Well Cred Forums?

Well Cred Forums?

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Quit baiting faggot

>implying no more trans people is anything but great

i really really hate that faggot mentally challenged artist


Meds against schizophrenia work too, and they don't have a 50% suicide rate.

shut up fag


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im ok with it as long as we can let gay kids transition to straight as well

I'm fine with letting kids transition as young as they want, as long as you're fine with letting kids have sex with whoever they want.

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Americans are retarted
Only the 1% of the 1% of the 1% has this opinion and everyone is getting triggerd over it.

next time you want to prove a point about people being retarded,make sure you spell words correctly.the only retard here is you


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It means that I speak more than two languages faggot.
Sub-human Americans can only talk English, so sad.

>No one is "too young"

This ideology has potential

>speak more then two languages

what does this have to do with misspelling words?

Was this intended to sound predatory?

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When I was 7, I wanted to be either a fireman or a policeman. I am glad I wasn't locked into that decision then.

What if parents parented, and didn't allow their snowflakes to do anything they wanted?

It's "speak", not "talk", nigger. So much for speaking (see?) multiple languages.

Good fucking one user

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Faggot doesn't even have the intellect to answer So you attack the grammer.

Tranny shit is self-destructive and a form of mental illness.

You have to wait until you're 21 to legally self-harm by smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, or cutting your dick off.
There is no problem with the existing laws as they are.


3 year olds shouldn't be concerned with sex


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>what if parents parented

what if liberals and gay's wernt allowed to parent kids.since thats why we end up with these "transgender children"


why should i bother answering some retard who cant spell correctly? how about he spends more time getting the education he needs and less time on Cred Forums


Go read the comics if you want to cringe

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An opinion is just as disputable whether one person expresses it or a billion

At first I thought about bringing up child grooming or the simple fact that kids are easily influenced, but then I realized that I'm arguing with someone who wants to mutilate a child and call it a human right.

>no one is too young to make unalterable decisions about mutilating their body!
fuck off tumblr

>Let our creepy suicide fetish cult psychologically torture your children into destroying their body or you're a bigot!!!!1

Violence is coming if you don't stop

What it should be:
"I know what your name is, Stephan, I'm the one who made sure the nurse spelled it right on your birth certificate".

We don't encourage anorexics to starve themselves, we don't encourage depressed people to cut themselves, so why should we be OK with delusional people mutilating their genitals?


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I agree.
Transitioning is not a decision that should be made by the child but by the doctor.
Gender dysphoria is a medical condition the best treatment of which is social and medical transitioning.
You have no more decision in transitioning than taking antibiotics or your schizophrenia medication.

Traps are better when they keep the penis anyway.

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your argument is invalid

This kind of shit wouldn't be happening if Hitler was in charge

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Give an adult a week or 2 and they can have young child thinking they are the other gender.
You should not be able to to take permanent life altering drugs until you have the mental function to fully understand what will happen.

21 is a good age set by Democrats as they think you are too stupid to buy a gun until 21.

And these mutants DEMAND that we take them seriously.

LOL... what a fucking joke.

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Cred Forums in a nutshell

Well thats some pedo gay shit

He looks as feminine as Hulk Hogan


>tfw i remember talking about dickgirl hentai and talking about maybe wanting to be the girl on Cred Forums in 2004 because there was nowhere else safe to talk about it without being condescended to or excluded for being pervy or otaku

>biologically accurate
Yeah, well 42% of them are.

Perhaps Hitler isn't the best guide to set your political views by.

Kids are fucking stupid. Their brains literally aren't developed enough to understand consequences or the real world. Giving them the ability to transition while not immoral, is illogical. If they still wish to transition around 16, 17, and them seem mature, let them. If you dont think they're mature enough to drive, they should transition.

>don't pretend you have logical reasons to be against letting kids drink alcohol and do hard drugs
>no one is "too young" for a good time
>you're just against kids having fun

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Trans people are fine.

It's the surgery I'm against. I am convinced it is the lobotomy of our era.

Wow. Just wow. How can someone be in such denial of reality?

Why aren't you using proper punctuation and capitilazingzation?

>what it shouldn't be

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it is medically impossible to "transition" other then that stop being so fukn stupid

Not saying the guy was perfect, but some of his ideas I could get behind.

You can tell kids anything and they believe it.
Isnt hard to trick, confuse or manipulate a young child.

The dick girl stuff was all over divantart back in 2003 didnt really know why i saw so much poping up

To allow trans kids is to allow the last barrier to pedophilia to fall.

That is what the core issue here is.

If a kid can legally decide to transition between sexs also mean they can legally decide when they want to fuck.

These trans drugs fuck up chemical make up whilst adding sexual hormones. Those sexual hormones makes you horny.

What next Cred Forums? With this be the New Roman Empire with free game on all children?

>50% suicide rate
I don't even give a single fuck at this point. Tranny offing rate will only get bigger.

Last I heard it was at 60%
40% regret transition & ^Kill themselves.

Either way, its the adults choice at this point.

Be a good parent or make trans kids. Clearly the kids aren't making the decisions.

>be me
>mid thirties average guy
>have son
>let's call him billy
>billy watches a lot of tv.
>furry culture is a hot topic issue
>Billy gets exposed to a lot of it
>I try to shelter him but i really can't
>Billy gets really into furry
>don't exactly like it but don't say anything
>Don't want him to hate me
>Billy wants to have a surgery to become an "animal"
>Billy. You are a 12 year old little boy. You can not make that drastic of a desision you are too young
>Billy hates me
>Billy tells everyone I am oppressing him
>I am labeled as an abusive parent.
>Wife won't even look at me anymore
>Billy gets the surgery
>He is now a catman and it's name is snowball
>Snowball goes to school
>Gets bullied relentlessly
>"What kind of freak thinks they're a cat?"
>"Those whiskers don't make you a cat"
>"you should just kill yourself"
>Billy.... Does kill himself
>A week goes by
>At funeral
>Sobbing hysterically
>Dirty looks from everyone
>ex-Wife is with her new black boyfriend
>Won't say it but she, and probably everyone else blames me
>I was the fur-phobic asshole
>If i had just supported him he'd still be alive

No, we don't want our kids to live their lives as freaks and killing themselves because they got manipulated by the media. If trans could all just kill themselves and it not be an issue anymore, that'd be great.

I unashamedly am against the existence of trans people.

It's bad enough we inject hormones into cows and other animals we eat. Why the fuck would I inject hormones into my own children?

One can only hope.

Pretty sure banging tall moon born cuties would be a common ocurrence by now. We'd be on our way to mars, no more blacks.