What are some alternatives to Cred Forums?

What are some alternatives to Cred Forums?

Specifically one with less gore and loli shit.

>inb4 reddit

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Also, what are ones with more gore and loli shit?

If any of us knew any alternatives to Cred Forums we wouldn't be on here.


Iā€™d settle for less porn and log threads

Atechan I guess. There's at lot of "chans" out there. I've looked at a few-not worth the time. Deepweb is probably where the oldfags went.

Dont post the legendary Ron Paul without declaring it a mother fucking Ron Paul thread

Attached: 5ABA2347-682F-41FC-A643-DB25C1A6BCB7.jpg (720x390, 76K)

This is how the oldfag migration has worked.

Old Cred Forums to 2011/2012 ā€”-> pre-2015 Cred Forums ā€”ā€”-> now Cred Forums mostly

just ask your mom to find interesting pics on the internet and share them with you

FYAD would have been my answer a couple months ago, but sadly it was shut down. I'm stuck here with ya OP.

learn to deal, don't be a bitch

it's called "real life"
get out of your mother's basement and suck cocks faggot

Why are you here then?

>with less gore and loli shit.
Cred Forums has two redeeming qualities, and they're the only part you want gone.
some people.

There are no anonymous alternatives.

All the normie sites like Reddit require registration and therefore self censorship

Cred Forums is the bastion of free speech and old fashioned shitposting

ifunny sorta

Andy Sixx and his logs are awesome!!



Attached: Screenshot_20181027-084121_Minds.jpg (1439x875, 492K)

You know nothing and your cock is tiny

Attached: IMG_20200205_182323.jpg (246x240, 11K)

Yet I don't see you giving an extensive list of sites with Cred Forums level of activity that don't require an email and sign in, much less one.

Just Google Reddit/fag porn you fucking degenerate