Exactly when do you get old?

Exactly when do you get old?

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At (your curent age)+50%

when you begin to feel like shit everyday instead of some days only

I would say it's 40.
With 30 you are not young anymore at all.
With 40 you are getting old.

anyone older than me

Early 40s don't seem old, so 46 to me.

When people stop hiring you.

I was old at birth; they mistook me for a vessel for the Dalai Lama. I grew younger; to my youngest state by 16; slowly maturing again afterwards. At 22, I sense I am too old to bear children, but maybe once I reach 26 I will regress again to a young enough state.

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when you start to eat cat food

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When your posts get predictable and boring.

didn't realise Cred Forums was populated mostly by racist old men

I felt a change in my body at 32. I started gaining weight for no reason. Then every year I'd have some new health complication. Even though I'm in my late 30s I feel 70. Body is totally falling apart. You lose the joy for simple things. Everything is pointless because death and suffering is just around the corner. Even the desire for wealth is gone. All you want is to not be in physical pain. Getting imaging done next week to look for a tumor. Enjoy it while it lasts, getting old is not worth it.

I'm sorry, pal. Hang in there.

>getting old is not worth it

but consider the alternative

When you lose interest in life and other people.
When you don't bother with the creativity,and you see no reason for anything.
When you're tired of being awake.
It's not an age, it's a state of mind.


pretty much started not feeling young anymore when I was 28. Joints, tendons, ligaments, one wrong move and you will feel it for months. Broke my elbow 2 years ago, still feeling it. Also stomach and colon, you will not be able to eat the same stuff in the same quantities than before. Never had any issueslike these before, but 28 was the age when it all started at once.

I think everybody has a certain resilience, a limit that starts lowering in your early 20s (because that is when your body hits its peak) until you die. You either have a lifestyle that hits that limit or doesn't. If you don't change your lifestyle you will sooner or later hit that limit and need to adapt to it.

You fucking kids are hilarious!

I turn 50 this year. I feel old and I can't do shit I used to without really feeling it later. I also get easily raped by naps, I've fallen asleep like a wee baby in public before, helpless and outnumbered. Most of the time I feel ok, but I still catch myself reminding myself "if you lift/move/fuck with that you're gonna be sore" more often. I have osteoarthritis, which I think is most of the problem but i have to admit I am old getting older. Feels frustrating and scary sometimes. I dont take any prescribed medications and I dont feel like I need any, although I only go to a doctor if I absolutely have too, ie I'm bleeding out or I broke something. I'm probably due (read overdue) for a visit to dr jellyfingers. Great something new to worry about. I might have 20 years left. That's all I can think to say right now

Y'all aren't living right! I'm 65 and feel better than I did at 40. Eat right, get some exercise, lay off the tobacco, alcohol and drugs. (I used to use all 3 regularly, believe me when I say it makes a hell of a difference.)
I followed my dad's example. He just passed away in August at the age of 92, lived on his own right up to the end, sharp as a tack.

When you let yourself go and start letting your health deteriorate

Old is always 10 years older than you are right now.

I dont want to be 92. Right on for your dad and all but that is too much for me. I have no kids and no regrets and I'll take my scheduled heart attack when it happens thank you


When you stop enjoying your birthdays.

That's sad. To me, all that means it's that you're not living your best life. Dad was ready to go, but was enjoying life, too. My mom passed in 1998, and dad lived through 3 more wives after that. Treated each one like a queen, they all died knowing they were loved.

There is nothing more ossified and conservative than teens and youths in their twenties.
They know all, they're old and bitter, they consider everyone else naive and ignorant - which is a bit silly all things considered.
This calcified world view softens, expands and becomes genuine humble curiosity as you age.
For which I'm thankful.

I'm 56, and aside from not having as much energy as I used to I feel awesome!

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the first time you reflexively say, "YOU KIDS TODAY" when you wake up from a nightmare

I'm not living my best life, that is true. I haven't had a relationship in20 years and don't really want one. I'll likely work until the day I die and will never own a home. I'll die alone, scared and in pain but I'm ok with that. I make things and fix things, right now I'm into making guitars and other wood working shit like making pens. When the arthritis takes that away I'll be miserable and ready to buy a gigantic Cadillac to drive into a store full of people-the dignified way for an old miserable fart to go lol