessing all white males globally vanishing with just white women and mexicans, blacks and arabs left. They would become 'woke' very quick, also imagine all those white pussies being bbc'd
If it was a pig i would react the same way
>omg i'm so funny everyone's gonna laugh and give me the attention i desperately need
the difference is, i'll eat the bacon. he doesn't look like he's making dinner. you're just being irrelevant, get your brain together and give it another try
Leave it to baboons to abuse an old white man while filming
Toll paid
The floor is lava.
pigs are food, dogs are friends
This shit actually makes me mad?
He is shifting the weight to the front of the truck, he is doing something.
Holy shit I didn't know you can move your skeleton if all the muscles already burned off
You're a very special kind of stupid. Take your (You) and kill yourself.
Is that a man?
not only fake but also gay
look at all that fat definitely an american
Stay brainwashed dipshit
Maybe, but I bet he'll eat his fucking dinner from now on.
fake AND gay
That's a mexican or a brazilian
das people mover is rayciss
Niggers are violent, thats all you need to know
>Prefer to poop wherever they stand
So do dogs man.
>triggered snowflake maga faggas
Wrong. Traps are super ghay.
I'd beat the shit out of someone doing that gay dance too
He must be from the secret service.
yea niggers don't understate friendship
I fucking hate the Chinese. I'm not even a fan of dogs or pets in general but fuck me does this shit get under my skin. I would LOVE to murder this man. Fuck off and die
no that's an amerifat
quit being a nigger, it's boring
lava meeting ice results in an explosion
There's a difference dickweed. Eat dogs if you want to eat dogs. Pigs are pets and sacred in parts of the world and in some parts dogs aren't. I'd be just as mad if somebody was abusing the fuck out of a cow or a pig too. All animals to be eaten should be killed humanely. Sub 30 second deaths MAXIMUM. A shot to the head, a shot to the heart, a slice to the throat. There should be minimal suffering.
Most of the dogs are fine healthy dogs that are clubbed over the head hard. Not abused for 6 months with broken limbs malnutrition and beatings. They're beat once and done.
Wow. You are stupid. Please allow me to tell you the truth
People dont like pigs being tortured and would be pissed off. Go look at how much people react to animal torture.
>thinking meat eaters are in favor of mass farming/industrial meat farms
If you cant kill the animal or at least get something from a farm you are low key fag.
Came realy hard thank you user
Intelligence to taste ratio, don't eat dogs or octopus. Pigs live in their own shit so can't be to smart.
wtf is happening here
Then post the opposite you cum guzzling nigger loving faggot kike.
Oh wait, they statistically dont exist you fucking fag.
They smash her with a log then try to stop her from spazing out. What imbeciles.
Literally the worst video on the web,
>quit being a nigger
But that means he wouldn't be anything at all. A man without purpose.
nice trips
did you just call a nigger a man?
You're a fag, they do this exact same thing to hogs and cows when before the slaughter them.
well yes, and if you showed me this i would be disturbed as well. the thing is, when i eat a fucking steak, no one is handing me a webm of the cow being badly treated, so no, not a fag. My reaction would have been the same with any animal (except humans)
I'd seriously offer to fight half the 'People' in this thread. Fucking degenerates, I'd beat the absolute shit out of them.
i think he stabbed her.
>checks again
ya he stabbed her i think
So its dead, who gives a fuck
most likely we'll beat the shit out of you, cuz you're on your own newfag
I've had my fair share on my own against 4/5+ bring it monkey man
That is clearly not a real one, its impossible that bone didnt burn away at the same time as the rest of him. Stop posting fake shit.
He's pushing.
In fact I don't even give a shit anymore. Enjoy stealing laptops you fucking apeshit cunt
Typical niggers, no wonder everyone hates your monkey asses.
daaaaamn, that's fucked up. How the fuck did he hit his head so perfectly, it's weird because it looks like he hit him in the nose? Looks like he'll have permanent brain damage.
You want to touch his peepee, don't you?
mhmm cheese and tomato
just kidding, i'm on your side, just testing your nerves. let's go beat some niggers
Fake and gay
they should feed the dog then, thats what she gets for animal cruelty
You just want to touch our peepees.
Abraham Lincoln's idea was to ship them back to Africa. The jews had him killed.
His head hit the pavement when he got kicked.
Ok, that was my first /rekt/ thread that I watched and I gotta say the dog one was the worst
Fukkin kek
>>Feed the dog>>
coal toll.
That nigger has a great outfit
hopefully this is repeated over and over for eternity in hell on people like child rapists and sjws
Animal nigger is animal