Why Are Whites Racist? (Black American)

Why Are Whites Racist? (Black American)

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We are racist as a response to your racism

not an answer

Well nigger don't you have anything else to say? Looks like I just shut down your whole argument with a single post.

Black people smell and their women are ugly. Happy with your answer, nigger?

not a answer

Every single day. Find something else to do maybe?

He's going to reply with this constantly, it's a repost.

non answers

Because you all are primal animals...
We don't like that in a civilized world

Oh look! "Not answer" guy is back!
More amusing than flat Earth I guess.
Don't forget to sage, kids!

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Post this again and I'm raping your sister in front of you

"Why are whites racist?"

Uh...because we're the superior race. Because, after millennia of dealing with mud-hut dwelling, shit-bathing, sister-fucking, "we wuz kangz" spouting retards, some of us decided to admit the truth: blacks are inferior and should be avoided/eliminated.

because of niggers.

not answers

Discrimination comes from a dislike and disrespect of certain behavior and attributes. People who behave in a civilized and respectful gain do not generally garner hatred from others. People who behave in a way that victimizes others will earn the dislike and disrespect of others. When a certain group behaves in this manner in disproportionate levels, it causes people to identify certain features of the perpetrators and that dynamic becomes hated, in some cases race can be the tying factor causing others to be “racist”.

Cultural differences is the main reason. It’s not like niggers like white people either.

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not an answer

This is also accurate. Like imagine if shitty white trash retards were a separate race. “Whites” would be “racist” against them too.

non answers

Not a question.

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Because if you want to fuck a beautiful white blonde and blue eyed angel, you have to assimilate that she wasn't brought by magic but she had two similar parents... That's why. So if you want tour grand grand sons to do the same pleasured thing as you can do today, you better let White women reproduce with White people.

Niggers are more racist


Not an answer

what percentage of whites are racist?

because whites are an impure race who think they're entitled to everything despite having no real authority. They'll ignore that each and every race has their good bunch and only focus on the bad bunch because its easier to do but as it turns out.... Whites are just as bad in that regard

not answers

I'm black and so far I am really disappointed and disgusted by African americans

Self-destructive stereotipical failures.

No questions

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Are you a black who is a white supremacist?

not an answer

First mention of white supremacy.

pretty much every racist i've ever known seemed to have an inferiority complex or self doubt of their own abilities that caused them to look for other reasons to feel good about themselves, i/e they adopt the identity of a culture they believe is superior and therefor they get personal pride from the accomplishments of others to feel pride in, allowing them to continue to be individual failures with less shame.

not a question

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I'm a black with an education and a clear vision of what I want to do with my life.
So many times I had to clash with african americans acting like anti social animal, what's wrong with them. Why are they so attracted to needless conflict.

Sounds like you've met none and are using a template definition to auto-aggrandize your sense of self-worth.


not an answer

niggers are apes

That doesn't follow logically. I have plenty of self doubt. I have failed a whole lot at life. In other areas I've succeeded. Like literally every other person on the planet. The best way to constructively address personal failure is to look in the mirror and confront our faults and weaknesses, and make a plan at improving them.

Not anything of substance.

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It comes down to difference of IQ. 20 standard points between whites and blacks is a big difference. It's also the difference between mud huts and palaces; conqueror and conquered,

AYY lmao I didnt expect clip from that movie here

>every racist i've ever known seemed to have an inferiority complex or self doubt of their own abilities that caused them to look for other reasons to feel good about themselves,
They who do "racists" more often than not strive for self-improvement with things like lifting, outdoors training, and sports? It's you cultural-Marxists that want us to believe all groups and cultures are equal when that is utter garbage. You get upset when we point out things such as what the attachment does.

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non answers

So stop making these threads if you are unwilling to accept any answers.

Non question

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Because white women and beta cucks have such great lives that they've taken on 'charity' projects.

They feel superior to blacks but at the same time want to feel good about themselves so they believe if they 'stand up' for black rights and equality that this somehow redeems them even though the very act of pro-black/women/LGBT action is racist/sexist.

He's not really looking for an answer.
He's doing it to piss people off.
He does this a lot.
It's his way of coping with being stupid.

Why no one stick up for him?

Thanks for proving my point, low IQ

based user

still no answer

I said nothing about culture, nor was the question about culture. race is not a culture. It is self evident that not all cultures are equal. some cultures promote and reward hard work and merit. no shit. Any race that chooses to assimilate into more successful cultural norms tends to succeed quite quickly. Black culture has not adapted well, and has undermined their own cause by promoting the wrong values. black folk that have assimilated to what some people would descrive as "white culture" but i'd describe as "western culture" tend to be just as successful.

Don't really know. They just want pizza, not a fight. Not My Problem syndrome. Think you could take on that gorilla?

still no answer

Still no question
And yet, the answers are in all these pics/vids.

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You mean , why is everybody racist ?
Everybody hates everybody , we hate things that don't look like us because we can't identify with them . If aliens suddenly arrive on earth our first response will be to hate them and thus attack them out of fear of hostility.
We are a dumb species who still plays with sticks and stones .

non answer


This in a nutshell

If blacks want whites to accept them, they need to behave in an acceptable manner.
All the 'dindu nuffins' can go back to fucking Africa and live in a hut made from fecal matter.

I do not think all are, but most activist people of color are anti-white. Why is that?

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Non question
I wonder if a bicycle park at a commuter station would work in America?
Of course not.
Because OP.

damn it, nobody answered my answer (when I was 82...19 .

maybe he's a black that sees many of his fellow AA's getting bogged down with a victim mentality instead of doing what every successful person in life does; work on yourself and treat every obstacle as a challenge instead of an excuse?

Oh look this thread AGAIN

not an answer

i'm glad you at least accept my premise that blacks are capable, but maybe you should ask yourself whether your attitude is helping the situation for anybody. Seems. How eager is a black person going to be to assimilate to your ways if you think so lowly of him?

'Cause until recently, whites have had unmitigated control over minorities' situations, and the situations have been pretty shitty.
So now minorities hate whites, and that feeds the hate whites have for minorities.
The big question for a long time has been how to break the cycle of hate.
It doesn't help that blacks in particular act out. Is that a race behavior, or a cultural one? Either way, it feeds racism.
Take OP. He's an asshole. He's a reason to hate blacks. And he's stupid. He doesn't understand or won't accept that he's part of the problem.

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"Racist" is a term used to create identitarian (not a word) divides. Every human has evolved to prefer the company of those that look like them, while distrusting those who do not. It's like how chimps and baboons don't get along. We're animals, only with the ability to question ourselves. Questioning leads to evolution.

Thinking "racism" exists, or that if it does, it's bad, is foolish. It's an evolutionary trait. When we, as a species, can admit this? it will help actual understanding. Until then, grow a thicker skin, avoid situation in which you're apt to be the alien, or enter into them confidently with the intent to adhere to the meritocracy. The only thing humans tend to have in common is the desire to see the meritocracy. Racism, being part of the Marxist linguosphere, exists as a word to undermine the meritocratic process and replace it with gimmies.

>and are using a template definition to auto-aggrandize your sense of self-worth

Do you...not see the irony here?

I expect OP starts these threads so he has more fuel to feed his racism towards whites. Predictably, there are plenty of whites here who are looking for the exact same validation in reverse. The irony is that they feed each others self-defeat. what a waste.

>Thinking "racism" exists, or that if it does, it's bad, is foolish. It's an evolutionary trait.
>Thinking "racism" exists, is foolish. It's an evolutionary trait.
So it's foolish to believe a stated evolutionary trait exists?
I am confuse.

not an answer

All races are racist.
Whites are the only race that gets shit for it.

Whites are the least racist of all races.

....if you are black person and you are a failure, it is easy to simply conclude white people hold you down and are the cause of your failures. White failures typically blame it on immigrants or affirmative action or jewish bankers. These are people who are failures in life who won;t want to accept the majority of their failure is based on their own flaws.

>Whites are the least racist of all races.
is there actual evidence of this?

I don't know about you, but if we are discovered by aliens in the first place then that is a clear sign of far greater intelligence and an advanced civilisation.

Considering the aliens do not appear hostile, I'm going with them and will be their human servant until they grant me a modicum of their intelligence.

not an answer

Could be.
My pet theory is that he just wants to piss people off, and doesn't have the smarts to get beyond "Did not" "Did too" school taunts. This is not a call for a real discussion. He's just angry and this is an electronic form of what the guy in this video thinks he's doing is covert and clever.

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hearing it from a white man is all the proof you need

Can you not? These threads are absolutely stupid. You should honestly just kill yourself.
>inb4 "Not an answer"

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Same way you learn that fire is hot...

... experience

the experience of knowing black, and brown people leads to racist attitudes.
tl;dr it's your fault

not answers

This was the gist of my point. no reason not to bring up valid points/discussion despite his complete disinterest in such things. OP is welcome to chime in and provide a better explanation to your unwillingness to engage other than casual dismissal. No race has a corner on assholery

those are answers, you retarded nog

still not a answer

>race is not a culture.
Culture is a product of race. One can say that honey making is the culture of bees and building webs is the culture of spiders.
>So now minorities hate whites
Pretending for a moment that situations of so-called minorities were shitty because of Whites what does it say about these minorities that they can not forgive and move on?

If somebody does you wrong and then apologizes and changes his behavior rather than moving on in peace you seek to stab him only says you're a POS. Now it gets even worse considering the following:

A) There were very very "minorities" in America prior to the '65 Hart-Celler Act.

B) The nigger minority did much better pre-60's. They at least tried to act human. That's because Whites didn't pretend that they are our equals and were told how it is and any poor behavior by them was punished which kept them more on the straight and narrow.

C) Going back A these new arrival minorities were not even here to experience the alleged mistreatment you're suggesting they have legitimate grievances over.

D) One can see that all the "equality" rhetoric of the 60's was just a Trojan horse to get cultural-Marxism into Amerca's door. A detrimental ideology that actually does the opposite of the 'social justice" it claims.

How about going with "modern western culture is the least racist culture in all time" since there is ample evidence of that claim. there has been too much barbarism committed by whites throughout history including extensive genocide. Whites became less violent after enlightenment principles were adopted suggesting this was a cultural phenomenon, not a racial one.

If nobody likes you, why do you think it's all of them who are wrong?

You won't get anything else:

still not a answer

so, in essence the gradual pussification of white culture has lead to our more effete behaviour in dealing with lesser races, and we should return to our old ways and brutalise those dark bitches.

Blacks are low iq, ugly, smelly, loud, and poor. I try to stay the fuck away from them

because they have no culture and hating everyone they find "inferior" is the only culture they truly have since most white people are just mutts of random european descent

not a answer

>Pretending for a moment that situations of so-called minorities were shitty because of Whites
Are you so deluded by your peers that you won't recognize wiping out Indians, bringing in slaves, indentured servants, treating even newcomer whites (Irish) and so on is a repression of minority groups? Damn son... I know better than to turn my back on many minorities, but I am not about to ignore history to fit my sense of superiority. White America has been shitty to a lot of peoples. You have to start there to work out the consequences and understand that some slack has to be given.


Stop with the false equivalency. I've never heard a White person blame his personal problems on immigrants or bankers.

I have seen blacks complain about being given longer prison sentences for a given crime and will blame it on racism when it's because of their lenghty criminal history . Or when they fuck up at a job and will claim the manager was rayciss.

any irony making a statement like this after claiming "white people are the least racist"? assuming that was your post, seems to undermine your position. Also you seem convinced that race relations have gotten worse, or that problems with black folks have gotten worse since we began pussifying. The reality is that race relations have improved, black crime rates have gone down, black unemployment is down and virtually any other metric you could think of suggest a gradual improvement over time, with the obvious exception that out-of-wedlock motherhood has increased (in both black and white statistics) Otherwise, Improvements tend to suggest "pussyfication" has worked to improve society. I'm assuming you mean "treating blacks like human beings" is what you mean by that.

still no answers

You're still a faggot.


The cultural-Marxism is still strong in you. You need a mental de-tox.
>wiping out the Indians
There are exponentially more of them today than a centrury ago. Plus they were/are savages who were only a hinderance to building the country. Finally, they were given countless reservations to live autonomously on. Will the ZOG give Whites reservations to escape the "diversity" it's hellbent on shoving down our throats?
>bringing in slaves
Enslavement of negroids was/is the proper order and not the "sin" you've been taught. Plus it ended over 150 years ago and there is not one ex-slave or ex-master alive today. How much longer will the extortion go on. They could have all been sent back to Africa in 1865 and that would have been the end of it. They would have been re-absorbed into the tribes rather than living in a First World country.
>white Amerca has been shitty to a lot of people
Yet the bulk of them came after 1965 when the floodgates were opened? Are they gluttons for punishment, there was no punishment, or is this whole bad YT narrative simply bullshit?

you choose not to see it. I would agree it is a fringe position, but if I went by what I see on Cred Forums, it's a pretty dam vocal fringe when they feel they can express themselves anonymously. Black folks do get longer prison sentience for the same crime as white people. This is widely supported by statistics. Whether this is because they are usually unable to afford better lawyers or whether the system is systemically racist is another argument, but the numbers are what they are.

still no answer

>There are exponentially more of them today than a centrury ago.
You're completely delusional.
We're done.

Fuck off, idiot.

still not a answer

Its a natural reaction to black people behaviour. Said that. Actually black, Asia, jew and arab people are FAR more racist towards others ethnicities than white people are. You realise that the US and EU are some of the most multicultural places on earth right?

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And you're still a faggot.

gonna have to see proof that you're black op.

not an answer

And you're still a faggot.

non answer

>not an answer
not a answer

>extensive genocide.
Who and were? Are you against the White genocide currently taking place?
Treating them like human beings has only caused them to get even worse and want to harm us even more. That's because they are not human and treating them as such is throwing pearls before swine.

currently, there is a ridiculous population explosion in sub-safaran africa. those are the lowest IQ, least civilized humanoids on earth. soon, there will have to be something done about it. they're due to explode to 10 billion by 2100. the world will have to respond and wipe the continent out. china's doing their part to suck all their oil out and then, it'll be time to wipe it out. it won't be the US that cares... hardly any africans come here. it's france that suffers the most because 1/4 of africa speaks french and is flooding europe and france fucking HATES them.

First the battle flag there does not = racist
Second all races are racist it's part of the human condition.

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Yes; that sure is.

>And you're still a faggot.

not an answer.

not an answer.

proof of race now op

Oh it's a nigger

never answered the question

>And you're still a faggot.

not an answer.

You never asked one.

Lookit all those (You)s you're collecting?
Much much are you selling them for?

you poor poor victim of society. It must be so hard being you, with all the cultural marxism and interbreeding and dilution of your precious racial purity. You are truly the most oppressed of them all. I'm inspired by your will to even get up in the morning to face these odds.

Don't worry OP....I think blacks a bretty cool guy


>And you're still a faggot.

still can't answer the question

And what was the question again??

This is not intended to be an answer, it's a question

Really I am not, history has had revisions because of course the north won but as you can deduce, they lied to the black people and were not given what they promised. It was fought over money which is what all wars are. We should not be getting rid of statues to please liberals. They are a symbol of the past and how we should not forget what actually happened

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What question? What are you talking about?

Not a question.

Truth is whites dont understand black people. Growing up, their were only like 5 black kids in my school. They werent niggers so we all got along and were connected through multiple friend groups. However, whenever i would turn on the news, Id see black people acting like scum. Now, id see white people doing the same but I knew more then 5 white people so the news didnt dictate my opinion of them.

Then I went to boarding school where we had lots of black kids. Now, a few of them were cool kids, hard workers and very smart. Then we had the niggers. They were loud, obnoxious, disrespectful, and if you called them out played the race card. Not only that, but black people constantly isolate white people socially while bitching if their metrics arent met.

Another thing i hate is how white people are drawn to niggerdry. Its not the skin itself its the culture. White girls and guys who act black are the most annoying people on this planet. Theyre loud, and talk like retards. Same with asians and mexicans. I dont mind blacks who adopt civilized culture. But simply, a society of niggers couldnt exist.

The term nigger only is offensive towards black people because blacks have the most niggers. Niggers are useless members of society who promote degeneracy and are self centered. I believe that if blacks could eliminate nigger-like behavior, they would do better.

still unable to answer the question

>And you're still a faggot.

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Nothing to joke about here. You sound like a demoralized lib.

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unable to answer the question

>And you're still a faggot.

i'm mostly shocked at how pessimistic people are about the world when every metric of success has improved for humanity for hundreds of years now. You choose to live in a dystopian current and future perhaps to rationalize depression. Anybody who thinks they are being genocided while living in the west is detached from reality. Life is good, bro. go live it.

never able to answer the question

>And you're still a faggot.

You must be illiterate. Blacks are the origin of niggerlike behavior. Unlike other degenerate communities, blacks spread this around promoting their degenerate behavior. You see this behavior in all other races today. Simply put, whites dont like blacks because they took a country which, while it had many skeletons in the closet, had a people with strong moral convictions and turned it on its head. Niggers have disrupted the moral fabric of this world.

Also, their ancestors havnt contributed anything major so as a race theyre pretty pathetic.

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Everyone is racist. And there's nothing wrong with that.

cant answer a simple question

>And you're still a faggot.

>never answered the question
>it's part of the human condition

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white racists can't answer a simple question

>And you're still a faggot.

never answered my question

This is an answer. And OP is a troll who's not even black

You're black? we're all the same. So why are you racist?

(Thumbs up) Fuck this guy!
We'll bury him in this flag

How good are you at picking cotton?

not answering the question

>And you're still a faggot.

still can't answer simple question

>And you're still a faggot.

>implying that black/latin/asian can't be racist

not an answer to the question

You're just a retarded man looking for an answer that's not there. You can't look at the evidence and see for yourself the answer is all around you. Fuck off back in a cave where you belong you garbage piece of shit sorry excuse for a human being and be on with your life, or lack of it.

Why are blacks racist?

lol facts, OP needs to eat a live grenade

still can't answer a question

Here's some hard truth, most people of all races have overwhelmingly bad experiences with black people. It's always the black kid that steals from me, disrupts class, is obnoxious in movies, listens to music on the bus, vandalizes, brings drugs to school, commits the single shooting that ever happened at my high school, gangs up on people who are alone, are complete assholes to people they think are below them, smell like complete shit. This doesn't apply to all of them but definitely most.

Oh my Goddd we have a winner OP!!
Best answer yet, it is what you've been looking for! Now please KYS

Wrong one
is the answer!

not an answer

Never should have stopped segregation.
I can't wait till it all comes back to the way it should be

Please hang yourself from your towns biggest tree

not answering my question

Because people like you exist of course...

Oh boy OP words out they're looking for you now ;) GL HF

still not answering a simple question

This man lowkey baiting all of you lmao

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How am I racist when you niggers aren't even the same animal species as us

still not answering the question

(Thumbs up)

I anwered your question. Call me an specist, not a racist. You niggers are not the same human species as us.

not answering my question

As of recent years, it has actually been the blacks who have attempted to kickstart systemic segregation.

And it's working.

Can we just have the U.S. version of Hitler rise up finally?