Best way to meet/date asian girls? What to talk about to break the ice?

Best way to meet/date asian girls? What to talk about to break the ice?


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dont go looking for love via collectives. its the most individual thing there is, else ur just wasting time wrongfully

I dont think there's anything wrong for having a preference for a certain race and trying to date the individuals of that race


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asian markets. just tell em that you like anime an awful lot

that works good

i do. ur a retard. theres good and bads in all races. just try to date elitism. sure u can make generalisations in search but its not binding/disqualifying

unless its white chicks
white chicks are retarded

And what if you are just attracted to asians more? Kinda how most white people prefer to date white people because they are attracted to white people.

Basically, "I think you are attractive because of your facial features" is fine, but "I think you are attractive because of your uniquely asian facial features" is bad? GTFO


You could move to a city or part of a city with a large Asian population. Then shop at Asian markets, join clubs that have lots of Asian members, etc. Also get a good job, be fit, and drive a nice car: They are not shallow, but they are not stupid either. They don't go out with bums.

>They don't go out with bums.


what about smart and attractive bums who drive a nice car

That’s just dumb, limiting your dating pool like that.

There are hot girls of all ethnicities, but sure, more hotties for the rest of us.

Source: live in LA/Santa Monica, where some of the hottest chicks from all over the world flock to.

I was going to say this , me and my buddy are hill Billy as fuck, tried talking to asian girls in walmart and they ignored us. Now on the other hand walmarts a good place to get mud crickets

As an Asian living in a large area with a lot of other Asians, that shit would be creepy as fuck.

Best way is to go to a school with them, or have Asian friends to introduce you.

Anything else would be met with suspicion, contempt, and eventual outright derision.

I'm white and have a 4.75 inch cock am I huge in japan?

>Damnit hiraku that fat white neckbeard manchild is staring at us again

> be jap
> be raping
> mission accomplished

You have colona vilus?
Iam flom palis la baguette frommage.
And know she will gargle your cock
Just pretend you are french

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>be fit
Guess I'm out
I thought azn qts liked obese white dudes?

By far, the easiest way is to date actual asians- not asian american immigrants. Asian Americans are basically just white thots anyway. Which is cool if that's what you're into, but I for one wanted a conservative atheist- and asia is the best place to find that.

But assuming you're white, spend literally a week in vietnam and girls will literally offer to let you stay in their house and fuck them on the off chance you might marry them. Thailand has a very similar situation.

Teaching english in China has very similar results from what I understand. Anything to get out of the hellhole that is CCP.

Any of these options are tremendously affordable. Yuan is roughly 7 to 1 USD, with the same buying power, and that gets even more insane in Vietnam or Thailand. You can live off 100USD per month in Thailand and still have beer money.

I'm not talking sexpat for hookers either. I mean going about the very legitimate process of finding and dating a girl, sweeping her off her feet and taking her home. Marriage is a business arrangement outside of hte first world- people have a much more pragmatic appreciation for the material benefits of a supportive spouse. They'll appreciate, love and loyally support you for that much more than any ephemeral Disney bullshit about your personality or appearance or whatever. Just don't be a bum and don't beat her and you're already better than 90% of asian men. Don't cheat on her and you skyrocket to top 1%.

My uncle married fillipina and has had a golden marriage for 30 years now. I married Chinese 5 years ago and my wife and I are super smug about how much better our pragmatic marriage is. So I live what I'm telling you here.

be white

Depends on what kind of guys you want to fuck

>Best way to meet/date asian girls?
be in asia

Do not listen to this man about Vietnam.

Straight up, they are one of the most conservative countries in terms of dating and sleeping around. When I went back to Vietnam with family and tried dating, 90% of first dates were group dates, and virtually no sex in the first month of dating.

In fact, there were stories of Viet Kieu (the name for expatriate Vietnamese) getting blackmailed by girls and their families who let them stay over, fuck their their daughters, and then force them to marry her when OOPS, you got her pregnant. Also, expect to pay for all her shit, and her family’s shit, because you’re the rich foreigner and can afford iPhones, not cheap androids.

Only shit tier Viets in Vietnam would consider letting their daughters shack up with white guys like that. And if they seem rich or well-off, they’re certainly looking at getting a green card and dumping your dumb ass the first chance they get. People don’t get wealthy in Vietnam unless they have connections or power, and they are NOT going to give that up because some fucking weeb thinks their daughter is marriage material.

> I mean going about the very legitimate process of finding and dating a girl, sweeping her off her feet and taking her home

I would love that but fuck flying over the ocean

be white and from east coast Australia (specifically Sydney)
a lot of 2nd generation asian australians live near the city and date white guys (because they go to school with white guys, hang out with them from an early age)
so my gf is asian but very australian and it makes dating way easier, but the parents are still really hard to deal with. you kind of date the whole family.

>Asian Americans are basically just white thots anyway.

Some arent in stl but most yeah

Take a boat.

its moreso the ocean part

>when I went back
lol ok. But like I know a guy- Russian, not even American- who right now is living with a girl he met at a hostel within a week in Vietnam. Cute chick. Free pussy. No commitment she could possibly enforce. If it works out cool. If not tough shit for her. Not my style but it was super fucking trivial to make it happen.

Also why the fuck would OP be trying to marry rich girls in any country? Rich asians are half in arrange marriages anyway, including supposedly civilized places like Japan and Korea. Trying to be a part of high society in Asia is kinda dumb. You're never going to be a better asian than the asians, so trying to be what they want is fucking stupid.

I don't buy the green card marriage fear bullshit. Do you have any fucking idea how long it takes to get citizenship through marriage? Because I've been married to my wife for 5 years and she's still not eligible. She only got a Permanent Residency last year. If she actually lives with you for 5 years (i.e. fake marriage isn't the plan from the start for both of you) and still leaves there are other problems in your marriage. Asian parents expect grandkids by 25. The age of marriage is much earlier and you're a "Christmas Cake" if you aren't married by then- nobody wants you after the 25th. So getting divorced at 27 and starting over isn't normal or a reasonable option to asians. They can still do it, but most won't seriously commit to a plan like that. Too costly.

this guy is right about the getting divorced/breaking up and starting over post 25. tons of them marry young

Fine, go ahead. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.

>I would love a stable romantic partner for the remaining 40+ years of my life
>but I can't be bothered to deal with a 16 hour flight

Hambeasts were made for lazy wimpy fucks like you OP. Enjoy settling as all the best women marry young for life, then having midlife crisis when you're trapped and unhappy.

Only if you let them affect your relationship. I'm in Sydney too and married to a second gen viet. She has learned that she doesn't need her family which for her has been kind blowing.

Be a male nurse in a chinese isolation station.

this dude:
knows what he's talking about
if she's living with him, then she's under the impression that they're going to get married soon

go to college

thats nice to know. thanks user

If I'm literally just looking to fuck cuties where should I go? Thinking about taking a few weeks off this year and want to know where to go if I want no strings attached sex with azn qt's

Philippines. Indonesia. Thailand.

I'm personally more into the aesthetic of East Asian girls, particularly Korea. Am I shit out of luck? Should I just stick to the southeast Asian destinations?

Go to Korea/Japan and get on tinder.
Being a white guy will almost guarantee you matches. Every time I go on holiday thats what I do.

You are white, aren't you?

You can try, but the Koreans are some of the most xenophobic in Asia. Maybe if you're really attractive and work hard at your game, but Korean girls are extremely demanding, dramatic, and vain. Payoff's not worth it.
Girls from the Philippines on the other hand, are very warm, genuine, actually LIKE to fuck, and know how to take care of you.

Yup am white

Noted, thanks anons appreciate it

throw some cash and a "smart" phone at them, they'll whoar bug people and will start creaming. Just remember that asians have no souls.

I have a thing for koreans as well :(

Yeah im married to a filippina, much better than swedish feminazis that i used to date.

could be worse, could be an American bitch

even worse than an American bitch, a British trollop

How much did she cost?

'bout tree fiddy

keep the tips flowing shit nigga

According to my gf if you just go to the Philippines and be white you'll get a woman in 5 seconds. Also supposedly Koreans and Japanese girls like tall blonde guys who are white.

meet an immigrant korean
where do you live?

is this if you just date girls in korea? or korean girls living outside of korea

Korean girls in Korea. Korean girls born or raised in the west are just like western girls.

Go to a college with a large international community. I see thousands of Asian girls every day

Yes, they are hot, but don't bother pursuing them. You will have absolutely nothing in common with them, they're even more materialistic than white girls, and most of them won't even make eye contact with you if they deem you to be under a 9/10. They're also rude, cut in line, are completely oblivious to the people around them, and will not cover their mouth when they cough (this shit is why they get viruses all the time).

If you can find a piece of Asian fuck meat, then good on you. But don't ever try to pursue a relationship with one.

I should add to this, this is the best advice you will receive in this thread, but of course you will ignore it, because you already have preconceived notions of pure innocent Asian girls in your mind and don't want to hear the ugly truth about how they're just as bad, if not worse, than other girls.

can confirm

> goofs and bads in all races
> white chicks are retarded

How can yoube so retarded?

Just get yourself an Indonesian muslim girl. They are very obedient, always have a wet mut and you can easily get a newer model when you grow tired

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Her slanted eyes

just date western asians

this isn't true in my experience, at least for korean college students

Honestly, just take a vacation in Asia.
I'd try Wuhan

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yeah do this, korean americans are like the chinkiest looking asians there are its great

I wouldn't get your hopes up

go northeast a bit to sgv/626 and you can see why its fine to limit so asians, theres a lot of them