I have finally gotten around to watching It's Always Sunny...

I have finally gotten around to watching It's Always Sunny. Before you say anything I know it's 14 years too late but I'm just curious, what're some of your favorite episodes? As I'm going through I want certain gems to look out for. Personally the episode I've enjoyed most so far is the gang trying to steal the inheritance left for Brett, and that madman ends up making Frank and Dee marry each other.

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"The nightman cometh" is a must see.

There's an episode in season 7 where the gang gets trapped in a mansion while trying to steal a vase. I've never laughed so hard in my life.

Also the gloryhole episode.


Mac day, the gang goes to a water park, Charlie work and paddy's has a jumper are some of my personal favourites

so many good ones hard to choose.... one of my fav shows...

def see the DENNIS system, and also the highschool reunion



I can just hear Danny Devito saying this

I'd have to say in terms of laughter so far that I've seen, the McPoyles holding up the bar had to get me going the most. The way Margaret just licks her lips like the dumb bitch she is

Mac says that line though


"who pooped the bed" is a riot.

Even better then. Mac's probably the one character that I've caught the least second hand embarrassment from.

Get outta here snail!

Ponderosa court trail when Charlie uses bird law

Literally every episode in the first 10 years is amazing. It's only in the last 2 or 3 years that they brought in women and diversity hires for writers and now it's just boring PC bullshit.

Just watch it all in order m8. You'll love it. But if you want the greatest hits, here's some of the best:

>Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person
>The Nightman Cometh
>The DENNIS System
>The Gang Buys a Boat
>The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation
>The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis
>The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore
>The Gang Gets Trapped
>Thunder Gun Express
>The Gang Saves the Day
>Mac Finds His Pride (the last 5 minutes of this episode is the greatest thing that has ever aired on television)

Thunder Gun Express
The Gang Hits the Slopes
Wolf Cola A PR Nightmare
Thunder Gun 2

Would you like a spot of tea?



I had just finished Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person right before I posted this and it was pretty funny, but the dude straight roasted her roastie ass at the end.

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Just watch it in order. There's tons of jokes you won't fully understand unless you've watched everything up to that point, plus watching it in order really lets you see the character development and appreciate the show for what it really is.

The Gang Gets Trapped and The Gang Dines out are definitely two of my favorite episodes.

Season 8 premiere is the best episode of Sunny

Any they call Dee a bird

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All of the rickety cricket episodes, especially Mac and Dennis: Manhunters

Charlie MCdennis the game of games and charlie mcdennis electric bogaloo

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Don’t feel bad bruh it’s never too late to start shows. I just binged supernatural 1-11. Always sunny is fucking great. Fight milk episode was my fave