BEHOLD! Your godking in all of his glory! The funniest, wittiest, best meme makinest mother flugger to ever grab em by the pussy!
Seriously tho what the actual fuck? How some of yall actually like this fucking joke of a human being?
The man walked on AF1 with TP hangin off his shoe... That is the funniest thing ever, if Hillary had had that happen everyone everywhere would have rightly had a field day clowning her ass over it-yet with trump, you barely heard shit about it? Wtf man?
Is it cause hes doing dumb shit like this all the time so some things get overlooked? Maybe? But that still doesn't account for why the fuck yall worship this walking, bumbling oligarch cum dumpster.
Nigga got a damn cheeto line around his head... The man is a clown with a little mushroom dick. But that gets ya hot doesnt it babygirl? ;)
Trumptards were taken, it's a fact that they refuse to accept.
Cameron Green
Hunter Thompson
he's a good president, that's all that matters
Carson King
How u fuckin figure? By what fucking metric?
He hasnt fucked up the economy, at least not yet, and mostly just kept the economic momentum Obama started after the great recession.
Everything else has been a fucking joke, man, seriously. He was supposed to fight for the working man and get us a better health care system than Obamacare and NONE of that happened. Instead he passed huge tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy-saying a big fuck you to the middle class and small businesses, proving he was just another crappy Republican who acted like a populist but governs like George W Bush.
Trump is a constantly lying joke of a human being, he doesnt really believe in anything either; except shamelessly self promoting himself he has no real talent... Shits cray, man.
Sebastian Edwards
nah,he's a miserable president.this is what happens when your 16 and think your political views matter because your school gets shot up
The only people that still think he's fit to be president are meme edge lords, 15 yo's' and boomers.
Colton Wilson
dont worry,even if he fucks up the economy(which he has)his supporters are already poor so its not like they'd be able to tell the difference anyway
James Gomez
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the tanning codes.
Jaxon Davis
>be president >be billionaire >have smoking hot wife and daughter >some faggots on the internet thing they can look down on you because you put on strange make-up Whatever helps you fags feel better about your sorry lives.
Zachary Hughes
Makes me like Dems more tbh. Was gonna vote R, but those domes uwu
Austin Morgan
I wake up to find all you retards obsessing over something extemely dumb, Trump is going to win in November because you can't focus
Xavier Howard
they know the future
Chase Edwards
>his supporters are already poor Source?
Jonathan Barnes
>Be billionaire >Hotness of daughter shouldn’t matter he shouldn’t think of her like that wtf >Embarrass country on global stage >Contribute a large amount to fucking up the planet for future generations >Have diehard fans who will defend you because they think you “say it like it is” when in reality they’re too dumb to see through your lies
Parker Jackson
The obvious fact that they are poor, mostly white and from rural areas? Thought this was common knowledge?
Jason Myers
>Lie about how much you're worth >Get made fun of by richer, self-made billionaires >Marry perpetual sour puss >Get daughter cosmetic surgery because you want to fuck her >Become the hero of people you despise and look down on while
Andrew Lewis
Cool opinions, user. I'm going to think long and hard about my own beliefs because of your insightful post, thank you.
Kevin Sanders
Jose Perry
I wonder what ISO that photo was shot at
Justin Gutierrez
oh really is that how this works damn I was totally going to refute that but you got me you're pretty smart
Nicholas Lewis
TL;DR Assuming OP is a nigger and a faggot who has nothing of value to say.
Obama's part time economy was 96% gone by the time Trump took office. 12,000 factories are back and we have some of the best trade deals in decades. You're a desperate, reality denying moron.
Well you certainly proved why his policies are bad with this post.
Henry Ortiz
If you really let the president get you this butthurt on a day to day basis OP then you really need to re-evaluate your priorities. You've let him creep into every aspect of your life and make you miserable, and that is *your* fault.
This is coming from a Trump supporter. If you let your hate consume you, you are going to spend the rest of your life miserable.
Are we witnessing the longest duration of public bitching in the history of mankind? I correctly guessed this would happen if unemployment reached record lows. I'm ready for 4 more years. They wanted Hillary, and now they want a 28 year old CIA queer, or a 80 year old commie. You can't write it.
Liam Jackson
Jackson Cook
You know its bad when all they have left is talking about his fake tan.