To what extent do you fulfill the stereotype of the typical Cred Forums user?

To what extent do you fulfill the stereotype of the typical Cred Forums user?

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im smarter than average and anti social.

video games is a big one.

I have the best taste

I'm lazy
I had 12 days to my biochemistry exam, but I did nothing today or yesterday so now I have 10. I have nearly 400 pages to cover and a protocol to write

I'm fat and I play video games.
But I'm also tall and I've had sex so I'm not a true user.

That's only 40 pages a day, or 5 pages an hour if you do 8 hour days of reading.

Explain the stereotype and I'll tell you where I fit in

What is the typical Cred Forums user

fat, lazy, unemployed, video games, lives with parents, not really accomplishing anything with their life.

my preference for entertainment consists of trolling, bullying & laughing at unfiltered autism. seeing exceptional people getting pissy over trivial bullshit is pretty great.

I don't know if I fit the stereotype. If I do it's very little. At work I'm a rancher. I work long hard days, which keeps me in shape.

Also I'm married with one kid.

When the kids asleep and I'm ready to be alone I hide out in my small office with the lights off. I'm pretty introverted and hate being bothered to do things I don't want to do after work. I always avoid the occasional party that I'm invited to as well. Also I have a pretty dark since of humor and laugh at things that nobody else would laugh at or they think I'm fucked up for laughing at something.

I'm all these things minus fat

Yeah.. you see, I fail over half of those.

Stereotypes generally are just that.. stereotypes.

Unless ofc we're talking about niggers, women or jews. In those cases the stereotypes are true.

And I know I have to put away at least a whole day for the protocol. Also just reading everything once won't help me much and making a summary will take even longer

cringey retards who act like pedos cause they think it's funny and edgy

>Smarter than average
Hmm, I wonder why you're so anti-social?

looks like ur a lonely, depressed and edgy kid, congratulations user, this is really your place

no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

Guarantee this guy is a friendless, kisless, anti social, unemployed virgin.

Well I'm exactly none of those so

almost no one ever accomplishes anything of note

smoke weed, play video games. that's about it.

i am worthless neet who should probably an hero

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I enjoy seeing rekt threads because I've always been an unfiltered violence kind of guy. I enjoy creep threads and teenies, but nothing younger than say, 16ish? I love laughing at the race bait, political bait, and conspiracy theories about jews etc.

YLYL is trash recently but I still laugh occasionally.

Oh and gaining a perspective on retardation so I can stay relatively normal is one of this sites best uses.


Fat, edgy, unproductive. So I'd say I fit it

why would you wear jeans while playing vidya? That shits uncomfortable, vidya is comfort and relax time

shit... at least I'm not fat.

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LET me guess, Rick is literally you.

survives off takeout and microwave meals
loves anime
poor hygiene
considers going to conventions "socializing"
one or more substance abuse issues
has $800+ pc that's only used for shit posting and porn
hates social media but regularly posts and constantly checks for notifications
social awkward and blames others for such behavior

I’m not a bot, Soros shill, 14 year old coombrain, or wigger from suburbia, so not at all I guess.

>still live at home
>drink a lot
>smoke a lot
>video games
>lord of the rings
>the wheel of time
>spend most of my time alone when not at work

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I'm fit, self employed and make good money, but I hate most people and spend a lot of time alone or online. I think there's a lot of crossover between different groups.


I am 45 years old
Have a girlfriend
My own house
Watch a lot of porn
Hate everyone
Do I fit the description

How do you afford anything as a janitor?

Still don't fit any of these either, though my rig is like 1400-1500 I use it for work and light gaming when I have the time

Love trolling.

With money my friend.

I want to die

Cynical, selectively social, used to be a pirate

>has money

pick one

Its getting really tough lately I make 14 hr.
Sometimes I pick up a part time job or I get overtime.

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>Wheel of time
At least you have persistence

After my relationship fell apart I've been pretty pathetic but I have a huge ego so I want to self improve all the time.. I want to make an indie video game like life is strange meets dmc and red dead and I wasted 3 years half bedridden trying to get rid of my schizophrenia so I should have been working on code

never had gf, never exercises, lazy, not employed, paranoid/anti-social, video games, cumsocks

I hate niggers. Does that count?

> Staying relatively normal
I don’t think you are supposed to do that.

>Incel looking beta fuck
>Poor social skills
>Would be alcoholic and self destruct if I wasn't married with kids and holding down job
>Hate my job (mechanical engineering)
>Hate most things recently but it's more a reflection of my own failures
>Coward but started to work out recently and its helping

I'd say I fit the stereotype pretty good

>2 kids
>fit and active
>no vidya
>groomed, clean shaven, short hair
>like my parents
i am still a nutjob libertarian with a general sense of superiority over most other people, though.

Wheel of time is legit

Why not? Feels good man.

I'm fat and neurotic, secretly hate women, had troubled childhood
the rest is a success now, married with kid, way above average earnings, not addicted but sober, respected and liked

more of a wheel of fortune man myself

Why not go full-blown mania?

>>been in Cred Forums since 2005
. Married. 2 kids.
>>universitary job. Haye it.
>>spend most of time alone. Hate everyone.
>> not fat. Not like vydia. Smoker. Have sex regularly.

Do i fit in the stereotype?

I’m a little heavier than I need to be and occasionally play video games. None of the rest is a good fit. This place is nice because it’s not about all that approval seeking social media bullshit.

I'll bite, similar to >racist
>not bad genes, 6' and decent face but after college stopped caring for myself and ballooned up to 20 lbs overweight and have acne
>can fake being a normie socially but it physically exhausts me. can only do it without alcohol for an hour at a time.
>have a fat gf, used to be good looking but didn't appreciate her at 120 lbs and now despise her at her current weight (have no clue what she is now)
>too much of a pussy to dump her
>ok with my job (insurance broker for large real estate portfolios) but feel like I could do better

yep, you fit perfectly.

38 years old live at home
no friends
addicted to drugs
breasts from taking antipsychotics
very small penis
can't see dick when look down
barely walk or even sit up
literally eating beef o brady chicken tenders in bed my mom just brought home for me

I enjoy my job, the feel of earning and freedom, a good mix of friends of all colors, and fucking whiever I want in addition to the wife. Why ruin something good?

Not at all, honestly. I come here to troll my heart out and post spastically. I hold a well paying job, wife, hygienic, enjoy video games but they aren't my life, don't have mental disorders some posters seem to have (god speed) and am very social.

I come here once in a while to act like a complete fucking retard, because this site allows it. Less than 5% of what I post reflects who I actually am.

How i don't:
>I'm employed
>I Have friends
>I don't play much vidya (occasionally play some old school stuff)
>I don't chronically masturbate
>i'm not a virgin
>i exercise 3 times a week and watch what i eat

How i do:
>I live with my parents in my 20's
>I'm lazy
>I'm unmotivated
>Feel a sense of unearned intellectual superiority to my peers

>I hold a well paying job
>on Cred Forums


> full homogay + pervert
> coomer & doomer
> no friends
> pseudo autism
> depression and anxiety
> has seen too much from shee pee, to all the violence available online and doesn't care anymore
> hate the world
> spend most of my free time in front of the PC
> access to exhentai
> watches anime and manga

don't fulfill
> decent job as software developer, decent money, homeowner
> I am /fit/ and got a big dick, if I play my cards right and hold my autism in check I can catch the occasional 9/10 (very, very rare)
> have a lot of gay sex -cool, right? Nope, I got HPV on my ass and now I can only top and need to hide my ass, otherwise no one will let me smash.

oh and in regard to OP's picture when i was young i would literally commit burglaries and even home invasions to steal women's clothes and i would run around fully dressed up in women's clothes, i would break into homes and get all dressed up and then take baths and showers wearing the clothes and then cum on their personal items like photo albums

> 18 yo
> virgin
> difficult on interacting with other people
> actually an asshole
> hate everyone
> hate myself
> trouble doing things in the right way

i do have a Cred Forums tattoo on my neck

how come gays dont care about stds?

plenty but I look like I'm on the up and up

> i exercise 3 times a week and watch what i eat
do you look like doing this shit?

try again

trips of truth

>>also secretly praise dubs

Don't listen to these triggered faggots. They don't even know what "smart" really means. Did you mean IQ, social IQ, memory, creativity? I swear there are too many zoomer retards here these days

I don’t
Besides for the autism of trying to tell other people my opinions, and why they are justified, and asking theirs, so we can debate them.
Other than that, I’m well adjusted

Other than the overt bigotry and racism. I would say I probably wouldn't have been here since 2008 if I didn't fit the profile.

if people look at you, do they think "wow! this guy exercises three times a week and watches what he eats!"

>typical Cred Forums user
Which one, the current user or the older one?
I'm an olderfag, since 2006.

> 6'3"
>Lift, weigh 230lbs
>38 now
>court appointed shrink diagnosed me with antisocial personality disorder in 2001
>burn things
>enjoy sadism
>still play vidya
>don't take drugs any more (except meds)
>significant criminal record
>drink a lot, Guinness and Jack if I'm out, Balvenie or Macallan if I'm in
>still lurk here because miss the old 1/2chin, since fullchin died here a bit more
>have well paid job
>extending collection of guns... I'm not permitted to own any
>bought a house in the countryside
>paid for a bunker, stocked to fuck
>3 secret rooms elsewhere on property
>only my brother knows what I'm up to

Taking PrEP you can't get HIV. HIV infection rates are down over 70% in first world countries. The HPV vaccine protects you from HPV -I took it too late and already got it. Since I am under 30 it will hopefully heal soon enough though, from then on I am protected thanks to the vaccine. Herpes? The majority of very sexually active people got it anyways.

All other STDs can be treated by a round of antibiotics.

I probably have the dirtiest basement than any user of 4chin. Nobody matches my total negligence of hygiene. I have mold growing inside piss bottles on 6 month old dishes and a mc chicken of 4 month old but no mold on it. Havent showered this year either

Can you top it?

I'm slim and toned and people comment on how they wish they could stick to a diet and exercise like i do so i guess yeah

But to add and inflate my ego a bit I taught myself how to code a forest and make a first person shooter without wasting money on college

Prep seems scary in that it fucks with your bacterial biome in a dramatic way. We still don't have a very clear grasp on how the biome interacts with our overall health but so far it seems to have a lot to do with metabolism and mood/serotonin levels.


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I think your full of shit

I fuck successful consultants in the expensive hotels and buff dudes every other day. They are all taking PrEP. With some I talked about it and everyone said they tolerated it very well.

LOL this one i actually believe.

It's new though, I'm wondering about long term effects.

I live in my dad's basement and never see anyone else except for work (his live in complains constantly and tries to get me to come out all the time too) .

However, I only live with him cause I worked for him at minimum wage to learn how to work on cars until a couple months ago, and I only don't leave my room because of his live in. She's a cunt.

almost fully

Owning a single wide is not owning a house

You just sound like a normal married guy with responsibilities tbh. Depending on how dark of humor you mean. I can generally share anything and get away with it except gore pictures. Only got one buddy into that. I'm actually not either... Tbh I wish he'd stop sending them in the group text too

I bet you thought that was really clever, hoping to get a bunch of "ahaha user have an upvote that was quite clever!"

Kill yourself faggot

I think *you're* full of shit.

No shit, 100% genuine.


Looks like I was right. Now go polish some shit stains off some porcelain faggot ass janitor

Kek, yep.

Who's asking?

Able to get a job at a school district or government institution like that? Got a couple uncles that did that their whole lives make plenty. One made it to top janitor (janitor includes maintenance like changing light bulbs right?) and makes enough to at least afford his house and f350, and just recently a brand new explorer. Never heard him cry broke either which seems like a popular pass time in my circle

The 6l diesel f350 mind with all the maintenance problems.

Danny from Browning, we met at little Ken's cabin near Mt Pinchot.

Not really at all, I’m married and not a gamer. Maybe a little a social but not fully, I just like my alone time. I’m from /out/ and Cred Forums I just come here to kill time why the threads I care about build.

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Forget it kid, wrong person.

>A little fat.
>A Virgin at 20 years old.
>Love traps, futanari and Shemales.
>Fap to porn at least twice a day.
>Love anime.
>Love videogames
>University student in STEM
>Socially inept
>Have very few friends but at least they are good people.
>Live with Mom and Dad.
I think I'm pretty stereotypical.

You stupid newfag. Surrendering your anonymity is proof you need to gtfo.

No, you were dead wrong actually. I'm a different user
I just get off on knocking down insecure faggots like yourself who are too cowardly to put someone down to their face

I'd bet my entire fortune that you are a spineless yes man IRL making fun of people on the Internet because it's "Safe" and you're insanely insecure
Kill yourself

you need to gtfo for thinking Cred Forums is remotely serious
ANONYMOOSE IS LEGIN XDDDDD that shit hasn't been a thing in over a decade, you're not fooling anybody

literally laughed

Fuck off newfag.

Why is that so common with libertarians? Not gonna lie I agree with you guys on like 90% of shit and definitely more than any other political group I can think of but yall gotta calm down with the superiority complex. My mom's full ancap and completely insufferable. Can't visit and buy my weed without her talking politics.

>oh you're almost there son! You'll understand soon!
Meanwhile I distance myself more and more everyday

kys cancerfaggot

>we can have no laws but flying cars too
nothing dumber than ancap

that sense of superiority is false and undeserved, libertarians are pretty fucking stupid
>muh roads

Sober doesn't mean not addicted. Addict here, when I tried to quit drinking people hated me more because I just switched to working all the time and would get pissed when people didn't have the energy I had

literally a logical fallacy
you fail at life, why are libertarians so stupid?

the only honest anarchists are the ones that admit life will be a living hell and you'll be continually fighting for your life in god awful conditions

That would be great.

Depends, is it the kids you have sex with regularly?

>i exercise 3 times a week and watch what i eat

Implying fit/ isn't a thing.

Of course im high IQ I watch Rick & Morty.

I'm slightly overweight, I have solid social skills but prefer to be alone (introvert) and my lifestyle is somewhat sedintary.
Other than that I fall a bit outside the norm.
I'm not a racist, politics doesn't interest me and I don't hate women.
Though reeling it back in, I have no real ambition.
I'm a mixed bag, also pic unrelated.

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You're just 18. There's time. For me, a girl got me out that I had no business getting but it happened. Try to pull yourself out though man, I was there and it hurts to admit she was what got me out.

every single one

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>play vidya sometimes
>drink a little too much
>watch degenerate porn(scat)
>home more often than i am out
>work crappy min wage job
>long dry spells
>jerk off once a day
>racist, misogynist, slightly homophobic
that's about it, i'm a normal person up until i get home. when i'm out i'm just your average punk

See, that's some quirky copypasta.
I see a great future on the chans for that pasta.


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its a cesspool of thinspo and homoerotic undertones

>20 yo virgin
Seriously stop letting the internet poison your mind. Your friends saying they're not virgins anymore? They're telling the truth at this age, yeah, but it's also not uncommon to be a virgin at your age.
Seriously, has the term "late bloomer" been lost?
Listen here guys in this situation. I was a virgin until I was 21. Lost it on my 21st actually. 4 different girls that year before the novelty disappeared and I settled with one. We've broken up since but my point stands, you're fine until you're in your 30s with no sexual experience and probably even then it's not that big of a deal.
It's really not hard to have sex. It's not like a job where experience seriously matters.
If she's experienced, she'll tell you what she likes while you hang out. If not she won't care and you can explore together, all the better.

just the fapping with panties part

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Listen I don't appreciate you talking about my mom like that but why are flying cars the trump card against ancap? Also I don't actually give a fuck what you say about her I know it already.

Sounds like Twitter or /pol would be more your thing.

only good one in here

>Your friends saying they're not virgins anymore?
Couple say yes, couple say no, as I said they are very few but we guys are pretty close. Just last night all of us got together in one of their house, we had some good food and drank a lot of coctails I myself prepared (yeah it's a thing I like to do for some reason). We got pretty drunk, but it was fun and nothing bad happened z we even cleaned after we finished.

>It's really not hard to have sex. It's not like a job where experience seriously matters
I don't know about that one, I just don't want to deal with girls.

>If she's experienced, she'll tell you what she likes while you hang out. If not she won't care and you can explore together, all the better.
I wish I could find a girl who was into me and had no experience like myself, I had the opportunity to fuck this girl a year ago, we were in the same class and she seemed pretty shy and all, turns out she was very into me and very sexually active, I lost my first kiss with her but I didn't want to fuck her, she wasn't my type and I basically just rejected her.
So yeah, I'm not an Incel at least, just a volcel.

i'm memeing but i think my point is you're not going to realistically get rid of laws and rules and at the same time live in some fucking amazing world. the only sort of honest anarchist i guess would be an anarcho primitivist and even then you'd still be fucking living a doggggggggggggg shit life day in and day out

and it'd be dog shit because everyone who isn't you will be trying to fuck you over (kill you) lol

user that agrees with most but not all libertarian views here.

Some of muh roads were built by government institutions during times where they were needed, and now they're not, yet we continue to pay for the maintenance of said roads with our taxes. This is wasted work that could go elsewhere, except it can't because government works too slow to let those roads rot and build elsewhere.
I agree the convenience of the government controlling road construction is useful though however I also work for a very rich man. I cut glass for his antique car collection he's going to open to the public to see as a type of museum of old technology.
He tried to build a road across his own property to alleviate congestion in a part of our town and succeeded, the road exists but the township forced him to block it off. Idk why, seems a bit ridiculous though. Assuming what I'm saying is true, do you not disagree that government regulations might be a bit too much?

Ah yes, the average Cred Forums user. The only people to continually admit they're complete losers, but somehow believe they're right about everything.

Yeah I have a friend that's that guy....not so amusing after we all hit 27 and yet he's still sending gore

I was a neet for a long time
Also smart

I unironically think for an internet communoty most boards have higher than average iq posters

Or perhaps its just the way it works because we're anonymous

Quit being a bitch things are 3x as good as they were a hundred years ago

pretty much all of them but I'm not a neet and i kissed one girl once.

I’m overweight, a college drop-out, poorly educated but believe I’m smart as fuck, a shut-in who lacks normal levels of conversation skill, a fucking fry cook, lives with parents, 30+ years old, no social life, sexless for the last 11 years, room is trashed and so is car, masturbate a lot to hentai, play vidya errday, collects knives and swords because I think it makes me manlier, suffer from depression, addicted to pills and nicotine, have hypertension and high cholesterol, a creep who tries to get voyeur footage if ever an opportunity arises, jerks off to thoughts of fucking sister, aunts, and nieces, small penis, manlet at 5’7”, been on Cred Forums since 2004, thinks Trump is America’s savior, and a few other things.

Now you may ask why haven’t I offed myself yet? I’ll tell you. Because I’m a fucking pussy.

wow everything here is something you can work on

But not half as good as 50 years ago. Shit goes in cycles.

Smarter than average, but that's about it. Heck, I don't even play vidya.

Lonely? Check

Underachiever? Check

Mildly depressed? Check

Vidya? Check

Not an incel, though. have had gfs. was in college but dropped out because I realized i hated what I was studying and the thought of working in that field for the rest of my life made me physically ill, and it was sapping my emotional. Right now I'm in the middle of figuring out what I'm going to do with my life


at least you're pretty aware of your situation. first step is recognizing it

basement dwelling escapee

You sound totally normal to me. Seriously don't worry about it. Idk how much you got into it with this girl, but if it feels like a missed opportunity it's probably not that you didn't fuck. It's that you didn't get to the point where you felt comfortable enough with her to and you wanted to get to know her more.
I'm just armchair parenting here, but whatever insecurities you may have about being a virgin at 20 need to gtfo however you can. Stick with your friends. Having them is the biggest thing about getting to the next stage of your life. I met my first because a friend of mine got a girlfriend and she had a friend. All others, same thing really just different friends.
My biggest problem was meeting the girls. Didn't care about them enough still don't, but friends brought them around enough.
You'll be alright as long as you stick with your friends and keep progressing elsewhere like career and hobbys.
We're all gonna make it man
I don't disagree with you completely but I am super liberal and think most of our differences can be solved without law enforcement. Roads? Like I said b4 I'd rather just let it be what it is and loosen the regulations do the guy I work for can help us all out

I've had a lot of success with women in the past but I sort of can't stand them now. They all seem like social media obsessed vapid #metoo whores now. The good ones get married pretty young.

>our differences can be solved without law enforcement

This only works in smaller communities and even then not all of the time. The wild west is what you're describing and people killed each other all the time.

For me it's that none of our friends like it, and say so. I didn't the first few times and just mentioned shit like "oh yeah I've seen that. Happened because..." and now he thinks I enjoy seeing it instead of what it really is. I like the story of why how what whatever. And rekt threads for seeing some slapstick. Not gore. They used to be different.

Actually that's not what I'm thinking. It's that I've lived in a law based society. I don't mean we can downsize the government to almost nothing.

So like, most of our differences are today solved by the law. Can't dump oil in your own yard because it could contaminate your neighbors yard for example. I do believe we have laws that don't need to exist is my real opinion.

For example. You can't drink a beer in public.
Not, you can't be falling over yourself drunk in public, you can't drink from an alcoholic beverage in public.
Why? That's nonsense. That's my opinion. I know these goal posts are moving like crazy fast but I'm not trying to argue. I just wanted to explain my position compared to libertarians and ancaps that think they have it all figured out

>but if it feels like a missed opportunity it's probably not that you didn't fuck. It's that you didn't get to the point where you felt comfortable enough with her to and you wanted to get to know her more.
Just after I rejected her, like 3 days later she went after another dude and fucked him, so I actually think I dodged a bullet, you see I'm pretty old-school in the sense that I want a relationship no just fucking despite my degeneracy in porn taste.

>insecurities you may have about being a virgin at 20 need to gtfo however you can
That's just part of it, most of my insecurities come from the way I talk to girls, how I struggle a lot to meet people, how I never get out unless if it is with close friends in closed controlled environment, how I never been in a relationship. How I trust people too much sometimes and my appearance.

>You'll be alright as long as you stick with your friends and keep progressing elsewhere like career and hobbys.
>We're all gonna make it man
Thanks for your words kind user, you actually made me feel a little better.

Live with my parents
No ambitions to go to college or pursue a better job
Get wasted everynight
A lolicon
Survive off of junk food (somehow still skinny)

I agree we have too many laws, but there also can't just be nothing to abide by.

I dont really meet the stereotype. Oddly enough.

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I'm married with kids. "A normie" as you all say. I come to Cred Forums to experience some schadenfreude or however you spell that German shit.

Suspected you'd be more traditional. So was I hence the novelty of getting laid dissappearing and that's why I told you that last bit
I really think you'll be alright. Stick with the friends, hopefully you've got family too. Idk it, but I believe the best relationships happen accidentally.
I'm just so sick of hearing guys thinking theres something wrong about them that they can't get girls because I was that guy and it happened.
Wasn't going to say this, but those other girls were mistakes. My first, I shouldn't have fucked that up. She really is a great girl and I fucked it up. Still love her and in contact, but not romantically. In either case I mean, I don't love her romantically either. Trust me, that makes it worse.
I have to listen to her bitch all the time because I care, but I don't care about getting it in. I just care about her.
I wasn't ready was the problem. I was a drunken idiot trying to live a life I never wanted to begin with just fucking around because I could and somehow that's power. Don't do that either my guy. I'm a very different guy in my age

Gut gemacht! You got it right

this ain't facebook faggot

Sometimes there is something wrong with us. I'm good looking enough to initially attract women but something must be fucked up with me because I've dated a ridiculous number over the last 21 years.

>20yr old virgin
>no social life
>live in my parents' attic
>work in a warehouse
>drink myself to sleep every night
>shower twice a week
>spend all my free time on computer
>kind of overweight

Why does scrolling through here once in a while make you antisocial?

I think being anti-social brings you into Cred Forums, not the other way round.

I’m NEET as FUCK. Can count all the people I’ve spoken to in the last year, or maybe five, on one hand. Most of the other stuff associated with NEETS doesn’t apply to me very well though. Anime is 90% trash, I can’t blame my weirdness on social anxiety or depression, and I’m not even a virgin. ...although I do tend to gravitate towards mentally unstable girls without even realizing it, which I’m pretty sure is a classic Cred Forumstard problem.

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But you've gotten a chance. I'm more talking about guys that haven't yet. Especially those that think since they haven't by current year that they will never.
Nobody is perfect though, you're not either. So yes, 21 dates and nothing to show for it? There's something about you they don't like.
Me, I've accepted I'll never procreate unless there's an accident despite wanting it. Too much drink to build the relationship.
Or idk really, I'm not that smart I can only say my life experiences because that first still wants me. I just don't want her anymore.
I'm not a fucking life coach is my point. I'm simply sharing my life experiences

No 21 years of dating women in the hundreds. I've had a few long term ones but they never work in the end. I've actually broken it off with the last two. Now women are MUCH different than they were 7-10 years ago and earlier. Anyone who has dated on both sides of that divide will attest to this.

College student, have a gf, literally 2 friends i can really count on, slightly hate my life but it could be way worse, enjoy studying , i watch anime sometimes but i dont have time for anything due to studying.
Oh did i mention im a college student and not a worthless faggot like the lot of you?

shut the fuck up faggot, you'll see how much worth you have when your stepdaddy doesn't pay the bills anymore

What bills faggot
I have a scholarship
I dont even pay for college

Smart kids form a lot of independent thoughts earlier. This makes normie kids pick on them.

Play sport
Have friend
Have life

that's the gayest shit I've read in this thread

Keep whining about your empty pockets faggot

I make my own money you little faggot

yea fuck all that shit

Literally none except sometimes posting my cuteboy body. I used to be most of them, fat, retarded, racist, ignorant, played vidya constantly, hated everything especially myself, lost all my friends etc etc

I'm doing WAY better now, but I still like to hang out here. feels like home.

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I am literally this dude from GTA 5 but i dont want to hang around niggers

sounds like you fucked yourself.
if only you made better decisions leading up to this moment, you would be looking forward to turning in your work.

are you smarter than average, or do you never step outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself with tasks that you have the potential to fail at?

This guy is too cool. No one on here like this lol

7.3 diesel is god tier
everything else is junk. especially that new shit that requires DEF
how embarrassing it must be having to buy that shit