Why did Democrats waste so much of the country’s money on their own lies?
Why did Democrats waste so much of the country’s money on their own lies?
How much did the war in Iraq cost?
Idk, they should have just paid him directly to quit. Although I am sure Russia can top it.
We’ve spent 100 million letting Trump golf.
Billions on a wall that breaks and has gaps.
Fuck off.
Fake number.
Trump admin and all Republican admin does absolutely nothing for veterans except use them as props.
You mean before or after Obama extended it?
why has trump increased spending and cut taxes on the wealthy and corporations
trump = trillion dollar deficits
pump up the economy today
implode tomorrow
Andrew Yang wants to give every American veteran $1,000 a month until they die.
Andrew Yang wants to give YOU $1,000 a month until you fucking die.
Whether you're white, black, liberal, conservative, democrat, republican, furfag or pure weeb.
No more specialty group bullshit, no more leaving behind the majority of Americans.
Also, Yang is the only dem that ever said we shouldnt waste time on a fucking impeachment because Americans dont give a shit about politics, they give a shit about their fucking paycheck.
he wastes 10s a millions every weak golfing
Except that money would have not gone to vets in the first place. Republicans only give a shit about the troops when it's convenient.
before and after, pretend not everyone on this board is a bipartisan baiting jew
He's wasting $11 billion of our money on a useless border wall.
Manafort paid for the Mueller Report anyway, so we got a pretty good deal there for all of the knowledge it gave us.
Why did republitards waste millions on the stupid Benghazi hearings?? Idiots.
Trump alone has spent over $100 million of our taxes on golfing.
If it was a lie, then why did he block testimony from his most trusted advisors? You would think they would go up there and deny everything.
You know who would block it.. Someone who is guilty.
Probably because people got killed and it got covered up idiot.
Why are americunts so fucking stupid? I mean really holy fuck.
Wouldn't get surprised if Trump is reelected, you fucking deserve it.
Fuck the vets. That could've helped real members of society.
getting a border wall versus not getting a border wall....people liek you must also hate christmas.
I'm sorry. When do we ever play for homeless veterans? We don't. That amount could be spent buying lollipops and raining them down on school yards. Who gives a shit? That money would have been spent on bureaucracy anyway, but the issue is you're outraged because you fail to understand his entire impeachment is his fault because he's not experienced enough to understand his job.
simple research would show you that the regurgitated information you're wasting our time with is made up Facebook tier rage bait. It wouldn't have even gone double digits. People in Washington are paid salaries to do their job.
Why help vets if they literally have every single benefit known to the USA? I mean.... every fucking thing is covered for them. They even get discounts everywhere at every store. If they're homeless at that point they are fuckups no matter what, with all those benefits available.
We spend millions to protect his family to live down the street instead of the giant mansion we'r could house hundreds of homeless vets in.
The Democrats in the House aired out the blatant corruption that Trump brought in with his administration to the White House. The least Republicans could do was give Democrats the benefit to the doubt, just like Democrats did with Republicans on Bill Clinton, and allow an impartial investigation to be done and an impartial trial to be had. But no. They allowed Trump to hinder the House investigation. Worse, they allowed a kangaroo trial to be held with no witnesses, the first of its kind in the history of the U.S. And they allowed his crimes to go unpunished.
Whatever money this entire impeachment and trial took was wasted because of Republicans. Just the same way they allow Trump to use over $100 million of tax-payer's money to go golfing, making the secret service and foreign dignitaries come to his resorts so he can line his pockets with more tax-payer's money, and allowing his own children and family jobs in the administration.
Literally everything that Republicans blame Democrats for is just projection. There is no "both side are the same." Republicans are clearly the worst.
As if Trump and his allies would ever do anything for veterans to begin with. Are you that retarded?
trump spent 3 times that golfing
>getting a border wall versus not getting a border wall
There already is a border wall, numbnuts. Trump is just asking to replace it, or at least fortify it, which is a waste of money.
Libtard detected
there are sections of fence, which mexico didn't pay for...
>which mexico didn't pay for
That sounds like a Trump problem, doesn't it?
"We're going to build a wall. And we'll make Mexico pay for it!"
So how's he going to do it?
Yeah, #trump2020
>useless border wall
How many undocumented mexcian’s have you sheltered in your home user?
why tf would I want this???? We need LESS welfare, not more.
Welp the DNC shills sure are ramping up early this year
Well, in the end he did get impeached. Its just that he did get impeached for no reason and it did not matter.
tfw everything now become more expensive because everyone has $1,000 more dollars every month.
I dont want $1,000 a month as hush money from corrupt bureaucrats. Fuck off
Everything will get more expensive regardless actually... As if $1000 extra for every US citizen (not illegals) will even remotely change the rate the billions the fed prints and deflates on a constant basis.
This is a braindead argument.
Oh look i get 1k more each month yay, wait why is this way more expensive than before? i'm still eating as much shit as i was eating when earning less why :(
herpaderp but youre not right now right? Lmao. Learn to inflation. Autism.
how is it a waste of money?
What don't you like about it? UBI is fundamentally different than welfare and wouldn't suffer from all the problems with welfare that we face today. Primarily that it will be given indiscriminately and not depend on employment status or current income. Currently with welfare people who work are penalized (have amount of welfare deducted) which incentivizes people to leech/remain perpetually in a job search. It also has the added effect of allowing people more freedom to do things such as pursue their interests or improve their education which is becoming ever more important in an increasingly technologizing society.
On a golf course he own, so he has been paying it to himself.
Fag you the one implying Trump started that war
>Everything will get more expensive regardless actually
Not expensive enough to displace an extra $1000 a month.
>As if $1000 extra for every US citizen (not illegals) will even remotely change the rate the billions the fed prints and deflates on a constant basis.
That's utter nonsense. If that were true, the income, investments, and whatever else you do right now to make money would similarly deflate in proportion. Yet bread from the grocery store will likely remain around $1.00, and not $1,001.00. You're fucking retarded.
I'm definitely not eating shit right now, which is why i don't want anyone with a hint of socialist touching my money
I know that this won't work because I understand basic economics and I also know that the US has open borders
>Using an impact font meme to prove your point
The money is ill suited for additional wall because the rate of illegal immigration through border crossings is nothing compared to other methods of illegal immigration, such as port entries, work visa fraud, overstayed work visas, etc.
The money is better suited to implementing better agencies that could combat those things. A wall does nothing to address those bigger problems.
i heard that he want's tariffs on taco bell
Yet the second someone raises a "let's build a homeless shelter" issue, the first response we receive is "No way. Not in my backyard. If you build one, more will come." Prove me wrong.
>But Hunter Biden got a cushy $50,000/month job at Burisma!
Idiots somehow think above is an argument as compared to Trump, his sons and daughter, and son-in-law raking in millions due to their newfound connections in government. How hypocritical.
Why did the republicans shutdown the government and walk out on obama? Because they don't care and still collect money. So 40 million is a drop in the bucket with these rich fucks.
The taxpayers should be paying for Trump's explosives shits.
Ok, comrade Boomer.
So because one group wasted a bunch of money, that makes it OK to waste even more?
Imagine still being a Trump supporter kek. His brains rotting so quickly he will be wearing diapers by November. Debates are going to fucking hilarious.
That's what Democrats have been telling the idiots in the Republican base for years. Republicans waste and waste and waste, blame the Democrats when it comes to cleaning up their mess after they take power, and are somehow surprised when Republicans regain power and continue to blow a hole into the deficit. It's hard strip out the stupid that Republicans have ingrained in their supporters.