Name a better Asian American pornstar than Jasmine Grey. I’ll wait

Name a better Asian American pornstar than Jasmine Grey. I’ll wait.

Attached: 6CFE2C0B-38F1-4D67-8729-A7C994BF7E9E.gif (600x338, 1.97M)

Other urls found in this thread: grey

>a djif
was she active in the 90s

holy FUCK xxxxxxxxx

which is best porn site to find her vids?

not asian

what how

she's not even in the top ten

Do elaborate

Attached: 1581133820422.webm (480x848, 1.46M)

Fucking hot

Literally anyone else

alina li

Anna cruz

has she done anal?

cum into her mouth and make her swallow it
>healthiest meal she ever ate

Lucy Levone

Attached: Y4yAAEO5YxG80X1fkg2A96FEd8W10a.jpg (402x350, 44K)

Not yet

Attached: 42CB12CB-5646-4561-BD6F-C3D2CB8F7453.gif (600x338, 1.94M)

she's not American, but is Asian, so whatever
Arianny Koda.

Attached: 43de9fd397969c7560689deeae4d390e.jpg (683x1024, 59K)

>35 yrs old
>looks early 20's


mew remember this little mew dont u mew xxx

lulu chu

bird hand cake eat

honey gold, half-asian, super hot.


evelyn lin

Attached: evelyn-lin-preview.jpg (600x400, 52K)

She quit after like 1 year

Mi Ho Doan

Mate she was born may 1999, she’s only a few months older than me

rae lil black is pretty popular at present.

Ember snow
vina sky

>bird hand cake eat

translate that, plz

This website has brand new videos of pornstars which has released grey

Only place you can find new pornos without buying them or watching the 10min clip versions elsewhere. Search in any pornstar and almost all of their vids will come up

Attached: 05270CD9-BAD5-4982-816B-B3614C51CD80.gif (600x338, 1.99M)

It was a good year.

>me ultra levels of boredom never witnessed before
emma watson:love you love you xx choose you xx
>only if u walk up to me and claim me, not shotguns

Except the countless controversies she caused about racism in the porn industry. Her responses didn’t help either, she was always complicit with it.

Lulu Chu, tiny and adorable.

Take your lithium.

porn industry news is not news. more sun for you, morlock.

u know damn well my mind is collapsed in literal brain damage mental retardation as it was literally unironically drug rewired on pleasuring Her and She left.

and i dont want to lose this. i just want a new her.... zzzz

its important 30 year old breed or set up for such or something and then raise cause look at u.. none of u can do it. 0% chance hope

why? proof it aint on me. never left a girl. not my problem.

dont even look at me less ur gonna marry and tongue my asshole babes i wanna get back to gym season n shit zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

google com/search?q=oxytocin+addiction&rlz=1C1GCEA_enAU887AU887&oq=oxytocin+addiction&aqs=chrome.0.0l8.4287j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

no oxy=dead

lost an all in zzz




Breathe manually

miko lee

Amai Liu

hey b, any tips on jerking off and not getting banned on omegle and similar sites

Attached: omvvv.jpg (284x160, 9K)

im not mind controlled i consciously purposely have to /readretard/

every time i think about her i slow down. x

Kitty Jung.

Attached: A093B3C2-F379-4E93-B19B-10E69A2004ED.jpg (225x225, 9K)

>2020 still watching porn

as long as we're listing antiques, linda wong

Which one?