Whats a life lesson that you learned the hard way?

Whats a life lesson that you learned the hard way?

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laws of thermodynamics
>ended up getting a 6 for it tho

Nobody gives a FUCK about you.

That Jeff Bezos's 17 year old slut mother cucked his father with a Cuban wetback

You cannot trust anyone.

psychiatry is a scam

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Being shot sucks.

Gambling addiction is real

Fuk, that one sucks.

No, it is not. It is called suppressed-fag-syndrome. Faggot.

That must be an ebin story.
Of course, it could also be an incriminating story. In that case, don't tell because and

Women invariably grow up to be their moms. Meet their moms. Don't like what you see? That's her someday.

Hot mom, hot daughter.
Fat mom, fat daughter.

She's not always asleep

Peeing and shooting off loads from a hotel balcony is not good.

Smoking weed is an addiction.
Anyone who says its not is an addicted faggot in denial.
And its an expensive addiction too... all that money i could have used for other things is fking gone

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lol i know a girl who's physically more like her dad: skinny, no tits, no ass, and a few masculine facial features

she may be a minority in this case

just looks? Or would you say behavior as well?

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Geneticist here.

Epigenetics can explain that

Don't try and be Captain Save-a-Ho; it'll only end in heartbreak.

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as in trauma that is passed down?

Or am I missing something?

It's far easier to move out than to reform a bad roommate.

Also, lazy slobs hardly change their habits unless they want to.

To finish college the first time. Pick a high paying major and fucking graduate because normie jobs suuuuuuck.

Just give it time.

Doesnt matter if she's a 10/10 son, if her mom is disgusting SHE WILL BE. Ofc there's going to be a unicorn, but it's been too true my whole life.

Someday, some time. Boom.

also forgot to mention personality and behavior wise, it's probably split down the middle

my ex (who I wanna get back with - her mom is quite attractive, but is a total low-life, dirt bag.

Spend as much time with your dad as you can


Lot of people just ain't worth your time

>knowledge isn't power.
love uncontrollable and unrepressable. once you're in it you may as well go along with it.
>antidepressants are not a long-term solution.
once you're not gonna an-hero just wean off em.
That Maya Angelou quote about people not giving a fuck how smart what you said was but how you made them FEEL being all that matters in the long run
>individualism is good for evaluating governmental systems and so on but at the end of the day we're social animals and we NEED people. Without any people you'd be too depressed to think at all, let alone think differently.
Women look at your shoes/clothes weather they claim to be petty or not
>depression is often anger turned inwards

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no real story. Her mom is a low-life, foul-mouthed embarrassment of a human, but is very attractive (pretty, thin, etc...) and she and her daughter talk all the time; like for an hour each day. LOTS of influence there. Just wondering if that's a sign of what's to possibly come in the future...

To be honest, the ex was kind of a dirt bag as well; on/off sugar baby, lying, loud-mouthed, no girl friends, all guys, talks to her exe's often, no long-term relationships, sexual or otherwise.

I know I'm not really building a strong case here.

I doubt you wanna hear the whole sordid story, man.

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Don't join the miliotary.

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sounds like you dodged a bullet, looks fade with age anyway.

as for daughters inheriting their mothers behavior and personality, it's more like 50/50 in my book since times are changing

Yea, that's what everyone is telling me. I just wish that I felt that way.

Stupid fucking feels.

Use the condom

My buddy told me Thursday not to bail my hooker used the same term

don't waste your time, sleep, rest, play, have vacations and have spare time only the minimum necesary, life is short and a god fucking competence all vs all

one of my friends actually dated the hot and crazy type girl and knocked her up too.

that bitch has prevented him from seeing his own daughter (he wasn't abusive in anyway), ran up lots of credit card debt, cheated on him, gave him chlamydia, and probably a whole lot more that he hasn't told me yet. she wronged a lot of people in the past and wonders why she has "haters."

so consider ur situation a blessing in disguise.

Epigenetics in a nutshell?

yea, sounds like something she'd be capable of. Just sucks because other than those glaring issues (and a bunch more, believe me, but I don't feel like getting chastised by strangers), she's perfect: skinny, ginger, freckles, talks like a trucker and is funny as fuck, finishing up school soon, recently quit drinking, hates feminists/PC culture and fucks like a pro. But then again, as a sugar baby... I guess by definition she is a pro?

I fucking hate the hot/crazy scale.

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Maybe the trauma isnt passed down but the behavioral pathology and habits are certainly passed down

and that's all I needed to know; thanks.

when your body is ruined early from bad genetics, everyone you know will fuck off and ignore you. Lesson is live life to its fullest before you are killed by some random ass shit you can't control.

you can only lose your virginity once

Don't be related to the hapsburg bloodline

nobody is irreplaceable. nobody.

Nun ya.

Don't be born

ADHD is fake and gay total jewish psyop

also girls don’t get over their first

go to trade school not college. srsly do not go to college waste of time. don’t believe me? find me one person whose dad liked him better after college than before srsly find me 1

Just wanna add something to this:
This goes for behaviour, too.
The way her mom treats her dad, thats the way shes gonna try to treat you.

Look how fucking happy she is.

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Fusion is a no no. Costs people jobs!

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Any joint finances you have with your significant other..... check that shit daily. I got fucked by a self-proclaimed financial wizard, when in reality she couldn't manage a roll of quarters if her life depended on it.

Reality is based on varying interpretation.

Loving someone else doesn't mean that I have to stop loving myself.

Sometimes, you can be right or you can be happy, but not both.

Also, sleep, exercise, and general health are as important as anything else going on in your life.

This. Its almost entirely based on conjecture and no hard mathematical science.

Also its the only science that objectively classifies something as good or bad.

Monkeys never let go of a branch, until they have a firm grip on a new branch.

Did I say monkeys? I meant girls.

That multiculturalism sucks, I live in Berlin. That women only love there children not man. As a man you can actually love but women are not able to. We project the love our moms had for us on the women we date. But they can't love you the way you want them to love you.

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I'm probably having as rough of a time reading that as you had learning it.

Never be honest unless it's guaranteed to benefit you

He said that women are incapable of love as you understand it, with the exception of towards their own children.

He's not wrong either.

Define love as I understand it?

What benefit do you get from saying that? You must be lying.

Assuming that you are a man, you already know what it is.

It's impossible for an outside entity to define a subjective emotion present within someone else.

Basically, women are genetically programmed to be selfish, self-centered, and self-serving, much like how you, as a man, are genetically programmed to sacrifice to protect your woman. The sole exception to this rule is to the womans children.

Looked into politics and got legit scared at what I saw. Just pure evil with a smile on their faces. Legit global slavery. money = power = enslavement. Our entire life is built off voluntary slavery (work) and the media's job is thought control. The hard part is escaping that, but at least we can have hobbies. How much of you is the real you and not the brainwashed you?

Funny thing is, i used to think this was a conspiracy, lol

>Whats a life lesson that you learned the hard way?
Work hard and put the company first and you will get ahead. Is a lie. I put the company first and worked overtime whenever asked, the minute I got hurt they tossed me out with the trash. Employees are disposable, being loyal to a company is simply stupidity.

Well I don't think me being a man qualifies me to understand concepts that I believe in.

I think you could understand my subjective emotions if I told you them and you cared to pay attention.

This is starting to sound like eugenics but I'll stay open minded. Where did you read these findings about the DNA differences in men and women that lead you to these conclusions? Or is this personal experience? If so please explain that more.

Random hookups don't make you happier.

Also. Is it wrong for a 25 year old to smash an 18 year old? Asking for a friend h-haha

>Random hookups don't make you happier.
No, but its good for stress relief.

The dark ages have not left us.

>citation needed

Wife treats me as a god and hates our fucking kids, Lmao Cred Forums is full of shit, as always.

thats the real lesson here buds, always take what you see here with a grain of salt, its usually rooted in a deep bias and hatred towards others projected in an anonymous format.

Behavioral studies and evolutionary genetics, mostly.

Being selfish is what kept women alive in the stone age, along with men being programmed to protect and care for them.

Well says that his woman appreciates him and dislikes her children? How is this possible? What do you mean by programming?

Sometimes you find out the most toxic people in your life are your own family and you have to cut them out of your life like a tumor to save yourself. That and the idea of "closure" is in of itself a lie. You'll never get true closure.

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I feel like I could get addicted to anything. But I buy just one lotto ticket because I feel is my only way out.

Almost every single thing in your life is a result of a conscious choice made somewhere along the way.
If you play the victim-card, you most likely lack insight.

This rule off course have a few exeptions to it,
Desease, child abuse etc.

But almost every single thing that happens to you, happens because you let it.

Lol, comedic genius right here. Good luck, buddy. Best of luck to you good sir

Multiculturalism is da bomb. I live in Berlin too. And fuck so many different Girls.

>What is a life lesson you learned the hard way
>>citation needed
The dark ages, have not left us. "Amidst the errors there shone forth men of genius; no less keen were their eyes, although they were surrounded by darkness and dense gloom". Nevertheless, some random individual of this age is to ask me to cite my opinions, in a time where information is to be lighting fast, and at your fingertips. Something dead men could only ever hope for.

We're still in a sleep of forgetfulness. No matter how much progress we scream from the mountaintops, the fundamental fabrics of our societies and cultures are still riddled with things thought long solved.

What the fuck are you blabbering about?


Yeah, keep telling yourself that. There is not justice and good karma for all 8 billion of us. Some people just live and die unfairly, no matter how humble and insightful they are. Shit happens, then you die. Doesn't mean it's your fault

Outliers in any generalization exist. Assuming he isn't lying (he is), she is likely one of those. Or cognizant of her own programming and actively countering it to appear 'different'.

What the fuck are you screaming about?

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I tell myself that every day.
I also said that there are exeptions.

But since you live in a place that has internet, and you have time to waste on Cred Forums, I guarantee there are more productive ways you could spend your time, and therefore make your life better.

Public schooling is a scam.

Graduate from highschool ASAP, even at 14-16 years old if you can, and then start getting work experience. Go back to school only for STEM, engineering, accounting, trades, certificates, or don't come back at all.

He's talking about how humans never really evolved beyond the bronze age, and despite our technological advancement, we're still all cavemen deep inside, with the same fundamentally primitive instincts and drives that served us well in that earlier age, but are now a detriment in a more civilized world.

Okay, so he's discredited. But the existence of outliers and women willing to work against their programming exist. How do I find one or the other?

Also what's programming?

I live in a country that has had multiculturalism for 200 years because of colonialism, slave trade and some European immigration. It sucks, since there's no homogeneous population nobody sees himself in someone else, nobody respects the other, everybody looks after himself and his interests.

Never use credit cards to buy an item you can't afford to buy with cash.

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Programming is the way that your brain is built by evolution to cause you to behave in a certain way, based on your genetics. For women, this includes vanity and extreme selfishness (except when it comes to their kids), as those traits proved useful to allow them to survive in the stone age. Their kids are exempt because they are vehicle by which genes are passed on, the ultimate 'goal' of all life.

As for finding one or the other, I know of no efficient way to separate the wheat from the chaff. You would need to carefully observe and conduct behavioral analysis on each woman individually, an incredibly time consuming process, as there are no outward signs of being an outlier or rebelling against their programming.

The real solution is to recognize that women are, by nature, selfish, vain, and emotionally crippled as a result. In fact, a common strategy used by men throughout the ages has been to simply treat adult women almost the same as the children themselves, as they possess many child like qualities because of their programming.

If you're at the checkout and the cashier is black, always remember to count your money properly

Poor people problems lol

What? Explain what you mean by evolution? What is the importance of it? Because we collectively have moved past our limitations. So I am confused.

Cavemen are from the stone age but you say we are in the bronze age? What about the iron age? Define civility? I'm so confused

I feel like this is more of an issue of maturity rather than genetic predisposition.

Remember that you're talking to user, and not me.

I'd already explained everything, making pains to stick to the source material and its theme. So if you still have to cry out in the face of that, I recommend you take up the new adage of using Google to solve your problems. Think about why I'd say we still live in the dark ages, following that.

Or further help to illustrate why we do.

people will rarely change their minds about something they believe unless they're mindful enough to not get offended, or to not have any other number of childish reactions, is having your positions on things challenged really that difficult for people? People just aren't sensible. They'll get cross or upset, especially if they're wrong, which most people are, about everything, so enjoy dealing with dribbling selfish scum for the next 80 years, I'm so nearly done with all of you.

I will attempt to address each of your question marks sequentially.
>Evolution, and its importance
Evolution is the process by which life improves itself through heuristic testing and discarding of traits that do not work. You have hands because it made survival easier for the first ancestor who grew hands because of a mutation, allowing them to pass on their genes where their unmutated brethren failed and died. Of note is that this only works in a system in which there is a consequence for having bad genes, which we do not have. Since the Iron Age, we have had civilizations that propped up those with weak genes and allowed them to reproduce when nature would have prevented it. Essentially, natural selection and evolution have not effected humans for about 200,000 years. You are functionally identical to a human who was walking around 200k years ago.
>We collectively have move pasted our limitations.
We have not. Humans are the same as we were hundreds of thousands of years ago. We have more technology, yes, and an easier life from it, yes, but it is because of that easy life and lack of pruning of bad genes that we have not progressed, evolutionarily speaking.
>Cavemen are from the stone age but you say we are blah blah
We are not in the bronze age, we are in the silicon age. I use the term caveman colloquially to generically refer to any extremely primitive time frame for humans, which is generally between 200,000 to 4,000 years ago.
>What about the iron age?
The iron age followed the bronze age, and is of little importance, as evolution stopped affecting us in the bronze age, when mass agriculture was invented. It was mass agriculture that started to allow those with weak genes to live on and reproduce beyond what nature would normally allow.
>Define civility?
'Civility' is the idea that we, as a society, feel a moral imperative to aid our fellow humans despite what nature might have decided for them.


Women do not reach the same levels of emotional or rational maturity than men do, that is correct. This is mostly because they did not NEED to do so in order to reproduce, so it was never developed.

Always remember: Evolution is not the tendency towards the optimal; evolution is the tendency towards the minimum necessary to survive and reproduce.

What? I'm confused again. I don't understand your message but it seems like you give up explaining it. So I will assume you couldn't withstand scrutiny and that your opinions are likely false.

you're right user, but if you actually had a brain on your shoulders you'd buy ounces for cheap and sell for profit to other addicts. when you just start off people will sell you ozs for street value but if you know who's who then you can bump thst down to around 110, 100, that's £180 profit for every ounce dude. have some self control and make money you weakling.

The person you are replying to is not me.
This is me

>mfw I see this couple on Cred Forums
>mfw I knew them
>mfw I played shuffleboard with the woman during a fundraiser for the guy
They divorced btw. He’s also dead. Rip Ziggy

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>blah blah
I don't like how you trivialized my response so I won't continue our conversation

forgot to reply to:

Perhaps you should not ask such questions then. Every single one of them you could have easily answered for yourself had you applied even a modicum of logic and critical thinking.


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Is it my responsibility to defend their theories?

I read he killed himself after she divorced him.

No, but it is your responsibility to logically consider theories that you are presented with to determine an opinion for yourself regarding them, at least until presented with new information, at which point you should reevaluate your position.

i used to hate my dad growing up. But now at 18 and following advice and becoming a boilermaker, im spending as much time with my father as i can. Its just me and him in this house and I watch an episode of star trek with him a day at minimum. and we pause it and talk and laugh togethor. It makes my day.

>>depression is often anger turned inwards
YES! everyone thinks im a super nice guy, but i just can't put my anger out so i put in in, thus depwessy cunt.

I don't know about responsibility but that's why I asked the questions you find so worthless.

The post below your post is always made by a raging faggot

Where are you getting these ideas about evolution? I'm skeptical

>it seems like you give up explaining it
I don't. I'm merely trying to establish that it's remarkably hard to not understand what I'd typed, given not only your apparent capacity, but the tools at your disposal from which simply ramp up the level of absurdity in, seemingly, choosing to fecklessly yell at an unpopular opinion that makes claims about an entire civilization.

And assuming makes an ass out of you and me. So, don't do that. I can withstand scrutiny. You haven't' scrutinized what I'd originally typed. And you will dance around the ingenuity while electing to say that my
are false. Does that not register with you? It's a life lesson that you learned the hard way. It will obviously carry bias, and depend upon interpretation from the author. Have you any real reason to feign issue with it, than to leap atop some fabled hill, and seek 15 minutes of nothing new? It's a flagrant example of this alleged life lesson I've learned. Look at you, user. You are this quick to suggest all of that. Have you honestly scrutinized anything so far? No mention of begging the question, nothing. Just sentences with question marks at the end, towards the other user. They're hard to view as genuine. It's hard to imagine you wouldn't know the answers to them, especially not if someone takes the charge of
>go research it
away from the table. The only other likely scenario is that they were all intended to be rhetorical, answering what they appear to question. And within the time I have taken to construct this reply, you have provided things like
>Is it my responsiblity to defend their theories
during the exact moment that you are having an exchange with another user, who has chosen to deliver their understanding of my
>life lessons
using their words. And what you want to say, is that you assume
couldn't withstand scrutiny, and that my opinions are likely false. My opinions, are likely false. Opinions, false. Let alone user's.

Good God.

too long; didn't read

trump is a liar

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>being this much of a letdown

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Some people say they carabout you but in reality they just don't give a shit

Wish I did something with my life.

Summarize your ramblings the next time you attempt to convince someone

Suffer not the fool.

True. Always feel a little empty after though.

I pity the fool

I love it when a plan comes together.

Yes but without this slavery we have no economy, and societal progression comes to a standstill. Where would you be today without the internet? Certainly not getting mogged by user on Cred Forums


Women in positions of power will fuck shit up. No exceptions.

Being angry is ok.

Forced diversity destroys cultures.

Just skimmed through the last 20 years of politics in my country and the only thing they achieved was personal gain and marrying white women.

Im planning on doing this.
I have a feeling that theyll try to follow me my entire life
What do?

that really is awfully sad. poor sods

You're supposed to tip your dominatrix.

lol zoomer attention span, so pathetic.
how you can't understand the point he's making only proves him right.

some ppl have it ingrained culturally, to hate you

Nope. Reality is based on shared interpretation. Varying interpretation is based upon personal perspective

La La La La La L' America

"i'll love you forever!"

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Intergenerational trauma is considered a thing, yeah

Everybody wants change, nobody wants to change.

Is she from Oklahoma City?

There is literally no female on the entire planet over the age of 16 worth dating.

Fuck you

The only real change we will see in the world is not through electing radical "outsider" politicians like Trump or Bernie.
The problems are not in the politicians, but in the very foundations of the system itself.
The only way real change can happen is if America collapses and we rebuild a new system from the ashes. Until then, it is just the facade of change, just a figment of peoples' imagination.

I have no problem getting girls I dont care about.

But when I meet a girl im actually interested in, I turn into a good guy, and friendzone myself.
You'd think I'd learn.


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You ain't gonna get the engineers, scientists, and doctors the world needs in trade schools. .
Also, I dunno what's wrong with your dysfunctional family but my dad and I get along great, better after college for sure.

Some races don't belong together.

I'd bet you're white.

got a few physical deformities?

Yes, but I'm not wrong though. Just like the thread says, you'll find out I'm right the hard way.

don't be a fuckup in high school

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people have the fucking assumtion life exists to make you happy, it fucking doesnt. it just exists.

You are always poor to someone and at the same time rich to others

You'd be wrong.
I've been married for 11 years, and all of my friends are married for 5+ years. Women aren't perfect, but neither are you.

Nice larp roastie.
Women spoil like milk. Any guy with a brain knows this. Deal with it.

The point is that if you live a shitty life, or let people treat you like crap, your gonna feel like shit.
We are all in control of our own hapiness to some degree. Dont be a victim.

Nice b8

sounds like homosexuality it is for you then

Humans in general spoil like milk.

Ok pedo

Niggers are utterly worthless and once they become 51% of the population they will kill us all.

that's never going to happen though, their birth rates are dropping off. Only the spics are still breeding with gusto.

Thats kinda what im saying. You dont live to feel good. You live because your genes dont want to die out so they have to reproduce. Any happiness you feel is just a bonus for your brain because it gets to feel fuzzy for a bit. If you want happiness you gotta be a little hungry for it too. But its not your born right to be happy. Also some people are just fucked from birth, like all of east asia.

Not everyone who gets treated like crap deserves it, blithering idiot

By being the only white guy in two jobs in animal care kennels will get you fired for racism. THEIR RACISM. 8 and a half years down the drain. Those Mother fuckers! Don't work with blacks or hipanics if their are running the place.

*The're (not their)

This is why you were fired.

This post is so flawlessly written as a troll post, I'm not sure if this guy is trolling or genuinely retarded.

I think you mean they're

This one's deep!

I wish it was this easy. A lot of the time it's the opposite.

Stoicism works. Wish I would have studied this 20+ years ago and saved myself a lot of problems. Old fag here.

Don't use a rubber, it feels better

Addiction - physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and unable to stop taking it without incurring adverse effects. So yeah tell me it's a addiction when I decided I just don't feel like smoking anymore and just stopped no withdraw symptoms, no cravings ,nothing. For over 2 years now.

No Joe, that actually wasn't me.


any protips for a younger user, principles that have come in handy?

True. Made a fortune exploiting it but hate everything about it. Especially that nobody dares speak against it.

the recognition of how powerful and pervasive our beliefs (things good/bad, true/false, etc) have in our life. They dictate why we do what we do, and how we will react to the world. So by changing these how free and at peace we can be in the world.

labels like good/bad are exclusively assigned to our choices, not our circumstances. trust me, it makes ALL the difference.


Don't vote for Trump.

Don't bother reading philosophy. Except for some of the Ancients, none of it will ever improve your life in any tangible way. Related, is to never ever ever take advice from anyone unless they can explain in excruciating detail how to execute it. There's a reason why your parents, your teachers, your friends aren't rich or super-high-status in their professions, because the advice they give you which is the advice they follow is shit. A good clue is how many 'action verbs' their advice has.
For example
>You just have to believe
is obviously shit advice, "believe" is not an action verb.
>every morning write down at least 50 times "I will succeed at X". And every evening yell in the mirror that same affirmation 50 times until you'll start to trick yourself into being optimistic by self-consistency.
is the same advice, but involves actual activities "writing" and "yell".
Watch out for vague verbs like "believe" "do" "put" "make" "find/figure out" "brainstorm" "learn" "be" in advice.

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When you meet woman you're interested in, do not stop talking to her. No don't think you can "work the room" and come back later, leaving the embers to catch a light. That's not how it works, the second a woman shows interest in you, just keep talking to her until you talk her into your bedroom or she loses interest. If you're stuck for conversation, ask her personal questions - favourite colour, favourite band, childhood memories, Rolling Stones or Beatles, Audrey Hepburn or Marylin Monroe? Don't think you can impress her by talking about yourself... your job is to get her to open up, this is also vital intel which will help you down the line as you learn her interests, heroes, fears, pet peeves. But the number 1 priority is to steal all of her attention so for that night you're the only person in the world who exists, you distract her from all others.

Virgin info right here.

The goal is to get a girl interested in you, but at the same time pulling back and appearing as if you don't give a fuck about her. This will get her intrigued in you and make her want to pursue you.
Appearing too desperate is a turnoff and they can sense it a mile away.

I've heard this as well; my ex's mom was divorced from her dad and she talks shit about him all the time.

Mind you, I guess the fact that they actually remarried again later on... then split again and she went on to get married another 3 times; all different guys. She's now single, rents a room in a house, works at a laundry mat and just turned 60.

don't confuse others interested in you as a good basis for a relationship. it feels really good for others to love and fawn over you, however they can still be a horrible match. make sure there are lots of other desirable qualities there beyond their affection for you.

This advice is not great.

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I feel like this happened to me; makes it easier thinking that she already had someone lined up before we split. Thanks man.

So I'd assume that if someone had actual trauma (sexual abuse, abandonment) along with potential intergenerational trauma, with no attempt to heal/seek help, that might be a red flag?

Man, I'm speaking form experiance not bullshit theory. I'm saying what has worked for me. And it'll work again.
Just think about it.
Women are easily distracted. You leave her for an hour, what's the bet she gets bored and goes home or elsewhere, or worse, some other fuckwit starts talking to her and cockblocks you? Or even he takes her home because he distracts her all night?
Why are you bringing up desperation? It's assumed you're not an autist and can read her 'signals' that she's interested in you.

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I'm 100% like this as well.

Why? How would you improve it?

Dont let men take advantage of you. Theyre manipulative and lustful

What choo lookin' at chicken legs?

Whenever possible, do not establish any type of long-term relationship with an overly-emotional person. This includes drama queens, people who seem to be in a constant state of chaos and instability, people who blame others and don't take accountability for their own actions, people who don't apologize even when they know they've done wrong, people who are always crying over life's daily struggles (frustration), people who are always getting angry over life's daily struggles (frustration), people who 'need' to vent a lot, people who get emotional watching the news. Emotionally infantile and/or irrational people will make your life worse for having met them. Learn to identify toxic people, learn to set firm boundaries on them and your entire life will be immeasurably better.

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Humans are shit.

There's a lesson for you.

No matter how much you try, there will always be someone who will do the job better and more efficient than you.

Don’t get married hahahahahahahahaha