What are the advantages/disadvantages for each body type?

What are the advantages/disadvantages for each body type?
I'm an endomorph.
I loved swimming but I could never top any ectomorph, no matter how often and how hard i trained.

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im between meso and endomorph. Powerlifting has been easy because of it.

how tall?


I usually eat a massive amount of food so I'm a bit chubby but when I stop I drop weight like a rock.


ecto. I get cold easy, but everything is easy, and I'm good looking without working at it.
I ran track/XC in school.

>but when I stop I drop weight like a rock.
my vice was milk. fucking milk lol.
went from 230 to 200 in 2 months simply by cutting out milk. 6' exactly

6'1 mesomorph reporting in, i wish i was that ripped.

im an ectomorph find it easiest to do kinaesthetic training. But i can never life a super heavy weight. Having been focusing on endurance and rollerblading a lot. Downside people think im a women if i dont show my facial hair.

Girls generally like the two guys to the left all other things being equal. The guy on the right could kill a bear on the right with his bare hands, however, if you're into that kind of thing. Note, being a fatass does not make you le big strong endomorph, although there are endomorph fatasses. Same goes for being skinny not translating directly into being an ectomorph. It's more about skeletal frame than anything else, comparing your back and shoulders to others is a good way to tell, especially if you're a bit amorphous due to being a fat retard like me.

two on the right are more attractive. left looks lanky and weird but depends on the guy

What do you call small frame, round, high body fat?

meso and endo here come from
a family of lumberjacks so its nice

round is endomorph

I'm definitely an endo.

Same for me when I quit drinking beer.

Why does the meso look like he has a narrower frame than the ecto?

>i am an endomorph
Oh so you're a hamplanet?

Powerfat detected.

Multiform mesomorph, I can go between the main 3 types and the middle types both ecto-meso and endo-meso(Endo meso was bad if I couldn't afford the extra food/new clothes).

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I'm an ectomorph
Apparently I'm very popular with gays. I have quite a few gay friends and they for some unknown reason are seriously attracted to me. I'm somewhat good-looking without trying and I've been like this since birth. I was 1 month premature so I was always flesh draped over a skeleton. I have had a few girls ask me out but I've rejected them because I just get a bunch of bitches and whores asking me to be their boyfriend.

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I always thought of myself as rather skinny.

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endomorph masterrace

>that hat

Endo. Significantly less fat that that example but even when I was all roided out at like 8% body fat my truck was thicc
