Believe in Jesus as Messiah or burn in lake of fire

Believe in Jesus as Messiah or burn in lake of fire

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theory: jesus was caesar post fake death doing every psychadelic drug he could lick his tongue across

I believe in Jesus.
I believe that faggot's recent buff was overkill.


caesar travels to ME in search of drugs
write a book about it
best seller profit.

thuribels were filled with weed it was a 2000 year weed cult that kept ppl centralised to their drug dealers + book printers (printed on hemp)

Well enjoy in lake of fire then, bye bye, see ya later!
Smile and die

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cool novel, but i've got a better book

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Why would anyone CHOOSE to live in fear? What a sad life you lead.

I'll take my chances nigger.

But my rental in hell's up in coming district is almost paid for.

Believe in my dick or burn in lake of my cum

funny, even the Catholics say that's not true anymore.

Jesus was a jew that wanted to be king, so he faked a few miracles, talked to some crowds, and faked a few prophecies.

Okay, Ill burn in the lake of fire while you go give your money to your local church.

Baby JESUS needs your donation. You know that white light in heaven? Well, it runs the electric bill up pretty high and BABY JESUS needs you to donate because there's no way he can magically pull a $20 bill out of thin air!

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Based and Christpilled

Magician skills, I wonder if he'd get a trophy on "Fool Us"

ave satanas

You should never look to the Catholics for the truth about any fucking thing. Remember kids, the pope is just an up jumped Orthodox bishop who was given a bunch of land in Italy by a barbarian warlord. There is absolutely nothing special about Catholic theology or belief that separates it from other forms of christianity, their hierarchy, influence and power are all entirely political.

I believe in jesus when its necessary and helps my cause. But unbelieve when i get no use out of it.

Am i a believer?

Bribed some plebs in the Roman military to fake an execution so he could pull a fast one on the whole Jewish race.

Looks like it's Johnny Cash for me

Any priests here? How do you deal with thee exploiters? The bums that beg cash and eat free and steal inside the church?

it wasn't that the local jews hated jesus cos he was fucking up there business. They wanted him dead. The romans probably didn't want to kill jesus so the story goes that, they didn't really kill him but crusified him and they put some drug on the tip of the spear and stabbed jesus with it so it looked like he died. Then after three days he wakes up. Another miricle the jews are happy cos he's dead jesus comes back to the living and every one belives in jesus more.

what bothers me is if god is all so powerful why not just talk to everyone at the same time why is it he always chooses the crazy ones to talk to us. Or if he's all powerful why not just make us all enlightened.

I think the whole relligion thing is bullshit made up by some groups to make money. It has zero thing to do with god. All relligions do is tell you how to live your life and how to do things rather then talk of god that much. It's just feels BS really

Read the book of Job, faggot

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Replace the word "Catholic" in your post with "Bible" and it's more true.

Hell Satan.

All it really says is that Satan was on good terms with God at the time.