I’ve got a small cock but a hot girlfriend

i’ve got a small cock but a hot girlfriend

ask me anything

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How often does she cheat on you

You a cuck

she doesn’t but i do share her with other guys


show us her


All I wanted was a Pepsi just one Pepsi


here you go

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Could you get her to snort your load as it comes out of your dick and then hack it up into her mouth? Also film it all and post pls

I have an average sized cock and a big gut but a smoking hot filipino gf. now ask ME anything.


Show her


Sorry that's not a question and I would never post a person I cared about on this terrible site.

fuck off then

I got s smaller cock than you and I'm fucking fucking my mom, ask me anything

smaller so a clit

Nah 2 inches

normally I would retort but you got trips. I will leave now.

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2 inchs isnt a cock its a nub

I will mog you.

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How much was she? 500 pesos pussy.

Then why are you even here?
Fucking faggot
And now literally no one believes you, pics or it didn't happen

Show her pussy

Can you pist a better pic...

discord gg/vnJc9j

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yeah dick size isnt that important not to mention people are very confused about how big dicks normally are because of porn and the internet.

just at your pic id guess your dick is probably solid average, even if slightly below well within the range what is actually physically average.

I am a big dude 6'1 215 pounds my dick doesnt seem big at all in pics or compared to me as a whole but I need large condoms and its not like my dick is long or anything.

If I need large condoms then most dicks are tiny as fuck.

Show her tits