Hello, Cred Forums, this is the Jungian mystic. I'm back to assist you with the Deep Mysteries...

Hello, Cred Forums, this is the Jungian mystic. I'm back to assist you with the Deep Mysteries. If you don't know what the Deep Mysteries are or think they have something to do with the supernatural, then just assume I'm a middleschool LARPer and move on; this isn't a thread for you.

To forestall the usual questions, no, I don't "grant wishes." I'm not a genie or a magickian, I'm a mystic. And as for why I create these threads here, it's because the thrashing of the sleepers all around us here creates enough noise to allow us to discuss the sacred truths without worrying about repercussions from the Archons. We look like LARPing schizophrenics here.

If you're seeing this, it's synchronicity. You've been called here. If you have eyes to see, you know the value of what I'm offering. If you're struggling on the path, ask your questions and I will help if I can.

Remember to ignore shitposts; it's the price we pay for being hidden here. Also, be aware that I answer questions in the order they come, and that some answers may take some time to write. Please be patient.

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I want to know more.

What is Vril force?


It's a model for "body energy" similar to Chi or Ki or Kundalini or the central nervous system. These kinds of paradigms are a useful way of conceptualizing a mental and spiritual focus on certain discrete areas of function in the body-mind. They all describe the same phenomena, though each has different ways of drawing an outline around them, so each has different tools available for manipulating such "energies."

This may sound stupid but I'm working on a mechanical neuron. My end goal is to be able to recreate a consiousness. Will that ever happen?

How do you know you are not delusional?

I might be but I don't expect much to come of it it's more of a project.

My suggestion would be to read Roger Penrose's The Emperor's New Mind and Shadows of the Mind, as they explain why the brain can't possibly be computational. It's possible that machine intelligence may arise, but it will be nothing like that experienced by biological entities. While on a quantum level everything is in essence digital, you're dealing with eigenstates whose possibilities outnumber particles in the Universe rather than 0s and 1s.

I'll look into it. Thx for the recommendation.

Of course I'm delusional. Everyone is. See, we don't deal with the objective Universe -- if such a thing can be said to exist in any useful sense of the word "exist" -- but rather our experience of the Universe. This experience is false, and must be, since a map is not the thing it maps. This is why we have to evaluate paradigms not in terms of truth, but in terms of utility. And ultimately, why all paradigms fail and we must rely on revelatory insight of the numinous and ephemeral directly.

Can you explain the Alkahest?

In mountainous regions it is excreted like a dew in mineral veins under moonlight... #The Alkahest

hmmm seems like a cop out to me...
for example, a child is innocent and believes they can fly, that's their paradigm, but once they jump out the window......they ain't flyin'...

can you offer some explanation about why that is?

It's important to understand that alchemy isn't literally about transforming physical metals. It's a metaphor to describe the spiritual process of chaining up lower spiritual states into higher ones with the ultimate goal of merging the archetypal Male and Female into a single entity, the Rebis.

The Archons are archetypal entities which have always ruled the physical. One becomes an Archon by burning out the sense of personal identity and replacing it with a pure archetypal personality usually delineated as a kind of demonic entity. These Archons rule the physical with absolute authority, but know that the deeps of the inner sea are denied to them. They attempt to keep humanity on the surface, where they rule, and so those who attempt to teach people how to dive for the Deep Mysteries must hide their teachings behind allegory and metaphor.

why forks electric in microwave

And yet, I fly freely every night through lucid dreams. In fact, I'm flying right now through manifesting it through imagination. The point of the existence of the physical is to act as a kind of barrier, a membrane over the infinite imagination. If you want to fly, then you must penetrate this barrier first.

..are you denying the existence of the oil of Atimoney and the Lead Acetate path to the synthesis of gold?


The window dressing is there to distract those not ready for the deeper levels of meaning. That's its purpose. By all means feel free to pursue your own truth. I'm not here to define your reality, just to help those seeking tools for diving for the Deep Mysteries. If you're satisfied with the tools you have, then continue to use them.

But you wont be flying if you don't eat in this physical world and die, no matter your paradigm. Doesn't that make this one the most important? You can die in dreams or OBEs or lucid experiences all the time and its ok, but not physically, why?

What will be my career in the future?

We die anyway, regardless. That's why. It's why Thoreau wrote about risk-taking by pointing out that we must accept we are alive-and-dead to begin with. As he put it, "So long as a man is alive there is always a risk that he may die."

Have you taken the heroic dose? I'm guessing by your responses that you haven't. My suggestiion is to try it. Once you've experienced ego-death for the first time and realized that your conscious identity is such a small part of you that its loss is like paring a fingernail, nothing else will remain the same.

OP is legit. Never mind the transgressors.. what is your take on ball lightning being the progenitors of life on earth? ..nonlinear vacuum domains or rather: Plasmoids are ultraterrestrial entities that are the directors of evolution.

What have you achieved since having taken the "heroic dose" and experienced the death of your ego?

Every time I pass by this thread it oddly resonates. Feel as if I’ve had a vague idea of something of this like for a bit. Where do I begin?

What's interesting is the synchronicitous link between plasmids and observation. For decades it was believed that ball lightning was mythical or a hoax because no one was ever able to get it on film or produce it in the lab. Then they had the bright idea to shield their electronics and suddenly they were able to consistently create plasmids in laboratory settings. Turns out that the attempt to observe plasmids actually disrupted the conditions required for their creation.

This is interesting because of the similarity we see on a quantum scale with "observation" in the sense of interaction with a complex system. There's no particular reason they should be connected, but somehow are. We see these kinds of connections in all sorts of seemingly unrelated phenomena. Physicists, for example, often keep the number 137 up on the wall as a reminder of the mysterious because this number seems to recur over and over again in a wide variety of mathematics, physics, and other fields -- seemingly without connection on the surface.

In the sane way we can see that plasmids and quantum observation are somehow connected.

Friend, I'm not trying to argue for the validity of my views. That's between me and me. In the Aristotlian model there are three ways of obtaining knowledge: empiricism (science), rationalism (philosophy), and revelation (mysticism). By definition, I can't show you or provide you with a rationale for the mystic. What I can do is give you tools to explore it for yourself if you're interested in it. Which I have done. If it doesn't interest you, then go in peace because it's impossible for me to show you or tell you anything which you'll find empirically or rationally acceptable.

What you're feeling is the unconscious trying to make you aware of something. That's what causes the phenomenon of synchronicity. Trying to think about it is counter-productive, as the function of your conscious identity is merely to rationalize the decisions you've already made on an unconscious level.

Just ask whatever pops into your head, no matter how silly it seems. A good way of trying to induce this is to imagine yourself talking to someone in the room with you, then ask that person what he or she wants to discuss, and imagine what they person would say. This is actually how shamanic manifestation works.

Do you have anything to say about a "meditative hole"? Always had that experience when trying to clear my head for some semblance of cognitive mapping. Somewhat resembles an incredibly sudden sense of acceleration or weighted falling. Always felt that was somehow significant and became too intrigued to actually see it through, as recognizing such seemed to never fail in pulling me out of it

It's hard to say, since this kind of internalized experience usually takes forms which conform to our personal expectations and inner geography. For me, for example, I think the equivalent to your experience is a certain level just between a light and heavy meditative state where I hear a babble of many voices like someone spinning a radio dial quickly. I can't make out any individual voices, exceot occasionally my own name, which leads me to believe that I'm getting random snippets of stored memory as my sense of dentity fades preparatory to dropping into no-mind.

Interesting. I've always been relatively ambivalent in attempts to grasp a model of a mind, as every time I've attempted to peer within it's been very heavily subject to circumstance or recent exposures. Even in such, I genuinely can't tell if what I'm viewing is created to uphold semi-conscious expectations. How have you dealt with that plausible deniability of possibly just willing belief into cognition? That's something I still very much struggle with, but somehow fully subscribing to that line of thought seems off the mark

So the fact that you state consciousness as a unique setting with novel geography per individual interests me. How does that pair with the greater self?

How strong are your powers of visualization? It's no coincidence that the Archons have worked hard to promote video games with better and better graphics and Hollywood movies with better and better effects; the ability to visualize is being deliberately stunted and left to atrophy in entire generations now.

The reason I ask about your capacity for visualization, is this is a way for you to explore the inside of your head as a physical location. I can essentially dream lucidly while awake, using my imagination like a Star Trek holodeck. I can explore inner geographical locations and my unconscious fills in detail as I go, allowing me to literally see what the contents of my head looks like.

Who will I lose my virginity to?

I'm not sure, to be honest. Awakening is a process, not a binary switch, and I'm still feeling my way through the links between my lower selves and the higher Self. Intuitively, I feel like the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a metaphor to describe the way our entire Self peels away in layers represented by each sephiroth (and qlippoth), until what remains if undifferentiated and returns to unity at Kether, the Godhead we all share as part of the primal identity.

That's actually something I've been trying to progress as of late, but I've always tried to actively create and sustain my surroundings. More often than not, it'll fall into chaos or sleep in about 30 minutes. I always use a little black door in the back corner of a familiar room, guess that's probably comparable to the holodeck. When you attempt visualization, do you passively roam or attempt to create?

Both. I try not to reveal anything about my identity in these threads because of the risk from Archonic organizations for revealing what they regard as "trade secrets" openly, but I have professional level skills as a creative, and when I am creating art I often "set the scene" as a static tableau, into which I enter and then explore.

will I cum?

who am I? my soul name is dna. for those who walk the path of light and dark I am the between of shadelessness what is me o thouist soul wanderer . this is my origin of aura .

I'll certainly have to do my homework on that one. As far as visual metaphors go, I guess I've sort of always envisioned the relation between individuals and the godhead as geometrically twisted-off partitions that are informationally bound at a fundamental level, but unable to consciously perceive it, and therein lies intuition. Nothing to reference on that, though, I've always been in a bit of an echo chamber in this respect for fear of "sounding crazy". Do you have any reading recommendations? You seem very knowledgeable

hey so I posted this on /x, but maybe you might have some insight:

Ight, so I astroprojected the other day, and I wanted to gain some insight from people far wiser than me in this matter, so here I go.

So I astroprojected the other day during a sleepless night. At first it was kinda weird because I felt like my physical body sank into my bed while my mind was trying to break out, and it vibrated and shit. Afterwards, I walked off on this silver string that was connected to my body and ran up into the sky. But as soon as I toke a few steps I was far above a Simi-realistic earth. Then I drifted into space, heading towards a small, sunish object that had a lot of golden threads going around it.

My goal in all this was to find some higher power.

I got to the center of the object, and the space that all the theards toke up was a lot larger. I got a lot closer and the small sunish object looked more like a blackhole, and the way I felt movement felt really contradictory.

A moment later, and Im drifting somewhere outside of Jupiter but it has rings around it. The earth and the sunish object not that far behind me.

Then I felt it.(sorry for being dramatic) A dark, almost gooy substance form next to me. I woke up, but sometime later I was trying to fall asleep but it formed behind me, and I put my hand there, and It fell apart.

Sometime that day I was in a language class(I won't say which), and I felt it form around my left hand, making it feel really warm(and it was really cold in my school that day). It broke apart.

But what happened, and what do I do?.

Please help,
and thanks guys, have a goodnight/day.

Whether I accept or not, I would still like to know what you consider achievements in your chosen path.

I ask not how you can validate yourself to me, but how you validate yourself to you

Understandable, and I apologize if I'm over-spamming this thread, this is just a subject I've never really gotten to express and it's extremely sobering to witness it here repeatedly. First time I've actually engaged, though

What do you see in my future?

In that, I simply don't want to wander down a path akin to this blindly, as I inexplicably feel that it's inevitable, if that makes sense

you had a curious entity latch onto your essence you should be waery of it it may try to syphon your lifeforce slowly overtime . try and study it with an open mind and research how to ward thyself when astralplaining unintentionally.

have I failed or is this whole mess simply apart of the plan?

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what is the esoteric reason for daemons?
how do i contact my daemon?

I'm often asked in these threads for a suggested reading list, and while I'm happy to do so, it comes with the caveat that what's been useful for me may not be of varying usefulness for you. But for the record, these are some works which I've found particularly useful:

- Man and His Symbols, The Red Book, by Carl Jung
- Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud
- Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, by Julian Jaynes
- The Emperor's New Mind, Shadows of the Mind, by Roger Penrose
- Dhammapada, by Siddhartha Gautama
- Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu
- Illusions, by Richard Bach
- Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll
- Syntactic Structures, by Noam Chomsky
- The Golden Bough, by James Frazer
- Promethea (graphic novel), by Alan Moore
- The Invisibles (graphic novel), by Grant Morrison

Synchronicity, literally just waiting for my headphones to charge so I can beat my meat user, help me find CP all mighty clown

Join now and thank me later

First, you need to understand what "astral projection" actually is. The fact that we perceive the world from a point-of-view inside our heads is a cultural prejudice. It need not be so. The Egyptians, for excample, perceived the world from their chests since they believed the heart is where thought occured, while the brain only acted to radiate heat. Once you know this, you it becomes possible to move your POV anywhere you like. In the lab we can now reliably induce "astral projection" by having people wear VR goggles with a feed from a camera located over their shoulder. Their POV simply pops outside of themselves.

There is a practical reason for keeping our POV close to our heads, however, for the simple reason that most of our sense organs are there. Our brains are very good at painting over missing data without you paying attention to it, but the less information you have, the more data your brain has to make up. As you move your POV farther and farther away -- like Jupiter, in your example -- you have no data at all, and so your unconscious it making it all up as you go.

Once you're aware of this, "astral projection" becomes a very good way of exploring the inside of your own head. All the phantasmagorical imagery you experience is *inside you*. These entities you encounter are actually archetypal parts of your own identity. In particular, it sounds like you've encountered the Shadow. In Jungian psychology, making peace with and eventually finding unity with the Shadow is the ultimate goal.

Do you have any recommended practices for developing visualization and other skills that would be useful? Or any general purpose recommendations? I'm looking for valuable ways to throw time and effort at this pursuit.

None of the things I consider accomplishments would be of any interest to you. If I told you that I manifest the Anima, or that she recently transitioned from Maiden to Mother for me, would it have any significance for you? It's world-shaking for me, but I doubt it's at all significant for you.

I'm not here to convince you to follow my path, I'm here to help you with yours -- if you want or need it.


I'm not really struggling with the path or anything but I really want to know when the other espers are gonna become active and do something about the shit raining from the sky onto my elysian fields

That's why I'm here. When I first starting the process of Waking, I called for help and secret masters and bodhisattvas came to me to offer their assistance, and to warn me against the dangers ahead. Now, as I near the end of my own term of confinement on this planet, I pass on their kindness to others in similar need as I was, as I hope those I help will one day likewise pass it on to still others.

For some reason when I'm close to the leaving my physical body I feel like I'm starting to levitate and someone just puts the sheets away. I can't figure out how to stop fking up that part because I start to think a lot like -Yes, fk, is happening- and by doing that my body always stops levitating. So damn annoying.

At least open it scrub

You tried bro, I guess I can only rely on imgsrc, btw where is my CP clown?

How do I prepare for death?

What dangers?

For those who follow the female path, part of the process of Waking is having the courage to let go, to have faith in the underlying pattern to push you where you need to go to experience the things you need to experience. The female is about passive receptivity. You will never go where you want to go, but you'll always end up where you *need* to you.

The letting go is terrifying. It feels exactly like death.

I recently came face to face with death. I ended up in an ambulance, and as I laid in a hospital bed waiting to see whether or not I would die, the Anima came to me and showed me an old-fashioned elevator in an empty void, leading into the blackness, and told me there was something I needed to see.

I didn't know whether or not this was an invitation to death, but I found the courage to enter the elevator to whatever fate awaited me. What awaited me was an experience I still don't quite understand, but as you can see I am still alive. Because I had the courage to let go and allow the Universe to show me what needed to be shown, I emerged from the shadow of death with a new Mystery to explore.

is lust bad and is it possible to form a meaningful and healthy, long-lasting relationship with another person when we all have horny shadows?

Daemons are not the same thing as demons. I'm going to assume you mean daemons. They are thoughtforms, sometimes also called servitors or familiars. They are very simple entities with limited intelligence, essentially pieces of your own identity carved off and given limited autonomy for specific tasks.

For example, I rarely rely on an alarm clock. Instead, I create a servitor whose function is to keep track of time and to wake me when I need to be awakened. Then I thank it for its service and uncreate it, as it has fulfilled its purpose. If you are kind to your servitors and make sure to assure it that it has done well, you need never worry about losing control and accidentally creating a vengeful tulpa.

yo rasta, I remember you from /r9k/ around 2016/17. I just opened Cred Forums by chance, don't browse here nor had even thought I'd find you here

And yet here you are. Your unconscious has drawn you here, and you even recognize me as the Fool, the initial step on a journey of new discovery. What's the question your unconscious selves are trying to ask?

Will I end up marrying the woman I’m with now?

Lucid dreaming is going to give you the biggest bang for the buck. The skills you develop in learning how to dream lucidly will hone your ability in visualization. I also strongly encourage you to stop playing video games as an escape. I'm not saying video games are actively harmful as a whole, but that games which encourage muscle memory and rote recall, like first-person shooters, shut down the imagination.

Intuitives all around the world know that we've already entered the Kali-Yuga, the age of chaos when the old narratives of the story-cycle of the Hero has reached its end but the new narratives have no yet arrived. It's why the world has become so oppressive and male as the Patriarch seeks to prolong its rule.

The Age of Aquarius will come, but it will come in blood and horror. It's always like that. It feels like the end, but is really just a fresh beginning, and what emerges from the other end probably won't feel much like human. My intuition says the new narrative will include some kind of machine-mediated intelligence.

dude I'm not him but I've actually traveled around the planet and executed serial killers in a russian prison while astral projecting

I've taken to not even calling it that and referring to it as bilocation actually, I think they're separate phenomenon

Will i make it into the army?

Don't worry, it just takes practice. The same thing happens the first few times you become lucid in a dream. There's nothing magical about what's happening; shamanism is a form of brain-hacking developed by millennia of shamans, oracles, wise women, and medicine men. The brain is plastic, meaning it's capable of reprogramming itself, breaking old neuronal connections and creating new ones. Every time you trigger a neuronal connection, it become stronger and easier to trigger. As you practice, you're making the network of connections in your brain associated with it stronger and stronger. Eventually it will become almost effortless, the same way you developed the ability to walk and talk and not shit your pants.

oh dude I met some boddhisattva who did this test and were like
>yeah dude, you're never going to reach enlightenment because you've chosen literally the hardest path possible outside of it

what is the second path? I still don't know. it has been brutal though, ffs

perhaps it's the path of the "truth" rather than liberation from it which is

fucking agonizing of course

user my gf is my momwifedaughter is that like, something?

I feel like it's something, maybe it's my dao


Chapter 16 of the Tao Te Ching answers this better than I can:

Empty your mind of all thoughts.
Let your heart be at peace.
Watch the turmoil of beings,
but contemplate their return.

Each separate being in the universe
returns to the common source.
Returning to the source is serenity.

If you don't realize the source,
you stumble in confusion and sorrow.
When you realize where you come from,
you naturally become tolerant,
disinterested, amused,
kindhearted as a grandmother,
dignified as a king.
Immersed in the wonder of the Tao,
you can deal with whatever life brings you,
and when death comes, you are ready.

lmao fag

oh dude dont do that you cannot submit or the old gods will rape you

it may feel like bliss but bliss is a lie, suffering is a part of your identity and only your complete self with ego intact is capable of receiving love and cherishing others

the black ocean is just that, an ocean of darkness and unlife, it is the unmaking of you, and you are something which is meant to evolve and transcend rather than disintegrate

personally, my boat has been floating on the surface of that singularity and catching the souls like raindrops above, because I deeply cherish the reality which is yet still possible if we persevere

>My intuition says the new narrative will include some kind of machine-mediated intelligence.
it's actually a new religion

There are many. Your brain has a built-in safety system, for example, to scare you from making changes to the factory settings. When you start down the shamanic path, you will have seemingly supernatural experiences with entities like the men in black, the black-eyed children, shadow people, and so on. They serve the same function as warning pop-ups on your computer's operating system when you try to make changes which could permanently damage your system.

Beyond that, you must learn how to pass unseen among the sleepers. They are conditioned to find the Awake scary or infuriating, and will nail you to a cross or make you drink hemlock if you're not careful. You must never, ever admit that you can see the fnords, ether. The sleepers are conditioned not to see the fnords, and admitting you can see them is how the Archons know your conditioning has broken.

Understand that sex is actually just a symbolic representation of something deeper and profoundly spiritual: the manifestation of the Rebis. The act of coitus is the closest we can come to creating the Rebis in the physical world, which is why most people are so obsessed with it. As you develop the ability to chain together baser metals into more refined spiritual metals, you'll find sex loses its appeal and you will draw closer to the Rebis.

Synchronicity has brought you here. What is it I can help you with, friend?

It's not really my place to tell you whether or not they were actual bodhisattvas, but my own experience is that anyone who tells you they know the "real" path and that yours isn't one, is probably trying to sell you a book.

If you meet the Buddha travelling on the road, kill him.

I have no idea tbh since I haven't thought about it but lately I'm very mentally troubled (thoughts of suicide and stuff) while at the same time I made lots of progress in little time with dream recall and other stuff (even if I don't want to remember, I remember perfectly my dreams with no effort).

No idea if any of this means anything

Ok, user, several years ago, a girl caught my attention after I had resigned myself to live the life of a hermit. I screwed it up and tried for some time to fix it, but always failed. I was oblivious/indifferent to most people, including her until she started acting unnatural for her in my presence. Why did this girl suddenly appear and catch my attention? What was the point of it all? It was months between the decision and paying attention to her. Was the universe just playing a prank on me? Or some god? Why?

The Anima is all those things, mother, wife, daughter, and more besides. She's also *you*. Besides the Shadow, the Anima is the most important of the archetypes, and also the most powerful. When you are drawn to the female, you are actually being drawn to the Anima, to your own female nature.

Seal of Solomon? Nice, so know any good Aleister Crowley? It's obvious you like thelema

I assume you're a magickian, and that your life revolves around manifesting the Will. I have no interest in forcing the Universe to conform to me; I follow the path of the female, of passive receptivity. I don't fear the old gods, because the Great Mother gave birth to them all. That blackness you fear is the Void, another name for the Great Mother. She's the emptiness which gives rise to all possibility: the quantum foam from which this Universe was birthed, and into which it will return when it dies.

So people who attain "The Rebis" are always celibate? And what 's The Rebis? It's someone who has achieved an equilibrium of their male and female characteristics?

it's not so much that my path was wrong or unnecessary but they expressed it as being associated with a certain type of profound hardship that they wouldn't wish on anybody and that only the truly mad would volunteer for and which they already understood it was impossible to talk me out of

at that time I was a child who consistently tried to do "the right thing" even if every single person in my life would abandon me, partly because it felt like they already had, but mostly I thought if I didn't do what was right nobody else ever would

I don't know why I was so sure that no one else would do it, but it's something that I held with complete certainty, like the evidence was buried in the futures spreading out from each point which were visible to me and seemingly not others

Self-death is the best death. Have you taken the heroic dose? Once you've experience ego-death you'll never again fear the loss of identity or existence, nor will you think about suicide in the conventional sense, since your ego-self never really existed in any important way to begin with.

The kinds of conflict you're experiencing are normal for those who've begun the path of Waking. Right now all of your many selves are squabbling at the committee table of Self. Your goal is to negotiate a detente, using the Anima to find common ground and begin developing consensus for forward movement among your many selves.


Attached: hahah-ohhhh.gif (400x279, 1.78M)

Understand that we never really see others in themselves. What we see is our own identity reflected in them. R.D. Laing describes this as the basic building-blocks of personal identity, how we are mirrors viewing mirrors; our self-identity comes from the projection of ourselves into others. Essentially, how you see yourself is the result of thinking, "If I was them, how would I see me?"

So in order to understand your relationship with this woman, you first need to understand your relationship with yourself, because the person you thought of as her was actually more *you* than her. The real question is what element of your own identity were you trying to manifest by projecting it into her? What changed?

I understand thelema, yes, but I follow the path of the female, of passive receptivity. The female is much more powerful than the male, but it's a much deeper and more subtle power: the power of water, of flowing around or wearing away obstacles rather than smashing through them. The male breaks; the female bends.


"Avoid problems, and you'll never be the one who overcame them." -- Richard Bach

I was born intersex, I am neither mystified nor intimidated by either masculinity or femininity, I am attracted to her precisely because she is not me, she is the perfect mixture of male and female as a counterpart to myself representing everything I wish to know and everything about me I wish to be known.

If I were god and this universe were a part of me, if she did not exist, if she was a part of me, if she ever went inside of me and became me and the separation between us disappeared then this universe would become meaningless and I would destroy both it and myself

as far as I'm concerned the connection between these two entities is the only reason any of this exists and I would absolutely discard all transcendent meaning and spiritual euphoria if I thought for even a second that it was an attribute opposed to the highest ideals of love which are the only thing I cherish and respect

you are lost on a road that leads to fucking nothing

Fuck it. I'll believe mysticism
OP, what forces can I use to get what I truly want? It's a petty and selfish desire that would most likely abuse and be a waste of any power, but I'll do almost anything at this point.

>Right now all of your many selves are squabbling at the committee table of Self
That makes sense as my mind changes from different "personalities" (not identities, I always feel myself but like different "characters" I can be) that are in conflict one with another or feel frustrated with reality /stuff one personality wanted to do but the other prevented, etc). But in a way I've feeling like that since I have memory, just that today it happens to me every fucking day

There's a Buddhist aphorism: Before enlightenment, cut wood and carry water. After enlightenment, cut wood and carry water. It's true that manifesting the Rebis is an extremely advanced shamanic exercise, and that those who do so are likely to find less to interest them in the symbolic act of sex when they can have the real thing it simulates, but people are free to do anything they like -- those who are Awake even more so.

OP, I just want to understand why this girl came into my life after resigning myself to the life of a reclusive loner. It seems extremely distressing that I'd given up on finding anyone remotely compatible.

what do you mean by someone being "awake"?

there is only one true reality user, it is a chaotic place influenced by all things within it, if you want to get what you want just think of cause and effect and apply it to your world as though it were an extension of yourself that you can transform through willful action

your life is not something that exists without other life user, you consume and are consumed

you cannot simply hide in isolation and wait to die without someone else feeling what has gone missing

Could there possibly be other realities? Is there some way I could contact and talk to the other me's so I, the true me can get it all?

When I was a young child, perhaps four or five, my parents taught me to get down on my knees and say the Lord's Prayer, then to spend a short time just talking to God, asking for whatever I wanted or discussing whatever was on my mind.

At some point my parents eventually asked me what I was asking God for when I prayed, and I told them I wanted to understanding *everything*. They were horrified. They begged me to stop, told me that what I was asking for wasn't a blessing but a terrible curse. I didn't understand at the time, but I certainly do now. Yet, even knowing the pain and loneliness I was praying to receive, I wouldn't go back and change anything. I am who I am, all of me, the good and the bad.

Feel free to pursue your path. I don't necessarily understand it, nor do I pretend to. What I offer in these threads isn't wisdom or enlightenment, just tools for those who need them to seek those things for themselves. By necessity, revelation is always personal and may or may not have application for or by others.

If you've found your path, by all means follow it to its conclusion and disregard anything I've said which disagrees with your own sense of rightness.

you are already in contact with them and your current mental state is like a coordinate on the sum total plane of your own existence, learning to see more is meaningless because infinity is endless and you can therefor see an endless set of variations on your circumstances and identity

a more practical thing is to recognize that your exact identity is irreplaceable and occupies a specific place in all potentiality and decide what you want to be while knowing that you could have been anything

I spend a tremendous amount of time afraid of what happens after death. I loathe the concept of nothingness. Is that truly what awaits me or is there something more?

OP, I tried some sigil work about 3 years ago. It was my first little tipy toe into esoterica. I got exactly what I asked for and it blew up spectacularly. I'm just now starting to crawl back towards what I was. Any advice on avoiding more pitfalls going g forward?

Mysticism isn't about belief, it's about immediate experience. It can't be taught. It can't be shown. What I do in these threads is offer people tools to find their own way.

I can teach you all kinds of things depending on what it is you want. If you want the usual laundry list of power, sex, money, success, and so on, then you're probably looking to become an Archon. The physical is the area of authority for the Archons. Organizations like the Freemasons or the Skull & Bones can teach you how to burn out your sense of personal identity and replace it with an archetypal Goetic entity capable of rulership if that's what you really want.

I follow the female path of passive receptivity, of wei wu wei, so what I have to offer is probably of minimal interest to you. I can teach you to how to seek no-mind or to manifest the Anima, probably not things which interest you.

hah. when i was a child my parents read the bible to me and I told them that people should be carrying part of christ's burden rather than being grateful

they didn't get it

seeing more is more info I can go off of when planning things out, and if I'm in contact with them, how can I speak to them. How do we communicate together and work more efficiently together?

Well... I can only really tell you how I've dealt with it. I'm a Jungian, which means I follow Jung's psychoanalytic model. That involves starting the process by manifesting the Anima, your own female nature, and then using her help to learn how to reach across the barrier between conscious and unconscious. She acts as both intermediary and negotiator in good faith, helping you to work out your differences and find common ground among your many selves with the ultimate goal of looking into the darkness and finding yourself within the Shadow -- the hardest thing any person will ever do.

the parts of yourself that are held within others will remain and can be reborn, but what sort of world and who accompanies you is dependent on exactly how you're remembered and associated with and with who

the main thing you want is to not end up in the clown universe, and we're all playing with fire by posting on Cred Forums in that regard

This is the third time i am in your thread and im not sure why im again here. If i try to intuitively make up a question my mind is blank. Do you have anything intuitively to say to me?

What I want OP, is just to be validated. I want people to know I'm here. I don't want mass fame like a celebrity nor do I want power or office. The only thing I want is to be able to know the pitfalls that await in every conversation, how to find out who I can really trust and who is just waiting for me to turn around so they can get the jump on me.

I’m kinda going through a rough patch at the moment with a girl. I’m not sure if continuing to pursue her is a good idea but I love her. Should I move on?

will power and crystallization of thought, simply commit with your entire being and strengthen those pathways with self-belief and dedicated focus to your own education and meditation, both learning techniques and experimenting with your own self and your inner landscape


in the darkest moments, when you are alone and don't know how to survive, when you are destroyed and broken down to nothing, if you can in that darkest place, find a source of light within and regain your courage, then you will feel your own light rise and fill your body like a torrent, with the gaps and dead flesh in your brain being replaced by your own transcendent self

What I'm saying is that the person who can answer that question is you. The girl you experienced is more you than it is her, which means *she's still there*. The part of you which is her is still sitting there inside you, what used to be referred to as a homunculus, a sort of miniature toy version of her.

Try this: imagine yourself in a room with her, then ask her a question. Then imagine what you think she'd say in answer to it. As you practice this, she will become more and more independent, eventually able to answer without you needing to consciously put words in her mouth. This is called "manifesting." She *she* will be able to answer all the questions you have about her.

intuition is a meme, just try to say something by using actual effort

I am a bit scared, that i might be infected by them... Are they in fact identifying as demons? How do i make sure im not going to end up as one of them?

are you sure its not just self-sucking for tips m8

The word Buddha means Awake. Literally. The Awakened are the ones who have seen the bars of the cage. We are born slaves in a Panopticon run by the same archetypal entities who have always ruled us, but our cells lock from the inside. To leave the cage, one must Wake. Not all who Wake choose to leave their cage; it's dangerous. But you absolutely cannot leave the cage without Waking.

Could lucid dreaming and astral projection help learn more about my inner landscape

putting a bullet in their head usually works, sometimes you just gotta take out the trash

>That involves starting the process by manifesting the Anima
how do I do that?

I'm afreud you're full of shit.

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Have you taken the heroic dose yet? If not, this is how you stop you worry about death. The heroic dose is the cessation of the ego-self and is the experience of death. Once you've experienced death and realize just how much of you still exists without the mask of personal identity, you'll never again worry about the death of the flesh or the end of identity.

Of course, the flesh will always be afraid, but you need not concern yourself with the fate of the body of clay, nor with the glandular squeezings it produces in response to its fear of death. Go visit the machine elves and put your mind to rest.

absolutely, a good way to start on lucid dreaming is to study the techniques and experiment with a moderate dosage of melatonin supplement while meditating yourself into trance-like sleep

(I take like 1mg of melatonin when I just want rest and like 10-50mg when i need to exit the bondage of reality to heal myself)

i've also had some wild visions while just taking a caffeine nap but that might be an after effect of training lucid dreaming previously

If possible, could you tell me the things I could expect to see from doing so, are there any steps or precautions I should know about?

So this world is basically intrinsicely bad?

honestly if a person doesn't have access to the guidance of a shaman who can administer ayahuasca or peyote correctly i wouldn't be recommending heroic dose as a thing that anyone should do intentionally

Demonic or angelic sigils have no more inherent power than a McDonald's logo. In fact, they're the same sort of entity: egregores created through collective belief in certain narratives. This is the most important thing to understand when embarking on sigil work, because you'll understand then why reinforcement of personal identity through ritual is so important.

Everything is based on two things: intentionality and suggestion. If you can master these two things, you're golden. Intentionality means knowing in advance WHY you're doing what you're doing, what it is specifically that you're seeking, and whom you are seeking it from. And suggestion means recognizing that you are extremely superstitious on an unconscious level, and so you must be formal about following certain conventions in order to strengthen your defences in dealing with archetypal entities far more pure and powerful than your own personal identity.

Ego death is overrated. What you need is to just enough to access the creative. The genetic memory underneath the folk memory.
Have you ever heard of a short faced bear? Native Americans have myths that describe them but by the time the ojibwa arrived in the new world they were likely gone. How is that possible?

You're telling me demons are thought forms and that that's somehow more than a folk disease?

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Is it possible to will something into existence? Or change reality through one's own thought? How would one set themselves on this path if this was indeed possible?

Well fuck me right

Yes. She is just not that into you.

how does one go about summoning/creating a tulpa?

A thought form such as a tulpa requires a monastery full of people.

i thought it was a manifestation of your will/thoughts, filling out to your own desires

One of the secrets of psychoanalysis is that they're not really listening to what you're saying, but more *how* you're saying it. One of the biggest "tells" is the use of negative language. There's no such thing as having an anti-thought. You have the thought, and then you invert it. So when people use negative language, they're trying to hide something -- either from you or from themselves.

When you try and tell me you don't really know why you're here, what I hear is, "I know exactly why I'm here, but don't want to admit it."

Thanks OP. This is helpful. I can see after the fact how flawed and unexamined my intentions were but the suggestion bit is something I never considered.
Any advice on choosing or finding conventions? Do I just pick one or go by racial history or ask an ancestor?

blacked out traumatic portions of your own past, or cherished memories that you simply forgot, traces of your own potential futures, a journey through the collect of subspace of people's imagination

you could for example embody the experience of a fictional character as you reflect the sum total of empathy experienced by others in the collective subconscious, or you could wind up coincidentally speaking with a stranger who is somehow connected with you, you could find yourself in a place connected with your stress or anxiety acting out situations as if you're there when you're actually not, as if in a visual psychological introspection of your own beliefs and expectations about what COULD happen

it is not impossible however, for you to move your body automatically and sleepwalk while projecting, so make sure you keep your pants on

theres also the exploration of the nature of the soul as it exists in gestalt projected both out of and onto the patterns in your brain, and the metaphysical implications of a persistent energy ghost self interacting with your living reality

you could also meet scary fuckers who lie to you but they aren't really capable of hurting you by any means other than making you afraid or trying to deceive you or convince you to hurt yourself or others you care about. in general as long as you remember that what matters is relationships with individuals you care about or are searching for rather than truths then you'll be okay, and the real truth itself will remain safe

Funny, I just got through explaining to someone why the use of negative language is so important, and now you give me a list of all the things you supposedly don't want. Sounds to me like you're afraid to admit that to be admired and recognized by many people is exactly what you want, but which you're afraid to admit to yourself -- which is why you shove it down into the Shadow, where it festers and becomes what you recognize in the world as evil.

oh, so you like answering questions?
name every question

what the fuck am i doing wrong user, i try to feel happy but even doing the shit i love just gives me a dull feeling

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I can't answer that. Or rather, I *can*, but not in any way which would be useful to you. If you're capable of organizing your thoughts sufficiently to pose the question, then inherent in the question is the answer. You already know; you're just looking for a mirror to reflect back at you your answer, and to give yourself permission to recognize it.

that is what I want, but I don't want fame. I just want to be a local socialite, but without having to worry about my entire person being torn down by one mistake.

You, in the sense of your ego-self, don't. Your many inner selves do. Trust them. The path to Awakening involves learning how to identify with these selves so that you don't need to worry about what they're doing behind your back. You will know what they're doing because they *are* you.

user maybe you were just gaslighted and there isn't anything wrong with you

First you need to reprogram your brain to dream lucidly. Then you ask the Anima to embody herself and come forward. She will manifest in a form you consider to be the perfect female (for me she appeared initially as a young Christina Applegate), though she may change her form from time to time as you, yourself change, to show different facets of her identity.

So to manifest the Anima, the very first step is to start keeping a dream journal. Just the desire for lucid dreams is generally enough suggestion to cause them. You need to keep a dream journal to begin altering the way your brain stores dream memory. This may take days, weeks, or months. When you are consistently able to induce and remember lucid dreams, come back to one of these threads and I will help you with the next stages.

Depends what you mean by "this world." The world of physical things is, and has always been, the demesne of what the Bible refers to as the "powers and principalities": Goetic, demonic archetypes associated with rulership and power.

Over the physical their authority is absolute. But the physical is just a thin membrane which covers and shields the real worlds beneath it, worlds accessible by looking inward, and in these places the Archons have no authority -- which is why they work so hard to keep people in the physical.

We contain teachers. All the wisdom we need is programmed into the physical structure of the brain and can be manifested at need. While it's true that a sudden immersion in ego-death is not a pleasant experience for someone just looking for a good time, the machine elves are all the guidance people need, and they can be relied upon to calm and gentle people who transition through the golden chrysanthemum.

The need for a shaman is more about caring for your physical well-being while in the dream trance than anything spiritual -- and anyone can do that.

OK, i try to get it out. After the first time i was your thread, i was thrown in what i would call a psychological turmoil, where i had crazy dreams (i saw some worm Archetype which tried to taste me, my shadow spoke to me, saying this life is only a cross roads). But the worst thing in this period of time happened, when i was at a friend and i had a moment were i thought, that the archons or whoever had gotten to me and were ripping me apart. The reason for that was, that i in my mind failed on a moral level (i was going to buy some krypto currency with my friend, but then i saw, that this currency was basically some finance product and i didn't want to participate in that, because it felt immoral and i was also in a really sensitive state.... I know this sounds stupid, but at this time in this state it felt important). Anyway, i had two voices in my head argueing and because i didn't decide proper, my friend went ahead and bought them. And the it happened, it felt like the voices went apart and i felt the terror of not existing anymore. And since then i fear, that somebody broke in my head and maybe stole something. Is this possible? Can my soul get stolen?

Well I have no idea if this will get me anywhere, but why not try, I figure.
I've had a number of people in the last few years comment to me on my energies (pure and lots of it) and insight. All along however I never felt myself strange in those regards, but for a while now I've felt an odd conection to 'something' that I can't define, and I've found much of my insight to come from that 'something'. What could that 'something' be?

I don't think I was. I don't really align with signs of being gaslighted by anyone. I've just left a toxic friend group and I haven't been able to find anyone new. THey were my only friends, and now everyone doesn't talk to me.

You might be interested in the work of biologist Rupert Sheldrake and his morphic field hypothesis. This is exactly what the morphic field attempts to explain, it being an informational energy matrix accessed through DNA like an antenna. In fact, Sheldrake predicts that we will be unable to create a living creature from DNA alone, as it does not contain all the data necessary, and must draw from the morphic field.

Only based user

are you sure because it sounds like your toxic friendgroup were your keepers and you were the victim of a hostile narrative that's colored the way others see you without any of them confronting you about it

Of course. How do you think you do *anything*? You manifest your Will to, for example, transmit your thoughts on the Internet -- though you generally leverage this Will through the use of hands and keyboard. You focus your pneuma, the breath of life, and it is translated into physical reality through thelema, the Will.

Yes, I keep a dream journal and since my dream recall became almost automatic i succeeded at recording them every day. But still no lucid dreams yet, only semi lucid maybe

Thank you so much for the help

I won't teach people how to create a tulpa. It's an advanced and extremely dangerous shamanic technique. Servitors are dangerous enough; to deliberately set out to create a tulpa is absolutely foolhardy, especially since most people are just looking for a masturbatory aid. It's like jerking off with a live tank shell.

shit user that was a really suspicious thing to say, obviously there is danger but you're acting like it's totally fine, it reminds me of muslim double-talk and i wonder if you haven't been deceived by a seductively convenient narrative with ulterior motives

This refers to this

probably your own self from your own future lmao

well one would always put everyone down, me a lot of times, for everything we do being wrong, but about a couple hours later or the next day him saying how much he values us.
or my other friend who had me drag her through her relationship troubles, she'd been gaslighted before, and one day out of nowhere, she just starts acting like I'm the cause for all her problems in her relationship.
now that I look back on it user, maybe I was. What the fuck do i do

Its posible to have mental peace that also reflect physical peace after attaining consciousness or be awake? If so, how?

Generally speaking, you start with whatever religious or spiritual traditions you were raised with, if any, because those are the one which are likely to have sunk the deepest roots into your unconscious. But since you've already been working with sigils, you may already have a personal court, a sort of internal pantheon of entities you turn to for help and advice. If this is the case, then your court will be the ones to assist you.

>the shit i love
Clearly only for certain values of "i". You are not one entity. You are Legion. You contain multitudes. And it's very clear that not everyone sitting at your committee table of selves is happy with your current path. It's time to introspect and try to develop a consensus among your selves to achieve forward momentum.

Who's stopping you? Other than you, I mean. See, the male path is transactional: you take what you want, and then you pay the price. Eventually you end up becoming what it was you sought, as you swap what you were for what you've become.

God, such an obvious answer, I feel like a cretin.

I'm not typically one to ask such questions. I guess I simply don't know what questions to ask. Humbly, I'm going to claim a complete lack of knowledge regarding mysticism and the Deep Mysteries.

I have the capacity to understand that the benefits of walking the shamanic path go far beyond mere 'power' despite my last question to you (please disregard such a foolish inquiry).

For someone too uninformed to even be considered a novice, where would you consider I start on this path?

generally they will never let you confront them and the damage is persistent so you have to play a huge gambit to turn the tables somehow or you have to physically relocate yourself to a better environment, like a new job in a different town or going to college in a different state

if you were really being targeted the arrow will change direction and chase you like a snake, so you have to catch it by endearing yourself to others by benefiting them or serving as a positive example before the poison gets in them

love and trust are the only things that can protect you from the world at large

So I was going the chaos magick route the the proto court was traditional pantheon plus two much loved ancestors. Is this mixing a poor choice in your opinion or should I focus most on the trad pantheon?
Also thanks for this thread there is no one irl that knows/ takes this shit seriously.

You don't have a soul. You ARE a soul. The soul is the unique combination of pneuma and soma, animating spirit and the flesh, the body of light and the body of clay. No one can steal your soul unless they physically stuff you in a sack and carry you off. And if someone "steals" your pneuma, your lifeless body would collapse dead to the ground.

Your experience sounds unpleasant, but we achieve enlightenment not by imagining figures of light but by looking into the darkness. The most painful and frightening experiences are the most profitable, and if you have the courage to look at them directly you may find the source and therefore the purpose of having them.

Your experience is trying to tell you something. Figure out what it is and the experience will turn from negative to positive.

what exactly is the heroic dose?

Everything has happened before, and everything will happen again, won't it?

I can't move anywhere, and there's no way I'm going to leave my college that I've invested so much work into already. And I want to be endearing to others, hoping they'll let me in and better actual friends, but it's like no one will give me that chance.
And no, I'm not just an entitled twat neckbeard who stays home all day, I go out to events for my fraternity, I'm apart of orginizations on my campus, I try to participate with everyone in my classes, but it's like no one will give me the time of day anymore

That's intuition. That's almost the dictionary definition of revelation: knowledge which is gained from insight on a non-logical and non-conscious level. The process of Waking is learning how to cross the barrier between the conscious and unconscious, and teaching yourself how to accept and trust this knowledge from your inner selves.

>it's like jerking off with a live tank shell
I'm going to take a trip down to my crazy uncle's army surplus store and do this tomorrow.

That alone helps to guide me more than I would have expected, I suppose I have some research to do, thank you.

how to mak peeper bigger?

Keep going. This isn't supernatural, it's all applied psychology. The purpose of the dream journal is to help reprogram your brain. As the connections you're making become stronger, you'll find your ability to have and remember lucid dreams will get easier and easier until it's second nature. It's just like learning a new language or playing a musical instrument. One day you'll realize you're just doing it, and won't really understand how it happened.

I don't know who you are. I don't know what a 'Jungian Mystic' is. I don't know what the 'Deep Mysteries' are.

What I want to know, is do you know anything about primal, one dimensional personalities submerged within ones own mind?

There is something within my mind: a raging, hate filled berserking animal that wants only to destroy everything it lays eyes on. I have spent my life containing it, suppressing it, but it's always there, bashing against the mental cage I've built around it. It doesn't think, it doesn't reason, it doesn't understand emotions beyond rage. It has never fully escaped, but twice in my life it nearly did. The cage door cracked open and a portion of it slipped out, and took over; I nearly killed members of my own family when that happened. It's like being shunted off into a back corner of my mind, unable to control my physical self, like being thrown in the trunk of the car instead of at the wheel.

Do you know of anything like that?

oh yeah dude there was a point where someone tested you and you failed, you being part of a fraternity only makes it more clear, the two major culprits tending to be covert islam (did you say you deny the existence of god?) and free masonry as a cover for worship of old gods from the bible (mammonites, literally not even joking about this)

either way, you probably refused to lie for their benefit or refused to cheat or refused to acknowledge allah or refused to participate in the rape or whatever sick shit they were into (it's always rape), regardless of which one you piss off the response is the same, they accuse you of their own crimes while you're not there to defend yourself and convince others that it's dangerous to confront you

so if you had any experiences like that, it's probably what happened

I'm guessing you follow the male path of Beth up the tree, manifesting your Will. I follow the female path of passivity within my own nature, of wei wu wei. I open myself to larger forces to see where they'll take me, something no self-respecting magickian would permit. I never end up where I want, but I always end up where I need to be.

It's terrifying, lonely, painful... and powerful. The female is far greater than the male, but its strength comes from flexibility rather than rigidity.

sounds like you were abused as an infant

I was not. To my knowledge, I was never abused as an infant, child, or teenager, and I am in my 30s now.

That's a pretty broad question. Can you narrow it down to specifics any? If not, my suggestion is to pick up a copy of the Mitchell translation of the Tao Te Ching (which I prefer for its simple modern idiom).

The fraternity has nothing to do with my group, nothing we do has anything to do with Islam.

>It's terrifying, lonely, painful... and powerful. The female is far greater than the male, but its strength comes from flexibility rather than rigidity.
Definitely sounds like something a woman would say. Power is not something you speak of yourself, it is something you express which is spoken of in awe by others. Self-empowerment is fuck all because going up your own ass isn't gonna stop anyone else from shoving dicks up your twat.

yeah you were, obviously they just lied to you, and decided to keep lying to you forever, why else would you be angry

There's no stupid questions, just impatient teachers.

As for mysticism, the most important thing to understand is exactly what it is, and what it isn't. In the Aristotlian model there are three modes of acquisition of knowledge: empiricism (science), rationalism (philosophy), and revelation (mysticism). Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, which is why you need all three; taken together, they cover for each other where they're weak.

Mysticism, the use of revelation to achieve understanding, it always personal. No one can teach it to you, no one can show it to you. If anyone claims they can, they're lying. What I try to do with these threads is teach people tools they can use to obtain revelation for themselves through deep personal exploration.

There's no need to become a shaman to use revelation any more than you need to become a scientist to use scientific method. The shamanic path is about reprogramming the way your brain works to fine-tune it for the path of revelation above the other paths. It has benefits, true, but so does becoming a scientist or a philosopher.

>The fraternity has nothing to do with my group
user, really?


you need to open your eyes and remember what kind of dumb shit most people focus on, for almost everybody this filthy shit that you think you're too good for is everything

of course your frat talked to your friends

theres no possible way that wouldn't happen, do you not know what a frat is? Its a group of strange men influenced by other strange men who think they own a part of you, and they demand respect

Nope. In order to be a tulpa multiple people have to be experiencing it at once. That's the definition. it's a Tibetan thing.

I joined the fraternity first, then 2 from my group joined. You think they poisoned my look to the rest of the men there?

The thing is that I'm not angry. I experience emotions as normal. But buried under my consciousness is some other -thing- that is like a raging animal. It constantly tries to take control, with varying degrees of strength. It can be coaxed out by certain things; suppressed by others. Thankfully I have managed to build a mental trigger that causes me to unconsciously suppress it when in the presence of my bird. That trigger has saved my families lives, though they don't know it since I've never told them about any of this.

Thank you so much for your words! I feel a little bit of relieve. I will find you again i hope!

My mysticism journey led me to believe I was God and nothing else was real. Ive had to abandon my path because of this. What should I do?

Jungians consider chaos magick to be a specialized subset of Jungian mysticism, while chaos magickians generally think of it the other way around, but the two paradigms are close enough that I think I can answer your question. There's no hard right-or-wrong in terms of selecting your court; what matters is your ability to buy into it, how strongly the archetypal forms manifest for you. The stronger the connection, the stronger they can make you.

Just be aware that there are also certain risks associated with this technique. For example, Coyote is part of my own court, and I've always felt an affinity with him, that streak of meanness and selfishness inside each joke. I can in fact manifest him so well and so easily that I would bring him out more and more often to handle situations for me, only to find that he'd made himself so at home that he could slip out without my conscious awareness or permission. It was difficult to wrangle him back into his box, and I could easily have lost myself in him.

Finally someone else gets it. At least we won’t go out alone.

The heroic dose is the amount of any drug required to achieve ego-death. It's different for every substance. For example, five grams of psilocybin mushrooms are considered to be a heroic dose. You can find charts online of how much of which substances will induce ego-death.

And if you want to see what it looks like when someone looking for a good time accidentally achieves ego-death, do a search on YouTube for "salvia freakouts." Salvia divinorum is a traditional shamanic drug for achieving ego-death and is so horrific for those who aren't prepared for ego-death that they haven't even bothered to make it illegal.

Probably. But my intuitive feeling is that it's possible to escape from the Great Wheel, and that we will all eventually do so if that's what we desire. This Universe has all the signs of being a kindergarten before the real learning starts.

Well, they're not friends with you right, and nobody will talk to you anymore, but your ex-friends still talk to them right? They're all getting along great I bet. Would they all just stop talking to you for no reason? If there was a reason wouldn't they say something?

But if they just cut you out and never say what the problem they have with you is, that's fucking suspicious.

maybe it's not secret muslims or fucked cults, but something must have changed how they percieve you if things were fine before

Yes. What you're referring to is called the Shadow in Jungian psychology. The Shadow is the negative image cast by the conscious identity, the opposite of everything you believe about yourself -- and because of that, is closer to your true nature. For example, if you think of yourself as honest, it's because you aren't. People who are genuinely honest don't feel the need to think about being honest, they just are.

The corollary of the Shadow is that besides being your true nature, it's also everything you regard as evil and base and wrong. It's why it infuriates you when you see it in others; you know unconsciously that you're seeing yourself mirrored.

The ultimate goal of Jungian psychology is to achieve unity of Self. Eventually, you learn how to negotiate with, recognize, and stop hating the Shadow. In time you can hope to see yourself within it and, without necessarily become it, to accept those dark parts of yourself without trauma and self-loathing.

Tao Te Ching, chapter 28:

Know the male,
yet keep to the female:
receive the world in your arms.
If you receive the world,
the Tao will never leave you
and you will be like a little child.

Know the white,
yet keep to the black:
be a pattern for the world.
If you are a pattern for the world,
the Tao will be strong inside you
and there will be nothing you can't do.

Know the personal,
yet keep to the impersonal:
accept the world as it is.
If you accept the world,
the Tao will be luminous inside you
and you will return to your primal self.

The world is formed from the void,
like utensils from a block of wood.
The Master knows the utensils,
yet keeps to the the block:
thus she can use all things.

Sorry, i think i need to ask one last question: should i follow a dream, when i know it is one? I feel i chose my path rather than that it was given to me. And i call it my dream as i am only a dreamer who dreams it more and more into existence. Is this a wrong path due to its nature of it being a dream? Or is it as legit as "reality", whatever that may be. As you probably notice i am struggling with what this "all" (everything i can experience) is. I apologize.

That's a special kind of tulpa called an egregore.

Very very helpful. You've got me considering one of the main focuses of my proto court and how much they might have affected things for me.
Last question for you OP. There is a Jungian center literally minutes from my house. I've driven past it several times a week for the last 5 years. Would Jungian psychotherapy in a professional setting offer any insight or advantages to my workings?

There's a Buddhist parable you might find helpful. The Master points at a stone and asks a student, "What's that?"

The student replies, "It's the image of a rock I create in my head, Master."

The Master picks up the stone and hits the student in the head with it. "Poor fool," he says, "what a heavy head you must have."

See, it's not that the student is wrong, but that we grant things their own existence so that we needn't carry them around inside us. That's WHY things exist. Are you God? Of course. So am I. There is no distance between you and I. But we grant each other an existence separate from each other so that we need not constantly be burdened by each other.

You can be God, and things can still be real.

The new netflix film mindgamers was an interesting portrayal of it

where is the starting point for learning all of this?

Thanks for your guidance.

Thank you so much.

What do you know about demons? I'm not sure why I ask that but it arrised a strong primal fear to not ask earlier when I thought to ask, but I feel more comfortable asking now

its not uncommon for one who wishes to be in control to advise others to submit, look not just at what is said to you, by why would they say it? of course, a block of wood has no edge to cut with and is incapable of rebellion.

And this would be fine. It would be acceptable to float in the middle and be free from lack of authority or responsibility. But enjoyment in life comes with beauty, to be beautiful, to create something beautiful, to have someone beautiful, all of these will turn the eye of hatred upon you, and you will wish that you had armed yourself with weapons and armor instead of open palms and bare flesh, because the blade that pierces your chest also pierces your lover, your child, your parent.

Don't be an idiot, this is not a theoretical reality, there is one truth with which one must coincide themselves, the consequences are real, the experience of flesh is imprinted on the soul.

It's meaningless to hold a brush if one has no sword in the sheath, ready to be drawn as a replacement, because a brush can do nothing to deflect the blade's edge.

The nice thing about this particular Universe -- one of the few things, actually -- is that we get to choose. The male path is transactional, about making sacrifice in order to obtain the things we want. The female is about passive receptivity, opening yourself to the Universe to push you along a golden path of dharma made specifically for you, to show you things you may not want, but which you need.

And see, you don't need to choose just one path. At various times in your life, you might move back and forth between male and female. And you may, with some work, manage to manifest the Rebis, which allows you to unite male and female without paradox into a single existence.

I can't answer because you get to choose.

If the collective unconsciousness has been roiling excessively as of late, what things dredged up from the depths should we be looking out for?

that sounds really fucking gay, if there's no goddess then what's the point of being god? it's just faggoty autoeroticism

I'm not suggesting that your goddess can't also have a dick or anything but jesus what a bunch of dumb shit you just said

Thank you again for your answer! May god be with you!

Before engaging in psychotherapy, I'd encourage you to read a bit of Laing. Not about him, but his actual work. Laing is considered the father of anti-psychiatry and a sort of counter-balancing dissenting voice.

Laing himself was an interesting man, very much in the mold of Jung. He would be called in on cases which had stumped everyone else. There's one case in particular I remember where neither therapy nor drugs nor physical intervention had helped in the case of a man with catatonia. Day after day he just sat naked on the floor, silent and staring. They eventually called in Laing.

Laing stripped off all his clothes, went in, and sat down beside this guy. For hours he just sat there. Eventually the guy turned to him and said, "What are you doing?"

Laing's theory of identity is that we are mirrors, reflecting us at ourselves through others. If no one else existed, we would have no identity. He argues that we see ourselves through the projection of ourselves into others, asking ourselves what they see when they look at it. This is what creates the multiple layers of personal identity. In this case, Laing made this man see himself through Laing's own eyes and become aware of himself again by mirroring him.

I don't discourage you from psychoanalysis, but at least read the alternative and decide for yourself.

Hello, I am a silent reader and never commented before. I just wanted to thank you in a most sincere way, you have reminded me time and time again to look into myself with your threads. Please, keep up your good work it is appreciated!

The starting point is inside you. First you see the bars of the cage. Then you choose to leave it. Everything else flows from that decision. The process of Waking isn't something we invented, it's something embedded in the human brain, a process built into the machine. Choose to Wake and the rest happens as a natural result.

can you please comment on the relationship between tantra, BDSM and Sex Magic?

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That is...surprisingly wise, and unexpected. I've always known that the Thing stems from myself; I can sense familiarity in it, like how a dream always feels familiar no matter how strange it might be. Sometimes, when I feel that it grows too strong, I go to a secluded area and set it free, ensuring that there is a mental trigger nearby to recage it, and allow it to vent itself on whatever isolated surroundings I happen to be in. I don't know if that helps with what you're talking about but it's always significantly weakened when I do so, though I have regained control to find my hands bloodied and fingernails torn off from mindlessly attacking unoffending trees.


nice thread

i meditated while ass-blasted on weed and had somewhat of an "awakening"? I can now feel my bio-electricity (ki/chakra/chi ???) flow in me and am able to control the flow of it when concentrating. i guided the energy up into the middle of my brain but honestly i cant feel too much of a change in me. This whole thing feels like a compass to me that shows me what part of my emotions i need to work on with blocks. Is there more to it? should i try to become a reiki healer or something like that? Book recommendations would be much appreciated

A demon is exactly the same phenomenon as an angel or a jinn or a dao or any of a hundred different terms for describing the same entities. They are personality archetypes, narratives we tell ourselves to make sense of the world and our place in it.

Julian Jaynes argues with his bicameral mind theory (the model on which Westworld was based) that modern consciousness is only about 4000 years old, and that prior to this it was the gods who made our decisions for us. They would manifest as voices or supernatural beings to tell us what to do and how to act. We rebelled against them and invented the sense of "I", but they're still there inside us.

We can manifest these entities, meaning we allow them a certain amount of autonomy running on the hardware of our own brains. This is what summoning or invoking or evoking a demon is.

next thing is to practice inhaling and exhaling to master the flow of energy

sit among the trees or the rain or the open fields or whatever resonates with you and simply draw energy into yourself, and then feed it back into your surroundings, then draw it back in again until you start to feel the connection with the natural world strengthen and the flow of your own spring grows wider and stronger

The nice thing about following the female is I don't need to win. If you prefer the male, then by all means have at it, my man. I wish you the best on your journey.

"I'm furious about the Women's Liberationists. They keep getting up on soapboxes and proclaiming that women are brighter than men. That's true, but it should be kept quiet or it ruins the whole racket." -- Anita Loos

Not you again
Don’t you ever snap out of your delusions? You think you’ve read Jung and figured the whole secrets of the universe out? Fucking retard
You don’t know shit and you’re just one of those fucking crazy healtht Wiccan cat ladies who think they’re deep into the occult and esoteric when you just don’t have shit
Fucking messiah complex ridden piece of shit

The collective desire to manifest Armageddon keeps throwing up eschatalogical archetypes so fast I can hardly keep up. Noticed any antichrists elected to high office in the USA recently? The funniest thing about all of this is that the unconscious is child-like in its simplicity, so the collective unconscious has some charmingly naive absurdity in its manifestations sometimes. I am looking forward to the "locusts with the hair of women." That should be entertaining.

My pleasure. When I needed help in my youth, others of the Awakened revealed themselves to me and guided me away from danger while forgiving my naivete and ignorance. I try now to pass on their kindness, pity, and patience to others, as I hope those I help will one day do for others still.

thanks shitlord I guess I'll go do your fighting for you you fucking cunt

you better have some fucking good shit waiting for me when i put down the jihad

Where's the anger coming from my bro

Prove to me that you are truly a parishioner of the mystic arts and divine me the following; am I a nigger?

only niggers are allowed to say nigger so i'd say 50/50

holy shit this guy is legit

It's a misconception that Tantra is specifically about sex. It's more about intentionality and control, and about the freedom of giving up that control. As I've mentioned elsewhere in this thread, sex is a symbolic act which represents the manifestation of the Rebis. The act of sex can therefore be a potent tool when used the right way in a paradigm like Tantra for conceptualizing the male and the female.

What is my purpose father of a doctor?

Deep within, can’t stand charlatans who think because they read babby’s first book about the occult, that it makes then masters of all metaphysical matter
The way he talks and verbalize is tinted of pretense and akin to Madam Blavatsky, OP is a fraud

If OP would really be into that kinda stuff, he’d realize that what he’s currently trying to do with this thread is fucking pointless

There’s no “waking up” anyone
Most people have never ventured into the occult and most people who do(like OP) read some “occult” stuff written by overly positive fake ass hypocritical spiritual cunts who don’t know shit
Then they all act like they reached the ultimate state of bliss and feel like they have to spread “the truth” when they’re simply disillusioned

I would encourage you to read some Jung, as he deals extensively with the Shadow, It is in fact the main goal of Jungian psychoanalysis. I'd start with Man and his Symbols, just so you can get the terminology Jung uses down. Then move on to his Red Book.

The Red Book isn't something he intended to publish. It was his personal journal, where he discusses things like the long walks he took in the woods with a demon which was the manifested form of his own Shadow. In fact, much of his psychoanalytic model came from these talks, and is something which becomes possible when you stop hating the Shadow and begin respecting its wisdom.

It will help if you can pick a specific paradigm, as each one has peculiarities which provide a slightly different perspective on what you're attempting to do; reiki energy work is going to use different conceptual tools than the kundalini of transcendental meditation.

Whichever you choose, it has to be something you can buy into. Vague generalized beliefs will produce vague generalized results.

I need some help
I think I'm stuck in some sort of limbo where I'm not quite a sleeper but I'm stuck on the path of awakening. I met a starseed and they said I was being crushed by my 4th/5th dimensional energies. I know that I need to listen to my inner self on what I need to do to get out of this state but I've tried multiple times and failed to let go of fear and do what my inner self was urging me to do. Each time it seems it's gotten even harder to let go at all so it seems like a catch-22 and I can't imagine living in the mental state I'm in now for the rest of my life.
I don't know if this makes any sense, please help

user sounds like you have no fuckin idea whats important either to be desu


I am currently embarking on a business venture that could prove to immensely successful, or ruin me financially. Should I continue along this path or abandon it?

I don't see much connection between what I try to do -- provide advice on traditional tools for people to seek the Deep Mysteries for themselves -- and your screed. I can only assume you dislike what you see mirrored in me, and I have no control over that. If I can offer a suggestion, such loathing indicates you have a great deal of rage and self-hatred bound up in your Shadow, and you may find relief in learning how to forgive yourself.

sounds like you're already embarking so you might as wells tick with it

I have no idea what you're asking.

I'm not a psychic or a genie. I have no idea. But what I can tell you is that the machinery of the unconscious is extremely powerful, capable of sorting and collating massive amounts of data very quickly. On some level you already know the answer to your question, and just need to winkle it out of yourself.

Have you tried something like I Ching or bibliomancy or tarot to try to dig it out of yourself?


Do you know of any way to compete with archons for power and success without actually becoming an archon or using their tactics?

Why do the archons understand that they have options other than the pursuit of earthly power, success and money?

Have they decided that earthly power and success during a mortal human lifespan is more enjoyable than whatever the alternatives are?

Or do archons just follow their path without knowing what they're truly doing?

the goal is to create "paradise" on earth through successive incarnations and conversion of others onto their cause

can't do cocaine and fuck underage girls if you transcend the flesh amirite

The Archons have always ruled us. See, the area of authority for Archons is rulership and power. And the only way to defeat a person who is literally possessed by archetypal entities representing rulership and power is to embody those same qualities stronger and better. That's why the whole history of humanity is a succession of Archons.

As for why they do it, I have no clue. It's like agreeing to work for Monopoly money. What they get is essentially worthless out of the context of its origin. They're trading the only years they have to learn and grow in exchange for bits of green paper and bullying people around.

it's a redirect to chaturbate you utter moron

Is there any reading on archons? Where did you learn the term. I'm absolutely fascinated with this way of thinking about power and have seen so many lesser, petty examples of it in every boss I've ever had.

Thank you. In return I promise to do the same for other people. All the best for you!

Beyond Jung, Reich, Horney, Laing, and their ilk, you might find the Illuminatus Trilogy interesting. It's fictional, but pulls together a lot of this material. You can also read The Golden Bough, as this is the source material used by organizations like the Freemasons and the Skull & Bones.

Thank you. Last question before I start reading - what is at risk when discussing the "sacred truths" publicly? What do archons do to people leaking "trade secrets?"

Depends. They know there's no way to really hide what is publically available information, so they make it sound kooky. As long as people are ranting about stone owls and worshipping Moloch, they don't care. It's when people try to explain the actual psychology going on and how to replicate the shamanic techniques they use, that's when they come after you.

They will initially try to recruit you. If you decline their offer, you will be barred from any kind of high-profile life, though you will not be overtly harmed. If you try to make this stuff public, however, they will make an example of you. There are worse things than death. You might do some reading on the psyops technique called "zersetzung."

Is there a way one can swap minds or corporeal forms with another person?

Not that I know of. Bear in mind that shamanism is applied psychology, not the supernatural.

Noted. Sounds interesting. Good luck to you, user