What the FUCK gives Walmart the right to check my bags as I'm leaving?

What the FUCK gives Walmart the right to check my bags as I'm leaving?

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Slow day?

Probably all those ribs in and under your sweat shirt and pants.


I don't know, but I do know you have the right not to shop at Walmart.

Unless, you know, you live in the middle of nowhere and Walmart has totally decimated your little local economy.

Private company

They don't. Just keep walking.

>may i look into your bags sir
Ever tried it out?

Thats a funny way to spell your moms pussy

They don't have a right to do it, they just have a policy to do it. Just walk right past the person requesting it and say "no thanks." That's what I do every time unless for some reason the alarm goes off.

Some people say "it's their property so you have to do what they say" but you don't lose your rights just because you enter private property. If you come to my house, I can't tell you once you get here "my policy on my private property is that I'm going to shoot you in the foot before you leave" and have it be any sort of legal. Same thing applies here.

If you didn't steal anything, they can't detain you, just keep walking. Once you purchase the items, they no longer belong to the store, they belong to you. The receipt also belongs to you.

Shopkeeper's privilege allows them to detain you until police arrive, but only if they have witnessed you stealing something. Having said that, some dickhead police won't care about your privacy and will detain you until you prove the items aren't stolen by showing the receipt. So if the police are there, it's your call whether you want to stand up for yourself and possibly end up getting some BS "obstruction" charge or just showing the receipt. The dickhead police officer might also go solicit a tresspass from the store manager and then give you a tresspass warning so you can't come back to the store, if that matters to you. I've seen videos of this, but I have personally never experienced it in all the years I have just walked past the receipt checkers.

Also, FYI, they generally only check when you have items that aren't in bags. I'll usually put everything in bags. Even if something is too big to go in a bag, I will put a bag around like a corner of the item. Usually they notice what I'm doing and why I'm doing it and just roll their eyes and ignore me. Which is fine, it's all I wanted in the first place, to not be assumed to be a criminal when I choose to give them my money.

what were you wearing? maybe you looked like you were asking for it.

>implying you are licking the mom's pussy of someone on an anonymous image board
>absolutely unbelievable, unfounded claim
>does nothing to counter the original statement to be a massive Bootlicker
How does it feel being mentally 14?

Just walk by them. They’ve actually screamed at me but I ignored them. Just kept walking. They didn’t do or say shit.

If you are white then I would demand to see security footage etc before allowing them to search the bag. If you are black then you got to accept it man, only like 1% of blacks can actually behave like a normal human.

and if they try to physically stop you, scream assault.

the simple act of making you feel under duress is assault... and they cant do shit.

The fact that you chose to shop in their store, knowing their rules

Guess what. When those antitheft alarms go off, you can just keep walking. They have no right to stop you.

>Some people say "it's their property so you have to do what they say" but you don't lose your rights just because you enter private property. If you come to my house, I can't tell you once you get here "my policy on my private property is that I'm going to shoot you in the foot before you leave" and have it be any sort of legal. Same thing applies here.
You could demand to search someone's bags before allowing them to enter your house. I suppose you could stop them from leaving if you suspect they've stolen something.

I mean, I just don’t shop there. Simple solution.

You don't actually have to stop and show them. The're not allowed to actually stop you.

Another Bootlicker detected
The difference between the two scenarios is that when you tell someone he can only enter if he allows a search he has the choice to tell you fuck off and not enter your ground
If you forbid someome to leave your property he doesn't has that choice and you are essentially illegally jailing him

years of niggers niggering

If they ask you to stop, say no thanks and keep walking. If they physically detain you, call the police yourself . Don't let them take you anywhere just wait for the cops. Ask the cops to site them for unlawful detainment. Drive to lawyers office. Sue Walmart. That's assuming you didn't steal anything.
