Why do people like this fucking kike so much?

Why do people like this fucking kike so much?

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So they can get free stuff

There's this thing called the internet
You can search literally any topic on the world and research them to your hearts content
And it's as simple as typing what you are interested about into a search bar
Try it user you might learn some things!

hes not a corporatist zionist like (((Drumph)))

I want free stuff. Who wouldn't?

>deadend job
>hella college debt
>no aspirations
>overpriced healthcare
>one scrape away from being hooked on opiates
>slowing economy
>massive wealth inequality
>shitty federal reserve
>about to be stepped on by communist china
>planet is on fire
>ice caps are melting
>o2 quality worsening
And he says he wants to fight for you, of course people like him

Because they’re idiots and would listen to anyone who told them the world was horrible and the government would make it better.

>Why do people like this fucking kike so much?
It's similar to Trump effect in the way that Bernie simply doesn't give a fuck what other's think. He says what he truly thinks and that's it. Bernie is the opposite of Trump in that Trump is wrong and incompetent on just about every level. Bernie is what Trump could be if Trump only had a brain.

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because of his policies and a proven record of fighting for the working class americans and anti-establishment activism

He's a Communist and people want to thin out the surplus population.

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Because he's right, and fuck you, you fragile cunt. That's why. Eat shit.

>Why do people like this fucking kike so much?

Well why do people like this guy?

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dont ppl just like him as a meme?

He's the real deal, not a psychopath like Trump. he has morals and values. Isn't completely obsessed with money above all else. he's self made.

Because he's crazy and he wants to upend everything, kind of like Trump.

Self made? The only job he's ever held was in government.

>Well why do people like this guy?

He loves his daughter.

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he literally got bought off in exchange for getting fucked for the nomination last election
bought a new house and car and didn't say shit.

he doesn't cake his face in makeup like trump


But I like anyone who isn't Trump or one of those financial industry corporate cock sucking GOP fuckers.

What do you think the Democrats are? Apart from Bernie, do you think they aren't going to throw you over for corporate donations?
There's only one trough, boys, they all drink from it.

You say that like it's a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with taking back the fortunes that the govt literally hands out welfare to the major corporations every tax season. And there's nothing wrong with sharing some of that corporate hand-out with the citizens and the people. How brainwashed do you have to be to not understand that corporations do not give a single fuck about you? and that they are ecstatically happy to take the taxes that you pay?

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Why is Bernie against UBI?
Just because of that I refuse to support him

It's more about the types of corporations that support the two sides, oil, gas, financial, for profit prisons vs tech companies, green energy companies, unions, etc who often support Democrats.

I mostly just do it as a means of mocking you. A jewish leftist President is your worst nightmare, and since I hate you that's what i'm voting for. I donate to his campaign every month too.

his whole health care plan would lay off so many fucking people that it wouldn't make sense to do to begin with.
I don't think he's very smart on budgeting in general.
that said, the UBI is like raising the minimum wage- it would just increase prices of everything anyway so what's the point.. I'd actually like both of those things to help people but I can only imagine it'd be abused by the system anyway.

are you pretending to be retarded?


Because people love a Guy in drag

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He's a self-made millionaire who says other millionaires have too much money.

>self made
He has done nothing but run for fucking office since the 70s. He lived his entire life off donations and he's just trying to make you do the same thing.

UBI seems like an excellent way to stop economic growth, I know plenty of people that would just sit around and smoke weed all day and I really don't want my hard work to pay for that.
Don't get me wrong, I love taxes, I want to see roads and schools being built, healthcare being assisted by the government, and our society prospering.
But I don't anticipate that happening with UBI
Plus he has to play all sides, his ass got booted last time for being too "communist"
You should vote for the person who most closely approximates your preferences, but don't fuck us and let trump get elected again because you want an immediate switch from hard right to hard left
(I'd love to hear your reasoning anyway)

And a heart

And any balls and wasn't a Nazi scum

What has trump done for me? At least Bernie give free stuff to the middle class

He literally became a millionaire after writing a book
His first time being a millionaire
Still the poorest Senator, because he doesn't take advantage of legal insider trading like the rest of Washington

Bernie wants the middle class to exist at all, so I'm on board

end the wars, free public college, green new deal, medicare for all, end the drug war, criminal justice reform, regulate wall street and big banks, raise taxes on the rich, make financial aid for israel contingent on them ceasing their occupation and apartheid, stop supporting human rights violators including saudi arabia who, according to trump's own words, attacked us on 9/11. btw the saudis way way way overpaid at his hotels. after that trump gave them a huge weapons deal which they are using to commit genocide in yemen.

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Still a hypocrite. How much did he donate to charity last year?

Hey! You're not defending the billionaires!!! Go watch Fox news, there's something wrong with your reprogramming

Because there is nothing that democrats like more than someone who promises them free stuff.

How is he self made? How is he rich as a government employee?

don't forget the health insurance industry and big pharma, the military industrial complex, israel, etc. they'll take red or blue either way they still get your money

How do all these government employees keep getting rich on shit salaries... that really makes me think

Bruh, if you're not gonna vote for him because you see "That" as hypocritical....

Who the fuck is less hypocritical than a guy who's been fighting for blacks/gays/lower class/middle class for over 40 years, with no hidden agenda?

>He's a self-made millionaire who says billionaires* have too much money.
fixed. the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire is about a billion dollars.

>I need a savior to get me to the lofty earning power of 15 an hour

You could have spared us your bullshit, you pathetic little fucking internet faggot.

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Didn’t answer my question. He hasn’t been fighting for anything except a failed ideology.

The answer is "He's ethical and he leaves nobody behind". That's it. It's also the reason you should support him.

his wealth came largely from book sales. trump on the other hand inherited his wealth from his father. if he'd soundly invested it and never touched it til today he'd be far wealthier because he's an incompetent businessman

Completely false, he is not even close to being the poorest senator.

Haha that's a good line

uh yeah nigger. if you want a minimum wage increase you have to elect people who will work to pass it. i can't just put my balls on my boss's table and say "15. now."
>you could have not made a point i can't rebut
lol sad

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One thing I don't understand....

When Trump means MAGA, I thought he meant back when a man working a 40h job could provide for his family, buy a car, and have no debt....

But now I see it just means back when racism was cool.

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Free tax hikes to pay for lazy fucks who won't work is all the middle class will get. Before you start your "but, you don't understand" , Bernie has said middle class will pay more tax.

Because he's lazy

yeah back when both wages and taxes on the rich were higher lol

yeah on medicare for all bernie has shown that americans will shift their exorbitant price gouging private health insurace budget to a cheaper more effective tax funded government program lol. spending money is only bad if you get what you're supposed to apparently

>the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire is about a billion dollars.

I have a job. Job pays healthcare . Is pretty good. You should try it.

I think Bernie sanders is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills capitalism and doesn’t afraid of anything.

Hes called for a "federal jobs garuntee" opposed to UBI. The GND alone will create more than enough quality jobs for a long, long time. Mix this scrapping right to work legislations, automatic first contracts for unions after a majority vote, and Medicare for all and there's not the same need for UBI anymore. Not to mention UBI is the most band-aid solution to economic problems people are dealing with and Yang has literally no other policies. I dont dislike Yang but Bernies got him beat.

Bernie wants it ALL back, not just a paltry grand a month

How can you not realize that the government takes ALL your money and your paycheck is the remainder after they've taken most of it?

He's an ethical man with a good sense of moral right and wrong. He cares about people and he preaches togetherness and cooperation instead of hatred and division. He'll smash Trump if the DNC doesn't fuck him over.

Nothing better, it's either him or buttgay

look up his campaign. stop asking retard questions

The maximum income tax rate in the US is 37% for people making more than 500k per year. Nobody pays anything near half their income in taxes you dumb faggot.

so get exactly the right job, prevent the company from being taken over, keep that same job for the rest of my life, accept lower pay in exchange for the insurance in the first place. got it.

Clearly more than half of all workers in these states should all just pull new jobs out of the job hat!

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Sounds like you've never been sick

Ohh boy.... I mean this honestly: I hope you never get sick. Sick enough to have to chose between healthcare and work. Sick enough to where all your money goes to paying premiums. Sick enough to where your insurance drops you because they're not making enough money off of you anymore. Sick enough to where your job drops you because they don't want to pay for your healthcare anymore.

I like capitalism. It's fair. But at the end of the day, companies have to compassion. It's make money, drop everything that isn't making you money. You're just a part of an equation, on a spreadsheet.

Most companies I have interviewed with have healthcare. The few who didn't , paid more because of it. Life choices.

This. But unfortunately we've seen that the dems would rather forfeit elections than take a risk upsetting their billionaire handlers.


I think people like him because he's not a piece of shit and seems pretty ethical?


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I've had family members who have had catastrophic illnesses and the state steps in and covers a lot. The problem is it is not easy and sometimes requires lawyers to set it up. Listen, I'm all for cheaper healthcare, even don't mind discussing single payer. I didn't like Obama but if he would have actually fixed healthcare, I would have voted for him. The problem with Bernie is all the other shit he wants to give away as well as his open borders shit that will bankrupt these same giveaways. I also do not believe you can just tax the rich and big corporations to pay for it all. They will leave. Other countries have seen that happen.

because he's looking out for the little guy far more than his counterparts. He's not perfect by any means, but it's a step up from the other guy.

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Yep, if Bernie wins the nomination it will be through the overwhelming will of the actual people. If buttigieg wins it will just be the greasy clockwork of the DNC.

bernie doesn't support open borders, his 'free giveaways' like what? having free public school extend to public college? and yes bernie replaces the money people spend on private health insurance with a lower amount of tax money spent. other countries which raise taxes like 10 percent on the rich actually DON'T see all their rich people and businesses leave lol. where are the rich going to go? america is as shithole as it gets before you run out of white countries

ok. That's pretty hot, actually.

whoops forgot youtube

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How's he going to give it all back after taking all of it?

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Same reason they like Trump. Everyone's angry at the overlords with money rigging the game. Just the Trump fans don't like the gays and abortions and the Bernie ones don't like the guns and bible. The real enemy is wall street. Always has been.

What bullshit is this pic supposed to be? There's no source, or even an 'explanation'. It's not spending per year, because the military budget alone is something like 800 Billion.

Bernie wants to :
Eliminate ice.
Give daca kids citizenship as well as their families ( who helped create this mess by ignoring our laws) .
Give amnesty to anyone who has lived here over 5 years.
Is in favor of giving these illegals free healthcare .

i'm going to assume it's spending on things that actually benefit non-billionaires until shown otherwise

Kek gonna need a sauce user

My question is do you really think he will uphold his promises of free health care, college, and getting rid of student debt? If so, how will that effect the economy? How much will everyone be taxed to support all these things?

yes ice which was created under bush and isn't border patrol. those people wouldn't be illegal if they got citizenship and amnesty btw retard. if you actually cared about illegal immigration you'd support someone who's for ending the drug war and funding for fascist death squads in latin america. you don't want to stop ruining latin america so people want to stay in their homelands, you just want to gun down anyone who tries to flee american foreign policy.

they will all positively impact the economy and everyone will be taxed significantly less than they pay for private healthcare

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On average middle class and Lower class will pay a higher tax, but save more at the end of the day


Free college. The problem is costs have skyrocketed. The government paying for it will only make it worse. I am open to it but I don't think the public should have to pay for all these useless degrees these kids are getting these days. We don't need more Poli sci and women's study majors and don't think the government should pay for that. And yes, we will lose companies by raising taxes. They already make stuff overseas because it's cheaper. Raise corporate taxes, they will make more stuff in Malaysia out of companies headquartered in bahamas.

unlike trump, he cares for the american people

seems legit out of the gate lol. if you don't understand that tax funded benefits aren't free handouts then you don't get to speak on big boy subjects

>taxed significantly less than they pay for private healthcare
How does that even work? I guess healthcare is only going to get worse.

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Because I want to see some tax money going back into the common people instead of things that we never really see a benefit out of.

Because they like to see corporations and his close circle get free stuff

>i can't comprehend how cutting out profiteering from necessities lowers cost
>i'll just guess it's going to get worse despite this admission

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who's this guy?

Have an illegal immigrant problem .
Just make them all citizens problem solved right? That is retarded logic.
Then here you go, blame the us for every other countries problem.


Kinda like how you get paid significantly less when you work for the government because you get massive benefits like lots of paid time off and free healthcare?

Nothing is free.

>People do things better when there's no incentive.
Ah, you're one of those.

He's honest and has integrity and consistency. He might be one of the only politicians left who actually give a fuck about the population and not special interest groups and dark money. If you don't support him then you're an embarrassing moron. There's no close second or third because every other option is filled with money from the 1%

>All told, the CEOs of UnitedHealth, CVS, Anthem, Centene, Cigna, Humana, Molina Healthcare and WellCare Health Plans collectively earned $143,504,848 in total compensation in2018, according to the filings.

Now, imagine instead of CEOs getting bonuses of $10+ million and board of directors and dividends.... People getting paid $15-25 per hour. Think of the millions that won't be spent on lobbying and marketing and lawsuits.

That's how you save money, and not even have to sacrifice quality

>but save more at the end of the day
How so?

That's federal retard.
1) Federal income tax.
2) State income tax.
3) Property and personal property tax.
4) Social Security tax.
5) Sales tax.
6) Fuel taxes and tolls.
7) Tax on money that has already been taxed due to with-holding of taxes from your paycheck and you're not rich enough to pay an army of accountants to figure out what your own personal M2 is.
Need I go on?

Someone who is single and make $50k a year in the US is paying half their money in taxes either directly or indirectly. Just do the math.
If you took 100% of the money from the top 1% you would not be able to make the wages what these fucking people talk about.

Bernie just makes me seethe. He is the reason i lost. I can't live in a world where he could have and does win.

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If Bernie is elected the stock market will crash on day one, he will fuck everything up for rich people and they'll make sure that it seems like the end of the world, it's not, it's the end of their world. We can survive a few years of volatility if it means that we get a higher standard of life. Everyone will be against him and tbh Universal Healthcare will be near impossible to pass in one term, however Trump has demolished all checks and balances so maybe Trump + Bernie was the only real path to changing things.

So now the CEOs of UnitedHealth, CVS, Anthem, Centene, Cigna, Humana, Molina Healthcare and WellCare Health Plans are all going to get move tax money and it will be enforced by government.

You even pay attention to how Kaiser made out with ACA. 300 million premiums doubled (supposed to be cheaper) and, since Kaiser pushed shilled for ACA, got pushed to the front of the line and made record profits. Both them and the gov't got rich. Taxpayers, well, paid.

Pro union
Pro weed
As close to antizionist as the country will allow
>the elite keeps trying to get in his way.
Pretty cucked on gun control but that could just be the price of running as a dem

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Health care has never been proposed in any kind of rational way.
The only reason that college costs so fucking much money now is because the government keeps giving people free money for college. The colleges know this and so they just jack up their rates and build ridiculous facilities to attract people via amenities. Any government money put into college will go directly to the private sector in perpetuity.
If you want an education that is above and beyond what is 'standard' (right now that is high school or a GED) then you will always have to pay for it. This means either your rich parents pay for it or debt. The end.
Same for health care. If you raise the standard, then the rich will just have a paid, higher standard of concierge service.

Fucking gta font lol

That POS is a socialist

they have the incentive to keep their job lol. they don't get paid extra by denying people coverage

Fuck dude, this list could go on forever. 20% of airline tickets are taxes, disposal fees on tires, recycling fees on electronics, reforestation fees on lumber. I can't think of something that isn't taxed or regulated.

And then Berniebros be like "we need more taxes to stick it to the rich guize". Fuck. How about less spending and lower taxes for everybody for a change? Why is that never a topic anymore?

If you remove or reduce profits, they don't. And since they will be protected by the government, there will be no accountability. They will be the DMV and not give a single fuck.

So...they made $145 mil on 200million people? Big fucking deal. You're implying that the entire infrastructure that is the US medical insurance industry was only able to turn a profit of $1 per person? You think that the government can perform the same task with greater efficiency and SAVE you $1 a year and you'd rather go to the MVA and sit in line for a fucking hour than do everything online instantly?

Nobody in the United States pays half of their income in taxes, let alone more than half. Post your paystub that shows they're taking more than half.

Exactly. Plus, the shit you never could even calculate. You buy a fucking pack of gum for $1, they tax you sales tax but that $1 is probably ALREADY 60% taxes that the company that made it paid in income, wage, health, property, transportation, etc taxes. And you're using $1.06 in money that you already paid taxes out of your wages on, so it really cost you $1.75 in real money.

What was his book about... "the bernie sanders story-how to take peoples shit and give it to illegals and welfare recipients"

Most dont the few that do love free shit

The CEOS did. In one year. Not the whole apparatus you fucking retard. The whole thing is like 5 trillion per year and 30% of that is profit.

The biggest thing that would impact health care in the US is making the premium tax deductible. Now if you buy your own health insurance you have to pay taxes on that money. This is totally fine but we need socialize medicine.

>Pretty cucked on gun control
Don't be so sure about that, have a look at liberal Vermont's Gun laws, which are some of the most lenient in the nation - which Bernie has never even attempted to fuck with:
>Vermont does not require permits to purchase and has no firearms registration. Both open carry and concealed carry are legal without a permit in Vermont. Any person 16 or older (although federal law requires the age to be 18) who can legally possess a firearm is allowed to carry openly or concealed.
Keep in mind that Trump infringed TWICE during the last three years. He poked holes in the Second Amendment dam by banning buttstocks and forcing tougher federal background checks. Both FEDERAL infringements, not State mind you. Of course the SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED types don't care because a Republican infringed, not a Democrat. So that's OK. They're clearly more loyal to a temporary administration than to the centuries old Second Amendment which their own ancestors died for.

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>image 2 of 2

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$2000 bi weekly, net is $1262
Does not include property taxes of thousands of dollars a year, 6% sales tax on EVERYTHING, fuel taxes of .47 cents a gallon (I drive over 30,000 miles a year) or indirect taxing.
That's off the top of my fucking head.

Is there a full video? That looks a proper blowjob

>The biggest thing
What the fuck? This would ruin it even further.

How about we go back to treating it like car insurance? Only get it if you want it, only buy the plan you want, get to pick the network you want. This shit wasn't a problem 20 years ago. My premiums and copays were low and the care was incredible. Why is is so fucked now and why does everyone want it to get worse?

about $75 in sales tax a year
about $2k a year in property taxes
about $500 a year in fuel taxes
about $480 a year on tolls
again...off the top of my head...

Why would they put just the grips into evidence?

If you get health insurance through a company it is pre-tax dollars.
If your employer does not provide you insurance and you purchase it yourself, YOU MAY NOT DEDUCT THE MONEY. Explain why?
This is 40% of the cost of insurance if the company does not buy it FOR you.

It is deductible. Learn to tax, fucko

>your employer does not provide you insurance
No employers provide insurance (well, maybe a few do). They only try to get a group plan to get a discount and then you pay for it.

And you can deduct it.

Remain calm. I will tour with Donald to make sure Bernie doesn't win.

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>He literally became a millionaire after writing a book
It always amazes me that people really believe this

most people are poor and communism is attractive to ignorant poor people; not saying he doesn't have any good points, just saying why

If this post is 7777, all Bernie people need to go outside and yell “I’m a complete faggot” at the top of their lungs.

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You cannot deduct this money unless it reaches a threshold of 10% of your annual income. Unless you paid a fuckton of money for insurance or you ALSO went to the hospital then you CANNOT deduct that money. YOU learn to tax.

How is it not true?

>"we need to tax millionaires, no one needs that much."
>writes book
>makes over a million
>"You can make that much too if you work hard enough"
>"we need to tax billionaires, no one needs that much."

You were born to fail.

>regulated capitalism is communism

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is the pic supposed to be so cringe it's funny? or what

>"we need to tax millionaires, no one needs that much."

imagine making your moral compass defending a group of 150 people with overwhelming control whom you will never even meet

Actually, Bernie has historically been a pro-2nd amendment liberal, before his position 'evolved' after the mass shootings at Sandy hook. Up to, and including the 2016 debates the NRA still endorsed him, and he took a lot of flack from gun grabbing dems on his refusal to tow the party line and infringe on Vermonters right to defend themselves.

it's legit a fetish

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go out and yell it anyway for self affirmation.
your neighbors should also know that you are actively trying to destroy their country.

>take advantage of legal insider trading like the rest of Washington
something tells me you don't have a citation for this

chances are my neighbors agree with bernie and i on how to improve this country since he's the most popular senator and his entire platform enjoys majority support

Nobody cares retard. Go back to Cred Forums

>chances are
well go yell it and find out. don't surprised if you find out you live in a fantasy world

I believe the term nowadays is "findom".

Strange... I thought the Bernie thing was only a meme since Cred Forums is the only place I hear people "supporting" him. I'm starting to think you faggots actually like him.

hurr durr free stuff duhhhhhhhhhhh

neither political party is good, why act like one is and one isnt? one at least will be fair to people over corporations and the rich, and that's not the republicans

but corporations are people

Not him but people say this literally everyday. Of course these same people never say a word about the "need" for alcohol, full-sized trucks or fast food.

go yell i'm a faggot to find out if my neighbors support paying less on healthcare for total coverage? because all evidence points to it being overwhelmingly popular. k hold my beer.

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you should try looking shit up from time to time instead of making assumptions based on ignorance

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yeah the small luxuries of the poor are hypocritical when they don't want three families to own more wealth than the bottom half of americans. but nah the average bernie supporter isn't for a complete abolition of wealthy people. they just don't like bloomberg spending several times bernie's entire worth just to get on the debate stage like it's pocket money

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Ha, you think a state run healthcare is more efficient? I take it you've never used the NHS where you have to wait upto 4 weeks to get an appointment to see your GP or waiting lists of over a year for some surgeries

Except he released 10 years of tax returns and no one has been able to see anything wrong. Your claims are bullshit.

Yeah and then fags like you want us to ignore that these same people started businesses, employed hundreds if not thousands of people and took far more financial risks, while you worked at a fucking KFC and smoked weed every night. And I should feel sorry for you? Even worse when you wanna throw a fucking pity party for your pets, while they all sit on porches THEY DO NOT OWN, while rolling blunts all day and having kids they don't raise right, if at all. But anytime someone calls you out on the bullshit you wanna parade around like a dumb faggot, acting like you don't know what we're talking about.

because free stuff. If he were to get in he isn't fixen to do jack shit. I do know that they need to pay attention to his running mate cause his old ass would never live through a first term.

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To be honest, because he pisses so many people off. He makes them lose their fucking minds and I like watching people's cheese slip off their cracker.

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Not gonna sift the whole thread to find a similar sentiment but,
He actually cares it seems, and has been consistent with his views and helping the less fortunate since his start as a politician. People voted for Trump because he was an outsider, for the working class, and they thought he’d flip the system on its head but hes literally just a spoiled brat whose never had to work and will never sympathize with the lower classes.
Bernie may not be perfect but he wants to get the US on track with healthcare like every other country and wants to stop the bullshit war mongering. Hes been consistent about this for 50 years and he would flip the system but in a more positive way.

took the words out of my mouth, user

NHS is actually the best healthcare in the world, single payer health insurance is the compromise position

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Soon as I saw this, I read this post in a southern accent


Bernie is the only politico on that stage that will fight for the little guy. The rest are already bought and paid for.

UBI is just a bandaid on a gushing wound. The programs that Bernie wants will save the average person more than 12k a year.

Health care savings, lower housing prices, increase wages for all workers, get the homeless off the street, free education, guarantee a job in the government if you want it. UBI could be added on top of all of those but those are more important because UBI is literally just throwing money at people. That is something you do when you have run out of ideas on how to fix things.

>these same people started businesses
and/or inherited them
>employed hundreds if not thousands of people
ie funneled the profits from their labor mostly into their own pocket
>took far more financial risks
risking 10 percent of your wealth is a bigger risk if you're poor than if you're a billionaire
>while you worked at a fucking KFC and smoked weed every night
this is literally true though lol. used to sell weed to the other cooks so i could smoke on the cheap
>Even worse when you wanna throw a fucking pity party for your pets, while they all sit on porches THEY DO NOT OWN, while rolling blunts all day and having kids they don't raise right, if at all. But anytime someone calls you out on the bullshit you wanna parade around like a dumb faggot, acting like you don't know what we're talking about.
but i actually don't know what you're talking about here lol. i'm throwing a pity party for my pets on other people's porches?

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>that will fight for the little guy
You can't be serious. He won't even fight against the fucking DNC.

The only reason we can have this discussion is because of the wealth that capitalism and these companies have brought the US. Them creating companies has brought us jobs and wealth. Them being rich has nothing to do with you not being rich. You want to demonize rich and get rid of them. Then the middle class gets stuck with the bill. That on top of you just wrecked their 401k s because it's not fair that they have something I don't mentality.

to add
20 years ago and it sounds like something he would say on debate stage now , hell he even looks the same

In other words, you're a nigger. Thanks for confirming. Maybe you should join your pets in Africa? And yes a fucking pity party. Everyday I have to see another "news" article or some liberal retard bitching about how hawd his pets have it, and how we should just let them all break all the laws they want without getting arrested. For example, the other week I saw a "news" article about some nigger with cancer who stole a bunch of shit from a grocery store and was sentenced to over a year in jail. Of course liberal pussies, like you, went apeshit and said hur dur don't do that to my pet. Turned out that same monkey had 19 priors for stealing and drugs possession, on top of stealing shit that wasn't even fucking food, like make up and nail products. Of course they left that part out in the boo hoo my pets should be allowed to break the fucking law, article.

Every company that I have worked for as an adult, has given me health insurance.

>No employers provide insurance
You are either underaged or a fucking nigger

Bernie is a filthy kike and you degenerate libtards want in him power. imagine how retarded you are, wanting to make Shlomo the president of the USA

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Burning Sandals will DIE before he ever gets elected in the USA!

>Imagine being a poorfag sheep defending individuals with enough money to literally change the laws so they can keep and make so much money that it causes a nationwide epidemic of poverty and homelessness, but its ok because cApiTaLiSm gOoD

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>they're getting scared

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Explain how he will do all that and save me, Mr. Middle class, 12 grand a year. Explain how he will lower housing, with a link to his policy, same with eliminate homelessness . You guys project all these things in your fantasy. Then tell me why in 20 years of public service, he hasn't gotten any of these things done. Can't blame the Republicans as power has shifted back and forth several times in the last 20 years.

Right so we should all agree to give up more rights and pay more taxes, so that money can be given to your pets. That way they can continue to sit on the porch THEY DO NOT OWN THIS IS IMPORTANT, play shitty music all day on their bluetooth speakers and demand more gibs and programs. And if anyone brings that up or points that out, you will parade around like a faggot and play stupid. Notice you haven't actually addressed anything I said here. All you've done is dance around like a faggot on pride day, saying the same stupid shit over and over.

Nobody is coming after your tractor Cletus

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It's this guy again.

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Do you support Bernie? Because last I checked, personal rights and property don't exist under communist systems

>It's this guy again
>Posting facts I don't like
>Where is my safe space?
You can find that over at kikebook


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Yes, facts, so why do facts trigger you so much?

Yeah because getting the top fraction of a percent that own more than the bottom 50% to pay their fair share is CoMmUnIsM
Keep watching Fox news sheep

Three reasons.

1) The man is the most wholesome politician in the history of Washington. Every decision he has made, every law he supported, everything he says is on point and on the right side of history. It's riveting to watch. Here's a lovely video of him in 1990.

2) Our country needs systemic change to bring it up to speed with the rest of the first world Western countries and he, along with the progressive movement he represents, is the only one advocating for that.

3) He pisses off the rich, the DNC, and the RNC and their suffering brings me joy. This is Cred Forums. FIGHT THE POWA

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Bernie wants to take away your personal property and your rights now? Is that what you're terrified of? Didn't you say the same thing about Obama? I'm pretty sure you did. And how did that pan out? Do you still have your John Deere and your AR-15? I bet you do.

>is Republican
>claims its others who are triggered
Well that's the pot calling the kettle nigger

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Was Obama running under a communist ticket? What the fuck are you even blabbering about?

Right, the top fraction. Meanwhile your pets sit on porches they don't even own and refuse to wear condoms, you people say nothing. So tell us, please, WITHOUT DANCING AROUND LIKE A FAGGOT, why do you refuse to address that? Why don't you demand your pets wear condoms and get off the porch they don't own?

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>He pisses off the rich, the DNC, and the RNC and their suffering brings me joy. This is Cred Forums. FIGHT THE POWA

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I'd hit it.

There's a transition/job retraining plan for people working in private health insurance

75 iq: The Post.

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>Meanwhile your pets
Dude, I am talking about stripping the extreme rich of the undeserved and abused power.
You are so focused on your hate of others that you aren't even arguing any real points. I didn't mention other races once and its somehow still your main argument.
You are such an incompetent shill of a sheep its not even funny.
Have fun living the rest of your lives with your 'monkeys' occupying space in your head.
Hilarious how they will make you suffer from your own delusions.

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> Vote democrat
> We don't give a shit what you wear, almost like its a freedom we don't strip from you
Is true

Ah yes, you refuse to fact the facts and continue dancing like a faggot. How surprising. But we understand what the REAL issue is here. You want more money to be given to YOU, from rich people, MONEY YOU DID NOT EARN WE CANNOT FORGET THIS PART, just so you can turn around and spend it all on fucking bullshit. But your pets sitting on the porch and collecting gibs you say nothing.

No, you are talking about taxing the fucking shit out of the middle class so your team can give more gibs to your pets. Once again, why do you refuse to address this? Do facts scare you?

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How do you not have a heart-attack being so paranoid of something that NEVER will happen? First a fact for you, Bernie is NOT running under a Communist Ticket but you already know that. You do. You just like to say otherwise even though it's a lie. Secondly, this is what Fox news has done to you. It's brainwashed you into a lying imbecile.

He gives the best handjobs. Pete's was pretty lame.

A desire to fit in or fuck hippy chicks

>you are talking about taxing the fucking shit out of the middle class
For the party of 'fake news', you have a pretty shitty track record of spotting it, shill

So your kike hero isn't talking about taxing the middle class? But let me guess, he's going to "tax wall street" with a fucking capital gains tax. Of course you retards never bother asking how much revenue that's going to bring in, because it won't matter. All that extra money will be given to your pets anyway.

Once again, not addressing anything I said. Parading around like a faggot, while leading the pride parade. What a fucking embarrassment.

>he's coming for the rich
>and even the mass of poor conservitards can't stop him
>they scared

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if people can get free Obama care that pays for their diabetes then why do you leftists act like people with diabetes suffer so much because of insulin prices?
are you just talking about the rich ones that don;t qualify for Obama care? well if thats the case they are rich and you shouldn't have anything to bitch about right?

>But let me guess
Yes user, I am aware that your entire political identity is basically a guess.
I am shocked. SHOCKED I say.

You posted this same thread a while ago, and had the exact same first comment. Please don't samefag, it's shameful.

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I'd like to share a video with you.


Politics - both by Democrats and Republicans - has, for the last 40 years, been chiefly about dividing and conquering the electorate. What we ought to be doing is coming together as a people, as middle class workers, and exercising our political power to make the system more fair for us.

The rich have an undeniable advantage. Yes, many of them worked hard to get where they are, but just as many inherited their fortune or business and accrue capital simply because they already possess it. Additionally, the children of rich parents are more likely to become wealthy themselves because they get better educational opportunities and more inside contacts. Even Bill Gates, an actual self-made billionaire, went to Harvard and had contacts with a lot of people who contributed to his early success.

The thing is, anyone with billions of dollars has obtained those billions with the help of their society and the working people, and they ought to pay their share in the upkeep of that society. I do not feel bad for taxing someone with billions of dollars when after taxes they will still have....billions of dollars. They could spend $100k a day for thousands of years. Nobody needs or can even use that much money.

Not him but, explain to me how taking away bill gates wealth will benefit you after his money is spent. Explain how eliminating Microsoft will benefit this country. Explain how bill gates won't leave rather then let this happen.

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You're shocked you can't handle my facts, raw and uncut? How sad

I'll address what you have to say. I addressed the fact that you're a liar. And the fact that you know you're a liar, and you're not even arguing it. You are a brainwashed imbecile and you know you are. You're pathetic, weak. Even for Cred Forums.

>Expecting Conservatives to read AND pay attention and listen, AND have empathy?
Oh buddy

Not him but Bernie has admitted the middle class will see a tax increase. Still haven't gotten a detailed explanation how I'm going to save this magical 12 grand a year.

He definitely fucked her, multiple times. Guaranteed.

>status quo for thousands of years
fixed it for ya there bud.

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Right, the rich should "pay their fair share". But when it's time to demand your pets put the blunt and basketball down, and fill out a fucking job application, all of a sudden faggots like you are NOWHERE to be found. When we finally track you down, you immediately parade around like faggots and play stupid, OR you make bullshit excuses for all your pets. You wanna blame rich people even though they invest, start businesses and make your pathetic life better. But at the same fucking time you ignore how your pets not only do NONE of those things, they actively make life worse. And then your heroes want the police not to arrest them after they break the fucking law. We had 2 cops in NYC almost get killed yesterday by one of your pet monkeys, and we have fags like you celebrating on Twitter.

>Facts I don't like are lies
It's time for you to log off and go back to kikebook. You belong there.

Just trust them this time. They where only kidding before when they said they would fix healthcare. This time they mean it.

I have started to realize something.

Calling people idiots for their beliefs and attacking their candidates accomplishes nothing. All they will do is get defensive and double down. This is one of the reasons I like Sanders so much. No matter what, he is never angry AT people. He is always angry FOR people. He always wants to reach people through positive engagement rather than beat people over the head.


I think this is the way.

Dancing, Prancing FA-GGGGGGG-I-TT!

No, you like Bernie because you think he'll tax rich people and give the money to you. When in reality the people who will get that money is your pets. You will not receive a fucking dime. Not like it matters, because fags like you will just spend it on fucking bullshit. Like spending $1500 for a fucking iPhone or buying $400 shoes you will wear twice a year. But rich people are the problem. Get the fuck outta my fucking face.

>Dancing, Prancing FA-GGGGGGG-I-TT!

Dancing, Prancing FA-GGGGGGG-I-TT!
Dancing, Prancing FA-GGGGGGG-I-TT!

Because he understands education is a better investment than an ridiculously over funded military. Why does the military pay for so much illiterate cannon fodder who do nothing but suck the govt teet?

Yes, you will pay more taxes. However, that's because under Sanders's plans for healthcare, you will no longer have an insurance premium. On average, that's $500 a month for an individual and $1200 for a family. Under Medicare for all, you would pay a tax at about half of that amount. Additionally, that tax will cover everything. That means zero deductibles, zero copays, zero cost sharing. You will pay slightly more in taxes, but you'll pay less overall because you won't have to pay for insurance anymore. Also, if you get employer healthcare, they subsidize half of your plan already as part of your pay, so now you can just get that added to your paycheck.


Wont have to pay for insurance!


Oversimplified idiocy. He will tax those that actually have the money and invest it in a segment that needs to produce more. Why is it ok for the government to tax me at a higher percentage and cut taxes for a company so they can pay less? Why should the govt offer welfare to a company like Walmart who turns around and forces employees to work without insurance and a living wage? Who is paying for those walmart employees on welfare?

Socialismis a set ofleft-wingpoliticalprincipleswhosegeneralaimis tocreatea system in which everyone has an equalopportunitytobenefitfrom a country's wealth. Under socialism, the country'smainindustriesare usually owned by the state.

Synonyms:Marxism,communism,leftism,social democracy

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Socialismis a set ofleft-wingpoliticalprincipleswhosegeneralaimis tocreatea system in which everyone has an equalopportunitytobenefitfrom a country's wealth. Under socialism, the country'smainindustriesare usually owned by the state.

Synonyms:Marxism,communism,leftism,social democracy

Nothing is free....

10% retards, 90% paid shills

>education is a better investment
Oh really? Please explain to me how the fuck it is an "investment" to pay for some nigger to study African Dance or some spic to study Taco Theory



Everyone should work and contribute to society.

But I demand that in return, society should not allow them to be destroyed by factors beyond their control. For instance, my in-laws. Both had a job, got into a bad car wreck in 2008. Mother in law hurt so badly she had to have three vertebrae replaced. She was a nurse, and she went right back to work. Six months later they discovered she had cancer, and she beat that too, but was no longer able to work as no one would hire her anymore for her health problems and she had too much reduced mobility. Her husband breaks his back working 60 hours + a week as a store manager. They declared medical bankruptcy in 2015, even though they had insurance. They are pushing 60 with zero savings and zero retirement because healthcare in this country is so shit. In any other first world country they would have been fine.

Why not here? There are so many people here who do work and are left destitute or struggling to get by. Obviously there will always be a minority of people abusing the system, but I'd rather that than have no support at all for hardworking Americans that need it.

Side note, I don't celebrate BLM, they are a trash organization. I have the utmost respect for police, and they do their best.

>living wage
Ah yes, where comes the boo hoo my pets need more money for a living wage bullshit. Funny how they don't make a living wage and have no money to "invest". But when it's time for the drinking and dancing all of a sudden nobody's too broke for that. So tell me, why do your pets complain about having no money but they refuse to wear condoms? How the fuck does that work? And now your team wants me to pay for their disgusting chimplets' daycare? But I know, you're now going to parade around like a faggot and not actually address that.

Maybe if you were saving money under Medicare for All you could finally afford a working keyboard.

Have you guys ever had a job? I don't pay anywhere near that in healthcare. You are fucking delusional if you think my company will give me a penny more , I'm sure their taxes will go up too. But enough of that. What about the tax increase for free college and all the other shit he wants to hand out.

>right the rich should pay their fair share
>but when it's time to demand your "pets" put the blunt and basketball down, and fill out a fucking job application, all of a sudden faggots like you are NOWHERE to be seen
Leftists aren't just ok with people sitting on their asses, and abusing the system. What we acknowledge, though; is that there are several problems inherent in the system that makes it difficult for the poor to rise above their station, and even more so for people of color. Healthcare is a right, and a free education removes the biggest barrier faced by working class Americans seeking to better themselves, user
>rich people are gods who've made your life better
some of them have, but a solid third have inherited most of their wealth, and countless others have inherited enough to at least get off the ground. I'm not seeing the benefits of making people's lives as hard as possible
>your "pets" make life worse
So, when it's difficult to make ends meet, there are few jobs around you that pay enough to get by, and you're living paycheck to paycheck; there are three options. Stay on the straight path, and manage your finances well enough to live, but get pretty much nowhere in life because poverty. Two, rob a gas station, or sell drugs to make some decent cash, and end up dead or incarcerated. Three just blow your fucking brains out, or escape reality through drugs. All three are pretty depressing, and hopeless, and most of them are unproductive, but those are the options people have when they simply can't afford any way of improving their situation

> implying anyone on Cred Forums isnt a faggot

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Fuck off with your stupid immature anti-semitic bullshit faggot.

Because community colleges offer programs in business, accounting, nursing, allied health, IT, etc. I spent far less on my AAS than I received in Pell grants for my BS. Think about the opportunity for your own kids.

>beyond their control
You mean like getting off the fucking porch THEY DO NOT OWN WE CANNOT FORGET THIS PART, wearing a fucking condom and not acting like a goddamn chimp for 5 fucking minutes? Can you at least ASK your pets to try that first? Instead all you people do is make bullshit excuses for them while demanding everyone else pay for all their shit.

>Leftists aren't just ok with people sitting on their asses, and abusing the system
Bullshit, that's all you people do is not only ignore it, you make excuses for them

May I ask why you are so obsessed with jobless blacks when the black unemployment rate is the lowest it has ever been?

Here we go, corporate welfare. I hate that Amazon inc. gets to sit on a beach somewhere and drink margaritas . Companies get tax write offs when they reinvest in their company. Bernie should run for Congress so he can change the tax laws, oh wait......

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And how many of your pet monkeys pick those majors? Instead they pick literal bullshit like Afro History and Blunt Rolling Theory, then they wanna fucking complain they can't get a job outside of KFC. Then fags like you run out and make excuses for all your pets, while parading around with a buttplug in your ass, practicing for the pride parade.

His plan calls for everyone sucking the govt teet. Make up your fucking mind whether that’s a good thing or not.

may i ask why you're also so fucking mad someone would suggest taxing the mega rich, and using that money to give you free healthcare and college tuition?

>all the other shit he wants to hand out.
when you learn to trim these kinds of inane ignorant frankly facepalming types of expressions out of your general nomenclature frogposter, get back to us. Otherwise fuck off.

Trumpers literally believe they're goign to be rich and that Sanders is trying to fuck that up by taxing the rich, and they literally believe that doing so will mean less jobs and everything will be more expensive.

Actually, that doesnt happen as much as you want to believe. My dog is neutered. Mostly the issue is a historical redlining and white flight from inner city. But, yeah, history and economics are HARD so stick with Fox, idiot.

Lolol he is a jew, there is always a hidden agenda

He’s going to tax everyone. Asking the government to steal money for you is despicable, regardless of what you use it for. Rich people will always be better investors than the govt or poor people and that’s what keeps the economy moving, their desire to make more money.

You're not getting it, are you? There isn't gonna BE a fucking tax on the "mega rich". The people who are going to end up paying for all this bullshit is the fucking middle class, like always. For the left, the defintion of rich is "anyone who isnt' a welfare collecting porch monkey". That's what you stupid fucks aren't getting. I'm not gonna agree to pay for some nigger's fucking healthcare when they refuse to put on fucking condoms and get off the fucking porch, or for some bamboo to study Blunt Rolling and Ass Twerking Theory. Get the fuck outta here.

>literally believe

he's cool and good

I work for one of the largest hospital systems in the midwest. This is pretty standard for our employees families. Please tell us what company you have and your coverage? About a $12k deductible?

Just face it, Bernie us a loser who has accomplished nothing. He has never had a real job. He has never ran a company. He has done nothing in Congress. He appeals to other losers who just want to sit around and get high while complaining about how bill gates being rich has ruined their lives and it's just not fair that he has nice things and they don't.

>literally believing you will never amount to anything or have money

What? He fucks?

Bernie boys thinking that we won't just replace rich capitalists with rich politicians.

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How about you face it, that calling social programs "handouts" is cringing trump-humping teabagging boomer faggot shit.

You're going to replace your penis into a greasy maggot-ridden fleshlight.

he's direct and he's policy-oriented and he seems genuine. that's why

pete buttigieg is the exact opposite. he can speak for like 20 minute and say absolutely nothing and look like a completely phony politician

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Its only white people filled with self hate that like that jew.

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>implying trickle down economics has never caused massive problems for the middle class ever
rich people will be the only one to benefit when you don't give a tiny fraction of the money they're making to people who need it the most. Also, however poor people spend their greater disposable income under Sanders' administration, it's still going to grow the economy faster that Trump's protectionist policies
>baseless conjecture and racism
can you come back later when you have an actual, coherent argument other than "I HATE FUCKING NIGGERS!!!! REEEEEEEEE"?

I paid off my college debt after 10 years. Guess I’ll vote for Bernie so I can pay off yours too! Why the fuck not?! Enjoy.

Honestly... how can you have any self respect for some Jew that has never once worked a real job in his life. How can you respect yourself for basically being a 5 year old who’s vote can buy with a promise of free cookies.

get used to it, because that's what you're gonna get. Please stay home in protest again.

I am white and like being white. I don't believe me or my race are inherently responsible for any particular crime against any particular people. Bernie 2020

>Facts I don't like are baseless
Sorry champ, that's how life works. I'm sorry your bitch ass can't handle facts, raw and uncut. Maybe you should head on back to kikebook?

medicare free for all isn't going to happen,no matter who wins. Too expensive. Do not tax the rich, take all their wealth. That wouldn't run the government for 1 yr. Not close. Economics of scale.

Anybody that believes otherwise, is an idiot. Simple mathematics will end that debate.

i am a capitalist who makes money via investing (by justing sitting on my ass) and i am voting for bernie

Get your hand out of my pocket, zoomer

and they say republicans vote against their own interest. wowzers.

well, the healthcare will be free so it will benefit me

i hate private health insurance

Buddy, you sucking dicks for money on the side isn't "investing"

So you just won't free shit at the cost of a struggling middle class?

That's the domain of entitled rich white kids. To study communications. I teach adjunct CCNA classes at a juco and we partner with a workforce development group that assists inner city kids. Given opportunities and resources they thrive. I hate to counter your narrative but it's a stereotype and a huge exaggeration of a few bad apples.

>I don't want free stuff! I want the rich to have it all! AND I WANT TO PAY THEM!

Sandals is a FUCKING FOOL!

I dont know why the dems seem to want to get rid of the privet sectors. That would take some of the burden of a medicare govement system.

how will the middle class struggle, user?

>hey guys we’ll just give the niggers money to be spent immediately on drugs, gambling, abortions, and fast food. That will fulfill the Democrat plantation requirement and grow the economy, trust me!

no we aren't trumpshit
we're going to nominate sanders
and he will defeat your orange gasbag this November

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you keep using that word meme.tiff

know how I know that any "facts" you post are total bullshit?

correction they think they will get free stuff but anyone with half a brain and even Bernie himself knows there is no way in hell he will be able to keep a single one of his "promises"

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put me in the screen cap so I can laugh at this post later

Nothing is free. You'll have to oay the pipper sooner or later.

So you are a fat aging fast-food chomping trump humping hivemind after all. Shocking.

No. Compared to the top 10%, there is essentially no difference in taxing people making 10k, 100k, 1 million. It's still pennies.

imagine having poor blacks living in your head rent-free. Ffs, user hating blacks isn't going to benefit you in any way. are you not fucking getting that you get money too?

>So you just won't free shit at the cost of a struggling middle class?
He doesn't care because he doesn't work or own anything. As long as he gets more money to spend on literal bullshit, he is happy.

>That's the domain of entitled rich white kids. To study communications
Oh really? So why aren't niggers and spics graduating enmasse with STEM degrees? It's mostly whites and asians doing that. But I know, you will make more bullshit excuses for all your pets. Parading around like a faggot bitching about "rich people" with your fucking $1500 iPhone.

>I don't know how American welfare works but I'm going to post about it anyway!

Who's going to pay the taxes?

Good, the system is working and you don’t need any more of my money. Guess trump needs to stay in office.

imagine what taxing the rich will do. when they don't even pay taxes now and WE as the lower classes can afford medicare and public transportation and endless war.

>Middle class is doing just fine right now and hasn't been increasingly shrinking over the last ten years.

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sorry to redpill you, bruh, but actual kikes are actively working to destroy him.

Not the middle class you idiot

dude tech companies will do anything and more for profit too, thinking they are any different and are better for the planet than oil or gas companies or they won't hesitate to screw you over in an instant for profit like a finance company is just being deluded. Tech companies want to completely control your life just like all the rest the only difference is they lie to you more and you believe it.

no shit, but imagine what taxing the rich will do when WE as the lower classes can afford medicare and endless war

Nit being from America but it can also be the area that they grow up takeing on the sourndings or being influnced but other's.

Doesn't just affect minorities

oh just like all the transition/ job training programs that have been so successful in all the other industries that have been losing workers left and right

Yeah ok drink the kool aid and find out how fucked we'll be if that dumb ass is elected.

pretty much this. bernie's health plan stands about as much of a chance getting through congress as yang's 1000$

Hands off my shit, lazy nigger.

You won't be laughing. You'll be the same seething trump humping faggot a year later only you'll be blaming everything on libs and "leftists" even with even harder flecks of spittle you candidate for atherosclerosis.

Why not? I paid off my $24k by 35 but I dont get butthurt when I consider others having a better opportunity than myself. Life ain't fair but I'd still like to see more opportunities for others. I could use the employees.

Not a single one of those facts are bullshit. But we get it, you can't handle those facts. Raw and uncut. Similar to my cock going into your sister's mouth every night,

Somone should get this for Bernie.

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Not fat, just bulking.
Not rent free, and I’m willing to bet you wouldn’t voluntarily live in a majority black neighborhood.
I know redistributing wealth only causes it to collect back at the top 1%

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Where's he going to go? America is the best country in the world, he'll stay here. Also Microsoft is a shit company that makes terrible software we'd be better off without it.

taxes for the middle class are going to stay the same. the rich are footing the bill for bernie's plan

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ok doomer. I'm already laughing.

user, really this is tiresome. We have an IRS that is backed by the 16th Amendment of the Constitution and you will obey every law passed under that aegis with no fucking backsass, do you hear?

>increase wages for all workers

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gO back to school you illiterate FAGGOTTTTT!

>tfw the best period in American history the rich were taxed at 90%

37% isnt much

my jewish accountant has something to say about that

Fuck off you fucking jew. If college loans are forgiven then I want my fucking parents to get their money back. Because I would've been better off fucking around for 4 years and taking loans out while partying and smoking weed everyday. I'm sick of this retarded shit where the fucking democrats want to reward people for doing all the wrong shit in life.

>muh champion of labor

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Dont categorize all doomers with that fag.

no the rich will just say fuck it and move somewhere else that won't tax em

If that’s true it won’t pay for shit

Voting for a democrat as a white man is like a nigger voting for Jim Crow, for president.

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that's the current rate, user

Because they been corralled into shit environments. You cant handicap a population for 400 years and then bitch when they cant turn it around with very limited resources in 60.

My phone is old.

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gO back to school you illiterate FAGGOTTTTT!

Because they been corralled into shit environments. You cant handicap a population for 400 years and then bitch when they cant turn it around with very limited resources in 60. These aren't excuses they are very concrete reasons.

My phone is old.

Those with the means to do so.

Seething incel

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No. It's very, very limited

You're a complete fool.

Bernie will crush Trump.

You already owe your mom years of back rent and groceries


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you think any of us think you remotely know what you are talking about? FFS user...

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True. Poor appalachian counties have nearly identical problems as the inner city.

This. inb4 samefag, russia, tulsi, etc

Bernie Motherfuckin Sanders. 2020.

you can get free stuff under the capitaist economy

heard of the the stockmarket and cryptocurrency

you can literally make money by just sitting on your ass

you just need money to start out with which requires a job. once you have enough you can invest it and quit your shit job

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Oh boo hoo your pets are poor that's why they can't do STEM degrees. It's funny though how that same logic suddenly doesn't apply to asian people. No kid, your pets aren't getting STEM degrees because they're fucking retarded. Most of them can't even do fucking algebra without re-taking it 4 or 5 times.

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Kek. "my parents" This manchild had mommy buy his education.

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There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

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It's a matter of offering more opportunities. People take them if available. But folks like you had mommy and daddy to pull you through it.

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fuck i forgot how to take a screenshot on my machine. guess you're right, user

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Every been to an inner city school? Its shit because property taxes fund schools.