Anyone ever take shrooms, Psilocybin? I'm really tempted to go on a 3 or 4 day hike...

Anyone ever take shrooms, Psilocybin? I'm really tempted to go on a 3 or 4 day hike, some place with a fuck ton of trees away from everything and take some. Not much 1 gram or probably less. The thing is though, I've had visual snow syndrome for a few months now. I don't know if it's just from anxiety over time, or from smoking weed over a couple years, which would make it HPPD. I really wanna make it better but I don't know how. I feel like there something in the back of my mind that makes me feel super stuck. I'm slightly panicked all the time. I feel like shrooms could help me reconnect with the parts of my mind that I lost and help me resolve my inner anxiety and trauma. I feel like it's a stupid fucking idea though. People get HPPD from shrooms or make their visual snow worse. I don't know, maybe I should just go hiking sober and see if that makes my mind feel any more sharp just from that. Anyone have any experiences or advice to share regarding Psilocybin, visual snow syndrome or HPPD?

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>tempted to go on a 3 or 4 day hike
make sure you're not on private property. Easy to get shot

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You’re gonna need more than a gram to actually have a real trip. If you eat anything less than an eighth you’re a dumb pussy faggot.

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Going on a three day hike to take shrooms for the first time is a fucking stupid idea.

1 gram of dried shrooms isnt going to do much more than effect your mood. 3g is generally a normal dose that will get some visual effects.

I don't wanna get HPPD or have way too intense or a trip. I'm depressed, anxious, and my brain and mind feel scrambled. I wann try shrooms to try to reset it. But there's a fairly big risk for me to get persisting visuals forever or for it to fuck my brain up even more.
I hear you. It wouldn't be the only point of the hike though. I would just want some introspection relaxing towards the end of the hike.

Psychedelics are fun but need some prep getting into man. I recommend a 3-4 g dose or if you're feeling ballsy maybe 5-6 g. No matter where you decide to trip have a trip sitter. Someone to watch you and give you that piece of mind to be in a good place. Dont worry about HPPD from experience i could probably say its a myth, but idk it is different for everyone.

Half eighth or full eighth and won't settle for anything less. Do not ever waste my time with one gram. That shit is retarded. Balls out. And nuts to the butts.

What is a trip like for you then? Do you feel like it lets you see part of your mind that were there but you couldn't see? Thanks. Yeah, I'd be by myself far away from anyone so maybe that actually isn't a good idea... I don't know if it even is likely that I'd Get HPPD from it, but the thing is I might already have it mildly. I definitely have visual snow and my mind feels scrambled and tiny Ever since I had this one panic attack. I'm paranoid that I had glutamergic storm and it fried my neurons. I've smoked a fair amount of weed from 2016-2019, but not right when I got visual snow

>People get HPPD from shrooms or make their visual snow worse.
Citation needed.
That aside, my absolute best times were out camping in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Bears make it kind a freaky, but leave your food in the car or 10 feet up and over, and you'll be okay.
Should be good weather though. Preferably not a Full Moon, so you can see the Milky Way. And not so many trees so you can see the sky. It's an exhilarating experience, And don't take a lot - no need. It's powerful stuff.

>The thing is though, I've had visual snow syndrome for a few months now. I don't know if it's just from anxiety over time, or from smoking weed over a couple years
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, how about not doing drugs? Ever thought of that since it's that bad to the point of you having permanent trip flashbacks?

>visual snow syndrome
>muh trauma muh flashbacks
quit being a pussy none of that shit actually matters or means anything and I've taken shrooms, DMT, LSD hundreds of times. Just do it somewhere comfortable and you'll be fine. Dont do them in the forest alone because if you get uncomfortable for whatever reason you might get lost or hurt in the woods, have someone with you. If you want to have a deep trip and fix yourself do it at home

Could anyone recommend me a guide or something?

I'm in central america and it is allegedly easier to find them, but so is finding a poisonous strain. So, I don't wanna risk a slow painful death.

Where do I find these mushrooms at? I'm in Los Angeles. Can't seem to find the right people. Maybe I just need to dark web this stuff. or /r/hppd /r/visualsnow
even if I never do shrooms I'm still fucked up from whatever happened to me in September 2019 where I have static in my vision and I feel completely different and maybe even like I'm tripping or stoned. Just today I had some weird trippy feelings when I was riding in the car, I have vivid closed eye hallucinations when I'm waking up, etc. Been sober for months. But I don't know what advice you guys could give for that.

Anyway, yeah I actually live in northern Virginia so I was planning on going to somewhere in the west part of the state. I'll have to research the different places. Thanks for saying that I don't need that much though, I don't want to feel or see anything too fucking crazy, I just want to feel connected with my own self because I feel like I don't know what's going on anymore.

Bump for the hookup in LA

One last bump

I was born there but moved to Northern Virginia when I was a baby

shrooms changed my life. have fun user. being in the forest is the perfect setting.

You should take at least 5 g of dry shrooms, otherwise it's pointless. I wouldn't suggest you to do so in forest, where you don't feel safe and warm. Do it at home, prepare some background music - ambient, electronica. Play all the autechre albums. Watch some vids on YouTube such as rugby championships and absurdist Japan World Cup 3. But don't waste all trip on videos.
Prepare some snacks and food. Also start drinking when the trip starts wear out.

i highly recommend doing shrooms somewhere familiar. if you do shrooms in the woods, you'll lose your sense of direction and get lost. shrooms are the kinda thing that make you wanna drop everything (clothes, food, money, cares) and be free. so doing them somewhere unfamiliar means you're a lot more likely to end up scared and confused.

any amount of shrooms will do something, i remember taking a tiny bit of shroom dust and it put me in a weird mood, but if you wanna really experience it do at least a few grams.

shrooms trick your body into thinking you're dying. when i take shrooms i always throw up, so don't be surprised if you feel sick or like you're going to die. you won't but you may feel like shit the day after when you're coming down. just remember it's all apart of the experience.

having a trip sitter is for pussies. i personally hate having people around me if i'm tripping and they aren't, it feels awkward and brings me out of my zone. if you're going to trip, do it with people who are tripping, or do it alone when you know you won't run into any sober people to make you feel weird. you don't need a sitter, shrooms will give you extreme clarity of mind, but like i said also extreme un-attachment to the material world which is what can be scary to some people who can't handle letting go of their ego. if you fight the un-attachment, you will fail, if you let go, you will succeed.


this^ one of the most glorious experiences while on shrooms is being in a nice comfy warm setting where you feel safe. taking a shower feels amazing. being outside is good for a few hours, when you're tripping hard you do get the need to get out and move around, but you always wanna have a way to get back to sancuary for when you lose that energy.

Thanks but 5g is way too much. I want to do the forest because the only remotely safe feeling place I can think of right now. Home would be ideal but I don't feel safe there. I hate being in my shitty small apartment with my family and its part of the reason I feel so fucked up today. Would be ideal to have someone watch but I wanted to go hiking by myself. It's probably dangerous to trip that out there in the middle of a national park or something like that though...

You guys must be right, tripping while in your comfy bed or where ever in your house sounds amazing. Maybe it's kinda telling then that I would never trip in my own house or room. I know that I would freak out and want to die as soon as I looked around me and saw where I was.

its fine to trip in the woods but you should be familiar with the area and know how to get out, have plenty of water too.

There is no trip if you take too small. If you don't want it full intense, then rather just eat one tab of acid.

I've helped a lot of first time trippers. These people suggesting 5gs dried for first trip are crazy, trying to fuck with you, trying to sound cool, or not properly drying their shit out.
2-3 grams for a first time trippers/new to psychedelics is a good first dose to let them know what it's about. Of course more is really where it's at but not for the first timer. 1 g won't do much ... Maybe slightly dilated pupils and slight slight euphoria if any.

id say start with 2 1/2 grams and work your way up to 4 or 5. if you dont take enough you will just get a high euphoric feelings. if you take more you will be okay, they are just very gross tasting and they cause alot of stomach aches and cramps and can make your stomach upset and throw up. i ate a whole ounce of shrooms bc i had a plug that was growing and i got them fresh and still wet, so it was better than dried and it was so intense i threw up and everything looked colorful.

one more thing, if you really wanna try shrooms dont pick random ones in the woods. good way to die OP, look for the hawks eye. grow them yourself. impossible to get caught this way. he is still around on the net.

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Well I was talking to trees because they were making faces, laughed like a hyena, and had the secret to the universe but lost it. Caps are stronger than the stems. I'm sober now and haven't taken them in over ten years. I've only took a half eighth but I'm considering on taking the full eighth this time. And shrooms was much better than acid more controlable

Yeah good plan if you wanna die out in the wilderness. You wanna shroom out in the woods after a hike? Jesus.

It was fun for 3 to 4 hours (I ate 15 g at that time) but shit hit the fan when I started to dissociate from myself and didn't know who I was and where I was.

How did you find a picture of the cum drawer, OP?

2,5-3,5g pls

Moshi moshi
Baitu desu